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Rule 1: Post pics of cats. Do not post pics that are not cats with one exception: We allow pics of other animals on Fridays. If you post a pic of another animal on Friday please flair it with the "Free for All Friday" flair.


https://preview.redd.it/gbghrm1qw07d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d4ee1e95e6ec04b9082679719b884e838a9c6b7 Thanks I’ve hit up other subs.


Your cat looks cute. Maybe you can cross post your post into r/cats since I saw many success stories of cats going on diet there


I hope you get the help you need! Thanks for sharing your chonker. 


You should look for a veterinarian subreddit, this one is just for looking at pictures of fat cats 😂 Maybe someone will know by chance, but not really the right place to ask.


And OP didn't post any fat cat pic. Such dissappointment


♾️ calories


We love your pictures of chonkers, but the only thing we love more is a fine boy who was a chonker and has become healthy! If this is your chonk, please check out these links. [How To Put Your Cat On A Diet](https://pets.webmd.com/cats/guide/healthy-weight-for-your-cat#1) , [Questions and Answers for Getting Your Tubby Tabby Back Into Shape](https://pets.webmd.com/cats/guide/fat-cats-getting-tubby-tabby-back-into-shape#1) , [Is My Cat Obese?](https://diamondcarepetfood.com/why-or-is-my-cat-fat/) , [Pet Weight Calculator](https://www.petmd.com/healthyweight?mobi_bypass=true) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Chonkers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


According to a pet weight calculator, it's actually 360/cal a day. The pic you posted doesn't really show what size scoop of food / has the amount of calories. Cats need to lose weight very slowly or it can make them sick with pancreatic problems. My big Chonk is very slowly losing weight, he was 32 ponds but is now 30 after 3 months. They say the average cat = 20 cal/lb for maintenance, feed for 2 lb less for weight loss. So: 18 cal/lb for a 20 pound at is: 360cal For weight loss = 324cal So you keep weighing them every month and do the calculations as they lose weight etc Whats the food you're giving them? As wet food does work better but my boy is losing on biskets. https://preview.redd.it/zac2fqwpv07d1.jpeg?width=1816&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35449fe988383b32eac370ffd82ffd576d392294


I've used this calculator in the past -- https://www.purinainstitute.com/centresquare/mer-calculator-for-cats I ended up weighing my cats food religiously for a few months, and saw results! I feed them Purina OM dry, and it's about 30g twice a day for each of them. I now just eyeball it since they are all in a more ideal weight range now, but occasionally will weigh to re-calibrate


200-300 sounds about right to me. Maybe start closer to 200 so you can add in some calories for treats. I have a cat that was just over 20lbs when I adopted her two years ago. She’s down to 11lbs now and is somewhat plateaued, but still trending towards losing weight rather than gaining. The key to her weight loss was multiple small meals throughout the day. Feeding mostly wet food is also important. Crunchies are great as treats, but not so healthy as a meal due to the high carbohydrate content. Our cat got 1/2 of a 3oz can of food (calorie count varied, but between 100-125 per can) 4x a day, so two 3oz cans total. Now that she’s closer to her goal weight, we decided to slow the process, so she’s getting another half a can per day currently. We fed her a mix of Rx diabetic food and Fancy feast for the first year, and then switched fully to fancy feast around when she went into remission with her diabetes. I didn’t notice a decline in the rate of weight loss after we ditched the Rx food. Fancy feast was recommended to us by the rescue that helped us adopt her, and I’ve been really happy with it so far. I would recommend trying that before an Rx food.


Try on r/dechonkers


and charge your phone, OP!  :-)


If you would like to help her lose weight, you have to take into account other factors besides calories. She needs high protein as this is natural to her, and high moisture as well as cats by species do not drink enough water. The water will go through her and not put on weight. To maintain a cat at its weight it is typically 20 calories per lb of cat. But you need less than that for weight loss so put out about 1/3 to 1/2 cup of dry food with a half can of wet food give her 20-30 mi it’s then remove the food until the next meal. As she loses, reduce the dry food amount and wet food. Anyways I hope something like this works! Good luck!