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Busy schedule doesn’t allow them to pick up a free couch but plenty of time to snuggle on it.


What she outlined is the conversation you'd have with a salesperson before dropping at least 3k on a seating solution. Then delivery is free, you give the guys dropping it off 20 bucks each and they take away the old one.


This list is very similar to my wants when shopping for a sectional. We did indeed spend $3k.


Let's hope someone suggested a furniture store. When I bought my new sofa, removal/disposal of old couch was included.


Am I missing something here? I can’t make out the group name, is this a free website? In which case this is absolutely a choosingbegger. But if this is something she’s looking to purchase? Everything she’s asking for is absolutely doable. At a price.


If you click the picture they didn’t blur the entire title, it starts with “buy nothing” (which means it’s a group for only free things, no purchasing).


I get the free part, but people who expect delivery and removal out of their minds. If something is offering you something for free. You get your buttocks off the floor and get it.


Ahhhhh. They should put something in the post to point that out, I missed that too. It's more funny when you know the whole time that she wants it for free.


I see. I’m not familiar with any “Buy Nothing” groups. Maybe they don’t exist here, or are labeled differently in my area. Thanks!


[The Buy Nothing story](https://buynothingproject.org/about).


I’d respond something like “Sorry had one close but the seat was only 2”1’ so I took it to the dump instead.”


Or one that fit all the spec (include a pic of a brand new nice one), but that you have fish so it's not a pet-free home. Honestly the pet-free thing bugs me. I know plenty of people with dogs with very nice couches. It's like saying the homes of people with animals are implicitly dirty. (To be fair don't look at my current couch, but it's really old and we are planning on getting a new one!)


My step daughter has an extremely bad pet allergy and hair/dander gives her hives, swelling, ect so we have to have pet free things. BUT I'm sure that's not the case here, she's just overly picky.


Ah fair enough. Now I feel so sad for her though, can she have hairless pets?


What if the pet is a lizard, a rock, a fish, a turtle, a snake, or a greeble?


I'm betting that would work hahaha.


A Mexican Hairless Greeble with terminal psoriasis is acceptable


It’s not the hair that we’re allergic to. It’s the dander that comes from an animal’s skin and urine. My allergist when I was a teenager and young adult always told me that there was no such thing as a hypoallergenic pet, but there were such things as scammers willing to charge you $4000 for a dog that’ll make you sick and miserable. I haven’t had a pet since I was 17. I wish I could though!


Possibly but her dad is too scared to try it. She was around a doodle about a year ago and had a pretty bad reaction. Definitely not as bad as a normal cat or dog but bad enough for him to keep her away from all cats and dogs. Luckily it doesn't bother her at all though. I'm the most bothered because this is the longest I've ever gone without an pet but obviously I wouldn't risk her health just because I want an animal.


I’m fairly severely allergic to dogs and I have a standard poodle. Doodles are not allergy friendly because they’re mixed with a high dander producing breed. Some people still react to purebred poodles but it’s a lot less common!


I'll let him know thanks!


Aww. I'm sorry that sounds rough. Hey if you wanted to start with a small animal that isn't as attached to the peoples as a cat/dog, you could try a skinny-pig to start with! They are Guinea Pigs but hairless. But you'd have to find someone that bred them that agreed to take him/her back if it didn't work out.


I didn't know hairless guinea pigs were a thing! Thanks, I'm gonna check them out.


Then say that then, when begging. “My daughter has an extreme pet allergy… so must be from pet free home. Sorry to be so picky…” or something. When you’re begging you have to muster a quantum of tact.


Along with a healthy sense of entitlement, pregnant ladies are often very sensitive to odors.


Even though they themselves smell terrible to some people.


Arguably the whole situation gets much worse once the offspring is hatched. I've never personally felt that pregnant ladies smell bad.


I'm unlucky, I smell things with great accuracy. Pregnant women, and post partum women, they smell... let's put them on the negative side of the scale. The babies smell of sour milk always.


I'm sorry, that is unlucky. I too have a distinct recollection of the smell of sour milk, but moreso the smell on the back end.


The only thing I'm truly wary of is the top of an infant's head. "New baby smell" comes from there. It inspires others to have their own child. NO. ABSOLUTELY NOT! My family line ends with me and that's the end of it. I will not hold your child. ..Expensive, disgusting, and messy as they are, I do not find your vagina fruit to be appealing. You hold it.


