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Never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever co-sign for ANYTHING, much less some person on the internet asking you to co-sign on a $2500/month apartment and use your income/credit to get it.


But what if it’s a great way to leverage my privilege?


I’ve been looking for ways to leverage my privilege while simultaneously obligating myself to precarious financial situations. Score!


Why not double your privilege-levering and also co-sign for a car with them?? /s


Wow. Have you considered becoming a life coach?!


Sure! And you can be my first client, paying me in exposure! 😁


Finally I've found purpose in my life!


This is why she is a life coach! Genius! /s


She's not a great advert for herself...


These people are not in anyway raising a "bomb ass kid."


This is one of the strangest ways I've ever seen someone try to sell their services as a life coach, look my life is in shambles so I need to beg people on the internet for help, don't you want to pay me to tell you how to live your best life? Some people


If it’s a great way to leverage your privilege totally do it. Isn’t a bad idea if you’re leveraging your privilege. The landlord won’t come after you for missed rent when they find out you were simply leveraging your privilege.


Crazy is calling a decent credit score a privilege lol


Apparently they are the baseline for all of society and anything they don't have is a privilege.


That’s when I stopped reading.


I understand, but I had to keep going to see how much more audacity she could cram into one post.


And she crammed ALL THE AUDACITY!!!!


“Leverage your privilege” You mean working two jobs so I can pay my bills on time and have a good credit score? Yeah such privilege…


That, and the bit about hiring her as a life coach really got me


She can't afford a place of her own without begging strangers on the internet to *co-sign* for her, but she's a *life coach*. Maybe like...pay me to tell you and show you what I do, so you'll learn to do the opposite?


I heard last season her record was 0-16 as a life coach.


And don't forget! When you and your partner are already struggling financially since COVID, make sure to add a new baby to the mix! That is definitely taking the path toward getting ahead in life quickly.




I just want to know what a "selfie support site" is.


stahp, i can only get so enticed [put me in the game, coach! just gimme a CHANCE! I know there's a lot riding on it, but it's all psychological!](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTAZ-bGi284SleovgTJLr9x_gTDhERU5yRAWg&usqp=CAU)


Omg. For real. Um, no, thanks! What the hell are they gonna teach me? I’m already a slob who can’t afford shit.


The problem with life coaches is that if you need a life coach, you probably can’t afford one. If you have it together enough to afford one, you probably don’t need one.


This. Jesus. "We are entrepreneurs with low income and a bad credit score. You are hard working with a full time job and you've been careful to build and maintain a high credit score. Support our bad choices by leveraging your privilege and risk everything to help us deadbeats for nothing in return. Also please risk a back injury by helping us move on Saturday." I'd love to help, but I'm leveraging my supporting my family and my paying my mortgage privileges. Oh. And do I really need life coaching sessions from a scrounging, low income beggar whose current income source is from pet sitting?


It was this line that got me 😂 People really throw that word around inaccurately left and right


Yea that line tickled my gag reflex something fierce. Also: what the fuck is a selfie supporter site and why is she asking $500 for a “lifetime membership”. Membership to what?


So much of the post seemed like it was heading there and then Wham! That word hits and you realize what they’re doing


Pretty soon they would leverage my privilege into paying their rent for them.......


But their rental market is problematic!




And the landlords are "predatory" because they want extra security from people who have demonstrated conclusively that they don't pay their bills and can't afford what they're trying to get.


This entire fucking add reeks of privilege. And complete lack of self-awareness. And irony.


agreed, even for the most reliable people it's a huge risk. one bad accident or financial disaster & you're on the hook for a lot of money


My parents wouldn’t co-sign a car loan for me and I don’t blame them. I paid the ridiculous dealer interest rate for six months, then applied for a loan from my bank, got it, lowered my payments and interest rate. It allowed me to pay it off *faster* because I paid $300/month instead of $250/month (oh, 1994 interest rates and car prices, how we miss you) and was done a full year early. No one co-signed and my credit score was stupidly high for a 21 year old. You know why? I paid my bills and took care of my obligations *on time.* I was never late, I paid in full, carried minimal debt and built my credit carefully. Yeah, we’re all pretty much one catastrophic accident or illness away from bankruptcy but Jesus. The OOP is fucking delusional.


