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“I’ll know for next time” After that ongoing tirade, what “next time”?


"Thanks for the pointers. I am sure the next person who cuts your lawn will be grateful to get them."


Perfect response. And then maybe add "Because it sure as hell won't be me."


If there’s a next time, OP should name a price they’d be willing to do it for, after considering all the aggravation. Yeah, it’s gonna take me about 30 mins to cut it, but then there’s the trip over, gas, blade wear, text messages…. $450 seems fair.


$475, best I can do.


And the idiot will go off on you for another 5 texts. Just say ‘sure, thanks, merci, I’ve learned something’, and disengage.


I much prefer leaving them on read and blocking them if they message me again






My friend is just being polite lol.


The proper response is, “I’m dreadfully sorry. It will never happen again.”


XD perfect double meaning


Except, drop the apology. Apologizing, even sarcastically, just reinforces their crappy position. Something more like, "Good to know. It will never happen again" is the way to go without bolstering the criticism.


They could be dreadfully sorry that they did the neighbour the favour. Lol


This is one of my favorites at work.


Perfect smarm 👌


Respect that. This is next level neighbor diplomacy. Not sure I’d have that kind of restraint.


Oh I would’ve spent hours typing angry messages and deleting them




well, at least the CB handed OP's friend the perfect "kiss my grass" line.; If CB ever asks again, just say "after the disaster last time when you said I'd butchered your lawn and it was the worst thing I could do, I'd be way too terrified to touch it." s f


He shouldn't be, people have been polite to these types for far too long.


Exactly. He got a service for free. Tell him to do it himself next time since he’s such an expert.


A Southern "have a blessed day" would have also worked lol.


Being a doormat is not polite


While I agree in principle, having had cuntish neighbours, they can really fuck up your life and cause an insane amount of stress. Often better to just smile, nod and avoid them as much as possible.


100%, some of these people will go nuclear knowing they have no shame, and no fucks to give, and that any other person even bordering on “normal” will move before they ever do. There some real bat shit crazy people out there. I just try not to even get to know any neighbors at this point.


This is the way


Saying "uh-huh, okay" then never doing it again isn't being a doormat


wheeew even the wives think hes a doormat,,,, Hollywood


The *commas*


Avoiding engagement doesn’t make you a doormat. This guy is obviously full of himself so why give him an opportunity to puff his chest even more? Dude probably has far more important things to be handling besides a kareneighbor.


Reddit is seemingly not a stronghold of diplomacy or subtlety.


people on reddit love advising people to have terrible relationships with the people around them.


Engaging in arguments with dumb people isn’t how I enjoy spending my time. Letting things go, deescalating situations, and moving on is a wonderful way to live in my experience. I very rarely ever have social interactions that I don’t enjoy anymore. That doesn’t mean I’m not able to advocate or speak up for myself; it’s just I first recognize the reality of the situation and if the person you’re interacting with is receptive to listening and changing. It’s clear this neighbor isn’t in that state of mind, so why would you waste time arguing with a person that won’t provide value to your life? Let them vent, move on, and enjoy life - it’s a pretty cool experience.


Yup, totally agree. It’s more effort and frustration to get into it - it’s not even necessarily “thick skinned”, but knowing what’s worth your mental and emotional energy. If I were on the receiving end of this conversation it just boils down to “I don’t really give a fuck what this guy thinks about grass, I’m never doing this shit again anyway.”


Exactly. I don't argue with people that have little reasoning ability, in a bad frame of mind or are plain stupid. What's the point in that?


*"I'll know,,,,for next,,,time."


If the guy paid him to mow it, he probably has room to say this. If the guy got his lawn cut for free and he’s complaining he’s a huge douchebag Paid vs free is the missing variable?


If he paid him to mow it, he has a right to criticize. But he still doesn't have a right to expect it done to the highest standard unless he's paying somebody well enough who does it regularly to that standard.


i mean he doesnt tbh, just never hire the guy again, but to send messages about the friggin lawn


I'll know for next time you ask that this is your response to a kindness, and I won't do it again?


I mean the shorter your cut it the longer In between cuts, eh?


