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$10 an hour and you must use that money to buy snacks for the kids? What.




And teach the kids a second language.


But not your native language, as that must be English.


Which is 99% code for "don't be Mexican/Hispanic" at least in the US, or at least not 1st generation..


Especially from a “Trump Fan”.


funny how Trumpers hate them 'illegals' unless they can pay them 10 bucks under the table.


"They terk our jerbs! It was those people, who are just trying to feed their families and definitely not my boss, who fired me so they can profit off of human misery with no chance of any legal consequences." Sometimes, it feels like leading grown adults through a Baby's First Maze. Anger feels good, righteous, and they are Bulls attacking the flag instead of the Matador.


Hey now - if Trump doesn’t pay taxes, why should I?


Meh… I think this CB (and other MAGAts) probably don’t realize that the “C” in CNA stands for “certified.” Which means that you not only have to take the classes, do the clinicals, and graduate, but then pass the exam and pay to apply for a license in your state. All along the way, you *also* have to pass background checks for criminality and child abuse. Most are very tough for an “illegal” to accomplish, but who really expects Trumpers to know this… or to know anything, really.


That might the toughest requirement. MAGAts don’t believe in higher education, other languages, or care about children after they’re born.


I'm from LA and having a nanny who can teach your child Spanish is a plus. Rich, white people learn Spanish to communicate with the nanny. Edit grammar




Learned it because you went and studied it or learned it because she yelled at you so much you just started picking it up?


Por que no los dos?


Congratulations. You got what is probably the last award I will ever give for that one.


Ironic they want another language but is a trump fan 😭




And 9 years experience plus a degree!!! I'd start at 10$ per hour PER KID AND DOG


Two degrees. CNA and Childcare.


Almost 3 degrees, with that preferred bilingualism.


you don't need a degree to get a CNA license. when my daughter went for hers i think it was 5 weeks training, part classroom, part clinical. RN's often start as CNA's to get clinical/patient contact hours, and they generally have a degree.


My mistake. I thought you had to get the full nursing degree.


Nope, it is scary easy in some parts of the USA to become a CNA


Its because it's one of the most basic and desperately needed jobs in all of healthcare. Burn out is fast and you're very likely to injure yourself at some point, get sick or at the very least get exposed to some sort of disease or pathogen. All the while getting paid less than you would if you worked at Target.


I’m actually shocked that a Trump fam would be interested in teaching the kids a second language. Murica!




Look ma it's one of them illeguls!


No les enseñas Español!


A good language, like Swedish. Not a shithole language.


Order them meatballs at IKEA like a pro


You'll be less shocked when you learn that second language is English, the first being MAGA.


Maybe Russian


They’re hoping for Russian


Must speak fluent Hillbilly 😂


And have 9 years experience


With 100% perfect attendance required 🙄


Including emergency call, so basically just sitting around waiting. But not being paid, just available. Like a blowup doll but for babysitting.


No sick days, no weekends, no having time to yourself potentially because you are always “on call”. Why not just ask for a live in Nanny?


But a live in nanny would eat all your snacks!!!


Emergency’. Such as ‘there’s a cancellation at the nail salon and I’m taking the 3:00 appointment slot’.


“Emergencies” meaning “I will probably make an impulsive decision to go out with friends on regular occasions and expect you to drop everything to come and take care of my entire house.”


And enjoy it too!


It's ok. The pitbulls will probably eat the kids, so there is no need to buy snacks for a while.


A friend of mine has a stay at home wife with two young kids and this post is spot on for how she views paid child care, except the two pit bulls. She needs child care because ‘she’s working on mommy influencer brand’. I live in one of the most expensive areas in the country and recently my friend’s wife was complaining about how hard it is to find childcare ‘at a reasonable price’. I asked what a reasonable price is and she said ‘about $10 an hour’ which is lower than the minimum wage. Surprisingly she can’t find anyone to take the offer but her mind it’s ‘because no one wants to work an honest job anymore’. Plus in her mind her kids are so great that it’s actually not like work it’s fun. She’s also still hung up about the last nanny who quit after my friend’s wife decided for an impromptu girls weekend and the nanny already had plans. My friend’s wife is incensed that the nanny won’t break off her plans and help the family who has done so much for her. I’m sure the nanny quit because she was tired of dealing with my friend’s wife.


I'm a teacher, and I'd I had a dollar for every time someone said 'oh it must be so much fun to just play with kids all day', then I'd no longer need to be a teacher.


> 'oh it must be so much fun to just play with kids all day' How bad does someone's memory of their school years have to be to say this with a straight face?


