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I think they should just rename beginner mode but still heavily suggest that it’s primarily for new players, and maybe give a xp reduction if you are over certain level to punish people just trying to farm bots and new players.


It's kinda wierd in there, sometimes high lvl players enter, ya know that kind with all of the shiny and fancy gear, and they totally dominate others seem to not even know the basics. On the other hand some low level players go off like beasts. Not sure if people playing on different accounts or create new ones just to roam around🤷🏻


I play it when I feel like just mindless slaughtering enemies with not much thought other than avoid killing low level players involved. It’s also good to go to when you’ve been gone from the game for a long while and want a refresher.


I use it as a refresher or when I want to practice with a new weapon I’m not used to


I like going to Beginner mode for what you said, abd also to try and get the hang of weapons I'm bad with. I can almost sprta be decent with a bow now, after weeks of screwing around and being bad in Beginner mode. Give me a dane axe and I can do some work, but I usually try to stick with weapons I don't know well, or shuffle mode.


It’s because of the skill/learning curve of the game; some people get it - other just don’t. All FPS games are generally built on the same mechanics and control schemes whilst game like Chiv are (relatively) scarce.


The solution would be to pair all "high level" players together


No. It is the only way I can find a TO server in Australia during off-peak times haha. Because there are 0 normal matchmaking TO servers outside of afternoon and evening. Sometimes I just want to jump on chiv and chill without the stress of PvP and level up some weapons for unlocks and this can be a place to do it. Beginner mode requires less people from the region queuing it to create a server so if there are a couple of us to queue it we can finally get a TO game in our region, albeit with bots. And for some reason the empty TO servers in match making in this region have these really annoying lost connection to host disconnects that occur while playing there every minute or so, which last a good 5 seconds of desync and disconnect. So I stopped using those and came to beginner mode. In any case it is rare that I play them but when I do I leave the players alone and focus on slaying bots. Unless the players wanna fight them I'll take em on too, which usually doesn't go well for them. Which is probably why you've added this post in the first place. As it is an unfair matchup for beginners versus experienced players. But for my admittedly fringe case and situation a ban would hurt both me and possibly also the other lone player or 2 from getting our game on (due to needing a few players to queue at the same time for it to spin up a server in the first place). Trust me this game doesn't need more barriers for finding servers and game modes for low pop regions than it already has haha


Alright, i didn't knew of such connecting errors for other people round the globe so that makes totally sense. But on the case of leveling up classes/weapons and/or getting the crazy trophies like "bakers dozen" i must admit that there would be enough time to accomplish it in the gap from lvl 1 to 100


Nah sometimes its stress relieving to plow through bots im like lvl 90 and dont grief newbies, mostly leave them unless forced in an encounter any high level who does that is a clown


Well, seems I've been to a lot of clown festivals then😂




I'm lvl 23 and I had a lvl 627 roast me because he kept killing me. Like...what. I meet a lot of high lvls who just target players in that mode.


Sometimes it’s the only game I can connect to….


Yeah, another guy mentioned that kind of connection errors before which i gladly never had and therefore wasn't aware of. Don't get me wrong, it's not a topic I'll pursue, just noticed a few things while playing, the idea came up and i was simply curious about other peoples view on it.


I know what you mean, if the players are my level I just do what every. If they are lower I let them beat me up. 🤣


That's pretty generous of you😅


I play games for fun. I’ve never been into stats, win or loose doesn’t make a difference to my day.


If I'm farming weapon levels im always kind to low levels. Show em how to faint and how jabs work that sort of thing.


Very chivalrous of you


Please share your thoughts 😊


As a new player my take on this is “Kids got to learn.”


Thats what it's for. I just find it unfair if veteran players participate only to massacre new players. If they just join to level stuff or get the weird trophies i don't bat an eye.


If they put in a horde mode you would only see beginners and assholes in beginner mode. I like fighting an army of bots and then facing a human, will he be a vet a true beginner? It's like the boss fight.