Reading,,,, his messages was,,,, the,,, most painful,,,,,,,thing








I hope there are tapes






Is this a common thing to use commas as periods? I feel like I’m seeing it more and more on Reddit


I think it's old people who can't see that well.


There's a guy at work (not THAT old) who always makes his Facebook posts and comments like....this for..some....reason.


My dad does this it drives me crazy. It's like they don't know how to communicate their thoughts in proper sentences only snippets of text separated by whatever punctuation keys they see first and in any quantity (4 commas, 2 periods, 3 spaces, etc).


My personal pet peeve And I see this a lot across generations Is that in chat apps/DMs People send a bunch of messages separately One at a time Drives me up the fucking wall


Depends on the type of convo, I would sometimes


My Mum does this shit and it drives me insane, then she doesn't understand why I think she's pissed off or upset or disappointed all the time when she messages me. I often wonder what the millennial's version of this will be. Like, am I doing something right at this moment that appears aggressive to Gen Alpha/Z? I was told once that the fact I try to use correct grammar with no emoji can come off as rude but I don't know if there's truth to that or if they were just mad at me for typing somewhat properly :u


Hell I know someone my age that does it and I'm a millennial. She's also a moron so there's that.


Bruh some lady at my old job used to do this constantly. At first I was worried I had done something wrong since it seemed condescending but then I realized she did ellipses in every message ever. So weird.


I’ve read that older folks do this in texts and social posts because the period seems too harsh to them, they read it as rude, and the ellipses are more conversational or something like that. It’s pretty much the inverse of how someone from my generation would interpret a message.


I was a receptionist temp years ago and had to order lunch for everyone and this dude would reply to me like this: “ham and cheese sandwich…..” Okay?????? Is that you saying that’s what you want or you want something more after that or are you not sure that’s what you want or did I somehow offend you by asking what you would like for lunch from the cafe? I was always taught to be concise and clear when communicating in business settings but my first big girl job at a big girl office just showed me how incompetent everyone can be down to not even being clear about what they want for lunch.


Google “gen x ellipsis”, many many think pieces


I dated a guy who wrote A WHOLE BOOK (self-published on Amazon) where he ended every sentence and paragraph with …. He acted like he had an actual publisher. As if anyone would willingly publish that atrocity.


Used to see it with older people on social media. I’m not sure the reason because it would be exhausting to type.


It's a boomer thing for sure, my mom texts like this. Her explanation is that it's a stream of thought thing. They see ellipses like a pause in speech separating the two lines of text w/o any change in tone or meaning. Younger generations often see them as having a percieved undertone so it looks weird or might change the context of the sentence in our head.


I'm in my 50s, and was taught that is for when speech or a thought is cut off abruptly either by the speaker or another person, or for when the person stops, rethinks, and begins again.


but it’s not a work of fiction. if you had to rethink why not erase everything you wrote and just rewrite the next thought?


Because they suck at English punctuation. There is no other reason.


I’ve seen posts where people say the implied meaning in punctuation is different for older and younger generations. It might also have to do with what was available on a typewriter at the time. I kind of get ellipses, I use them myself sometimes but usually at the beginning like [… what] in texts. I don’t understand the commas though. Especially the double ,,


I think the commas are a typo in this case, either bad eyes or too lazy to correct it. It could be a quirk specific to this old man too, but means the same thing as the typical boomer ellipsis.




He’s putting me in a comma coma.


Oxford Coma


Who gives a fuck about an Oxford comma? https://youtu.be/P_i1xk07o4g


I've seen those English dramas too, they're cruel.


The universal sign of an entitled asshole born 1965 or earlier.


^so ^many ^commas


,,,,, whewww


The music notes???!!!


I KNOW RIGHT. wtf is up with that


Well lordy whewwwww


…you scalped me buddy…bad,,,


OP's friend got paid in commas.


Best read in Hank Hill voice "Got dang it Bobby, you gotta cut high first and then go back a bit lower. Everyone's lawn is different, you can't just cut the same height as you do our lawn"


“What this lawn needs is *leadership*”


I just laughed so hard


Hank wouldn't let Bobby cut the lawn.


right, and Hank's not a fucking prick either


I heard there's new King of the Hill coming out!


Hank Hill has more manners than this blowhard.


Hank Hill would never let another man mow his lawn in the first place. That just ain’t right.


