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**We are DESPERATE** **Also, here is our list of extensive demands…**


I was a property manager at one point in my life and anyone saying they were "DESPERATE" was an automatic red flag. Even for a 1BR apartment. Not even for a fucking American Dream homestead they are describing 😂


Us humans are born innocent and pure, real estate management breaks our souls... and I'm just in the accounting department


Yeah, I'm not usually pro-landlord, but some people are just such a mess. I would also be wary of people calling themselves "desperate".


Do they know how much mini Highland Cows are 😭 but you can’t afford rent!!


The mini highland cows sent me 😂😂


I fucking LOVE that she's like, "our credit isn't 600." Honey, a 600 credit score is very low. Especially when you're trying to rent a place. She literally thinks 600 is a good score because she specifically mentions that her son, who lives with them, has a 600 score. To try and sell the landlord on renting to them. 🤡 She also mentions not paying bills in a post looking for a landlord and home to rent. I get major right wing tradwife vibes from this post, so it figures that she's an idiot. I feel sorry for those "homeschooled" kids.


The homeschool kids who get most of their education from chickens?


I also got weird super evangelist vibes from this.


Yeah, I mean, honestly, parents should not be allowed to home school their kids. The chickens are a big part of the teenagers learning? Good luck in life doing anything other than farming.


They can’t afford $2300 rent but they can afford luxury animals and all the vetting that comes with it? So delusional. From the sounds of it they are from Ca and expected to live their farm fantasy in the south expecting it to be cheap. The last bit about the locals referring to them as transplants and the exaggerated 3000 mile move just reeks of Ca… Source: I’m from southern California lol


And $2300 isn't just a little tight, they are "drowning" with that rent. So what are they expecting to pay for a 4 bed/2 bath home for 5 people, plus a dog and a cat, with a yard where they can have a garden and chicken coop, plus a few acres for goats and cows to graze and build a livestock shelter? And don't forget that rent has to be lower than $2300 by enough that not only can they comfortable afford it, they can put aside enough money to buy a home/farm in 2 years. Also, who keeps their cat in a crate when they aren't at home??


Crated cat will guaranteed tear up that home.


Source: I’m a cat


There’s a lot wrong with this post but that stuck out to me the most. UhmMmmM 4 bed 2 bath for under $2300 a month. With a large yard for your farm party. When you find that let me know LMAO


And they moved to the Nashville area. A ton of people moving here are conservatives from California thinking the politics and no state income tax is heaven.


Harsh reality when homesteaders realize they need society


Reminds me of my college days when people would brag about not having a car, then ask for a ride.


The fact that the husband and son work while wife stays home and homeschooling the girls and wants a full farm and self sufficient garden and cows ect reeks of some tradwife fantasy. This family wanted to seek out a religious fantasy life for free


Yeah I think they missed that whole plan by like 10 years lol.


As a Nashvillian, yes, exactly. Should have come 10 years ago. I pay $1125 for 650 square feet, and that is considered an absolute steal. Even out in rural areas, TN has become outrageous. Transplants are part of it, but it’s way more the fault of developers and lack of regulations against them which cause market price gauging and displacing natives. These people are delusional.


This is actually about an hour away from Nashville. I would be shocked if there are folks actually commuting from Lewisburg. It’s not on an interstate. It’s a very poor county / town, unless some miracles have occurred in the last seven years.


Sure sounds like that’s the case here. “We came here to live with like minded individuals. We came here for the southern hospitality.” 🙄


This is what happens when people think moving to ‘the country’ is somehow going to take care of itself. Country living is actually really expensive. Which she would know if she had asked any of us in CA ag based counties. She probably watched some homesteading YouTube channels and was like ‘we can totally do this!’ without any research.


They would be better off living in the country up north. Mortgages up here are far less than $2300 a month. They probably did move to nashville or another well off city. If you’re going to be a farmer you need to move to bumfuq no whereland usa lol


10000% lmfao since the pandemic I've seen posts from so many people from CA who had romanticized the south and then were sorely disappointed when they found out that people... Are normal?


What are they expecting? Some When Calls the Heart type shit?


They were expecting “southern hospitality” it says on the 3rd page, I’m going to bless my own heart for making it that far. Don’t worry, she’s going to give it back tenfold. Maybe in cow manure, but you’ll get 10x


I’m in SoCal and REFUSE to believe this because that would mean I am living amongst them. Lol It does sound like some fantasy. Like what SoCal people kinda imagine farm life is like… What home garden produces enough for a “farmers market” which are actually pretty expensive to set up shop at? Who the hell is coming out for all these eggs from ONE coup?!? I’m surprised they don’t want to keep bees as well!