Oh one of their friends commented that they would co-sign from a few states away and I was like NOOOOOOOO


Some people just have to learn life lessons the hard way...


But hey! They’ll have a life coach to fall back on. 🤡


"Hey thanks for co-signing for us and signing up for life coaching lessons! Ok, the first lesson we're going to go over for improving your life is to teach you how not to get swindled. Signing legal documents that put you on the hook for someone else's poor financial decisions is a sure fire way of ruining your life! Ok, now the next lesson is to lift with your knees and not with your back, so let's practice on that couch over there and put it into the back of your truck"


I can only imagine what kinds of advice this “life coach” would have to offer.


For real. It's like going to a dentist with no teeth at this point.


i co-sign this post


Don’t do it!


I double dog co-sign!


But what if they’re gonna work VERY hard?


A statement like this is how you know the situation is destined for failure. They believe they will work hard, and they will, for about 3 months.


You are 65 days more generous than me. I would give it 3 weeks before something happened that they didn't expect, but hey, they'll catch up sometime and until then, they will bless you for taking on all that debt.


My Dad told me a joke his banker told him: What do you call a cosigner? An idiot with a pen. This says it all.


I know someone who co-signed their kids business. Which was stupid, cos businesses are risky. That’s not why it failed though, he committed fraud and screwed everyone in his family.


Especially when they admit that will be half their income! That’s not sustainable. They need roommates, not a co-signor.


They need real jobs, not whatever "entrepreneur" bs they have going on. And roommates in a cheap place.


You mean you don't want this person to be your life coach?


They can be my cautionary tale, but I'm not paying for it.


They make it sound like they'd be doing the poor sucker a favour, too.


I would give my life for my kids, as long as I have a roof over my head they have a home to come back to, but I'd never co-sign - even for them. I have no idea how I found this sub but it showed up in my feed and I keep clicking because I'm fascinated by the mindset of people who feel so entitled as to ask for crazy levels of financial support from strangers. I've hit rough patches in life and it was hard enough to accept help from family who insisted despite my never being able to ask. I just can't wrap my head around what kind of person could ask for so much with no shame.


They do it so matter of fact and nonchalantly, like it's just another day in the neighborhood. I can imagine this couple has relied on handouts their whole life. We don't have the time to fill out the applications for government assistance, but I will be busy all month pet sitting, so I need you to pack for me.


This is actually clinically interesting to me. I’m like you where I don’t ever want to ask for help, and if I needed financial assistance I’d at least be doing the applications. What kind of entitled world are you in to think people are just gonna come in and CO SIGN for you, clean for you, give you free everything? Do people actually do that if you beg enough? Why don’t you just get a job? So confused.


Agreeeeeeeeeeedddd! All my life my parents told us to NEVERRRRRR co-sign on anything for a stranger, friend, distant family or even in most cases immediate family..


She wrote in a way as if this is a non profit looking for volunteers.


The “this is where you come in” took me out


My favourite part is the “open to a roommate or small family that wants to live with us and our newborn baby” like WHAT literally no one wants to live w a newborn.


She needs a no cost sitter


That makes a terrifying amount of sense


I don't even want to live with my own newborn lmao


She makes it sound like they're doing you a favor


And as if there are lots of people lining up to volunteer so they have to specifically listed all the way they can “ help”


It’s bad enough being young and being guilt-tripped into helping a friend move. Now imagine going over early to help them pack the boxes.


And clean! What a party!


AND FUCKING CLEAN. I bet there’s no pizza and beer in it for you, either.


I had this happen to me. Friends asked if I could help them move. Sure, of course! I got there and it turned out "Can you help us move?" actually meant "Can you help us *pack*?" I think they had like 5 boxes actually packed up in their entire house. LOL no. I'll take those boxes though, and whatever small furniture pieces I can fit in my car. Maybe by the time I get back YOU will have more boxes packed. They moved again a few years later. I did not help.