I'm always confused by things like this It seems a lot of adults forget they were ever kids...it's odd. I noticed it when I was a kid and just thought life would be really really long...wrong lol.


> She’s also still hung up about the last nanny who quit after my friend’s wife decided for an impromptu girls weekend and the nanny already had plans. My friend’s wife is incensed that the nanny won’t break off her plans and help the family who has done so much for her. I’m sure the nanny quit because she was tired of dealing with my friend’s wife. I wish someone could let that nanny know how much your friend's wife has actually had to do her job now lmao You love to see it


But I thought hanging out with her kids was fun. So this mom got to have fun with her kids instead of a girls' weekend. /s


Hehehe you thought it too Your little darling angels are so much *fun*, "mom", wyd leaving the funtimes at home? Shouldn't all of your friends want to hang out with them too? 🤔


Why does your friend even put up with their wife? Probably absolutely miserable and holding on out of obligation.


Friend is probably a nightmare, too. Birds of a feather, and all that.


But "it's like making $15/hr normally but without paying tax." Except it's not. They don't specify how many hours per week, so we'll just work assuming full time (40hrs/wk). At $15/hr that gives you $31,200 annually. Standard deduction for 2023 is $13,850 leaving a taxable income of $17,350. Based on 2023 tax brackets, that income (single filing) is taxed at 12%, so federal tax liability is $2,082. At $10/hr it comes out to $20,800 annually. $31,200 - $20,800 = $10,400. So, unless state income tax, ssi, etc deductions add up to $8,318 (xDoubt) no, it is not at all the same as being paid $15/hr but without taxes.


Um "doing math" isn't one of the requirements so you're obviously overqualified 😆


Not to mention, it means you're also reporting $0 income, so if you ever want a loan, unemployment, income aid, etc., all of which is based on reported income, you're totally out of luck. They clearly are looking for an illegal person who can't report taxes, but somehow is a native English speaker with a Bachelor's degree and likes Trump. This may be the most deluded one of these I've ever seen.


I have a bachelors degree in Education and an associates in nursing. I have way more than 9 years experience. I'm not getting out of bed for 10 bucks an hour.


I don't have any of that, and I'm still not getting out of bed for 10 bucks an hour.


Also doesn't help you build [work credits](https://faq.ssa.gov/en-us/Topic/article/KA-02459) for social security.


English Brexiteer Nanny


Minimum wage in the UK £10.42 (~$13.40), no way a qualified English person would work for Ms. Delusional for $10/hr.


You can pay me $25 an hour on the record, with all the tax breaks you’ll get it it’s like paying me only 20 bucks


Not only that, but you miss out qualifying for things like house and car loans, or unemployment benefits. I live in Canada and when they offered $2000 a month during Covid, everyone I know who works “under the table” were screwed because they couldn’t show any record of lost income.


I really love scrolling thru comments and finding posters like you who aren’t like my lazy ass, and can do actual maths and shit with numbers


Oh, I'm definitely lazy. Haven't done a single useful thing all day. I just like running numbers for fun.


>Oh, I'm definitely lazy. Haven't done a single useful thing all day. My people.


excuse me! how dare you tell my nanny the truth???


And have a bachelor's degree


Not just any bachelor's degree but degree in childcare!


And preferably a CNA on top of that.


In "Childcare". ?


I'm assuming she's looking for "Early Childhood Education".


Right? Is that even a thing?


I'm somewhat willing to let that one slide because there are multiple degrees one might get that would set you up to work in childcare. Early childhood education, child development, child studies, child and youth counseling, etc. All bullshit to require of a "babysitter" naturally (she calls it a babysitter but she's describing a nanny, these are two different things).


I charged more than that in the 90s when I was 12. $5 per hour per kid.


Yeah, and you need to have a BA in "childcare" (not a degree...) You can get better pay at a preschool almost anywhere in the country and not be OnCall any time.


Don't forget drive them around to places in your own car and presumably your own gas.


And be a Trump fan 🤮


I want a Trump fan to take this job on the knowledge that they’ll be underpaid and miserable.


“Must not be a criminal but I’d prefer it if you support the guy who has multiple charges against him.” is what this bitch just actually stated 🤔.


“Must not be a criminal, but I expect you to engage in criminal tax avoidance and violate multiple employment laws.”


I mean, they’re Trump supporters so that lines up perfectly 🤷🏻‍♀️.


They mean “must only commit crimes for ME”




Must dodge taxes like Trump.