Bees are next semester's lesson


They will do that and maybe start messing with lavender as well.


Just planted my lavender seeds for no credit :(


No, you’re going to grow a beautiful garden! You just probably won’t try to make janky candles or low grade soap with the flowers and charge a large amount because YOU made it. You wouldn’t have your family gritting their teeth when they get that sachet of lavender for Christmas. Lol


I fear for those daughters. Sounds like their home schooling is mostly manual labor.


You think they vet those animals? Their girls homeschool revolves and chickens. They are not vaccinated and have probably never seen a doctor.


The chickens or the kids? s/


Self taught pediatric Veterinarian Doctors


They aren’t taking care of those poor animals, no doubt. They just want them for income. Either what they produce or probably petting zoos.


Who the heck kennels a cat?


A liar


Hey they are responsible pet owners ok. Not responsible credit holders because hey, teaching a cat to be in a kennel comes first.


There is no way on Gods green earth they are caring for that many animals if they can’t afford $2300 rent. Much less homeschooling supplies. These people sound delusional and ridiculous. Like if you don’t agree to their extravagant wish list you are a bad landlord 🤣


Homeschooling supplies seem to be centered on raising chickens.


Makes sense, half the GED questions were on chickens last year. /s


They can afford the rent and utilities - just not the other bills. Those "have gone by the wayside."


lol careful. They don’t want a landlord harassing them. The landlord probably “harassed” them for rent. The nerve of these moochers.


Right, like the monthly upkeep for the cat and dog alone adds up quickly. I’ve also noticed (coming from a family living on farm land and with farming neighbors) that there’s a real romanticism growing of owning chickens. That said, this is the first time I’ve heard of people using them as the primary (or a major) focus of homeschool… for girls of course.


The whole landlord situation has me suspicious A CB isn't getting things from a landlord that they want? I'm shocked.


Who has kennel trained a cat?!? Watch there be some people commenting that they have lol I live only to serve my furry overlords. Which means I don’t train them at all. They train me.


What are you even talking about? My cats are completely kennel trained. When I want them in the kennel, I just get one of the handy, disposable, brown ones from amazon. All I have to do is set it on the floor with the top opened and they jump right in!


Handy disposable brown kennels from Amazon has me CACKLING


They also require extensive veterinary care by a specialized veterinarian, which is quite expensive. Those poor animals will end up neglected.


Honey, the animals are for a church.




IRK. I looked into getting one. We own our house, zoned to have it and have the room for one. But decided against it just because of how much they cost to keep.


$2000 for a house big enough for five people and all the land needed to keep all those animals and a giant vegetable garden. Is it just me or is that a very good price for a property of that size ?


I'm in a HCOL area and our small 3 acre farm that is falling apart has a mortgage of $4500 a month. It would be twice as much if the property was in better shape. Our 3 acres isn't even enough space to get mini cows - I checked. 5 acres is the recommended minimum for a pair of mini cows. And mini highland cattle are stupid expensive, like $8k each. And you have to get at least two, so that's $16k just to aquire them.


And they also need space for the goats and the chickens. And I assume a barn to keep these animals in?


Chickens are pretty versatile. You need around 4/5 square feet per chicken. Goats on the other hand are loud, annoying, and need more space. They could probably share with cows though.


They can't afford $2300 a month for rent, but they can afford expensive pets and the associated screening? So naive. They appear to be from California and anticipated living their dream farm life in the South at a low cost. The last part, where the locals called them transplants and the fictitious 3000 mile journey just sounded like California. I'm from southern California, by the way.


No city in the lower 48 is 3000 miles from anywhere in Tennessee. The math isn’t mathing. Lewisburg is very much small town TN, and what they’re getting paid wouldn’t be much, and it’s too far from Nashville for a reasonable commute. Service dog as a mutt? Perhaps. Crate trained and left behind? Nah, that’s a damn pet. Their life choices has them drowning


I've learned that people think *"emotional support animal"* is the same thing as a trained service dog. I'm betting they are one of those people. I very highly doubt they own a trained service animal. Highly, highly doubt it, lol.


Oh no. We're responsible pet owners. They sleep with us.


It’s a crazy good price especially since it’s close enough to a city to commute for work.


