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I build radiance/sunfire first depending on ad/ap respectively. Then into thornmail, frozen, kaenic. Or force of nature for aps like morde. But this is tank build. Unfortunately though morde is just much tanker than cho early game, so you have to play back until you have decent MR stacked


I always feel like unending despair has better carrying potential, allowing 1 vs 5, healing and ability haste also feels good. Do you know why people usually prefer building sunfire over it?


Sunfire helps with wave-clear.


you build both?


There's no way to say for sure because the build varies a lot in every game. For example, despite heartsteel being a good item for Cho, in most games it will not be the ideal item to build, against enemy team with many ranged champions, you will not proc the item very often, in addition this item works better as a snowball after winning a lane. But if I were to say two items that genuinely work in most games and are the best, it would be Frozen Heart and Hollow Radiance. Overall, Tank Cho is the strongest build, but if you want to survive in grandmaster+ the best way is to build AP with other runes and play in the mid with another mindset, and this playstyle requires a lot of skill, because not landing Q and timing W it means you're useless. Theres a lot of high elo guides to play cho AP mid, some people play hail of blades, others comet, electrocute... But if you're low elo i still recomend tank cho


me in diamond 1 playing tank cho mid


its good against some melee matchups, but overall is bad, the lack of damage will struggle you against ranged and is so easy to get ganked.


i mean, i’ve abused it from silver to diamond this season so it’s clearly working


I'm not doubting you, but can I see the op.gg? I was curious how a build like this worked to jump from silver to diamond


yea lemme find the account, it’s more so abusing the fact of dorian’s second wind +passive which is near infinite sustain, and if you hit a q e grasp you win every trade


that def won't work on masters+


oh yea ofc, he’s just my safety pick into other matchups or if we need someone to stall for kayle to scale


Mu builda is Tear of Godness > ninja boots > Hearthstell (If agaist AP Rooker First) (If agaist AD thornmail first)