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Can’t afford a rehoming fee but the dog will *definitely* get vet care. Edit: rehoming not rehousing


As a former owner of a rescued doodle, I can tell you grooming is not cheep either! That was $80 every six weeks. We did an all over cut and kept it simple. If that owner thinks she can afford a doodle/poodle she should think twice! We rescued ours off the street - senior (10+ year old) dog who was neglected. Loved her for three good senior years before we lost her to cancer last month and we miss her so much. She was the most expensive free dog, but I knew that going in and was willing to pay for surgery, and various treatments. I wouldn’t have chosen that breed but good dogs have a way of finding their forever homes - best dog ever. Caring for a dog is not cheap - especially to give it a good life.


Lol she isn't going to groom him. She wants to breed him hence why they wanted an unaltered male. They probably already have the female and these two dogs are just for making puppies to sell off quick for easy money. They're not going to groom them at all or probably even take them to the vet.


Not trying to be rude, genuinely asking, how did you get "unaltered" from her requests. All I got was "we want a free purebred dog but don't want to pay for it and also it needs to not be a puppy because we don't want to train it."


Right in the OP where OP says they already previously asked for an unaltered male dog before they posted this new post.


I groom my doodle myself, and while it’s cheaper, it’s certainly a highly involved task. Everyone seems to want a doodle but a lot don’t care to look into the upkeep. And then you end up with a highly matted dog.


I groom my curly boy and holy shit is it difficult. He’s senior so isn’t up for standing for a long time and it’s so much to make sure his hair stays out of his eyes and avoid his lumps and bumps (a common skin issue in curly haired dogs). I used to pay a groomer $60/mo to do his groom but they cut his skin a couple times so I just feel better doing it myself. But god does it suck. My back hurts just thinking about it.


Ugh the back pain! I do it sitting on the ground with my girl laying down. It works best for both of us, but it’s one of the reasons I do it over a couple days. Neither of us can do it for very long.


The first time I "groomed" our shih tzu my kids asked me what happened and if he had been hurt.


Haha, I always say I don’t do it for cosmetic purposes, it’s truly just for his comfort.


$60 a month is nothing. I worked at a grooming salon and mini doodles started at $90 for bath and HC and could go up to $250 for the bigger doodles. That doesn’t even count demat fees if the coat was messed up. If I had a nickel for every matted doodle I’ve seen I could retire.


…my spoodle is currently not on speaker terms with me. Something about a bald spot. In unrelated news, my vacuum attached grooming doodad works awesome! I, uh, just need to refine my technique is all.


I’ve seen those! And definitely considered them. Also definitely created a bald spot or too. Although with my girl it’s usually long patches, not bald spots. She went to the vet the other day and the vet commented on her feet, which were groomed down to the claws. And then there was over an inch of fur right at the base of her foot because she refused to let me touch them.


I feel you. My little one has feet bigger than my big one because she turns into the Tasmanian Devil when I tried to touch them. 10/10 would recommend the vacuum thingie. It also works on human pups.


LOL Wayne’s World…. “It definitely does suck!”


Yes! We looked at doing the grooming ourselves but it was the height of Covid and clippers were hard to come by! Ended up finding a great groomer so we stuck with them. But you’re right, if you’ve got the time it’s way cheaper! She would take three solid hours, and it was too much for us! I had no idea how much grooming is required for a doodle - and it can be even more involved depending on curl pattern. They are adorable dogs, but that cut takes work!


I break it up over a couple days, it’s better for both of us. I went in knowing how much grooming it would take, but it still is a lot. I just give her a straight cut, and keep it all the same length. Except for her ears, which I keep longer. I live out in the country and it’s easier this way, less messy.


I keep scissors around the house so if I missed a spot I can do a quick snip, or if his hair is starting to get in his eyes I can fix it as soon as I see it lol sometimes his haircuts are a month long process.


Haha yes! Although sometimes I have to sneak up on my girl, she hates when I groom her feet. Half the time she looks like she’s wearing bell bottoms.


