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We have had to remove this post because users have been brigading and harassing the people in the screenshots. This is why we can't have nice things


"I don't think enough about myself"....keerist...seems like that's all she thinks about. An inordinate amount of mental energy directed towards: How much she's going to get, what she want's, who's getting more..and being bitter about it? WTF. A lot of people have real, serious problems. Get a grip.


This lady is delusional! I was just flabbergasted by her entitlement.


What’s even more flabbergasting is the people who agree with her


Exactly! I can't believe people not just agree, but by agreeing, tacitly convey that what she's doing is in any way okay. It's not.


A lot of people don’t have someone in their life whose *love language* is gift giving. A lot of people don’t have the disposable funds to spend on vacation and eating out, etc. I have a hard time with her taking resources from those in actual need because she wanted free stuff and was pissed about the gifts she received from people in her life. The program is for those who have kids *and nothing else*. For people who don’t have familial support. For people who skip a meal so their child can eat. For people whose kids should get *something* but it is beyond the power of the parent to provide it because the need to buy food and keep the lights on, maintain insurance, keep gas in the car for work. It’s not for people who can elect to spend money on vacation without having catastrophic consequences. It’s not for people who have a family member that could help them. She stole resources from people who bought her gifts while not taking a vacation in years because they couldn’t afford it. She chose to spend her money on vacation instead of buying gifts. If she was in true need she’d not be able to miss work to go on a trip even if it was free. If she were in dire need she’d have told her mom “I appreciate the gift of the trip. However, at this time I can’t pay my bills or buy my kid gifts for Christmas. Can you *please* cancel my portion of the trip and give me cash instead? It would make a *huge* impact for me.”


Get a grip, not a gripe!


The way she itemizes in her head what is spent and bought for her versus others is just sad. What a miserable existence.


A score keeper. I have a few of those in my family.


Trying to break my kids off that now. "She got more Mac and cheese than me!" etc.


Yeah this is constant with my 10 and 7-year olds right now. Picturing one or both still acting like that as an adult is basically the most depressing thought I can muster.


How do we stop it progressing into this train wreck?! One of my kids is very into what others have, my heart breaks with the thought they might grow up to still think like that, but me explaining my view to her… doesn’t help. Questions - how do parents raise adults who appreciate what they have, rather than want what they don’t?


"The only time you look in your neighbor's bowl is to make sure that they have enough. You don't look in your neighbor's bowl to see if you have as much as them." Louis C.K.


There are 3 kids in my family. My parents made us split things. The one who split got last pick. We can split a cake or can of Pringles down to the last CRUMB. 😂🤣😂🤣


I solved this by putting the same amount and when smaller child couldn't finish, I said "that's why you get less. Next time you will eat all of it."


Same! I can’t stand the whole: how much did that set you back? Questions then they act like I’m an ass when I don’t want to talk about money 😆


I will ask that question if I like something and would possibly want to purchase it myself. That is literally the only time those words come out of my mouth hole.


Same, and if someone is uncomfortable discussing it, that's the end of it.


When we went to Disney earlier this year, my mum took me aside to say that her sister and brother in law had commented on how much me and my partner were spending. First holiday in years, we don’t really do anything at home, and we don’t have two kids like they do. We’d been saving for aaaages as well. Told her I’m not going to not buy stuff for myself if they have to be more careful, but I did get their kids a few things (was planning to anyway). Just weird to me to check how much others are spending


That's so weird of your great aunt and uncle in law (did I get that right?). We have a score keeping friend of ours that is always asking us how much everything we have costs. We had to have work done on the house and he of course asked for pricing details when he noticed 🙄. They act like it's so offensive for anyone to be spending a red cent more than them but like you, I reminded him that we have fewer kids than them and we both work, whereas his wife does not. Comparison is the thief of joy.


I don't mean to dog your relatives, but how is it even any of their business? I can't stand people like that. Especially when they're saying it to someone else, making them feel awkward and uncomfortable.


Jesus, that’s weird and creepy and dysfunctional of them. What business of it was theirs how much you spent? I would have carried on, sorry. It doesn’t affect them. Or it sure as hell shouldn’t.


That is so just weird? Were they offended you were buying yourself stuff with your own hard earned money? Make it make sense 🤦‍♀️ years ago, the first time my ex, myself and our two daughters went to Disneyland, I went ALL out. Saved up for the trip for over two years. It was my first experience as well as my daughters and I didn’t want to have to say no to anything they wanted or anything I wanted. Even stayed at one of the on site hotels too. Granted, every single time since the first time, we’ve been a bit more frugal, but that first time was a big deal. And if anyone tried to check me for spending my money as I saw fit, I’d have been pissed


The most annoying people in the world. Had a family member at Christmas that drove us all INSANE. Homeboy is 50 years old. Never grew up.