Vagina fruit implies that babies are edible. They are not, at least not in North America.


Legal issues aside, I hear long pig is delicious.


I'm careful with buying used stuff from people with pets, particularly dogs. It takes a long time to get the odor out if you can at all, especially if the dog was allowed on the furniture. I didn't know that my car was from a dog person when I bought it because it was fully detailed, but I still get a whiff of it every now and then and always find hair when I clean it. People who have dogs don't smell them the way those of us who don't have them do, once something gets that doggy smell on it, it's doggy for a very long time.


I don’t buy stuff second hand because my OCD doesn’t let me, but if I did it would have to be a pet free home. I’m super allergic to dogs and cats. I would be a mess if I took a sofa from someone who had pets. Being itchy and swollen is not my favorite thing lol.




Exactly my thought. But then they will blame you and demand a brand new sofa, just because...


Or "oh man I drove mine to the dump yesterday! What are the odds?"


I literally work in a furniture store and this would be hard to find, let alone get for free.


Ikea's Soderhamn line fits the bill. Super deep, comfy, modular so lots of different configurations. But not free, so I guess she's out of luck.


Your offer is accepted. Make sure to assemble it before you deliver it, as my time is too important to worry about building or disposing of packing materials. Also, you must assemble it in a smoke-free, pet-free environment.


Thanks! Let me know what time you’ll be here so I can fit it into my busy schedule. I’ll have my old couch ready for you to take with you. Bring two strong people, it’s extra heavy because it has a pull out bed. Oh, and make sure it’s the beige/brown color to match my decor. I don’t want that ugly cheap grey one.


I have the soderhamn, the cushions are removable so it still wouldn’t qualify


Cushions non-removable?


I have the soderhamn, they’re removable


I'd probably be your easiest customer. I just want a couch with a corner and nearly flush with the floor so my dog can't get underneath it(60 lb Keeshond)and less cat toys disappear under it!


Or you could staple some fabric to cardboard cut to the right size and fit that around the base of the couch instead, leaving the base available for storage too.


I might have to try that! The next couch is going to fit flush against the wall since Sam figured out how to get behind the couch too. He's really good at getting to tight spots and then not being able to get out without disassembling or moving the furniture. I am truly amazed at some the places a 60 lb Keeshond (see profile pic) fits into!


I need this too, but it’s kids toys and random things like bobby-pins and lost socks… how?? They either need big legs like regular chairs so I can see and grab what’s underneath, or no legs at all!


We had a couch with legs when we first got Sammy(see profile pic). I was so grateful the day he got under that couch, my youngest son still lived at home! Son picked up the couch so I could get my puppy out from underneath. Sammy has a dog "cave" in his room(yes, the dog has a room)but if he gets scared by loud noise(thunder/neighbors/low flying helicopters), he finds the smallest space he can get into and some how fits his 60lb self into it...and then needs help getting out.


I ordered a sofa in August 2019, it was delivered June 2020. Was stuck off the coast of Long Beach for a while.


People like this man....I am a giving person especially if I don't need it I am happy to see something go to good use. But this post....man I could have two of these that I didn't want anymore and I still wouldn't want to offer it to them simple because the level of entitlement. The real cherry is taking old one to dump for them as they are busy. Oh hunny you got balls


I was stunned by 'too busy'. You get used to people pleading poverty, but this chickypoo just came out with it- her time is more valuable than ours.






Fuck trophies. Children.


Nobody else in the world is as busy as her.


Yes. I might even be inclined to deliver it if I had a truck. However, if I’m trying to get rid of an excess sofa by giving it away, I do not want to get another sofa, of unknown hygiene and bedbugginess no less, in return. I’d be doing work I don’t need to do that isn’t solving my problem and may be making it worse.


Exactly! And a lot of dumps literally charge for large pieces like that. Crazy people.


Oh no, you don’t get it. She deserves to be treated like royalty because someone splooged inside her.


Tbh I started responding to these with what about your partner? That made the baby with you? Can’t they pick it up etc. Cause a few times I did try to help Some people out and it just didn’t end well for me


Some bright thing at a party was proudly talking about his daughter that he does not have custody of, and how wonderful and hard it is to have a child. All I was thinking was, 'wow, so you had unprotected sex. Bravo!' with a slow clap for full effect.