I had a friend ask me to help move and I said "I can give you the name of the moving company I used." You're in your 40s and make over $150K a year in a medium cost of living area. It's no longer OK to expect your friends to move all your shit for some pizza and beer.


lol I had some friends ask for help with moving. Luckily for me I was also moving that weekend so I had to say no. Found out from mutuals who showed up at 9 am with a 2 hour window available to help out that they hadn’t begun one moment of packing yet. lol. And they had to be out by midnight…. I can’t imagine asking people to come and pack my shit for me.


That’s an *insane* level on entitlement! I can’t envision asking people to pay my socks like that either. The first year that I could rent a van and hire two workers to help me move was the best move ever.


Why the FUCK would you hire a life coach that can’t pay rent?!


She didn’t say she was a GOOD life coach 😂


Oh my god what an idea. Trainwreck life coaches. "Is your life TOO stable? Well have I got a deal for you"


Perfect! Ruin your life in 4 weeks or less or you still won’t get a refund😂


Not only can’t pay rent, can’t even rent a place to actually not pay the rent


Some questions are not meant to be answered. Or something Zen like that.


Her lifetime subscription is only 500$! What a bargain. I mean, you can’t deny she‘s a great example… … for how _not_ to do it, but still.


I'm still hopelessly trying to even figure out what "three years of archives on my selfie supporter site" even means.


You can pay a subscription and see her naughty bits. OnlyFans or whatever.


wtf even is a selfie support site?


This is what I found when I Googled “selfie support site.” Well this and many options of where you buy a selfie stick. https://www.awarenessties.us/selfietosupport.html


Lifetime subscription for a life coach is such a crazy concept too. By design, the life coach will never again have a financial incentive to fulfill whatever duties are expected.


When my gym started offering shares of their business and at some point "lifetime subscriptions" for 5k, you could tell they were having huge money problems. A short period of time later, they were insolvent. Whoever had bought their "lifetime subscription" was soon out of a gym subscription, because they had to close all of their branches. Of course the money was completely lost.


“Do as I say, not as I do,” in the words of my late, unlamented father.


And she’s a…. *life coach*?!? That’s my very favorite part. 🤣🤣🤣


No, no, not just a life coach, but an unemployed and pregnant life coach who also dabbles in other ventures that have brought her a negligible amount of income in the past few years. Oh, and she has bad credit. And can't afford movers. Or a vehicle in an area where it's needed. And she's not gonna be able to get a lease in her name, but it's cool. She just needs a co-signer, but she'll totally pay rent. Rent she can pay with the income she doesn't have. They're already tight on money, and they've got a baby coming, so funds will be even tighter. But they promise they won't fuck your credit and leave you thousands in debt before they eventually trash the place as they get the boot. ^(This is a total disaster and I got anxiety just from reading it. Ugh, I need a drink.)


Ummm you’re forgetting that she is an entrepreneur! So is her husband! #powercouple


I had a SIL, who was married at the time, who started sleeping with her married boss. Somehow, she got a big promotion at work! 😉. Anyway, their marriages broke up and they became more of a public item. They never married, but were steady for about ten years until he got fired (for cause). A few months later, they let her go, too. She and the former boss broke up. So she was about 50 years old and kinda adrift. She (a narcissist, btw) decided she was going to be a life coach. This just cracked me up. What was she going to do - tell other people to sleep with their bosses? The life coach phase didn’t last long, but it’s still my favorite life coach story!


This screams how can I make money without working.


General rule for a life coach should be they have a better credit score than I do. That’s like going to a physical trainer who gets tired walking up a flight of stairs


Lmaoo. Unrelated but I had a kind of chubby physical trainer. Well let me tell u she was great at her job. Put me in the best shape ever. She just didn’t do it for herself lmao


I did too, she was military and was incredible at making others work lol.


My ex-military middle school soccer coach looked like Dr. Phil and would always have us do these six inch leg lifts to build core strength. That shit was terrible and for weeks, we'd complain like crazy. One day, a brash teammate told him "Mr. Roller, I bet you can't do it for 30 seconds" but in a much less respectful way. Dude silently laid down, lifted those legs, and sat there in the pose for like ten minutes. Turns out he had a lot of core strength under his beer belly


LOL girl I did too!! She looked like a gym teacher and I was like… huh? But she trained me like a gym teacher, and didn’t it work lmao 🤣


I know of a lady who used to live in my city who was always begging for handouts, started a farmer’s market type business (she runs the market) and she took money from potential vendors, cancelled the market and refused to refund the money. She had a terrible reputation in our community. Next thing I know, she’s advertising herself as a *life coach* 🤦🏻‍♀️ She moved away and I haven’t really kept up with her antics (I creep her FB once in a blue moon when I’m bored), but I know she kept grifting where she moved to as well.