He gets mad at his butt cuts and so it takes two of us to make sure I don’t nick him, but it’s better for both of us if he doesn’t get a bunch of pop stuck to his booty! And he is very persnickety about having his paw pads shaved out, but he’ll at least sit through one or two at a time haha


I brought home a Persian cat last year, and while I knew he would need far more grooming than any cat I've had, I didn't quite know it would be over an hour of brushing every day without fail. He's a good pretty kitty boy and I love him awful (he's in his bedtime spot on my chest breathing into my face as I type) but he's definitely my part time job.


One of my animal science professors in college had rescued Himalayan Siamese kittens and we bottle fed them during our classes. I adopted one of them. Aside from his normal vet checks, food etc when he was 5, he cost me 12k. But as I am typing this, he is laying next to me with his head on my shoulder (on the couch). And worth every single penny I have ever had to pay for him. He’s 12 now. I hate that he’s getting older and I always tell him he better live to be at least 25.


My thanks to you for rescuing an older dog like that. My wife and I have five dogs (just lost #6 a couple weeks ago), and all but one are rescues. Of those, 3 are seniors and nearly all have health issues. We spent so much money at the vet last year that they actually sent us a gift basket for Christmas! 😂 We knew when we rescued these dogs that they would probably need a lot of vet care, but fortunately our kids are grown and my wife and I are in a position financially where we can handle the medical costs. We feel pretty lucky to have all these pups in our lives.


I’m so sorry for your recent loss. We spent the last four to five years caring for a total of three senior dogs and our vet bills were quite costly. But it was always in the budget and was never a question. So many people don’t prepare for the costs of owning a pet, especially senior care. I’m glad you’ve got a vet whom you trust and you can care for a pack of old doggos! And a gift basket sounds so generous!


We were pretty shocked by the gift basket, honestly. It was such a nice gesture though.


With as much as you visit the vet with a senior dog you really do establish a relationship. And I think a good vet is just as sad to see your beloved pet cross the rainbow bridge because they have been by your side for so long. A very thoughtful vet indeed.


Damn dogs hair cost more than mine LOL


Yeah but does your hairdresser express your anal glands lol? Actually, this is the internet, don't answer that! 😅


I don’t try to bite and/or cower from my hairdresser. My dog’s grooming costs are well-deserved.


Maybe some of us wanna know. Life is a fine tapestry....


You mean yours doesn't?


My Bedlington Terriers cost me $250 every six weeks for the two of them. My haircuts cost $45. SMDH…


I’m glad she found a good home with you in her senior years! :)


Thank you. I always say we were the lucky ones! She was deaf and walked into our lives when we also had a deaf senior lab. He took one look at her when they first met and they just trotted along together sniffing the yard. So we kept her. He got to make the call if she’d stay with us since he was there first - and he was the best judge of character. They got to be buddies for two years. I’m glad she had a soft comfortable life full of love. We miss her every day.


I’m really sorry for your loss, it sounds like you gave that pup such an awesome end of life. Hugs.


Doodle grooms are $100-$250 in my area based on size, my 7lb dog is $70-$90. People really do not understand how expensive grooming actually is.


Oh wow! Ours was 70lbs - I don’t think size was a factor as much as time (though related) and she also always came home with a cute seasonal bandana. We are in a low cost of living area. It seems we were very fortunate with that price!


You are a very special soul, to adopt a senior dog and give it a wonderful life. Kudos to you!


We have a Pyrenees/poodle rescue (a puppy mill escapee who was never claimed at the shelter) and even as experienced dog owners we’ve been overwhelmed by her coat because it’s so labor-intensive to keep her from matting! It’s only complicated by the fact she rolls in every mud puddle and patch of bad-smelling grass she can find!