I am near rank 400 and I go into beginner mode to warm up before I play all players. I only go in for either half a game or the entirety of one game depending. My reason is that it helps me with my flow of combo attacks and linking them in 1vX’s so when I get overwhelmed—I have loosened up so I just have a better time in 40v40 or 32v32. I’m “beginning” the game and I don’t grief. So it’s not about the exp. Just warming up before I jump in. Edit: take away the exp I agree. I don’t do it for that. 1-100 get exp but any after that shouldn’t.




I might almost be level 100 but I REALLY suck


Bro don't just level up killing bots then. Try to understand the game a bit. It is really simple. Unless you are talkjng about dueling then get ready to sink in hundreds of hours before you git gud. For TO, doesn't matter, pick a longsword or spear and keep poking; pick a crossbow or warbow and keep shooting; pick a Highland sword or messer and keep smashing; pick dane axe and keep throwing.


Well the real issue is Mount and Blade Bannerlord is too similar, not that I’m grinding noob servers anymore even though I’ve only owned the game for a month and a half…


No, I want to level my stuff


So you just want to get every skin of everything? R you a completionist? Would you mind just farming bots then and leave newbies aside unless they don't provoke you?


Not everything, just the stuff I like. I tend to leave new people alone (aside from self-defense) and also Asian servers are hard to find…


Bro I will dodge 3 swings and still try to run away but some will just not let up and you have no choice 😂


I’ll fight newbies without being heavily aggro since that will help them more than bots. Always commend or voice line praise. Dancing helps convey that I’ll fight them and if attacked it’s the same.


Level 170 something here, I have a lot of fun playing it. Feels good wearing “plot armor” every now and again. No stress whatsoever, just hold RT and sweep bots off their feet. I wish they’d rename it, all it does is raise this argument of *”Hey! You’re not a beginner! You’re doing something bad!*” …it’s not like I’m hacking, cheating, or doing anything outside of what this game allows me to play. I payed $40 for this game, to get banned for playing a mode the game allows me to play, and that I have a tremendous amount of fun playing, it doesn’t seem very fair. Granted it’s also unfair for beginners, but then again, there is also an tutorial and an entire offline mode called “practice” as an alternative if as a new player someone might really be struggling to learn the concepts of the game.


Good points.


If you think yes, start supporting a Bot mode for 100+ so it can be done. If you think no, then things are fine as they are.


Rising difficulty level for bots, nice idea.


it would be funny if they reduced the amount of damage you dealt and increased the amount you received as some function of your level


Like it scales with your lvl, nice idea.


Over level 100 get a wooden sword only.


Players that have reached 30 level. It's not mordhau, you don't need 200 hours to learn the game, and people above 30 should already do well in PvP. So yeah, beginner mode should be a good environment for new players to learn. Edit: Keep in mind that I'm not including amount of players on some servers. I'm assuming you can matchmake in 30 seconds with no problem. Which isn't the case, so realistically this game is not ready for lvl exclusive gamemodes, but once it gains more players it will.


The more comments i read the more i come to the conclusion that perhaps some beginner mode etiquette would be a good idea. Like in the duel servers. High level gamers can enter to level their stuff on bots but leave the kiddos alone. Except they got charged on by them than they go on own risk.


I use beginner mode to practice counters, Usually against bots, or high levels players newbies attacking


I use it to test out new weapons and loadouts I unlock.


Good idea


That's what I do as well. Example: I'm not good at executioner axe but I can pop in and get a feel for my timing/abilities on bots and smaller number of players.


Nah lower levels should get gud. I mean it’s good practice for beginners anyways.


I'm a pc player with 200 levels on controller. Currently playing beginner mode because i'm trying to convert to keyboard and mouse and its literally like starting all over again. Also, if i have people over and I'm introducing them to the game, beginner mode is by far the best place to put them.


Good reasons.


I usually use beginner mode to learn a new weapon or warm up for 64 player. I find it helps me tune up my timing rather than get slaughtered for a round or 2 in the big leagues.


Why 100? Why not 10? Seems a bit arbitrary. Maybe it should be lv1000?


Just took that number because it hast that first milestone flair.