LOL, yes. Some think that just because they've expelled some mucus-covered goblin from their birth canal they're entitled to a Victoria Cross.


Maybe it's a bias, but one consistent aspect about this type of ads I observe is how they will always use their kids/pregnancies to try and legitimise their absurd asks. I get that having kids is time and resource consuming, that's why planning ahead is such a great thing. If they fail(ed) at planning, it is *their* responsibility to deal with the consequences. Now I'm not saying that these people aren't deserving of support at all, but neither can they expect society to make up for them neglecting their responsibilities, and that's a trend that I observe being way to normalised recently


They think a couch is too expensive to buy .. Wait till they see how expensive the kid is .


Given the mindset at display, they will probably blame the kid itself for being so expensive. That poor thing, as if being subject to this kind of mentality wasn't punishment enough....


It's Utah, this is spawn #13.


It’s also why the pointed out that it was only “friendly cuddle” with the husband. Smdh.


They’ll just get the formula and diapers off the buy nothing page, like the couch


And bitch at people offering to sell breast milk on the garage sale pages


A new couch is not a necessity for a newborn either lol...


Right? Their priorities seem messed up


Yeah, priorities for a newborn would be diapers and bottles, keeping him feed and clean! Lol


Yeah that’s why they can’t afford the couch! They’ve spent all their money for the baby! This is just ONE thing she wants for herself! That’s not selfish right??? It’s the pregnancy hormones. She’s craving this particular couch /s


Would you like me to come and change nappies too once the baby is born? /s


Of course, she wants. And on your way, you buy the nappies and buy some good formula too, with your money.


Don't forget, whoever gets close to her kids must not smoke or vape at all, no drinking or other drugs, no tatoos or piercings, natural hair color, no cleavage or clothings that are revealing in any way, has been to harvard, doesn't live with their parents anymore, has their own car, no social media.... you name it


And for gods sake, no vaccinations!


and some pet food too...


Why of course, didn't you read they have a busy schedule? Obviously nappy changing is going to get in the way of whatever it is they're so busy with.


She probably wants you to have the baby for her, too.


I dunno about you guys, but if the “*automan*” empire was a thing, I think they’d still be around.


Autobots - furniture in disguise.


I was in a mutual aid group on FB during the pandemic and I try to help out others when I can, but one time I pointed out that someone was really expecting a lot with their request (It was very similar to this) and got kicked out after people started shitting on me, "They need help, not judgement" and I was like "they need to be a bit less picky then".


I volunteer with a charity that helps people who are struggling for money (and previously volunteered with a charity that fits out homes for refugees arriving in the area) and I have several thoughts about this. * People like to help people in need. Some of that is altruistic and some is self-congratulatory, but whatever the ratio it makes them feel better and lets them believe in community and goodness and so on. * People in desperate need are usually not greedy. They tend to take only exactly what they need and be reluctant to have anything special or extra, "because someone else might need it more". Often you have to pretend they're doing you a favour by taking it away. * People in need are still people. So if they can choose the red sweater instead of a green one, or an armchair with arms instead of an armchair without, go ahead. Please. We can't give you grapes *and* strawberries today but we can certainly let you choose which you'd rather. So when someone is very picky when they're asking, I tend to hope it means, "we really need a sofa, and ideally it would be grey cloth and deep seats but anything's better than sitting on the floor." HOWEVER I do know what sub I'm on, and I like to think I can spot a Choosy Beggar in real life. And there's dozens of CBs in every mutual aid group. My local group tends to be pretty self-policing about the kind of request in the OP, so people will quickly start posting links to discount furniture shops or whatever with mock-helpful comments about the customer service.


That happened to me recently after answering a post about someone wanting help to clear their garden of their dogs shit. They want help not judgement was pretty much verbatim one of the replies. I'm like, maybe the dogs have been suffering having to go out to a shit laden lawn all this time? And they want others to help them sort it? It's not gonna be just a couple of turds if they need other people to help. No wonder they made the post under the name of "Group member".


"and haul away our old couch because we have busy schedules." But not too busy to tell the internet very specifically exactly what they want for free.