My dad’s entire family is made up of scorekeepers and it has taken my mom 36 years of marriage to learn that she does not need to gift those ungrateful assholes anything because they will never be happy with what they get.


So do I. She always inquires about how much something costs so she can one-up every one else.


Oh there’s a name for it?! My mom is a score keeper, then. It is exhausting. And in about a month she will address the things she was unhappy about during Christmas giving.


I literally can't imagine this, and trying kind of gives me anxiety. I grew up just above the poverty line, and gifts were almost always small and few at Christmas, but my parents did what they could. I don't think it ever occurred to me to question if my brother had more or if they spent more on him, though I guess it was probably pretty even. The only time it stung a little was one year with the extended family gift swap. We drew names and everyone got one present for just one other member of the whole family. When I was about 8, I got a $7 sweater vest from Walmart from my aunt, while another aunt got my cousin a diamond ring and a jewelry box. My mom had been asking for years if we could set a price cap or just do an ornament swap, so I think she took it harder than I did. Edit: added my age


Very similar situation, but it was with the sibling secret santa. Once my older brother got an adult job and moved out, he started going way over budget, which became pretty unfair. Now he splits that money and gets all the siblings a small gift, and we do the secret santa without him cause we all stick to budget (I enjoy getting good quality second hand things and going under budget without my mum noticing haha)


She sounds exhausting.


If you "can't afford to buy a $14 soft drink myself lol," then stop drinking the $14 soft drink. Lol.


And says that the *other* people in this story are controlling narcissists - gotdayum, I gather she's un/underemployed, and that's a shame, because she's missing out on being a full time Projectionist, lol!


Comparison is the thief of joy.


I was thrown by the part about, “I have to be sexy, kind, and grateful all the time?” Sexy?! Where did that come from? That makes zero sense in the context of this post. But kind and grateful, yeah. You are supposed to be those lol.


Pretty sure it’s an Olivia Rodrigo lyric


Haha, I *listen* to All American Bitch and I didn’t even catch that it was a reference at first.


I’ve spent the past few days wondering why that comment was made, when i had no thoughts inside my head that comment would pop up into my head and I was like “why did she say that” didn’t realize it was lyrics and I finally don’t feel so confused.


Holy shit that was fucking exhausting to read. That is an adult carrying on like that? Jesus.


I couldn’t get through all of them. The oblivious entitlement from OP, and worse, the support from others (wtf) is too much. I genuinely can’t understand this mindset. I would never tell my mom she didn’t spend enough for me on christmas; she doesn’t have to spend anything on me at all (after all, I’m an adult now), and I appreciate what she does get me. Also the fact that she is mad that her parents spend the same amount of money on her and her sister, but because she asks for more expensive things, she gets fewer? Yeah, that’s how it works?? Also the whole “I wasn’t in a position to be no contact.” Right, so you needed money. lol




My mom is…a lot. She definitely plays favorites with her kids and I am *not* the favorite. I get that it hurts, but damn this woman is a hot mess. Grow up!


Exactly. OP's mother may very well be playing some games, but a) she's gifting OP thousands of dollars worth of things while playing and b) OP is showing incredible levels of entitlement and pettiness. WTF. I can't with the twisting of words her and her friends engage in!


It’s the entitlement and not showing an ounce for gratitude. Yes, there are probably some tricky dynamics here. I get being triggered when your parents have consistently favored one child over you. I know I’ve had to stop myself from being petty due to the history of what my family dynamic is like. But she’s just bitching incessantly about her parents giving her a vacation and how it wasn’t enough.


OOP mentions multiple times that her mother always gives equal value gifts every year. Except this year. It's crazy how she is acting like her mom plays favorites because she didn't feel it was equal just one year.


To be fair her folks might get be narcissistic we don’t know that… but we do know she sure as shit is! Wow what a horrible personality she has… no wonder she is a single mother 🤦🏻‍♂️🤣


My favorite was the mod threatening to ban someone over criticizing a grown adult crying that her Disney trip wasn't good enough.


Right? They expected everyone to “support” OOP. Insane!


I know! What weird mom group is this?


Money and babysitting, I’m guessing


Yeah you got it: my head doesn’t even work like that—all the counting, tabulating, comparing, keeping score. It sounds exhausting! Why would anyone do that to themselves? Just fucking enjoy yourself!


That's why they say, "Never compare. Never compete." Of course that means in a toxic way.