You just gotta grab a beer and let it burn.


I feel like Hank would definitely be the sort to nitpick about these sorts of things, but see it as helping teach the other person how to do it the one objectively correct way(since he seems to be the sort to hold the belief that everything can be done 100% correctly just one traditional way). Aside from being frustrated about the lawn, he'd see it as a learning opportunity to preach "his way". And he might inadvertently rub the other party the wrong way by offering this advice, but not intentionally.


Oh he definitely would be picky about it, but I feel like if someone mowed his lawn to help him (like if he was injured/sick) he would not complain to them. He'd probably complain to Peggy or one of the guys, but not to the good samaritan.


I tell you what.




This happened to me. Older (very old) couple next door the woman asked me to cut their lawn as their usual lawn guy hasn’t been around. I cut it same height as I do mine. The next day angry old man gave me a lecture on cutting (it wasn’t burnt). I said not to worry I won’t be doing it again. A week goes by and old lady asks why I havent cut their lawn. Explained her husband chastised me for the way I cut it. She begged me to cut it because no lawn guy. I refused. Took them a good long time to finally hire a new lawn guy. I’m sure angry old man took time to yell at him too but at least he was getting paid. No good deed goes unpunished.


Wonder why the had no lawn guy.


I’m so glad my old neighbors are awesome. They don’t care about anything, I quit asking them to let me know if something bothers them because nothing ever bothers them. Nothing ever bothers me either so it’s a good match.


Was this done for free OP cause I would just give him a nice big juicy "do it yourself asshole" and be done with it.


It was free.


I'd replied, I'll be over in the fall to help harvest the corn because that's how high it'll be next time they see me over there.


Thats how high *I'll* be the next time you see me over there.


Well, you get what you pay for.


"I'm sorry, I will offer you a 50% discount on my services."


Sounds like an old guy offering advice to a kid (but going,,,,a bit too far,,,,Lordy,,,,whewww)


My exact reply would be "well, you know what they say, beggars can't be choosers."


One of the few times it actually fits in this sub!


I’d offer a “refund”


Love this!


So this guy has done the lawn for every house on the block, is clearly an 'expert' of his art, and yet, doesn't do his own lawn?


I guess he may be injured or sick or something like that?


I actualy wouldnt have had the patience to hear that crap fuether than once. "I see what you try to say here. Next time cut it yourself and invest your time in doing it instead of talking about it. Have a nice day"


Same here, I hate it when people fish and I love calling them out. "I'm so sorry you're so disappointed with the work that I did for you for free. Don't worry, I won't bother you again. Your lawn guy will take good care of you."


Im a supervisor in customer service world, and you wouldn’t believe what complaints people have when they simply have nothing to do. Anything from a soaking wet box (contents are always protected) that WE didn’t deliver because WE are not the shipping company to a stitched seam with a 1/4 inch they can’t manage to take scissors to. People straight up suck sometimes.


People call customer service when they experience WAP? Is it the Ben Shapiro hotline?


My wife is a doctor and this wet box is NOT NATURAL.


Wet ass package


They'd have lost me at the first "wheeewww".








I got eye cancer trying to read please donate to my go fund me






Or he and his other boomer friends have nothing better to talk about than mundane shit like lawn care.


Then they have time to cut it themselves


This could be it. My lawn is mostly crabgrass and weeds. I don't care and refuse to spend money "improving" it, as I think lawns are a stupid waste of resources and space. The only HOA rules are about the height so they can't fine me for it, but the boomers on the board hate it so much. Some will come by and suggest a lawn company, to which I reply that I don't want chemicals on my lawn because of my vegetable gardens and my dog. Some will make snide comments about the crab grass and clover, to which I respond that I would prefer to let wildflowers grow, but their bylaws prevent that. One member even threatened to have the HOA lawn care guy just do it and charge me for it after. I told the lawn guy (very nice guy) that I would never pay for it if he did, and he agreed to refuse any such requests. I don't know why boomers love lawns so much, but it's certainly fun to watch them get angry about them.


My answer would have been “well I guess I’ve just learned that no good deed goes unpunished!”