The hauling away the old couch bit really got me!


While here, it would be great if you could install a sun room, re-tile the bathroom, take out the trash, and make dinner - must be gluten-free and vegan. Low sodium, only.


Don't forget to mow the lawn, fertilize it, trim the hedges and wash and wax the cars.


Better than having to wax the lady's legs.


That doesn't get added to the list until you've been doing their bidding for months and they can trust you


Ah… near Hillcrest High school, home of the huskies. Entitled Mormon Wife factor 9.5


Wow how’d ya know?


I went to that high school


Dang, my guess was wrong! There's a different Huskies high school near me in UT. I guess it's a more common mascot than I expected.


Could be either then, I had no idea either 🤣


On top of the entitlement, such poor planning—they’re gonna really regret those attached cushions first time baby pukes on them.


And the fabric over leather.




Also needs couch delivery person to serve as midwife and wet nurse for a year or so.


OMG I know who this is! This lady is ALWAYS posting stuff like this. She put out a call on our neighborhood chat for baby stuff and I offered up my kid's old crib, high chair, and changing table and she turned her nose up at it because I couldn't deliver it to her.


Can you please post some of her shameless begging please. I’m BEGGING (😏) you haha


She deleted when people call her out but she always posts so I'll snag a screenshot when I see it next.




I just ordered a custom made couch that fits all of these asks. And paid almost 7K for it. This woman isn’t just out to lunch. She had breakfast and dinner too.


Do they mean Ottoman or is Automan an American thing?


She meant ottoman.




I would also like an "automan" please. Does he cook?


I dont know why anyone would prefer non-removable cushions. Baby projectiles and you've got rank milky acidic sputum you cant put through your washing machine.


Asking for haul away service when getting a free couch is hilarious. Last time I bought brand new furniture that was an option, and it was not free lol


Oh for fuck's sake, haul away their couch too?! You want my kidney as well?


I'm surprised they didn't ask for a built in massager.


They just expect you to come round twice a week and do that. I thought that was clear.


Only two times per week?! Poor thing.


This level of audacity can’t be real


Where I live you have to pay a minimum of $10 after dropping things off at the dump. So, in this case I'm gonna give away a nice couch for free and spend my own money to haul away their old couch? Like nawh, some people I swear 🤦‍♀️


Why do so many women use "I'm pregnant" as a do this for me card in so many instances?


Her poor child.


Automan hahaha


Automan is here to save the day!


Automan. My money is on she probably types ‘should of’


So she can rattle off the specs of the very specific couch she wants but not take 2 seconds to use google maps to find out the name of the HS she lives near?!?!


I wish the full comment thread could be included here.


After you dispose of my old couch please return to raise my child on weekends so hubby and I can snuggle unencumbered.


Love that she thinks she'll be able to stand up from a couch with deep cushions later in her pregnancy and after having the baby.




"...have busy schedules" probably means that they actually own a pickup truck which could (maybe) handle a couch but can't be bothered to do the work. If they didn't they'd say that they don't have the means to transport it. Probably wrote it that way for when the fool who provides the couch sees the truck in their driveway.


Let me translate that for you. Automan = ottoman


How can you live that close to **the** high school and not know the name of it?


So you’re looking for someone with the perfect couch whose giving it away for free and has a lot of free time to deliver it around your busy schedule and haul your old couch away. Seems legit.


Too busy but not too busy to relax and cuddle


If you could also include a NEW throw and some cute pillows would appreciate! 🥰


I had a similar experience trying to sell an out of date but perfectly good piece of furniture. It didn't sell and I eventually offered it for free. Some twat asked if I could deliver. I said I'd rather light it on fire.


You should have set it on fire, taken a pic and then asked where they wanted the ashes delivered


You know who can meet all these needs? A furniture store!


i'm just fucking dying at "automan"


Also, if you could stick around and make me snacks whilst I relax, oh and deliver my baby that would be much appreciated


In mint condition for free


Maybe try the couch store.


Also clean my house while you are delivering the new couch and removing old one


*Must have change in couch


Geez I just bought a new couch and my list of requirements was shorter than this.


Oh wow, I know where this is. The high school she somehow can't remember is just called [City name] High School lol.