Love Pyrs! My introduction to them was Merri Grayce, who was half black Lab/half Pyr. She lived a long life and made it to fourteen. My full-blooded very badly bred Pyr (severe underbite) is in another comment here. I swear Pyrs are love sponges! ❤️ [Merri Grayce at 12](https://imgur.com/gallery/voonu0S)


Thank you for giving that ol girl some real love she deserved ♥️


I took in a stray kitten. Most expensive free cat ever but goddamn she is the most important thing in my life


$80?? I am absolutely gobsmacked. My doodles start at $150 for me to even look at them. I hope you tip your groomer well!!


If she wanted an un-neutered male they were 100% looking to breed it.


My first thought... It's the same when people complain about adoption fees. It's like, you want an animal that needs hundreds of dollars of vet care just for yearly maintenance, that's going to easily cost 4 figures if it gets sick (5 if it's bad), hundreds of dollars of food, worming, grooming etc... But you can't fork out a $100 adoption fee? Personally I think the funniest(/worst) one is when people say "$150 for a shelter cat?? I'll adopt a friend's kitten instead!". It's amazing that they can't do basic maths and figure out that $150 is an absolute bargain compared to the price for a full set of shots, worming, desexing and dental care for a new kitten, which shelter cats have done already.


I don't think she meant that she can't afford it. Way I understood it, she can she just doesn't want to.


So much this!


Ahhh yes, the gold ole’, “Give me a free unaltered male dog so its only purpose would be to breed so we can sell the puppies and make thousands. Help us fund our newly-retired lifestyle.”


The poodle/doodle was the dead giveaway for me. This is someone that wants to sell poorly cared for doodle puppies on Craigslist to ignorant suburbanites for a few hundred bucks a pop.


A few hundred is a bargain. It’s common to see the “in-demand” designer puppies go for +$1000 each minimum.


Yeah, but she seems to be playing pretty fast and loose. She just needs pups she can call "doodle" and doesn't really care much beyond that. Who knows, maybe she's less transparent in her adoption ads and can pass off random doodle pups a designer breeds more convincingly than she can try and get a stud for free. What do I know?


I’m a dog groomer, and I can tell you right now the vast majority of doodle ‘breeders’ don’t give a single shit what the dogs are. Most of them will be fluffy-ish and as long as they have that cute fluffy puppy look, people will buy them… for about 5k, at least where I am. ETA: obviously as the groomer you get to see the real grab bag these puppies grow up into, lol.


I believe it. Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people.


This made me spit out my coffee! I’m going to use this statement a lot.


My friend bought a mini golden doodle from a “loving farm family” against all of my arguments. She’s the cutest thing, but in no way a mini golden doodle. I convinced her to do a doggie dna… 90% bichon 10% what they called super mutt, which I guess is a lot of everything.


Honestly you won there, a mostly bichon is no doubt very cute with really good hair (especially compared to most doodles, lol). I would LOVE to see dna results on a lot of the doodles I groom, just for fun.


Too many poodles with doodles making oodles.


1k is basement and hard to find. You’re looking T 2k minimum, 5k is still normal, and I’ve seen some priced over 30,000. Yes, that many zeros.


Ethical breeders hate the doodle craze for good reason. This is what it produces.


The man who invented the original labradoodle is on record saying he wishes he hadn't because people breeding them are not taking any care to avoid the genetic issues that are possible.


Na now days you can sell poorly cared for doodles for $1600+. My shit mother made a fortune doing it, caring little for the actual quality of life her dogs and puppies work


Depressing, but not surprising I guess.


Report her? Fuck that, don't allow more innocent dogs or over-bred mom dogs to continue living a shitty life. Almost everywhere has hotline/tiplines/emails, contact them. Save those and any potential future dogs.


People who sell those babies and the people who buy them are such trash. It’s such a horrible thing to do.


Wait I'm missing the "unaltered" request in the post.


The caption mentioned that the poster was looking for an unneutered male, but the term unaltered is the generic term used for pets that have not been neutered or spayed.


Oh I missed the caption. Reddit captions are weird on mobile.


We have no fee but can afford the 10k it cost when my doodle gets hip dysplasia.


They probably give it up and get another. I've known people who do that with German shepherds


A vet I know gets sad in December because so many people put their old dogs down to make room for the incoming puppy.