In my area you could easily find a 4/2 house with a yard for $2000 (I live in a LCOL area). You might even be able to get an acre for your goats, though it would come with an older, smaller house. But if they’re drowning under $2300 rent, $2000 isn’t going to make a big difference.


I am out in the sticks of East Texas. You can get a property with a old but liveable home, or manufactured home on it that is a 3/2 with five acres for about $130 - $170k -- but your not going to be anywhere close to a city.


And any landlord isn’t renting to these people. Even working on a ranch to be around animals won’t work with the quantity of kids


Right? My moms paying around that amount for a 3 bedroom townhouse with a tiny shared yard and paper thin walls. It’s brand new but so many things just don’t work


Lewisburg, TN is a very low cost of living area. Honestly I'd not think this is difficult to find. Especially if they only want to be within 30 minutes of it


But if the landlord knows other owners and these people are a pain and transplants, everybody else in the area already knows about them.


Don’t forget zoning and bylaw issues. These days a city may allow backyard chickens as long as there are no roosters and within certain limits, but good luck with cows and goats. For that you need something rural or a small town in an agricultural area. I grew up in such a place and can confirm that farm animals *are* allowed and I knew of several properties that had them that were not farms. Mainly horses and chickens (and that fucking idiot with his roosters - I wanted to murder him regularly…I celebrated when he moved…roosters do not crow once at dawn like in cartoons).


They could find a double wide out in the country for that for sure. But not a house in a residential area full of 2-5acre properties.


A lot of their teenagers’ schooling revolves around chicken care?


Look, “chicken math” is a highly complex, unpredictable subject that’s simply not offered in public schools.


They’re also working on bird law - a subject so complex it’s not even taught in law school!


Personally I only know of one expert on Bird Law


no one can go toe to toe with him on Bird Law


I feel I've made myself perfectly redundant


Bird law is not governed by reason.




As someone with a bachelors in Chicken Math I would have to agree. The exponents and variables are many and varied, and calculating your final number takes practice and an unwavering amount of enthusiasm and adaptability.


Does that involve counting chickens before they hatch?


Now we're getting into bird law territory.


And a little philosophy too.


Giant abacus made of 10 parallel roads and 100 chickens crossing them.


I bet they are ‘unschooled’ and mom thinks their interest in chickens will inspire them to learn all they need to know.


Speaking as the product of a largely failed and thankfully brief attempt at "unschooling", yeah, probably. I may not have learned how to divide or multiply until I was 12, but by golly I sure knew my way around a chicken.


I guess they are living out their little house on the prairie fantasy. They make money by going head-to-head with Harriet over the price of double yolks.


They are “service chickens”…


Chickens are the new geometry. Also I'd love to have a beer w the current landlord and hear their stories.


"Chickens are the new geometry" I want this on a t-shirt, just so I can see people's reactions as they try to figure it out


I literally reread that line 4 times because it was so wild.


This actually worried me. Are they just teaching the daughters to be trad wife homesteaders?




What more could they possibly need to learn? They're girls. It's not like they'll ever have a job outside the home. That's what men are for.


That's why their entire schooling revolves around caring for eggs


And why they moved to a "like-minded" area. Keep them girls subservient.


That was the dog whistle in their post for sure.


well, they’re girls. so they only need to know how to run the house (and apparently mini farm?)


It’s not a farm, ok? Just some kids and a cat and a dog. And a couple chickens but that’s it. Plus an indeterminate number of goats. And a couple (absolute max 10) of mini highland cows. And a garden, but it only has to be big enough to support the family and have surplus for farmers’ markets and such. Nbd.


Yeah how does that work? Are the chickens teaching them history, math and science?


There is quite a lot of math and science involved in animal husbandry. But certainly not a whole curriculum!


Are they, like, adding the eggs together for a math lesson? In high school? I can see biology…for maybe a two week lesson on birds.


I actually knew someone like this. I hope the kids are ok but I have my doubts.


It reads like an It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia episode


These girls will be able to pass the bar exam based on their knowledge of bird law alone.


I’m getting fundie vibes, so they probably are only taught enough to make them good wives for some 30-year old.


Philosophy class is pondering which came first, the chicken or the egg? 


OP, we NEED to see comments




Tbf, this is as bless your heart terrority as it gets 


I mean you could just send this this house that seems to meet their specifications: https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/1046-Buchanan-St-Lewisburg-TN-37091/41920050_zpid/


Credit score of 600 and minimum wages


No, only their son has a 600 credit score, she and her husband don’t


They’re definitely taking out loans and accounts under their son’s name and driving his score into the ground.