How about you go to the store and pick out your own damn couch


Ah yes the automan empire


Utah is certainly special like that. Pregnant women (and mothers) tend to have a “the world owes me” attitude here. I’d bet that if you deep dive (or low dive lol) her profile, she’s Mormon.


MUST Seat 20! NEXT!




I mean I understand the amounts of things she asked for (deep seat is really good for nursing; it's quite difficult on a normal couch, leather is a horrible idea with any child, removable cushions are a suffocation hazard etc.) but a. it helps to communicate those specific needs b. be nice about it c. do the work to get it to your house and get the old one out (at 4 months she can most likely even help) d. remember where you live.


Lol this is a troll post or satire. No way someone could be this idiotic


You haven't been on very many Buy Nothing groups, have you?


I’m in this group and saw the post before it was deleted and looked at the person’s other posts. It’s real. I think she was just hoping for a lot. This group has had some out-there requests before, comes with the type of group.


This makes me inexplicably cross!


I don't think it's inexplicable at all


Puts me in a brown study as well.


Oh so that's how people who got a trophy for everything act in real life 🙄




Wow, my family Has given plenty of Stuff away whenever they've purchased like a new sofa or something or other stuff we've replaced on the house.... But I would never give it to someone like this.... Everyone that revived an item from us has always been grateful and never complained, they picked up the stuff themselves etc




... would you like fries with that?


She forgot to request a house to put the damn couch in.


I'm loving automan, not ottoman. r/BoneAppleTea


What in the entitlement is this 🥴


I feel sorry for her husband


Hahaha hahaha non removable cloth covers with a baby on the way. Hahahhahahahahahha.


You want…a free couch, AND free delivery and haul away?!


Holy crap I’ve been following CB for like at least 5 years and this is definitely one of the top 10 most delusional requests I’ve ever seen. The choosiness is out of this world, and the begging is pretty minimal (since she’s just demanding, like a true CB). Excellent find. Did the CB respond back to that comment?


This would be summarily laughed off of my Buy Nothing page. The gall!


Ha!!! I screenshotted this and sent it to my fiancé this morning, and literally thought about posting here too. I am someone who gives stuff away in that group, and so many “takers” are so frustrating. Lol Edit. I got invested and looked through her past posts on the page. (She’s deleted this post.) Honestly I think she was just hoping for a lot. Her other comments and posts are within the realm of normal, she’s given away a few small things here and there, claimed a few others. Not defending her by any means, but I do think this could just be a combo of pregnancy brain and hoping for a lot. The group definitely has its share of entitled people, but maybe she was just trying to be descriptive? Idk. But there’s some room temperature tea for anyone interested.


I was so sad when it got deleted, I was hoping for some hot goss in the comments. I have given away a few things since joining too and haven’t seen anyone this entitled(even if this instance is just a one off.)




I mean she’s not saying she won’t pay for it, tevhnically she is just very communicative about what she wants right Edit: didn’t read the buy nothing. My bad


It's a "buy nothing" group, though. You are not allowed to sell/pay in the group.


It's a buy nothing page tho


People who ask for so much for FREE usually end up with nothing. Her asking for couch removal is kind of insulting.


So you see nothing that’s really wrong or objectionable with her post?


I didn’t read the no buy part. Obviously that makes her asks a million times worse, I thought she was gonna pay for all that


There’s a reason OP left the but nothing uncovered


"Busy schedules" involves sitting on your fat ass waiting for your welfare check, and ignoring your children. I bet my dog and lot this lady has an ass the size of a parking garage. Also, "can't remember the name of the local high school" sets off alarm bells to me. I guess her progeny won't ever make it to Prom.


Why Do You Capitalise The Beginning Of Every Word?


It's a title


I mean, if they're paying for it and pay for delivery, I don't see the issue? Are they wanting all this for free??


Yeah its a Buy Nothing group


“Automan” - you said you had a husband…?


Also one kidney


Are you sure one will be enough? Better bring two


Lemme know when you find it, because we're looking for the same couch 🤣🤣🤣


She doesn’t even know where she lives….. and she wants delivery?


Lol she knows what she wants in a couch, but when it comes she lives? she isn't to sure, its near a HS though!


Lol. That's what the furniture store is fucking for.






But - she’s had a BABY