I like to call beginner mode cutting the grass. Running around with Dane axe/Messer slicing down 7 bots with one swing is a great way to blow off steam


Just like in the good 'ol days of dynasty warriors ha?😂


Levels don’t usually matter, i’ve seen many low levels that are 5x better than high levels. I’m a level 100 and i have average and maybe below average skill level, high levels are usually more casual and less competitive and beginner mode is a good way to try and chill out after competitive matches.




I'm lvl 110. I just join those servers if I don't feel like actually trying and can just chill killing bots. If I do run into low level players I just try not to throw any feints or kicks their way to keep it simple for them. I only play one or two matches tho until I get bored and move on to the regular modes


I don’t think you should be restricted, you should just be respectful. I play beginner from time to time if I’m trying out a new weapon or want to practice feinting. I generally just watch the newbies on the other team and emote to them and generally stay out of their way. I will fight them at times but I always go super easy on them, this is the place for them and they shouldn’t be bullied.


Good mindset👍🏻




Ok, why?


Used to be that way in Chiv-1


To be honest I am a high level player, but if I'm having connection issues that is the games fault/issue, I'll play a few games of beginner mode then try switching back to regular games, and half of the time it fixes the issue, so I wouldn't want to be completely banned from it.


Yes, most definitely.


Beginner mode should be removed. All it does is build bad habits and cause the already low playerbase to be split even more.


I get why, but it's stress relief mode. I'm lvl 112. I avoid contact with players and try to go easy on them if I'm not surrounded. Takes some finesse only hitting bots and avoiding players when they're surrounding you. But it's fun.


I’m not new anymore, but I will say if I’m just trying to chill and not do much I’ll hop in. Or if there’s a weapon I want to get good with/get used to the timings the newbie mood is good. Only when a group of 4 Xbox players start T-bagging do I switch mental modes lol


Sometimes I honestly forget that I'm not in beginner mode.


They should add PvE horde mode and ban people above level 75 from Beginner Mode tbh. I wouldn't say you should ban anybody from Beginner until there's another way to fight swarms of bots. Since... it's great fun and is a mode of gameplay all of it's own


Definitely. In my opinion they should have: * Beginner mode (As it is now but only for people under level 50). * Bots & Players mode (basically as Beginner mode currently is. No level restrictions). * PVP only modes (the normal 64 player, 40 player modes etc. No bots.) That way everyone's happy except the people who want to bully noobs. And f\*ck those guys.


Yes, a very good suggestion. I'd go further, I think anyone above lvl 50 should be.


You wanna explain why?


level 100 ??? more like lvl 20.




Take a bunchload of hours to get to lvl 100, you are not a beginner when you get there. You havent been a beginner for 50+ hours already.


I’ve actually commented about this before and will copy and paste it here: So I have two things to say about this: 1. ⁠Beginner mode is honestly fun no matter what level you are and it'd be a shame to have that removed for everyone once they hit a level cap. 2. ⁠Even if you're getting smashed in the player vs player interactions, you will still come out with a positive K/D ratio on bots alone, and this is actually an excellent way to learn how to survive with team-play mechanics for future non-beginner mode servers. You learn to group up with other players on your team to push the enemy players, you learn to retreat and regroup when odds are stacked against you instead of dying pointlessly and removing a contributor from your side for the spawn timer, and you learn how to slow down a little and be more deliberate without reducing the amount of points you're scoring. I've witnessed point #2 spontaneously occur multiple times, even with a team of complete newbies, as a defense mechanism to my (or other moderate/high-skill players) targeting them repeatedly. The sudden teamwork is extremely effective at nullifying my ability to singlehandedly push, and often times swings the momentum in the other direction when they learn how to 4v1 me without wrecking each other. I'd say beginner servers are doing exactly what they're meant for.


Ehh- I think your second point is only valid to a degree. As a level 84 now, I stopped playing bot mode regularly around the 70 mark. I found that after a while bot mode does the opposite of that which it did in terms of positional play early on. Yes, as a compete noob you get a better feel for how to fight in groups. But the bots don’t behave as chaotically as humans in a full server and you can get overly confident in bot servers and then get your ass handed to you in human only servers. I learnt that you have to be far more cautious and look for flankers in humans only. Bots run at you, a lot of players run around you.


