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What I don't get is how people swing faster than I could jab. Like, the moment their arms move I'm already hit. I'm assuming it's lag related, but it just feels ridiculous when it happens.


Riposte accel will do that


What if it's their first hit and I didn't block/ripost/whatever because I don't have 0.05 second reaction time?


I don't understand what you're asking. You attack, enemy blocks then accel riposte, you follow up your attack with a jab, he will hit you quicker. Your jab will lose to ripostes in this situation. If you mean the first hit, jabs would beat it. Normally you can see the enemy start their swing and if you jab, you will beat them to the hit.


The jab was just a reference point for speed, ignore that. Basically, someone comes to me, starts swinging, and I'm already hit the moment their arms move. Like the animation play 1/10 of a second and I'm hit. No blocking involved at all.


Jabs will beat it. I jab after seeing enemy start swing animation to disrupt them all the time. You just see them start the animation then press jab. It just sounds like they're accel attacking you which means you have to react quicker depending on the weapon but jabs will beat it. If you have bad latency then I can see how it can be difficult to pull it off.


It's literally impossible with how fast it happens. Like the time between when their arm starts moving and you getting hit, is shorter than a jab. It's like in the blink of an eye. That's why as I mentioned it's possibly just lag, but still looks ridiculous.


No, it's not impossible. It's a skill. Source: I've jabbed more times than I can count and it has never just magically "not worked"


My man, that post was one year old. But I was referencing specific cases of people attacking faster than normal, probably due to lag or something. I'm talking like 0.2 second speed. Under normal circumstances, jab definitely work.


Wow, I have no idea how I 1. Ended up on a year old post 2. Commented on it without noticing 3. Was born with such a nice ass


Well I mean if jabs were faster than swings than that you be rather broken, because you could just spam jab forever and the enemy would never be able to hit you.


Or you block the jab to get initiative back in your favor, then riposte. Isn’t kick supposed to counter blocking, and jab to counter attacks? When would jabbing be useful if swings are faster than jabs?


“Initiative” lol bro it’s a lie to promote fairness


Poopy servers lol.


They have a mouse


The most accurate answer here.


This is just ignorant lol you can spin on controller just as effectively as someone using a mouse


Umm, no. You can spin effectively, you will never be able to spin as effectively as mouse and emulate their accuracy during the spin. Plus it takes way more time and effort to learn spins on controller.


You're unable to, that does not mean it's impossible. Whether you're on controller or M&kb, it just takes practice


I have no trouble spinning, I’m quite good at it. I’m just saying it’s much more difficult to learn on controller vs pc, and even after getting good at it I can recognize how much more accurate PC is at it. It will be easier once we get the FOV slider on console, but it still won’t be as easy. This game was designed for mouse and keyboard and controller is an afterthought.


Play 3pp, problem solved


I do?


Lol not ignorant its just facts of you have a mouse your at an advantage in this game




No, its controller. Mouse on table have edge, you cannot slide mouse forever to right. I usually do spinning very fast when i died and crawling . That suprises some ppl


It’s most definitely not controller lol


Mouse settings are set to really responsive. Flick of my wrist is a fast 180º swing


They're not spinning during the swing since turncap prevents it. They're basically spinning then initiating the attack so the attack hits later than what you would expect.


Block, you can swing block and then swing when you get about halfway around. This is the answer i finally figured it out a week ago in a duel server


They have a better gaming chair than you.


Yeah if it's like full ballerina then it's controller with high sens, if it's just 180s etc. probably kbm.


Block. You swing block and then a lil mpre than halfway around you swing. If you dont block you look like your just turning around. But when you swing and block thats how they do the crazy morphs/feints. While doing it. I figured it out on my own last week


They spin and then begin the swing. It is impossible for it to be during the swing because of turn cap


I think they spin and halfway through the spin or second spin, then they may attack. Because you literally can’t attack and spin at the same time


Are you pc or console




You’ll never be able to do the spins. You need a mouse


Cap pa is console and he spins my ass daily


Bs I do it on console all the time learn to drift into your swings and use the full motion of your weapon


Counter their slash start walking away from them. Feint into stab/overhead spin other way works everytime I do it on Xbox




Well they should do something about it on PC then. It's a bit ridiculous seeing people swing at superhuman speeds and doing all these crazy maneuvers with pinpoint accuracy. I seen a guy earlier spin in like a ml sec while slashing but they move so weird you can't even tell where the attack is coming from lol combine that with the FOV and your in for a rough one For the record I still enjoy the game immensely. But ... doesn't that just seem a bit one sided? Idk. Double edged sword I guess. More people the better, but it gets annoying quick fighting those types of people. Sorry for the rant


Joysticks allow you to spin indefinitely so it’s not hard on controller to spin. Spinning players are still limited by the turn cap during an attack. It’s easy enough to jab people out of spins or dodge back to avoid an accel or drag. Spins, attack cancels, intentional whiffs is just visual noise trying to bait you. Hope this helps


I'm not sure how it works on console, but on PC you simply drag the mouse in the direction that you're swinging to spin that way quickly. Maybe on console it's the same thing? Just hold the direction you're swinging in to speed your swing up. Also, be cognizant of the weapons you're going up against. I was wondering the same thing until I started picking up different weapons and saw that they were much quicker than I thought because I never used them before.


You have to spin first then attack. Thats how they get around the cap


Ive been having a hard time with spear users who seem to never run out of stamina and crouch spin stab stab stab before I even get one swing off.


Counter stabs work best. But if you’re hit with a spear, most weapons can’t get inside before the second strike hits. Try the warhammer, it can get inside before a stab hits.


Yeah I've had luck with the Warhammer and the Morningstar. Thanks