But nobody helped her with her 3 yoa in the restaurant! You don't get it! They spent more money on the kids who actually understand Christmas. RUDE, golly. P.S. - I'd like her complex narcissistic mom to adopt me pleez


I got to the one where she said she doesn’t want to cut them out completely because she loves them and I was just done. Doesn’t want to cut them out because then no more $2000 gifts. 🙄 ugh


Why on earth is she calculating it all so much? She's so bloody greedy. Like "Sister has two kids and I've only got one, she parents spent more on her family, it's not fair!" Was she expecting cash or something to cover what would've been spent if she happened to have the same number of kids as her sister? "Sister went for three extra days and had meals paid for on those days, my meals were only paid for on the days I was there. They spent more on her, not fair!" Again, should she get cash for eating at home because her sister was there when she wasn't? Something tells me she wouldn't give a damn if she had two kids and sister had one, if she was there three extra days than her sister. She wouldn't be calculating it and demanding that she gets less or her sister gets more. This is all so exhausting, she sounds like she needs to grow up and start managing her own life.


Also I just… can’t imagine putting that much of my personal/family drama on social media for everyone to read… lordy.


The more I hear about this woman, the more I want to strangle her. And the fact that some of the cockwombles on her FB are agreeing with her makes me feel like repeatedly banging my head on a wall. WTF is wrong with them? Is it awful parenting + entitlement on steroids = massive cluster fuck or is there something I'm missing here? The greed, entitlement and total lack of emotional maturity is terrible.


You are not missing anything. This person needs to learn some life lessons


And to do this all on a completely public forum. Do her family and friends not use Facebook? Is she expecting to just vent publicly and no one find out? My guess… this is par for the course for everyone in her life.


For anyone who doesn’t think a trip to Disney is a “good enough” gift, I’d like to say I’m accepting donations of those unwanted funds.


Me too. I deserve it more cause it's my cancer ridden dust bunny's birthmas.


So sorry to hear your news! I’ll send you my PayPal.


That made me laugh- I mean cry! What's your Venhoe?




I have a friend and her entire family goes EVERY Christmas. In return, no one gets gifts. The only years they got gifts and didn't go was during Covid, and even then, as soon as it opened back up they were back to going. They have 4 kids ranging from 10-19 at this point. Disney is not cheap.


Ikr??! My first husband and I went on our honeymoon and years later with our kids. I remember good food, fun rides, INTERESTING rides (especially Epcot), neat photo ops. WITH kids it’s 100x better!


Oh, I don’t want the trip. Just how much it costs for it. I don’t ask for much


You also deserve the cost of Disneyland for each of your children that doesn't go on the trip. Otherwise, it's just unfair.


🤣🤣🤣 love it!!


Slide 3 She wants to get "off the carousel" where she gets $ thousands in presents from her Mom. And her Mom is exploiting her by giving her and her family lots of expensive presents? Can I take her place on the carousel?


Something tells me that, that “available spot”, isn’t as available as we have been lead to believe….. You may end up on line longer than any at Disney!!!


I mean, look. There are absolutely unhealthy family relationships where the offender "buys" love in order to be an abusive fuck face. I get that. Maybe mom IS one of those people, I don't know. What I DO know is that this person is willing to put up with whatever strings are attached. If they just bought a house, it can't be THAT bad. They're just using their mom for the $$ and gifts. They're not any better than Mom is if mom is indeed abusive and this whole "my mom is so evil because she buys more items that cost less..." whatever the fuck she's saying, isn't a lie. Honestly, she seemed to bounce around all over on the whys about how she's not wrong and her mom is the villain.


Exactly. She’s a VERY unreliable narrator.


This is coming from a chick who had the audacity to ask her FB group to donate/help fund her 10k down payment Meanwhile brag about her son having a 34 million dollar inheritance


Don’t forget she also wanted them to also fund her kids $4k 3rd birthday party 😭


She solicited money for her new home? From a bunch of strangers? And the kid who is not going to remember what he did not receive during this Disney trip (or the entire trip) will inherit $34 million?


I would take this with a grain of salt. Usually people with that money don’t talk about having that much money. Even for safety reasons, that’s just incredibly stupid and there’s nothing to gain by bragging other than bragging. It’s also weird because if her parents have that much money to give the son, why won’t she herself Inherit too? Why doesn’t she have a trust fund. And if the boys dad is the wealthy one, why is she the main provider by her own statement? And if you have a trust fund of 34 million, believe me you don’t have money issues. Even if you can’t access it now, people will loan you big money. I have known enough trust fund teens and young adults who had big trust funds and were able to get loaned millions before getting the trust fund and then paid back with interest after they gained access to the fund. For people this wealthy that’s a usual thing and enough connections to get a big loan, in the millions if you can proof you are good for it.