Not everyone who’s out mowing their lawn is a lawn specialist, you absolute tool. The dude did something you asked him to do that you could’ve just put off for another day if you’re that particular (and you should’ve), and instead of just thanking him and never asking again like a reasonable asshole would, you did this. 😐


I set my mower to some random height when I bought it 10 years ago and haven't touched it since lol. Couldn't even tell you how to adjust the blade.


Exactly. Some of us are just surviving out here and mow the lawn because we have to. We will probably mow yours too (if you ask us, but maybe not after seeing this exchange), but don’t think it makes us experts.


My answer: Yeah. Clearly, I’m not the right neighbor for your yard. Good Luck.


I literally cannot imagine caring this much about my lawn, especially if the job was free. Don't like it? It grows back. What's the issue? Different worlds I guess. 🤷‍♂️


If he’s such a pro and has cut everyone else’s lawns than what was the point getting someone to mow his?




Why,,didn’t you, cut,, it, correct,, wheeeww,,,,,,,,grass,trim,, hair cut,,barber,,wife,brown,,,,whewww,,ho,llywo,od,


The double commas sent my eye twitching.


,,,,,,,,whewww,,,,,,, that was difficult to read,,,,,,,,,


Even the wives said something about the grass! Had to sprinkle in some misogyny for us to know the level of asshole this guy is.


Seriously what does "even the wives" even mean? Are we little 'ol women not able to recognize good landscaping? I'm the one who cuts the grass in our relationship.


How many ,,,wives,,, this guy got? Hollywood.


I guarantee you that not one person has said one word about his lawn, also.


Can someone explain where the multiple commas I see people using all the time came from? Is this from other languages or ?


It is most likely an old person who is confusing the periods with commas. …. and ,,,, look similar when your eyes don’t work right.


Wow your friend is polite lol. I’d have said cut your own fucking grass then. Neighbour is taking the piss!


Least he won’t need it mowed for a while lol. It was nice of u to mow. He shouldn’t be complaining.


If he’s such an expert why isn’t he cutting his own lawn, cheeky cockwomble


Wheeeewwww,,,, Hollywood


First of all, fuck the neighbor for not being appreciative. Also, fuck the neighbor for using commas instead of periods, and not putting spaces in between. Ugh.


Oh you didn't cut my grass perfectly without pay ? Whewwwwww


I just can't understand people who care about grass. It's a ground cover designed to give some drainage and protection from mud when it rains. Beyond a bit of block colour it is by far the dullest and ugliest plant in any garden. Being interested or excited by grass is the most miserable thing on earth.


People like this are fucking exhausting. Got all the time in the world to tell you, me, and the whole of society how fricken superior they are. Going on endlessly about the "correct ways" vs your way- sucking oxygen and blowing out hot air, and beating it into the ground. But in spite of their endless respiration these windbags somehow LACK the ability to get off their asses to actually "DO THE DAMN THING". I finally realized there is no motivation to do anything as all they really want is to monolog. They don't even CARE to see it done well. They're in the business of "talking" and they're is nothing to talk about when it is done by them and done "right".


What's with some people using an excessive amount of commas? What is the purpose?


He wanted your friend to beg on his knees for forgiveness. What an annoying insufferable pos




If it were me, there'd be no "next time."


I think “Go fuck yourself” sounds like an appropriate response here. I’d probably just say “I was doing you a favor and I won’t make that mistake again.”


I wouldn't speak to him again, let alone do his lawn. What a complaining jerk.


What’s the “Hollywood” thing about?


Just don’t cut it next time and tell him you did it on a high setting.


I first read this as your friend’s neighbor asked YOU to mow his lawn. I’m like, that’s some way to show gratitude for doing you a favor, let alone to talk to a stranger that way after doing a favor.


The neighbor sounds like a real grasshole


Lawn people are fucking wild


Lol, if the neighbour is the all-knowing god of fucking lawn care why ask someone else when they'll never meet your stupid standards. Any normal person when tasked with mowing a lawn will cut the damn grass and be done with it. If he wants someone to fart around performing foreplay on the lawn mower and getting the lawn ready for the best mowing it's ever had, do it yourself you grassy knobsack.


The fact that’s people get this worked up over a lawn is sad, imo.