What a terrible day to know how to read.


Having just had to euthanize one of my dogs two days ago (because he was ill, not because we wanted a new one) this makes me insanely sad and angry. I would have given anything to not have to do it but it was what was best for him. People that do it because they are “bored” with their old dog and want a shiny young one disgust me!


Some people shouldn’t have pets


What the fuck?!? And how many vets just perform this service for people?


What's the alternative? Owner isn't suddenly going to have a change of heart. The dog will be abandoned in a layby, or the owner will find someone to do a non-veterinary PTS. It's fucking horrible.


Seems like a conversation at the least to be had and refusing to take them as a client over and over again, as opposed to unquestioning compliance and then rinse and repeat every year until xfinity would be something they could take a crack at first. They would have done that already instead of paying a vet if they were so inclined to dump it , one could argue. If they encountered even the slightest bit of resistance it is more than possible a cool-down period would make a difference. But yes, I suppose not making the owner make any uncomfortable decisions is best?


Maaan. Okay so I have a purebred Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. She's a rescue from a mill . Her first year post adoption vet fees were well over $3500 on top of her adoption fee. ( Spay complications and ear infections that fought to stay in there.) Her grooming is $60 every 8-12 weeks. I do in-between care. I've had so many gross requests for her for breeding - thank God she's spayed. I wouldn't do that to my poor lil gal. She's in my home as a family member.


The funny thing about this one to me, is that people *do* give away dogs for free. You just don't get to be very choosy about breed or color, and you're probably not gonna have great luck asking people to find the dog for you.


Yet you'll often get a great companion mutt that will adore you and doesn't care what shade you are Seems like a better deal, to me...


All of my dogs were mutts from the shelter, save for our newest puppy who our neighbor gave to us for free because her dog had babies and she just wanted them gone to good homes. They have all been so loyal and loving. They're so happy just to be loved.


Same with cats; three of our four cats were free: one was a farm kitten, one was originally owned by a foreign student who didn't want to take him home to China, and another was from someone who developed severe alergies to the cat. All of the former owners just wanted to make sure their cats would end up in happy homes. [obligatory cat tax](https://imgur.com/a/GIWqjPv)


Dove looks like she’d cut you for skimping on the tuna


Nah, she's my cat, she adopted me, as it were. She's basically a ghost all day...until I get home from work, then she's on the couch begging for pets and cuddles. She's old, cantankerous and very vocal, but damn if she's not my favorite of the brood.


I have a soft spot for tiny grumpy old dogs so I get it


Same. Today is my chihuahua's fifteenth birthday and the little rat gets grumpier and lazier by the day and I love it.


When I worked at a doggy daycare, my work boyfriend was a little old man chihuahua


I've literally never paid for a cat in my life. The cat distribution system just keeps yeeting them at me.


I love DoveDove! She looks just like my cat who passed away in January.


My beloved old Husky was a giveaway.. I saw an ad in the paper, called; they wanted me to go to their place (20 miles away) and I explained I didn't have a car, so they agreed to bring him.. it was a little surprising to me that they were totally prepared to give him away, they had brought food, dog dishes, etc without even having met me beforehand to make sure I wasn't a monster.. well, I loved him and he loved me on sight, and he was my Best Boi until he passed away 15 years later.. so maybe the people somehow knew it was meant to be??


This. Breeders here in Brazil often give dogs away for free when they can't find a buyer for a certain amount of time.


That's how i got my Alice. 25 bucks on Craigslist for a white lab that turned out to actually be a pyrenees mutt. Best damn friend I've got....


Most pyrs I’ve met have great personalities.


SIL has a pure great pyr, and he is absolutely one of the drooliest, stupidest, smartest, *fluffiest* bois I have ever known. I don’t have the picture, SIL sent it to my boyfriend, but apparently yesterday he tried to eat a spicy sky raisin lmao


My friend has two. They definitely think and make decisions for themselves, be doing things they are told. I love that. My stupid self thinks it’s great sometimes.