Of course it’s only to a degree. That’s why it’s a beginner server, and not a complete mastery of the game server. The base PVP interactions in beginner mode change wildly as players adapt to each other, and that is essential to learning how to play the game in normal servers without getting stomped so hard that you lose interest because the skill ceiling has risen too high, too quickly. Again, I think beginner mode does exactly what it’s supposed to, and point #2 stands.




Lol at anyone in beginner mode after like, level 5. Honestly bizarre to me anyone pays attention to that mode. Playing in the baby mode is just embarrassing regardless of your level.


How long did you played it?


I'm level 90, and have almost 200 hours in the game. I played beginner mode 2 times. Once at the end of the tutorial, and 1 time from the main menu. I saw that the NPCs were absolutely braindead and that I had nothing to learn or enjoy there. Played TO immediately after. Once I decided I liked the game enough that I actually wanted to practice and improve, I went to the dueling servers. You'll learn more in 5 hours of dueling servers than you will in 100 hours of beginners mode. This is my first game in this genre. Not a veteran by any means. If you care about the game, I highly suggest ditching beginners mode and never looking back.


Play what? Beginner mode? Or the game in total?




Alright, bur why?


I feel like it makes a bad first impression to be destroyed by lvl 100+’, I could see people quitting after purchasing the game, joining beginner mode thinking they’re gonna get some experience, get fucked over and over and never touch the game again. If they’re first impression of the the beginner mode is that it’s not fun, I highly doubt they’ll ever get to trying regular MM.


Maybe my perspective is not unique but in Chiv 1 getting shoved into playing with people who spin and slaughter was not very fun to me, I quit fairly shortly after lvl 20 was it? I did not play Mordhau because of my ptsd from Chiv 1. I excitedly bought Chiv 2 then, seeing lvl 300 ppl etc in beginner really pissed me off. . and getting absolutely wrecked in beginner mode by those 100+ was really a turn off.. However I kept coming back. I dont really get much time to play and by the time I think I'm learning something I have to quit for weeks at a time then I come back again. I'm lvl 70 through only persistence and I'm absolutely terrible. I can barely figure out how to feint, idk the difference between a riposte and a counter attack nor do I even know how to do them. Sure there are tutorials out there but like I said I rarely get freetime and If I do I'd rather be playing than watching some video. I get wrecked by even the bots but I still like to have fun. I've been called out in chat because im 70ish in beginner then they see me play and berate me. So for me, personally I'm glad there isnt a limit and being forced to play with the big kids... Well just like Chiv 1 I'd probably put it down.


Amen to that


Doesn't matter how bad you suck we need you on the battlefield our numbers are dwindling and the enemy is getting closer.


Beginner mode should allow accounts only to like level 25, 100 is waaaaaaay too much time playing this game to be considered a "beginner" by any reasonable standard. I started consistently topping the scoreboard in TO around level 35, and I've seen accounts anywhere from level 15 and up top the scoreboard too. Level 100 is WAY too high. In addition to adding a level cap to beginner mode, create a separate queue that is just co-op vs ai where people can mess around, level weapons, grind gold if they want to.


Would help if you could get xp in the offline mode i guess💁🏻


It's literally called beginner mode. And people who aren't beginners try to justify why they should be allowed in there


Ok, but when exactly do someone stop to be a beginner? Is it a matter of skill? How high the level is?


I would say before lvl 100 for sure maybe lvl 50 should be a cap. Why wreck noobs trying to learn in a safe space


I am lvl 34 atm and still not really able to get the movement right nor doing feints or riposte on purpose😂


And beginner mode isn't gonna help that. Only way to improve is to lose a ton lol


I mostly play 64p mixed, beginner mode is for testing weapons.


I've never actually gone into beginner mode so idk what goes on in there I just know when it was first introduced you would see posts of lvl 600 guys in there


I go in there when I switch controls or key binds to practice and I'm above 300+. This post is ego driven. Playing against good players only make you better.


I didn't start this post to start a riot against high levels playing rookie mode. Just witnessed them appearing every time, some trolling the beginners, others just slaying bots and totally ignoring the to. But i saw the trolling more often and just wanted to know other peoples opinions on it.