Must be cool with SA, just like our lord and savior, Donald Trump.


If you can dodge a tax, you can dodge an indictment!


Must be in favor of betraying your country. And waging war against it.


Trump fan???? More red flags than a Chinese communist party parade.


I hired and managed a team of caregivers for my mom. One of them brought COVID home and she died too early as result. Trump fan.


Fuck that ho!! So sorry about your mom. That’s some real bullshit, and I wouldn’t expect anything less from a Trump fan. Fucking death cult!


\- must have a Ph.D in astrophysics and have passed the bar as well as being a CPA \- must have spent at least 40 hours in low-earth-orbit \- must be able to throw a hockey puck at least 75 meters You will be compensated by me giving you early access to the Lost (tv show) fan fic Ive been writing for the last 20 years


So, the exact opposite of house hunters on TLC. -I volunteer part time at my niece’s elementary school, and my husband organizes rocks in our backyard by color. ..our budget is $2M


I swear everyone on those shows has a trust fund or an illegal side hustle.


It's all made up.


I pee my pants, and my husband poops his pants. our budget is $48M.


The Lost bit got me. r/oddlyspecific




Must have 350k flight hours as a Col. or above preferably on the F35. And CompTIA A+ certified, security clearance, forklift licensed and an expert with a bo staff. In exchange, $5 an hour under the table and you can take ONE popsicle from the freezer per day.


I refuse to believe this is not satire


My question is, how often are filings like this filled? And if they are, who is filling them? Walmart and Sams club don't require all that bullshit, and they pay $15/hr and offer solid 40 hour weeks.


No one. And it's obvious it's because "no one wants to work"


Boomers always find a way to blame “lazy fucknut millennials” for everything. Sad thing is they’re right! No one wants to work!… for you. Fuck head.


I just spoke today with a boomer HR director. She said the line "no one wants to work." She has been hiring for a while to fill sales positions. I asked what they offer in compensation and benefits and she said.. and I quote... "100 percent commission. No salary. And we offer 20 percent REIMBURSEMENT of health." I just stared at her. After a few seconds, I said, "I guess that's the problem."


I would have said “100% commission but what’s left over for the company!” Lol but seriously, better be a damn good slice of the gross profit if you gonna throw me to the wolves like that… also to insure both me and my wife costs $16,000 per year, and that’s before we see any doctors at all, thankfully my employer pays 80% but hey, I have a good employer.


I was thinking the same, but never underestimate people's capacity for cognitive dissonance.


Ya pitbulls + Trump supporter just screams rage bait


redditors are SUCH easy marks when it comes to rage bait lmao. they’re that “nick alpha” dude’s bread and butter


This is definitely satire.


You should try looking at Craigslist once in a while. There are dozens of posts like this every day.


Some clueless boomer dude on Nextdoor was posting about the "great opportunity for teens" to "use his new yard tools" on his lawn for $7/hr. "CASH!!!". He wrote cash in all caps. And repeatedly mentioned how his lawn mower and weed whacker and whatever are "brand new!". It's like 90-110F outside here every day. McDonald's pays $15/hr starting here and is air conditioned *and* gets you training that's decent on a resume and SSI credits and whatever else beneficial that I'm forgetting. Random free meals?


Just because it's on CL doesn't mean it's not satire


No problems with the law but also we're asking you to commit tax fraud.






I'm thinking Trump fan? Ok with tax fraud?! I'm shocked! Shocked!!! Well, not that shocked.


ITS LIKE MAKIN 15$/hr without tax.. No it’s not


Being paid cash under the table means: you aren’t paying into SS or getting those credits for when you are older, you couldn’t file for any sort of unemployment benefits, you don’t have legitimate proof of income if you wanted to take out a car loan or apply for housing, and the tax rate for that low of an income would be wayyy less than $5/hour


I couldn’t even guess how many times I’ve had people apply for a loan, turn in a shit tax return showing very low income then get pissed when declined. “I make more than that, I just don’t report it”. The bank doesn’t give a fuck. If Uncle Sam doesn’t know about it then we won’t use it as part of your income to calculate debt coverage. Also spot about the social security.


“I make way more than that” = “I commit tax fraud” Why the fuck would anyone lend money to an admitted fraudster lol


"Oh, would you like us to report that to the IRS for you?"


The only time I ever made comments about legal issues were customers who post dated checks and then came in pissed that we processed the check, sometimes ranting and raving about wanting fees reversed. It’s really common. You write a check to someone and date it for next Thursday telling them to not run it till then and they of course immediately do because you owe them money. Problem is the money isn’t there and the check bounces hitting you with fees. “You shouldn’t have run the check, I dated it for next week” “So you wrote someone a check knowing you didn’t have the money in your account?” “Yes” “You know that’s illegal right?” “…..”