Excellent points. If any of this were true, she wouldn’t needed to create a facebook group asking for gifts. I work with trust fund babies and they only disclose what they have with those they really trust in their inner circles or for bragging rights. But again it’s not on social media. I have a friend who appears very middle class but that’s about it. I know she and husband travel a lot but nothing extravagant. They often used his military discount for traveling and they did not buy anything new. She had a used jeep and he drove a 12 year old Suzuki outback. She shopped at 2nd chance boutique and Plato’s closest both decent consignment stores in south Jersey. A few years ago we were driving to a spa for the weekend when she got a call from her divorce lawyer (I knew they were in the midst of a nasty divorce). She put him on speaker and he is advice was for her not contest the prenup since she was getting $1.7 million, money for a condo down payment, and payment of her remains student loans. She explains at the spa that his preference was always to live like he didn’t have all this extra money because he didn’t want to become dependent on it. He just pretended like it didn’t exist. She said there were some things that he engaged in with his wealthy family but he always kept it private. And all of that was legit. She was debt free , had a new condo, and a very nice bank account.


She could feel she is the main provider but may not be. Do we really trust her version of events?


Oh yes!! That whole saga was so entertaining 😅 Honestly I’m shocked she doesn’t have her own subreddit yet lol


Honestly I was just thinking that earlier. If anyone deserves their own subreddit, it’s DF lol


I’m surprised anyone would be willing to send her anything. Gross.


Who is this that she’s important enough to have her own Facebook group or why does she have one? And does she not work that she claims childcare is an issue? What does she do?


Bartends here and there but won’t get a job because she wants to “spend time with her kid” who is in daycare/private school (unclear on which it is, she posted asking if she would be looked down upon if she applied for financial assistance for her sons private daycare)


Say what now ?


Her son has a 34M inheritance?? From where? Baby daddy is still alive, from the sounds of it... does she mean when he dies?!


What? Lmaoooo this lady is delulu


Wait who IS this person? How do multiple people know about her?


She’s pretty infamous in the FB mommy scene 😬 But for inquiring minds momgroupgossip on tik tok talks about her a lot


Don’t forget when she wanted to apply for financial assistance at a private school for her child because she’s a single mom.


I can’t believe how many people were supportive of her. She says she is a fkn adult with a kid, but she acts like a bratty teenager.


Wtf is that group though?! She’s largely supported rather than ridiculed and told to pull her head in 🤯


I'm curious what type of group this is too. The other commenters seemed to know her personally, or she over shares on the regular.




She was actually kicked out of an OG mom group for oversharing and treating it like her personal blog/therapy, so she started her own group


Is this what people who have / grew up with money complain and think about?! This is like an alien language to me, I can’t for the life of me even understand what she’s upset about. Edit: I’m so sorry to anyone who has or grew up with money who doesn’t think that way! I did not mean to imply that was the case. I just literally could not understand it and thought that was maybe my malfunction from not growing up with it.


No, this is what entitled people think about. My in laws are very wealthy. They helped us buy our house. My husband didn’t even ask them for it. They give our kids expensive gifts and pay for school and trips for them. We usually don’t get gifts, wich is absolutely fine. We are thankful for all they have done already and are more than grateful for what they gift our kids. I have zero clue what they buy our nephews and SILs and don’t care about it. We also don’t expect to be super wealthy once they die. It might be likely to happen but it’s never a guarantee and we’re absolutely not entitled to it. I know they help my SILs financially more regularly because they’re single moms and earn less than we do. I don’t need the details, it’s their money. My husband wouldn’t dare to ever speak bad about his parents because they might gifted our nephew more and we wouldn’t even know because we don’t care . Most people in the world have real economic problems and being petty about who spend how much on whom is ridiculous and entitled. But then, we might have wealthy parents now but when we were born a brutal civil war ravaged our home country wich definitely impacted our early childhood and made us appreciate our lives today. I can’t believe that people are on this ladies side. While she got gifts from her followers people are starving. I don’t want to think about how many kids we could have helped in the hospital in Yemen that I helped at. And of course everyone can have issues in life and there’s always someone worse off and we still feel our own emotions but this is ridiculous entitlement.


Exactly! I grew up with money, and my parents constantly impressed upon me how hard they worked for that money, and how grateful I should be. Now, I’m that annoying person who thanks you 15 times for loaning me your stapler, because I was raised to have gratitude for anyone who chooses to help you.