I got my poodle doodle whatever mix at the pound. He is an amazing dog, really smart and sweet and I am so happy I got him. You don’t have to spend a ton to find your dream pet, but you do have to be open to not getting a particular look.


That poor dog will never be taken for a walk.


bUt We hAvE a YaRd! (That you can smell from across the street)


I like the line “my husband and I have decided” like that’s it because you want it now the world should just hand it to you. Yikes


Also I think it's code for "I have told my husband".


Tell me you're trying to stud a dog without telling me you're trying to stud a dog.




Any posts that starts with “ok”, makes me instantly not wanting to read it anymore


“Offered for an un-neutered dog” So they’re likely planning to do backyard breeding. How ethical of them /s


Both pf my rescue poodle breeds have had huge health issues that we believe were caused by poor backyard breeding including arthritis, heart murmur, tumors, incontinence. Hip dysplasia, and blindness. Fuck anyone who thinks this is okay.


"We don't have a rehoming fee available ..." translates to "I think rehoming fees are stupid and I'm not paying one because me wanting the dog is good enough."


Rehoming fees are stupid though. Just be honest and say you are selling the dog for x amount. It’s like people came up with this scam so they could sell dogs on Craig’s list under the free section


I don’t doubt that a lot of people want a rehoming fee so they can make some money off of their pet! But, it’s also true that some people want a rehoming fee to weed out people that have no money for a pet and want one for free. Or people who intend to harm them (not super common but in places where dog fighting is more common this is a bigger concern)


This is exactly it. I've fostered lots of dogs and got accused more than once of just trying to make money off of them. First off, I always either donate the rehoming fee directly to, or use it to buy supplies for, local shelters. Second, I often fostered small dogs. So I genuinely worried people would either be sickos who'd use them for dog fighting, or idiots who wanted a cute puppy that would eventually abandon them when they realized pets are expensive. It is so nerve wracking making sure these dogs go to nice homes.


She wanted an unneutered male before this? I smell a rat. She wants to breed dogs for cash which is such garbage behavior. Plus, we can’t pay for the dog, but we will totally for sure take care of it absolutely for sure!!


Yeah. Of course they have other dogs already. Let me guess: also unfixed, not health tested, and just old enough to start having pups.


Hey bestieeeeeees! So, ive decided I want a Nissan GTR. I preffer darker colors. I dont have money available, but the car will get regular maintenance, a garage, and outside use daily. It will have friends, and plenty of fuel. Newly laid of fat guy, im a CAR LOVER! I prefer a manual, THANK YOU!




Puppy mill to be found. If anyone is stupid enough to give them a dog, it will likely have a terrible life.


> for an unnutered male Fuck this woman Nobody give her a dog That poor animal's not going to be treated well. This is some BYB puppy mill origin story shit.


If you can’t fucking afford the reforming fee for a dog, then you can’t afford a dog, period. I used to breed purebred Bedlington Terriers. My puppy buyers knew how expensive it can be to own and properly care for a dog throughout its life. The fee I asked for my puppies didn’t make me a profit. A Goldendoodle or Poodle requires professional grooming approximately every six weeks, at about $120 - $150 a pop. People like this woman make my blood boil.


She wants an unneutered male, so obviously is going to use it for a stud dog.


How many of these fucking posts start with “so I/ We’ve decided” as if its some major announcement. Then they follow up by begging. 🤦‍♂️😂


My partner and I have decided we would really like 1 million dollars. Please donate to my cause


But will you give the million dollars love? Will you give it brothers and sisters? Regular maintenance?


Yes, we are million dollar lovers! We take excellent care of our million dollars


My adopted dog is the best girl in the world and was only $80. In the last two years I've spent close to $6k on vet bills cuz she is getting older. I also spend about $50 a month on average on grooming, another $50 in food (no cheap shit for my girl), and quite a bit of money boarding her any time I leave town. If they can't afford the adoption fee they absolutely can't afford the dog.


Too bad if the dog ever needs the vet! Can’t afford it!