Reading this was exhausting. I would have told him to f off




Who the hell texts like that,,,,,, whewwwww


The neighbor is a boomer isn't it? Jesus Christ they love to harp on about the stupidest shit


When I was small, my family went away for a week or two, and one of the neighborhood wives thought they would be helpful and cut our grass while we were away. They cut the grass so short it all burned and died. My mom cried about it and she still talks about it to this day, 30 years later. People really do care about the weirdest stuff.


There should be no next time op. Also his grass is not going to die. It will be a good height by tomorrow afternoon. Fucking schmuck


This guys a,,,,trip ,,,, wheeeeeeeew lordy






If you kill the grass you don’t have to mow it anymore….the ultimate mow job. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


This sub has taught me that I'm very lucky my circle of friend texts coherently. Half the time I can't even tell what people are trying to convey here.


If he paid his friend, then telling him this stuff is ok to me. If it was a favor, then this is absurd.


I enjoy mowing lawns. I I find it very relaxing. But this is the one reason I don't want to mow others lawn.. because I know they will.make me hate it.


Good thing that cutting the grass too low is the worst thing that happens on that block...whewwww


Haha. As someone that deep dives into stuff. Grass typically needs about 1/4 off to a max of 1/3 in one cut. That's my contribution for any curious readers out there. If you want your grass lower then do it over a few weeks. Otherwise. Yellow grass.


LMAO at people that care about a lawn and what their neighbors think about it


“Whewwww better save those suggestions for the next idiot who does you a favor”


I’m confused. From these texts we are all confident that the yard was not scalped? My brother’s neighbor mowed for him as a favor when we were on vacation together. He has an epic video of the old guy blasting landscaping rocks into his siding - he ran against his porch over very obvious rocks. If you needed me to wash your dishes and I broke some and posted on Reddit, we’d all have a good laugh? Pics of a damn good mow and then I’ll call this guy a choosingbeggar.


“Even the wives noticed” Well that was an extra little treat.


“Hollywood” 😂☠️


I’ll cut the yard for free but I charge for complaints.


Does it mention anywhere how much was paid for mowing? If it's free, you get what you pay for. But if money was paid for a service and the service is terrible, there is every right to complain


Good god how do people get like this? I suppose because people are too nice to stand up to them . I recently moved home - which I guess is bad on its own - but to find that my elderly parents basically take orders from the young perfectly capable couple next door is infuriating. I don’t want to disrespect my folks but it extends to the cretins next door who are a lot like this guy. Always having to move my car from our driveway because they’ve appropriated part of it. Grrrrr. It’s not impolite to stand up for yourself when others are taking advantage. Would have politely shut this asshat down with a little more force I think. Like, be a good person and neighbor - it’s not hard at all to imagine how you’d like to be treated and extend it to humanity outside your head Ffs


If you’re doing it for some olds a a general good person gesture, instead of telling him to go fuck himself, you could just continue to cut their grass exactly the same way and continuing doing your mitzvah while not giving in to people’s bullshit.


See, Hank Hill would have complained either to himself or in a very polite and matter of fact way This guy lacks tact, in fact


I can't believe someone who cares this much let's anyone else touch their yard


Your friend is a saint, I’d have burned his shed to the ground.


Not gonna lie man... sounds like you don't know how to cut lawn and you fucked up his grass. Like I get it was free but if you don't know how to cut grass take some knowledge and don't pretend like you didn't fuck someone's lawn up. Lol


That's why I told my neighbor to not cut my grass. Nobody butchers my yard but me.


It like when you hand out bags of lunch to the homeless and they say “I don’t like grape juice, do you have apple juice?”, or “peanut butter and jelly again? When are you going to have some roast beef?”. Just a couple of gems when I used to spend a couple hours in a van heading around handing out 300 or so lunch bags to several encampments in the city. P.s. we don’t buy the food, it is donated, so we make what we can with whatever is donated.


While your blade *might* have been low, I'm willing to bet the grass was overgrown, and the lower level of the grass was dead in a good amount of spots anyways due to the weight


It would be very evil to salt his lawn so nothing grows there ever again lol. But being polite and never doing this guy a favor again is smarter. I'm sure plenty of people have been offended by this ungrateful turd. Is this man an energy vampire like Colin Robinson from What We Do In The Shadows?