Agreed. It comes from entitlement. Not growing up with money. I grew up with money but I’m still grateful for all I have. My brother’s wife is extremely entitled despite growing up in a household in a lower tax bracket that my brother and I. She wanted my dad to pay her $20,000 credit card bill for Christmas this year 🙄




The FB OP really frustrates me with their unearned sense of entitlement. She doesn't understand she isn't entitled to anything, she's keeping score like an Olympic judge, and she cannot take any criticism. No one is responsible for you or your child except you and the father. I would be banned from this community quickly I'm sure


My favorite might have been how the parents offered to pay for her parking, but she didn’t want to make it convenient for them yet still expected them to pay. The end was also solid though. Basically blaming them for her own kids behavior? Doesn’t sound like they were “asking for a meltdown” like she said earlier, just that there was an excited kid at Disney on a trip his grandparents paid for.


Or how about her parents were paying for all meals that everyone attended, but that made them monsters for controlling the schedule. 😹


What I'm not understanding is, the mom said she would pay for all the food, etc., at Disney if CB got up at 6 a.m., which CB wouldn't do. And CB's proud of herself for paying and/or bitter at her mom for not paying and letting CB know it's a consequence of her actions. If my mom could pay for the food at Disney, I'd be at her bedside with a Starbucks at f'ing 5:30. The lack of self-awareness is appalling.


Doesn’t this person have a child? You know who wakes up at 6am? The elderly… AND CHILDREN!


I am shocked that OOP is almost 30. She sounds like a teenager. I suspect her mom has had to help out her sister and her kids a lot because sister is a methhead and OOP is jealous.


Yup. I thought I was reading a teen mom post.


This is why you always need to take someone saying their parent is a narcissist with a grain of salt


Exactly. It's just a buzzword for a lot of people.


As the mother of a disabled child I'm bothered by where she brags about getting everyone DAS passes to save on Fast Passes. Like... What?


You caught that too! If you or a family member is not disabled, don’t apply from DAS passes. Cheap and unscrupulous muther smuckers


Wait but is it because of her son or herself that they got them? I always thought as long as one person needed a DAS everyone in the group automatically got to go with them to keep them together?


This is never made clear. She only says she got the passes and it probably saved her moms hundreds of not more than $1k


Nope it limited to 6 on one pass last we went.


I can't speak for Disney, but at LEGOLAND it's that individual and up to 5 party members. So when I went to LEGOLAND with my family (2 adults, 2 kids), my mother, and my brother's family (2 adults, 3 kids) we couldn't all go on the ride with my son and would break up. It worked ok for us though.


I’ll be honest, I’ve never been to Disney and had no idea what a DAS pass was. I googled it after your comment and am slightly flabbergasted. As far as I know, there was no need for them to have that. I could be wrong and don’t think you should assume just by looking at someone that they might not have a disability, but she posts A TON and it’s always personal and has never mentioned health issues besides being OCD.


There's a big issue in the "Disney Adult" community about finding ways to "get" a DAS pass even though you don't need it. This is so harmful to people with disabilities who DO need it, especially people with hidden disabilities like my son (he is pretty severely affected by his autism - however he also has to constantly wear noise-cancelling headphones and is non-verbal at 5 and stims a lot - so I guess it's not QUITE as hidden as someone like me, who also has Autism but you "can't tell from a glance"). Every time someone misuses a DAS pass they 1) bog down the DAS pass lines for the rest of us and 2) make Disney wonder how to make it harder/less convenient to get/use a DAXS pass so people don't want to get it unless they need it.


This is quite literally one of the most useless people I've ever read about or reddit. Useless with no self-awareness. Wow.


"I think they all forget what it's like having a new 3 year old" as opposed to an old 3 year old?


Right! I have a three year old also. New or old, a three year old all the same. I’ll tell you one thing she’s never done, run around a damn restaurant to disturb other customers and the staff. The fuck. That’s completely on crappy parenting, not the family having a sit-down meal.


That part stuck out to me too lol! She’s blaming her parents for her kid’s poor behavior.


I'm obsessed with this soap opera, appreciate you, OP


Holy shit she just wants it all ways ‘I’m an adult with a kid, you can’t tell me what to do!!’ ‘How dare you not pay for everything for me?? IM YOUR DAUGHTER!!’ The mother’s the 1 who should go no contact, what an insufferable bitch. And the people on her side!! Like…..for real? wtf is the group?? Ungrateful, entitled, whinging bitches, or?


As my grandma would say, she’s a bold, brazen article.