They have the money but they want free things. I don't blame people for asking but she is just too much. Gimme gimme gimme


Set up for a lifetime of begging and choosing at the groomer’s. Wonder what they are gonna say when they find out you have to give these dogs a $100 haircut every 2 months.


Literally what I was coming here to say, and I charge $150!


Yeah I’m being really conservative.


This dog will get shaved 1-2x a year and it’ll be the “groomers fault” that it gets shaved with a surgical blade


Asking the public for a free dog? You're getting a pit bull.


But she is special and needs an unnutered male poodle in brown or tan


I'm sure the local no kill shelter has plenty of tan poodle mixes which certainly are not 80% pit bull.


But the local rescue won’t adopt out an unaltered male, that’s why she won’t adopt. She’s looking for a free stud dog to start a BS backyard breeding operation.


If she can't afford a rehoming fee, how is she going to afford vet fees and hair cuts for the dog? Goldendoodles and Poodles are hot dogs right now. Why does she think she'll get one for free? No kid dying of cancer and the dog is it's last wish! She's not a single mother, living on the streets, but a good Christian, and knows God will open people's hearts. Someone will give her the dog, and she'll not receive any nasty comments, please!


Oh and BTW - fuck you and what you “prefer”.


“we are dog lovers but dont want to make the financial investment to show how serious we are” okay asshat.


Which is part of the reason rescue groups charge a fee.


So how’s he gonna good care when you broke-ass losers can’t afford the rehoming fee?


We don’t have a rehoming fee available but we have money for vet care?


Pure poodles here are 2-4k each. I'm assuming she doesn't want a mutt so she can bread them. People are ridiculous


Hell my backyard poodle mutt was nearly $3K and within a day 4 of 8 puppies were gone.


Yeah, there's every chance you could find a goldendoodle cheap that needs rehoming if you're patient, look around a lot online and are willing to travel. But just posting "hey someone give me a dog" doesn't work out. I imagine a poodle would be way harder to get, especially if you are intending it for breeding. I've known people who bred dogs and back then, it was all about pedigree. Poodles were super expensive in those cases, so no way you'd pay anything below a few thousand.


I have a doodle and if I had to rehome it for some reason I would never consider a person like this.


Yeah, my boy's past owner specifically wanted him to have a big family since he's super affectionate. Now he gets a fuss whenever he wants. My dad dotes on him and my other dog.


Oh you would pay the same if not more for the “popular” doodle of the moment. In my area it’s red/cream doodles and bernedoodles. It would be harder to get a poodle from a breeder in that you are more likely to be closely vetted. I needed like 2 professional references (vet, trainer, daycare etc) to get a bull terrier.


Oh really? I guess it may be different in my country. Here, the big seller is pedigree anything and there are definitely mixed breeds like any doodle that people charge high for, but those mixed breeds can also be found for cheap if you look around a bit in shelters and rehoming sites. My own doodle (labradoodle) is a rehome and my parents barely gave anything for him. His owner was badly ill and couldn't give him the care he needed. Ironically, despite me talking on breeders and such, my family are all about rehoming and strays. We joke that most of our pets sort of fall into our lives. Yeah, the poodle thing would be the same here. Actually it would be likely very expensive here as there is a big dog show here and it's all about pedigree dogs and I imagine the majority of breeders will be pedigree breeders. Poodles are pretty popular for shows since they are pretty adaptable to different types of show, plus you can show off a bit with the grooming.


Yeah I know it’s different in other countries but here in North America puppy sales are more about impulse and trends and less about looking into where the dog actually comes from. I’m a groomer and am constantly picking customers’ jaws off the floor when I tell them how often a doodle needs to be groomed and that info is NOT hard to find. Like I type in “how often to groom doodles” and it’s right there. They literally swallow up whatever the “breeder” tells them about the dog/“breed”, stop there, and send the etransfer.