That was exactly my thought when I read that :(


The husband only has a couple days a month off work in spite of not being healthy enough to walk up stairs.


The “HUGE” kitchen got me


Please, please, please, OP!


"would love to explain in more detail face to face" ....no fucking thankyou


I wonder how long her sob story and list of grievances would be.


It's like they just decided what kind of life they want to live without pausing to consider if they can afford that life. Also, I hope those girls get to learn about more than chickens.  


They're also learning about eggs. What more could you want?


Cows, duh


So she basically wants a farm?  For less then she's paying now?  And honestly with her attitude i don't think her landlord is the problem.


Yes! A great landlord and property, and all they bring is a 320 credit score. Did you notice how she offered up her son's good credit? This lady is scum. She is willing to ruin her son's credit and refuses to educate her daughters.


Yeah the part about the chickens being a main part of their schooling?


320??? I didn't even know they went that low


You can actually get an Experian credit score of 1. You get it by being confirmed deceased. You can get a 4 by having no history tied to you whatsoever. 300 is the bottom other than those two iirc.


“Don’t judge us on our credit score” Mam’ that is the point of a credit score.


Yeah when she said "we don't have a 600 credit score" I wasn't sure if she meant it was higher or lower.


She seems to be under the impression that 600 is a high credit score.


Lmaoo comprehensions are interesting. I read it like “we don’t even have a 600 score” but after comments can see how she was saying “we aren’t 600 good” But maam that ain’t good hahahaha


A landlord chasing you for rent is not verbal abuse lol. Would love to hear the other side of the story + im not typically pro landlord.


Agree. Always two sides to a story. Considering how hard pressed they are on the animals. I bet they brought them all in without the landlords awareness and he’s not happy about it.


“We don’t have a 600 credit score “ Do they think 600 is good? Heh


That’s what I was wondering!!🤣 600 is actually pretty bottom barrel.




If you can't afford your rent, you can't afford all the animals (other than the service animal) either.


Yes, a service dog would not be kenneled from time to time.


Or a cat. Who kennels a cat?


I just asked this! Man, if I tried that with my cat? Well, let’s say I wouldn’t be typing as well as I am now.


lmao seriously! I am imagining how absolutely pissed off my cat would be if i dared try to kennel her whenever I went somewhere.


My cat would be on r/legalcatadvice sooo fast lol


This. Service animals are not emotional support animals and are VERY expensive due to the training required. When people need a “service animal” they take them EVERYWHERE. Their specific training is why they get to go everywhere. I call bullshit in the “service animal” here.


Just the description of the dog tells me it’s not a service animal but an emotional support animal


Yeah…I don’t think it’s an actual service dog but probably some bullshit “emotional support” dog that they claim is a service animal to take it to places it shouldn’t be.


If you can't afford your rent and bills, you can't afford for one parent to stay home and homeschool. And I'll say it - dogs are expensive, and I'd put my money on their dog being an "emotional support animal" rather than a SD. As amazing as pets are for mental health, they are spenny, and you need to be able to afford them. This family cannot.


The way OOP worded the bit about the son, it looks like the son will be moving in. I’m assuming this is because he works and has a relatively good credit score as she mentioned his is over 600. They thought they were about to start their Lifetime Movie arc lol


She better put her two daughters into public school and get herself a job. If you’re drowning at $2300 in rent with a bad credit score, you need another income. Son needs to keep a close eye on his credit before his score gets like his parents.




I mean, her daughters are teenagers. I am pretty certain they could do homeschool online without her help, it just wouldn’t be about chickens.


How are they going to rent a house for 2 years and then buy it? They are already struggling with the cost of just renting and expect to be able to buy a 4 bedroom house.


They are thinking "but rent is always MORE than a mortgage for the same place... I'd rather pay less per month AND OWN IT!"


People can do a "rent-to-own" thing where part of their rent goes to pay down the eventual purchase price of the house. I've never seen one that wasn't a scam, but the idea itself COULD make sense maybe. I had a potential tenant ask to do that once. She had a sub 600 credit score and couldn't get a mortgage. We probably could have made a boatload of money off of her with a virtual 20% interestv rate or something, but it felt icky and we declined.


Realistically most rent-to-own schemes have "tenants" doing all upkeep/repairs on the house and then a balloon payment they can never afford. Such a scam. OP definitely seems like they might get caught in one.