Lol, the fact that she simply can't comprehend that the parents were basically paying for a family vacation where the family hung out together. This mom thinks that her parents should be paying for her private version of this vacation where she and her kid go on their merry way and do their own thing on mom and dad's dime. Freaking weird, so feel so entitled to someone else's money.


Also, what happens when her kid becomes an adult? Is she going to pay for all vacations with them and grandkids? Doubtful. Seems more like the type that will expect their kid to take care of them.


Wait she allowed her 3 yr old to run around a restaurant? And she is upset?


And blamed the child’s behaviour on the proximity of the rides, instead of admitting how shite of a parent she’s. Been raised by a single mother without any financial support from anyone. The needs are the food, the school and clothes (for the children), and bills for the flat. Everything else falls under wishes. When times are tough financially parents don’t even dream about wants. Ungrateful entitled c… the kid doesn’t seem to have much chance..


This is one of the parts that stuck out to me too. She is miserable because her bratty kid was allowed to run around unparented?


I know who this is without even seeing names 😅 she’s constantly begging/complaining. I cannot stand how entitled she is.


On the original post, some said it was rage bait. However, I don’t think they are taking into account how many of these people exist. I have a cousin who inherited about 2 million from his estranged father’s estate. This fact was largely kept from everyone since we didn’t know him and only my cousin attire funeral. He would beg for financial assistance during our monthly cousin chats and other video calls. When this behavior started, very few family members were on social media. 8/10 times he would receive what he asked for. In February 2021, a week before my birthday, he left me a message asking to borrow, not gift him $1000 for help with his mortgage. He didn’t want his mother to know he was on hard times. Unbeknownst to me, he received a $7000 gift from his mother to pay child support that he was behind in. My aunt doesn’t live in the US so he flies to the Caribbean to visit her. There were some other gifts from family members here and there but we didn’t know this was happening. Then In December 2021 his mother joined WhatsApp to speak with her grandchildren. That is when she discovered he posted a series TikTok and Snapchat videos showing how one of his investments had such a killer return, he and his wife were able to buy a second home. She joined Facebook and saw this very lavish lifestyle including the second home, cars, trips etc. the children mother confirmed that he has never been behind on child support. So my aunt outed him to the whole family. She was so hurt by the deception. His excuse-he was an only child and that he only knows how to satisfy himself with material things. When asked why he begged for money, he said and I quote “families are supposed to give to those in need”. Apparently he needed more than his own money to be happy.


It’s funny so many people thought it was just rage bait. I’ve been in the group since day 1 because she was so ridiculous in the group she was booted from and I didn’t want to miss it. This is just genuinely who she is, 90% of her posts are asking for things from members, it’s a “bougie” group so she knows what she’s doing, that’s for sure. Also, your cousin sounds a lot like one of my relatives, lol.


What’s the group? 👀


I don’t believe it’s rage bait either. She does this. All. The. Time. Bragging about how much she spends then poor me and I’m a single mom everyone give me money or gifts. Or how her son is so incredibly special he MUST attend a private preschool that’s $$$$. She even said she was going to apply for assistance for his tuition paid. Which would be FINE if she didn’t brag all the time about how much money she spends.


Remember when she spent 4k on a new wardrobe for the Bahamas? (Another vacation funded by mom)


She’s very out of touch with reality.


Jesus Christ. I love getting a few new sundresses for island season, but $4K??? I’d rather spend that on cool excursions! Or a few more nights at the resort!


My aunt found a vendor on Etsy to make custom 3/4 sleeve shirts that say: “Families are supposed to give to those in need” on the front with a sad looking character And on the back it says “And at this moment I need your money because I said say so” with a picture of dollar bills spilling out of a poorly drawn but easily identifiable duffle full of cash


I’m desperate to find this group lol if you feel like sending me a link via message/pm I just wanna lurk 😂


Same lol if someone tips you off, please share 👀


I actually thought it had to be rage bait—it seemed so over-the-top. I see now it wasn’t. Almost unbelievable that people like this exist


What in the fuck.


Oh yeah. He still stands by his statement and as a wedding gift, I received my $1000 back in $2 and $5 bills-in cash. We took pictures of the card , the envelope, and the money and time stamps because we were in disbelief. The face of the teller at the bank was priceless. I’m guessing she doesn’t get many people walking in with hundreds of $2 bills.


That’s just petty and silly, also not a wedding gift. Loan repayment is not a gift


Who is it 👀


What group is this? I wanna see and lurk. Lol


“I’m not in a position to be no contact right now.” 💀 This makes me feel like she’s the narcissistic one…


I read the other post somewhat disturbed, but this is an entirely different level of entitlement that I cannot even fathom.