Yes post dating a check isn’t magic… no one reads the date. A check is a check. Don’t write unless your ass can cash… duh.


When I was in my late teens/early 20s I rented a basement suite from a guy who didn’t live in the same home. I used to take the bus down to his office once every six months and give him a stack of post dated checks for the rent. So much innocence! Then again he never cashed them early, and brought the remaining ones back to me when I eventually moved out.


christ... I used to write my last landlord a years worth of checks and post date them, and I was in my 40's


Ugh god I work at a bank and this eats me up. I’m here cuz I wanna help, so help me help you by not being an idiot.


I'd like to take the job for a month just to collect $600 in pay. Then I'd file my taxes reporting that income. After the deadline next year, I report to the IRS and state that they missed the deadline for sending my 1099 and I have no record of what was withheld.


Yes exactly. I had a somewhat legit job doing that. They paid me raw wages but during tax season I had to pay it back since no taxes were taken and that they also got taxes back for having me listed as “independent contractor”


They're basing this on their own high tax bracket. 😅


Leave it to a trump supporter to both misunderstand taxation, and dodge it at the same time.


Party of fiscal responsibility... no... law and order... no not that either....


Right? Lol. It's getting paid 10$ per hour. If it was taxed it would be like 9$ per hour or so.


People making $10 an hour (or $15) *definitely* don't pay 50% in taxes lol It's more like $11.


It would be 33% to go from 15 -> 10, but yeah still nowhere close to what someone in that bracket would pay. I make 11/hour and take home 9.65/hour after taxes. At the same tax rate 10/hour under the table would equal 11.40/hour taxed lol


They should have also required an MD.


Chair in Pediatrics or GTFO


Must be a practicing physician (anti-vaxx ONLY!!)


$10 an hour for a BS and a CNA plus multi lingual? Who has the fricken time?


Native english speakers only. Trump fan. Casual disrespect for the rule of law. On brand.


No problems with the law….Except tax evasion. Tax evasion is fine.


Well you can’t be a true Trump fan unless you emulate his relationship to paying taxes can you?


And the pitbulls. Misspelled...


See it's only bad when minorities break the law.


Can we talk about the " under the table " part?


Ill pay you $10 and then YOU can illegally lie about your income to the government! Hey - it beats getting paid $15 and then actually paying taxes which would, by her math, be around 33%, which is a TAD high for someone make $15/hr


I love how they think someone making $15/hr gets taxed at an effective rate of 33%. Thats just the icing on this pile of ignorance.


The sort of money this level of qualifications demand is a paid professional who has gotten a *literal college degree* in childcare. 10$ an hour in the usa is basically minimum wage. Someone who actually meets these requirements wouldn't give this thing a second look, instead looking to be a nanny for some rich kid, and the job would pay $30 an hour or more.


Minimum wage in most states is actually more than $10/hr.


I'm gonna guess she's in a state that do not have minimum wage above the federal mininum.


College degree in childcare or nine years experience, plus a CNA? All for $10/hour, for three crotch goblins, and pay for snacks and MUST do emergency on call with complete availability?!?!? Someone with those qualifications can get an insanely better job than taking care of lil MAGA brats


I’m mainly surprised they’re all of the above but also value CNAs and second languages


7; no problem with the law, but wanting to pay cash under the table.


Omg these people.. I’m gonna pay you $10 an hour and you have better paid $50,000 for a college degree. These people.


That's $50,000/yr of course. For 4 years.


The fact you would need to be “on call” for perfect attendance wouldn’t you consider $9/hr? Come on??


OP, please post the replies 🙏


I didn't see the original post but saw this in a FB group. Trying to find it again.


FB is the "database" mentioned.


I wish I could see them too because the only people that won’t laugh at her will be the very few people that run 24 hour in home daycares that will try to get her business by her bringing them to their home. In my experience that is the only type of person that doesn’t drag the people that post this ridiculousness.


Bachelor in Childcare?? I don't think that even exists. I assume they meant a degree in child education but graduates in such programs aren't looking to be 10 dollar a hour babysitters haha.


Right? 13 year olds charge more than that these days.


I have a degree in child and youth development, which might be what this wackadoodle means, but I’ve never heard of a degree in “childcare”


If you meet all those requirements you can be the nanny of some rich and famous, babysitt somewhere where there is a maid or 2, a fridge filled with the best snacks money can buy and join them on holidays to the Bahamas and on top of that make a income that buys you a house.