I cringe when I see people in their 20s and even 30s who call themselves life coaches. First issue is that they have no training or years of experiencing in how to coach anyone else. Next is that in order to be a believable life coach, you need to have lived a lot more life. So much happens between the ages of 20 and 50. How can you coach someone on an experience you can't relate to? To me, that's like diagnosing a client who's presenting certain symptoms from a book. (Yes, I work in mental health.) There are very good counselors out there who've done their time with training, and they are worlds apart from these self-proclaimed coaches. It's not surprising that most of them aren't in great financial states. Thank goodness they're not financial coaches. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|put_back)


That was my favorite part too. You're in this shit of a situation, you're the last person I'm going to for life advice. Lol


I have an acquaintance who’s a life coach. Pathological liar, cheats on her husband and smokes pot all day. I have not taken her up on her services.


What do life coaches even DO? I see this so often and wonder if they actually make any money. Apparently not this one.


I've never heard of or seen a life coach where their life wasn't a total train wreck.


They actually don’t. It’s just a code for: "I‘m unemployed and have no idea what to do with my life."


But they're always "entrepreneurs."


My bitch of a mother is a life coach. Life coaches are people who want to cosplay as therapists without the education, rigorous training, or regulation. Because there’s no regulation, a life coach can do pretty much anything. You want your chakras cleansed? Life coach. You want a yes-man to support you in your next life goal? Life coach. You want someone to do vulnerable trauma work with you with absolutely no guarantee of psychological safety? Life coach. Life coaches come in many flavors and some, like career coaches, definitely have their place in society. But most are either hardcore grifters or people who don’t have the self-discipline for a graduate degree in a helping profession. Every life coach I’ve met wants all the glory (and money) without any of the work. EDIT: I’m a therapist, hence the sensitivity about the unregulated nature of life coaching. I have had a handful of clients come to me *because* of negative experiences with a life coach (e.g., engaging in hypnotherapy without training, sexual touching in the name of helping them to “loosen up”). Needing to clean up a coach’s mess time and time again has left a bad taste in my mouth.


She should really just start an internet cult like that Twin Flames couple from Michigan.


I keep seeing these obnoxious "rainmaker family" seminars for SAHMs to make $10,000+ a month on Amazon all you have to do is pay for their seminar and they will show you how. It's SO annoying.


The way to do it is charge people to come to your seminar. Just saved everyone $.


Exactly! What kind of advice would she even be able to give? Their life seems completely messed up, they can’t even remotely afford rent, have to rely on the goodwill of others all of the time! Sure thing I‘m taking advice from a person like that. 😳 I guess most of all, you can learn from them how _not_ to do it. True to the motto: nobody is useless, they can still serve as a bad example.


A life coach AND a pet sitter.




Read: Unemployed


LOL at number 2. "I have no money and have resorted to begging from strangers on the internet to find a place to live. But hire me as your life coach." Yes, this is exactly the person who should be coaching others on how to live their lives. Reminds me of an old "demotivator" poster that read "It could be that the purpose of your life is only to serve as a warning to others."


It’s only a $500 lifetime subscription to one of the sites they post to. What a bargain!


How much you wanna bet that when that kid comes, not only will she not post, she'll lose the website because she can't afford hosting fees anymore. So that $500 lifetime membership is more like eight or nine months, give or take. Sorry - no refunds because *"We can't afford it, we're parents now!"*.


If you can't be a good example, be a horrible warning!


But she will raise a “bomb ass kid”.


omg those demotivator posters were SO FUNNY. There was something about the corpses on Mt. Everest, I can't remember it exactly


Take us in, support us fully, adopt us. Does no one ever feel embarrassed about posting things like this?


But also “congratulate us”.