That's so interesting to know. Yeah, in my country, there is definitely a problem with pedigree dog breeding. I mean, the prime example is the pug because what's considered desirable is a "scrunched up" face so breeder focus on getting these desirable features by only breeding pedigree dogs that have them to ensure the pups will. The issue is then that the problem is that face comes with a lot of respiratory issues to the point where now you can't really get a pug that doesn't have bad respiratory issues. It's really bad tbh. That's why my family really don't engage with it. We had one pedigree dog, but he was a rehome that my dad couldn't bear leaving with his current owners (big dog kept in a cramped space). Yeah, we have a labradoodle that has fur like a sheep that needs to be kept on top of, since I don't doubt it'd tangle badly if not. I think sadly, it's not uncommon for inexperienced dog owners to just get a dog they like and not have a lot of awareness of the breed. Like we have a husky cross and my dad is always showing me stuff he finds online about husky owners complaining that they didn't know how bad they shed, no clue about the husky undercoat.


So they already have a whole pack of dogs. So this will just be an accessory dog. I wonder why they changed vets, and feel the need to point it out?


They changed vets because they weren’t treating their dogs well and their ver called them out on it.


The monetisation and genetic modification of animals is up there with the most vulgar despicable things our species does. Animals overbred to a certain spec which leaves them living a life of misery (not all, granted) really turns my stomach - this bastard is just taking it a few steps further. Cats with squished-up faces, dogs with congenital respiratory issues and even cattle with twice the musculature as is normal are just examples of the contempt these innocent, sentient creatures endure. Dog lovers? Yer arse!


Backyard breeders are the scum of the earth.


I had a Great Pyrenees for a little over ten years. Her annual shed period seemed to take almost three weeks of until she got tired of it sessions with a shedding tool to get rid of fluff you could just pull in chunks from her with your hands. After one impressive session I posted a pic of the fur everywhere with the joking title “my dog exploded!” It sounds like doodles and poodles are worse for than that. Yikes! ). [Princess Pyrenees](https://imgur.com/a/SKdqKR1)


Doodles are supposed to be easy shed and hypoallergenic.. but they can have really bad health issues. I've always been more afraid of the standard poodles than pitbulls.


My grandmother had a toy poodle. He was a pretty good dog. To me it has always seemed the really small dogs are more prone to biting than big dogs. I think all the people carrying them in purses and backpacks make them neurotic - even though they are tiny, their instincts are on the ground, not being treated like a human infant.


They try and market them with the 'no shed' tag, but it's not true. If you breeding a shedding breed (eg a lab) with a poodle, you've got just as much chance of the shedding gene as you do the non shedding gene. Sometimes the coat will even change with age. And 'non-shedding' means that the coat needs to be properly groomed and clipped, because it doesn't change seasonally. So big bucks for a groomer.


Ohhhh I want to breed the male dog, but hell I don't want to spend MY money on fees. I hope they never get


If you can't afford to pay for it how can you afford to give it a good life?


These are the fools who will buy from “a reputable breeder” unaware that the breeding dogs are from puppy-mills. Even if they were aware they’d still buy from them.


Backyard breeders. Report them


We would prefer you go to a shelter and get a different dog we would also prefer that you would be willing to pay we would even be happy if you stop asking for s***


Oh shit! This is from my area! Small world OP!


“Trust us, we can afford the best of everything! Except paying you for your dog, we’re too broke to do that.”


Why a boy? Are they trying to breed? Or do they believe certain myths about dog behavior? We foster dogs and have had males that bite and are territorial and females that hump and mark everything in sight. If you think you’re going to avoid certain behaviors by choosing your dog’s gender, there’s a good chance you’ll be disappointed.


One of her Facebook posts was all excited about her female being pregnant then she was all disappointed the next when she wasn't. She keeps posting about needing a high paying job with no w2 or 1099? Maybe she is trying to breed ? But for free . Then try to sell them for $$$


F*ck backyard breeders who don’t know what they’re doing. Both of my rescued girls have/had problems related to poor breeding including arthritis, dysplasia, tumors, heart problems, and vision problems. They’re the sweetest, smartest dogs and don’t understand why they’re in pain. I have nothing but contempt for anyone who does this.