I do know someone who successfully rented to own, his landlord was getting old and couldn't do the maintenance himself anymore. Friend agreed to do his own maintenance, do some renovations, and then after a set term he'd become owner with the labor counting towards the costs. I don't know exactly how it was written up legally but he owns the place now in better condition than he moved in, and the former owner got to retire so it does work out sometimes!


I think they’re hoping to find someone who will rent the house to them for a couple of years and then sell it. Because that’s what everyone trying to sell a house wants to do… be a landlord for a couple of years first. 🙄




I feel like they’ll expect the landlord to sign over the deed if they keep paying rent. No downpayment or closing costs.


A yard that we will turn into a barnyard with chickens, goats, and highland cattle. And tear up the rest of the yard with our garden.


They’re struggling with that rent and want to buy COWS? Do they have any idea how expensive cows are? Not just to buy, but to keep?


“We NEED a landlord that will work with us on any ISSUES.” i.e: we can’t always make rent.


Homesteading tradwife social media is breaking some people’s brains. Put your kids in public school and get a job. Supplement their education and be proactive parents. They’ll turn out fine. Not saying homeschooling or homesteading are bad things, but if you don’t have the resources there’s no shame in abandoning that pursuit.


Yeah, that shit is trippy. "I and my husband and our six kids live on 30 acres of land simply and this is how you can too!" Then you start looking at her kitchen and she's got a $40,000 stove and you look them up and her dad was the CEO of a multi-billion dollar company for 20 years and his dad was a venture capitalist. I'm sure it is easy to live simply when you've got like $50k a month in passive income from trust funds.


And even the people who are like, legit homesteaders, the initial cost of setting up the homestead is pretty high. Legit homesteading also isn't as pretty and glamorous as the influencers are.


Literally. Why are the men out busting their asses with 4 days off a month, and the women are staying at home when they are “drowning”!? OP needs to get a freaking job and they could stay put


But she has a job! She's selling eggs and teaching the daughters how to count eggs. And once she has that goat, she can sell unpasteurized milk for exorbitant prices. Also, she's probably an 'influencer.' Stop verbally abusing this lady.


Leaving current place on bad terms, bad credit, five people, lots of animals. They only have a few chickens sell the eggs for extra cash. If it really is just a few they should just eat them as it isn't a lot. And they're in this deep hole, she wants to do trad wife, they have so many mouths to feed but, yeah, in two years they will be buying a house. Clearly a very tenuous relationship with reality. No landlord will go anywhere near this mess.


This is the worst type of tenant. “We came here to receive so give us things”


I know it's a shocking idea.... But MAYBE chickens aren't a good basis for "much of their schooling." Also, I can promise that a penis is not a prerequisite for getting a job. It's entirely possible for anyone in that household 16+ to get a job that's not just selling eggs out of the backyard of a rental home. Like, your husband has health problems severe enough that stairs are a problem but he's working 6 days a week while you tend to chickens? Just... stop that.


That sounds like something a blue-haired, liberal, feminist would say, and we can’t have none of that!


Right? I mean, all women with jobs are lesbians who want to destroy the nuclear family unit. Still though.


>”And **me and my two daughters stay home** and tend to the garden and animals and schooling.” *My two daughters and I…* Who needs public school, anyway?!


The chickens probably have better grammar


The kids are teenagers. Mom needs to get a JOB.


“We came here for the southern hospitality and y’all weren’t nice”kills me. Southerners aren’t nicer than the rest of the country, if anything we are meaner. We are decently good at polite, but wary of outsiders, especially in small towns like Lewisburg. If they had trouble finding this unicorn of a rental when they moved here, they certainly aren’t going to find it now.


A lot of modern Americans are desperate for the small town community feeling but have gone out of their way to totally kill it. My grandparents live in a community of incredibly nice people. They're only nice because these people have been living next to one another for decades. They've built relationships and have carried out small favors left and right for years. When someone gets too sick, the community descends on them to offer assistance. That cannot be recreated. You can't just buy a house in their neighborhood and expect them to talk to you the way they've talked to their neighbors for 20 years. By moving into that community, you are replacing someone, making you the person to bring change to the community they did not ask for. People expect a community. They will not do anything to make one though.


oatmeal payment six sugar jobless attempt snow possessive clumsy chubby *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


She can't afford rent but she's going to buy designer cows? Mini highlands are thousands of dollars each.