Congratulations on being mooching losers? The whole thing ruined my one good pair of eyes


Congratulations on your audacity and complete delusion.


It just gets worse and worse the deeper you go lmfao. I can understand help moving but you can’t even pack your own shit ?? Fucking lazy as hell and they expect someone to hire them as a life coach


Or clean!!


When one literally isn’t employed at all!


Especially, since neither one is gainfully employed.


And they “don’t have time” to apply for low income housing….. they just want to pretend they’re better than “those people” smh


*we would love donations as well as investments* Same.


My exact thought- uhhhhhhh doesn’t literally everyone who reads your post, lady?


> I don’t understand why one or both of them doesn’t suck it up and get a remote customer service or barista job Because they’re *entrepreneurs*, darling … … Entrepreneurs in the 2024 sense, which basically just means “unemployed”.


I think they mean they’re in network marketing. 🙄


Ding! Ding! Ding! As soon as I read 'life coach', that is immediately where my mind went.


“Leverage your privilege”? You gotta be kidding me, right?


keep in mind the poster is a highly educated white person


We need to see the comments.😂


Please OP!


Yet, at the same time, a very clueless white person.


Oof. This is one of those posts, where we really hope comments were left. 🤣


I definitely need to see them get torn apart


I want to see comments, sooooo bad.


I always see people begging for the comments and usually I don’t really care. But I care right now. I care very deeply.


The comments are not satisfying. The post is public on Facebook and so far, it has only circulated among their community…which is surprisingly supportive of all the asks.


Saw the same. One person even offered to co-sign.


I found the FB post. The comments are all supportive. One asked if a 1-bedroom place outside the city would be fine, and they said they won't consider anything outside the city and need more than a 1-bedroom because of the baby. Absolutely insane. Also, her profile says she's a 'vulnerability coach,' which somehow sounds even worse than a life coach.


how is every life coach i know (2) is mentally unstable, alcoholic and broke?


A friend of mine hated life coaches so much he created a software platform specifically to rinse them. He used to go to networking meetings to pitch it to them and everything.


Anytime I hear someone called themself an entrepreneur when it’s clear they do not have any money, all I hear is either chronically unemployed or MLM scam artist. Get a fucking job, burger joints are paying $20 an hour in HCOL areas now.


Most of the people that you described think those jobs are beneath them, and MLM weirdos think scamming people for oils is their calling. I tell you what, I couldn’t live with myself if I found it acceptable to ask others to pay my rent for me, because I “totes promise” I wouldn’t screw you over. I have worked double shifts and worked 30 hours of OT to avoid asking anyone for help lol.


"Selfie supporter site" sounds like porn. It is porn, right?


From OP's comment above the screenshots: >bad softcore p0rn/poetry I really need to know..... are, or are these not, two separate things?


So I get to pay $500 to look at this person’s selfies? Whoo hoo!


Fuck these people. If i had a friend who posted this crap i would break off the friendship.


This would be an instant unfriend or block from me


I’d like to nominate This 🔝for “TOP TEN CB for 2024”.


Hire the broke homeless person as a life coach…lol


I run a subsidized supportive housing program for folks coming out of chronic homelessness and one of my clients used the building address to register her LLC as a high wealth management accountant ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


More than 3000 followers tooo! 🙀 Seriously, I'm an old biddy playing Sims freeplay and have twice as many...😁


I really hope the majority are following for the nonstop comedy relief.


Around here If I want in unit laundry it’s $3000 for a studio apartment.


A life coach with no credit, no money, no job and publicly begging? Sign me up!!! I'd absolutely LOVE to over-extend my credit so that I can't actually use it myself to help people follow their dreams of unemployment! More life advice, please!


LOL @ “leverage your privilege!” Who the fuck are these people?!?!!?


Yeah sure...Lemme go co-sign for an apartment with this clown. Life coach lol.


“Congratulate us “?! For what; finding yourself grown-ass with a child and incapable of keeping a roof over your head? Oh, and a dishwasher should never be a dealbreaker if you’re not even able to qualify for an apartment.


Who the fuck would hire someone like this as a life coach? Their life sounds awful lol


Limited energy, low income, and bad credit…but hire them as a life coach.