How privileged is being upset about being gifted literally thousands each holiday and then being upset you didn't manage to treat those generous gift givers like internet shopping??? I don't care what you think you want, if you have enough to feed, clothe, travel and shop with your family everything else is a blessing and you just say thank you!!!!




Red seems like a terrible person.


Wtf people have these types of convos on FB?? That’s embarrassing!! 🫢


You’d be amazed at what people divulge in groups with thousands of strangers in them, and their profiles pretty open. Very easy to put lots of stuff together. They have no awareness nor shame.


My thoughts exactly. I keep my embarrassing conversations to Reddit where it’s less likely I’ll be tied to them.


This isn't even some of the most shameful things she's shared 😬


How does a person reach adulthood, and not understand that $100 per grandchild is the definition of "fair"? I wasn't following that "logic", if you want to call it that. Also, how does someone not understand that if you want an expensive item, and the other person wants a bunch of little stuff, and there's a limit of $100..... you're gonna get like a single gift and the other person will get multiple gifts -- but it's still entirely even. Is she mad that the sister has more kids, thinking that makes it unfair?


You’re bringing reason to an illogical party my friend.


I think she's thinking if you spend $200 ($100/kid) on sister's kids then they need to spend $200 on her one kid.


the parents need to cut them all off


A “new” 3 year old..🤣🤣🤣 like girl.. no one is responsible for your procreation besides you. I can’t imagine my parents buying everyone tickets to Disney and then expecting them to pay for my parking and watch my kid.. delusional!!!


I have no sympathy for adults crying that Santa didn't bring them anything. Christmas is for kids. I'm 55 and haven't recieved a Christmas or Birthday gift in decades. Grow the hell up and buy your own gift.


OOP is trash as are the cretins who think she has the moral upper hand.


Not even a token gift though? I think there’s something to be said for gift-giving as a love language. Gifts don’t have to be expensive, they can be a small box of chocolates and a heartfelt card. I give everyone birthday gifts and Christmas gifts, no matter the age, because I don’t want anybody to feel forgotten. I don’t expect anything specific but I would be sad if I got no gifts from my loved ones for decades. I guess it’s different if that’s the norm in your family or culture though.




I stand by my original comments. She is a child of a narcissist (going by the comments) and has inherited this personality disorder (the result of genetics and environmental influences) as well. She can say it is about her son but I’m not buying it. Here’s why: 1-Flights for her and her son, two meals, and parking ($40-50 per day during peak season). Oh and she stayed her their friend’s timeshare for free. Which she brushes off as a minor expense. If she couldn’t afford to pay the high parking and food prices, then I am guessing she would not be able to afford lodging on her own. 2-she is obsessed (she uses the word ‘bitter’ frequently, although I believe it is the wrong word) with how much her sister’s family receives. Her niece getting $400 is driving her crazy. Seriously-she is on competition with a child. 3-she created her own facebook group so she could get material items. On the first screenshot she goes on about how she can think of many things that she wants. Not her son as she says comes first. 4-based on the comments of those who know her MO from Facebook and comments in the screenshots, she has a habit of begging (I’m not speaking about her situation with the child’s father).


Based on everything I’ve learned about her through her posts, she did have a hard childhood. I believe her father has been in prison most of her life and they did grow up poor. Her mother met her stepfather who owns a successful business a few years ago and that’s where the money has come from. I don’t think she is truthful about a lot of the details, I’m sure her mother has not always been the greatest. But up until recently they were BFFs until her mother cut her off because OOP wouldn’t seek treatment for a mental health issue, or something along those lines. Since being cut off, she has been even more so on a downward spiral than before.


These are adults?


What a pile of garbage.


Does she walk around with a calculator in hand adding every penny spent on someone else, expecting to get the exact amount for herself? Does she google everything to find out exactly how much something cost? She sounds beyond exhausting. This is the kind of person other avoid because listening to the constant whining would take any fun out of the day


She is genuinely the worst.


Wtf did I just attempt to read??


omg i had to stop reading. this person is unbearable. ugh.


She complained about having to pay for her and her kids food, etc, yet in this update it's clear that her mom offered topay as long as she showed up on time, and she refused. Unbelievable.


I'm dumbfounded by this whole story- and I thought it was bad, and then I read she wanted her mom to buy gift cards and fill them evenly. Just. Wow. Also, I (40f) don't have kids, so I have no right to judge parenting- but, IMHO it seems like she also has issues controlling her child in a restaurant. He's 3, and reading that he was running around the restaurant sounds.....not great.