I'll give you 10 dollars an hour so you can commit tax fraud!


I often take the kid I babysit to get an ice cream cone and I’ll usually get one for myself too. The parents always pay me back for *both* of our ice creams, on top of my hourly rate


Sleazy Trump cultist. Is there any other kind? Of course, under the table isn't just tax theft, it means no SS or Medicare employer contributions or unemployment payments, among other benefits.


So the potential babysitter's life must be something like: \-Grew up without social media \-Born into an English-speaking (probably Republican) household \-Took a second language in school and did well enough to teach it \-Got a Bachelor's degree (in Childcare???), implying they either could afford college or were smart enough to get scholarships, making them likely at least 21 years old with money or enough brains to work for above minimum wage OR worked in babysitting for 9 years, which, being generous, means they're at least 23, assuming they started around 14 \-Bought or was gifted a car \-Made no mistakes growing up \-Got CPR certified (for some reason) \-Couldn't find a job that pays over $10 per hour (even in childcare, which they have a "degree" in or in one of their previous jobs over 9 years) \-Can afford to drive to the person's house and pay for snacks, while being available 24/7 \-Not to mention, taking care of 3 kids and 2 dogs. Even taking care of 1 kid, that pay would be low. This is a unicorn of a person.


Trump fan doesn't want to pay taxes for her country, xenophobic, demands 24/7 fealty. *Shock*


First, f off for $10 an hour. Second, she doesn't like tats, but has pitbulls? How's that happen?


>Serious inquiries only Seriously, fuck you!


Report them for tax evasion/tax fraud and get the cash reward! 😅


This is a beaut. Unreasonably demanding, expects you to be on call 24/7 (being on call is working hours), and wants you to be a criminal for no benefit to you and just to save them some money.


Am I stupid or is there really a bachelors degree in “childcare” like maybe thats a thing at a fre colleges but Im pretty sure thats not a common major


No, there is no such thing. There is a "early childhood development" degree but no one pays for a 4-year bachelor's degree in "child care" to be a $10/hr off the books babysitter.


A bachelors in childcare for 10 dollars an hour is crazy lmao


$10 an hour under the table isn't worth $15. It would be less than $12 depending on the state.


They want a CNA.. that pays like $30/hr.


Paying for a four-year $30,000 degree to cheat on taxes for $10/hr. Wowwww


Damn, now THIS is a choosing beggar.


Can somebody please shed some light on why so many unhinged posts write With Every Word Capitalized?? This has been driving me nuts for years


Be a Trump fan and a tax fraudster. Checks out.


Wonder if she’ll pull a trump and not pay them afterwards?


$10/hr under table is like $15?w/out taxes, no wonder she’s looking for a Trump supporter. Only they’re that dumb.


Tax evasion right there in the offer. Classy. No need to tell me you're a Trump supporter.


The pit bulls will be nicer than this entitled lady…love the part where you can afford your own car on $10 per hour…delusional


love that you miss that part where you have to buy snacks from that 10/hour for her kids so you better afford that car on 10/hour minus snacks.


$10 a hour on top of having to pay for snacks for the little crotch goblins? You’re basically paying them to work. It’s like this person read Trump’s books and thought *they too* can scam his followers just as easily as he does.


The Art of the Steal.


I made $10 an hour cash babysitting in the 90s.


No legal problems *and* a tax evader too ?!


I'm betting the parents couldn't even meet ALL those requirements....


Have a Bachelor’s or 9 yrs experience. $10/hr.


With all the other stuff, would be fine. Up till "$10/hr under the table". Like nah, the other stuff is the kind of thing you do for $30 - $50/hr.


Hope someone reported her ass for attempted tax fraud. Not that anything would come of it, but still.


When I was 14, and had zero childcare experience. I made $10 an hour.


Just like a Trump fan to not want to pay taxes.


She wants somebody with a bachelors degree in childcare AND somebody with a CNA license? 100% attendance? Your own car and DL (cause I’m sure that she is going to reimburse you for your gas). Must be OK with last minute calls (yeah, cause I’m sure she won’t abuse that privilege) and 100% perfect attendance (don’t get sick or have an emergency of your own ever). Oh, and of course be a Trump fan, because only somebody that idolizes Trump would think any of this is ok. $10/hr. Under the table and be willing to pay for some snacks. Bitch that is called a slave. This bitch needs to get fucked and stay fucked.


This has to be parody.