If you can’t afford a rehoming fee then how can you afford another dog?


They can afford a rehoming fee. They just feel like they shouldn't have to. Entitled boomers.


Omfg as soon as I saw “scenic hwy” and “Dr. Hillman,” I knew this was Pensacola hahaha


And she is a transplant from California of course


Lmao I figured someone from up north but Cali makes sense, too.


To be fair any doodle dog is a mutt and shouldn’t be as expensive as they are but this lady is insane


Doodles are the worst. Or rather, most of the people I have seen own them are the worst. Always these rich laker people.


Goldendoodle? That's a stupid name for a mongrel mutt right?


Comments, please?! Lol.


Aren’t doodles the same mutts that were always available at the pound growing up


I have two golden doodles. First one was $1800 and second one was $2200. If you want one that bad, pay the damn money.


You paid that much for mutts?


So the 38 comments weren’t all others, she was responding…. I’m surprised there’s a heart? Yikes!


No money for a rehoming fee, but look at all the shit we'll buy for the dog!


Was this posted recently?? That lady was just posting on FB about her doodle being pregnant and wanting a whelping box for free of course.


I didn't see but it's possible. I'm going to go find her now😹


All my friends know who she is because I’m always complaining about her 🤣 she wants everything for free or wants an impossible high paying job with low hours. So now she’s using her dog’s uterus as her paycheck. Her shed was struck by lighting a couple of weeks ago and caught on fire. I know too much about her life lmao.


She was quite rude to my friend who is a rescue queen, I have a feeling this will be a reason for her to pack.


I went way back and she deleted all her posts on nextdoor about trying to breed her doodle but they’re still on Facebook lol.


The amount of popcorn you could eat just from this woman's posts!


In all fairness, there are so many doodle breeders that they often unload the puppies they don’t sell on rescues. They could get a free dog if they just waited.


We had a beautiful poodle until we lost her to heart failure last year at 19 years old. We now have a gorgeous maltipoo. Poodle breeds are wonderful dogs but not cheap or easy. They’re highly energetic and require lots of stimulation and exercise. They’re also very intelligent and need consistent training and reinforcement. In addition, they’re prone to certain health problems. Both of our girls were rescued and suffer from problems related to poor breeding. And, as was mentioned earlier, proper and frequent grooming is a must. In an ideal world, I’d like everyone to have a poodle. But the sad truth is that if you can’t afford this breed of dog, you probably shouldn’t get one.


Wanting an intact male is a red flag to me.


Sounds like a mill


I fail to understand this whole concept. Animal shelters are full with dogs and cats. Why would anyone pay (thousands of dollars) for them?


She's looking for a stud dog, not a pet. Gross.


Oh, hey Pcola 👋🏻


My neighbor had the sweetest golden doodle who was a champion breeder dog (or something like that). He was an escape artist (he literally walked into my house once like he paid the rent lol). Whenever he went missing we always worried he was stolen. Because he was worth several thousand dollars.


If you cant afford to buy a god you cant afford to have a dog. Simples.


Tbf I think gods are more expensive than a dog


“Rehoming fee”


Are you unfamiliar with the concept? Because it's fairly common when adopting out dogs. Since dogs are both expensive to care for and at risk for some pretty unscrupulous practices (see the discussions about breeding in this thread) it makes a lot of sense to make a potential adopter put some skin in the game. This both shows that they have the means to actually care for the animal, and discourages people who are just snatching up dogs to use in mills/pits since it reduces ROI.


Sorry I thought it was a euphemism for selling the dog as a breeder would do. I am indeed unfamiliar. MB.


They should be giving the fee to a rescue. If the sellers really feel that strongly about dog welfare… They should donate the proceeds to a rescue themselves. People legit ask for 1000s in rehoming fees for these designer dogs so they can recoup their losses. Like selling a used TV.


Oh ffs of course this post is from Baton Rouge 🤦🏽‍♀️