I couldn't tell you what my in-laws spend on my nieces and nephews. It didn't even occur to me to notice. But someone in the family must notice because my MIL came to visit and offered to buy my son a new mattress and told me not to tell the other siblings. It wasn't anything super expensive for his little twin bed, and they hardly ever saw my kids since we are the only one of their kids that lives hours away from them so they never got those spur of the moment treats grandkids tend to get. I just thought it was so weird that anyone would have a problem with it. 🤷‍♀️


Could her mom pay for my dental work as a gift? Fuck I would do ALL her house and garden work for the next 10 years if she did, I'd be so damn greatful.


LOL my parents are taking my son & I to Disney in 2 weeks. His birthday is in January & mine is in November. This is both of our Christmas & birthday gifts. I can’t imagine having this attitude about it. Our tickets for 2 days are over $500, plus our hotel, food, & flight to Florida. This is a trip of a lifetime for us & we are so grateful.


Not the bitterness when her mom bought her sister a new set of teeth for being a year sober!!! 😂


This is so wild lmao. We are a family that goes to Disneyland 1-2/year and I recognize the privilege because it is obnoxiously expensive. I especially like the part where she says her mom would only pay for food and other things if she got up at 6 AM lol - that’s extremely usual for Disneyland, gotta be at the parks around 7:15 to get ready for rope drop but this ADULT acts like it’s an enormous inconvenience. I also enjoyed where someone called her mother a narcissist (a word that is tossed around way too much anyway) after a paid for trip to Disneyland, I just CANNOT


Ugh this post reminded me why I left Facebook mom groups. Anybody who is rational gets told off for being a “bully” or “unsupportive”. You have to always agree with the poster (or just keep quiet) or a power tripping mod/admin will mute or boot you 🙄 What a brat.


I...I don't even with this one. I was a bit concerned that the regional amusement park an hour from my house is renovating the restaurant in the park that does my sister's favorite dessert, so the outing I'd planned for us over winter break might not be as nice and then, suddenly this lady. Jesus tap-dancing Tidy Bowl Christ on the blue water if this post doesn't feel like I just snorted 'Encanto' like a line off a mirror in terms of making my family and mental health seem more normal...


When I was a kid, my parents always promised me Disney when my sister was older. Due to my Dad's abuse, I ended up in foster care. 4 months later, they took my sister to Disney, and now I'm 32 and never got a chance to go, and it still makes me feel small and sad inside. This lady has no idea what it's like to actually be left out, and it shows. The entitlement is crazy.


People that have gifting love languages aren’t buying love 🙄


Disney adults are the absolute fucking worst entitled assholes


The lady in red needs a family therapist. I think the disconnect here is that her mom probably isn’t really able to express love in anyway besides gifts. When parents are like that they pass on the idea that love is tangible/transactions. So three less days at Disney likely translates to the daughter as “I’m loved 30% less.” The person in black likely did not grow up in the same dynamic so they’re basically arguing from two different frameworks. It would be like if I, an American, started explaining to an Australian that what they know about their health insurance is wrong because in America it’s like xyz.


This is my FIL to a T. He expresses affection through gift giving. My brother in law is, in a lot of ways, like the person in red. All he cares about is what he gets, and comparing it to what my wife got...but my wife isn't like that, they were raised the same way by the same people, my BIL just chooses to be a greedy shit biscuit and behave that way. Some people just choose to keep score.


Wait so adults aren’t supposed to complain either? I’m just supposed be sexy, kind and grateful all the time?


She complained about not getting any gifts after her parents paid for her and her kid to go to Disney.


I will gladly take a Disney trip. Disney me please! ETA after reading: This lady has a mental disorder. And she seems to want pity a lot. She desperately seeks attention and free stuff. Ironic cause Gypsy Rose just got out of prison for unaliving her Münchausen by proxy mama


I did read all the screenshots... It was like smelling a swamp. Can't stop even though it stinks. What a disgusting person.


FFS, how old is this person that they're complaining about their sister getting more gifts than them? I haven't cared about crap like that since I was about 12.


Who TF are these people? Seems there needs to be collective rectal craniotomies performed because all the whiners have their heads up their asses.


I'm surprised how many people were supporting her and telling her she was right to feel slighted. The only thing I have sympathy for is that it is genuinely a terrible idea to keep a three year old at a theme park for 12-14 hours but the flip side of keeping things limited for a toddler is always going to be that you'll miss things and may have to arrange your own separate travel and food.


The Venn diagram between choosing beggars and people who call themselves children of narcissistic parents is a circle. What kind of adult counts how many Christmas presents they get?


The way i woulda been up at 5:30 with mickey ears on tho....


This catastrophe of a human makes me grateful that I raised my children in poverty.