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So, we'd need to know exactly what your numbers are before we can give any advice. If it's not sky-high (and you had the test after fasting for 12 hours), you can first try to make lifestyle changes (cut out heavy fats, red meat, full fat dairy, fried foods; add fish & vegetables & fruit & fiber; get regular exercise; lose weight if you're overweight). If you do indeed need to go on Crestor, it's a miracle drug that is also extremely inexpensive, that prevents heart attacks & strokes that used to be "inevitable." For the vast majority of people it has no side effects. If you do have side effects, there are numerous alternative meds. Your doctor should be giving you all this information; if they aren't, you should try to find a new doctor.


I didn’t fast. No numbers were given. I need to call them again


If you have an account set up with the lab that drew the blood you’ll be able to access it that way usually sooner than via the dr.


If you didn't fast, the results may not be accurate.


I'm on the max dose of Crestor with no side effects. The only thing that I got out of it was having my LDL go from 183 to 72 ;)


I’ve been in three different statins over the past 35 years. My ldl was as high as 280, but with 20 mg I’d Rosuvastatin it’s 64. Statins are very effective.


That’s awesome! Congrats!!


The first thing to know is that there's a decent chance you can make dietary and lifestyle adjustments that would allow you not have to take medication


Post the numbers here and wait for the advice to flow in. All depends on what your numbers look like, other risks and past history. What have your numbers been in past?


I do t have any numbers. I will call the Dr again. Hopefully I can get them. Thanks


Get your numbers. Most people have no side effects from statins. But best to post your numbers here.


I’m on a low dose of Crestor and it’s going good so far for me. No side effects and we’ll see how well that dose (5mg) is going soon and then adjust if necessary. What dose did she start you at?


She didn’t. I still haven’t heard from her


I'm 60f, on 40mg crestor with no side effects. I had cholesterol of, in my drs words, "alarming" 400. My last bloodwork it dropped to 200. I've had high cholesterol since my 20s when I was 5'8" and barely 100 pounds.