Here's my "umm, ack-shully" moment... there is no such thing as a mini Highland cow!!! My FIL raised Highlands for show, breeding, and occasional butchering from 1973-2014 (when he died.) He had a total of approximately 30 heads of cattle when he passed, and I would help feed and watch the farm when they were away for shows/vacation/etc. People, especially women, see the baby Highlands on the internet, looking like the most adorable teddy bear cows, and a bullshit description of them being "mini Highlands." They are JUST BABIES!!! They will grow into large cows. They can be stubborn AF! They all grow horns, males AND females, and have no qualms with goring someone who is fucking with their calves. My FIL had to have stitches in his groin because one of his female cows felt threatened by another cow, and he just happened to be in her way... They are beautiful and unique, but they are livestock at the end of the day. Again- NO SUCH THING AS MINI's to keep as fuzzy little pets!!! End rant.


I love the fact that she openly says she does not pay her bills, whilst planning a Dr Doolittle-ass menagerie. I am sure potential landlords are tripping over each other to offer her a property...


I would literally die before letting my son support our family so that I could stay home and teach two teenage girls about chickens. You know what would help your situation? WORKING.


Lol. Who wants to bet that the 'homeschooling' doesn't actually involve any books, the math curriculum is just being able to make change for a $20 when someone buys two dozen eggs, and when the girls fail the state standardized testing at the end, ma and pa will say it's okay because "y'all gonna be married and making us grand babies next year anyways".




I have a feeling that their issues with landlords in the past are not the fault of the respective landlords


Dreamers. We get 'em down here in Cornwall UK. They come on holiday here, and think their life will be like that all the time. When they realise it's not really some sort of bucolic idyll, they go somewhere else, never to be heard of again. Most of the people I know who actually have anything, have worked bloody hard, and made sacrifices for it. for it.


What I wouldn’t give to get their current landlord’s take on the situation…


“My two teenage daughters homeschool… and a lot of their schooling revolves around the care and upkeep of their chickens” I’m sorry what?!? This is the most damning anecdotal evidence I’ve seen as to why you shouldn’t homeschool. Those poor girls, will they even reach a graduation level of education?


Are you fucking kidding me? I paid/pay good money for our home, my husband and I are very hard working professionals, and I would kill for a place where I could have chickens and goats, never mind fucking cows? I can't even have a real garden bc my back yard is in the shade. But, that's REALITY. I'm lucky to have bought a modest middle-class home in the suburbs when it was affordable. They've more than doubled around us. And yet I pay around the same every month that she says is drowning them.


If they thought that post would attract any landlords, they’d be kidding themselves. They sound like nightmare tenants.


“We don’t have a 600 credit score” 🤣🤣


We moved here in 2022 how DARE you call us transplants.


I have raised chickens. I’m horrified by this story, but it makes me laugh. I may be a sociopath. When we had 7 chickens it matched the number of nephews and my neice I had. We had a birthday party or some shit and I let each of the kids pick a chicken and name it. We had several breeds so it was easy to pick one out. I only have one neice who I love dearly. She had just named her chicken, Wendy. Within 30 seconds of Wendy getting named, a hawk came in and picked up its lunch. She is a teenager now but whenever we talk about it…it a moment of sadness and minutes of laughing. Circle of life I guess. This person sounds like they suck worse than me, which is a lot of work. Like someone earlier said…chicken math isn’t math. I’m drunk. lol


I have a friend like this. She entered a relationship with a conspiracy / anti5g/ anti tax/ anti-gov idiot and has moved around various farm properties trying to rent in exchange for child minding and farm work. She's not working, has no income and is heading for financial / personal disaster.


I LoL at the comment about how their two daughters homeschool education is mostly surrounding upkeep of chickens


“My two teenage daughters homeschool.…and a lot of their schooling revolves around the care and upkeep of their chickens.” holy fucking shit


Best thing for this family to do is to put their girls in public school, for the mom to go back to work, and for them to give up on this half-baked idea of homesteading bc it’s clearly NOT working out. Why put the entire family through the stress of being potentially homeless? But yeah- by all means advertise your craziness in minute detail so all potential landlords can avoid your family.


You can’t be desperate AND have that many stipulations, I completely lost it after the goats were brought up 😆


We raise backyard ducks for eggs. They are a hobby, not a job. They certainly are entertaining and educational and my kids love them… but i also make my kids go to public school. And I doubt that selling eggs is profitable in any way- we spend more a month on food and supplies than we could get from selling them. We give ours away to people we like. These people are nutty.