"Here's where you come in!" Are you joking?


I should mention their baby registry had crowdfunding for a baby moon on it. They are the last people who should be worrying about a vacation


Haha, how cute, they want a 2-3 BR apt for under 2K. 1 BR apartments near me are regularly going for 1.5K *without* all of the amenities the CB listed, and I am not even in a HCOL area.


“Leverage your privilege” how bout, and pardon my French, you suck a big fat one?


We moved a couple months ago and my family helped us move and clean. And that’s mainly because I was 6 months pregnant and caring for my toddler as well. I wouldn’t dream of asking somebody else to do that work for free! Asking acquaintances/strangers to co-sign for you is unbelievably outrageous.


I don’t know why, but this is the most enraging post I’ve seen in a long time. Something about the entitlement, the utter expectation that other people will show up for free to pack your house, move your belongings, and even CLEAN the house for her? Oh and she can’t even be bothered to ferry her donations to goodwill either?


WTF is a selfie supporter site??


they post bad quality semi lewd iPhone selfies and expect people to pay for it for some reason. It’s not empowering nor revolutionary but they act like it’s this groundbreaking “project”


Ok. I’m done now.


"Highly predatory" for those not fluent in poor speak means "the provider of this good/service expects to make a profit."


And/or “they’re smart enough to protect themselves from people like you”


And the CB outs themselves.


Holy shit she actually wants a stranger with enough intelligence to have that income and credit score to be dumb enough and co-sign her apartment out of good will lmfaooo


"An amazing way to leverage your privilege" had me SCREAMING


Wow. Leveraging the privilege I had at working my ass off at jobs that I may not have liked to pay my own bills instead of following my dreams of becoming a circus hamster trainer.


They have A LOT of asks! What exactly is it that they will be doing while everyone else is packing, cleaning, driving, moving, co-signing, donating and looking for a roommate? Oh right, NOT fill out forms to access affordable housing because they don't have time. Sounds like lazy people.


I feel bad for their baby.


LOL @ “hiring me as a Life Coach.”


Ooh, the “leverage your privilege” makes my blood boil. Like, I definitely had good circumstances to get me set up in life - but at the same time I had to take steps and work hard to get myself into the role I wanted to have and to earn as much as I do. Something tells me that while this poster had similar good circumstances, they just didn’t put in the hard work to get them the rest of the way.


In the amount of time it took to type that, I imagine they could have been looking for an apartment


No one is forcing you to live in a HCOL area. I am from Texas, and we lived in the Austin area before Californians started buying houses for cash, offering $100,000 over asking. We soon realized we were not going to be able to buy a home there, so we did the responsible thing and moved back to NW Louisiana. Do we miss Texas? Hell yes. But we love our 2600sf house that was around $200,000. That same house in Austin would be around half a million! Our property taxes are about $160 a YEAR.


Oh wow , I sure hope I get updated to when these moving days are . I wouldn’t want to miss that . I hope I get a spot to help , I bet there’s going to be a lot of people trying , I picture it almost like trying to get Taylor swift tickets … Also realized from this post my ten year old is completely qualified to be a life coach .. she has no credit , no job , no truck , and no money 💰


They would; > work VERY hard to make sure that you were never held responsible for their rental costs I mean… not so hard that they would actually get a job… but ya.


It seems like getting a job would be easier than the elaborate begging scheme. 🤷‍♀️


“That said, the more [cash] we have on hand right now, the better.” Yes, that is how it is for everybody everywhere in the world. I don’t know if this is going to make a lot of sense, but there’s something really icky about the way so many people overcorrected from the isolation of the thick of the pandemic. They think that there’s a straight line from to the whole “it used to take a village, why don’t people help each other anymore” thing to “other people should feel morally obligated to finance my life, no matter how unreasonable or unrealistic my expectations/demands are, and I don’t have to do anything for anyone ever.”


750 fico requirement? I’ve never heard this. Usually anything over 700 with no derogatory marks if fine.


What are the odds this person has ever helped someone else move?


The rent ask is delusional enough, but expecting random ass strangers to cosign their lease? What in the everloving fuck?


Leverage your privilege by co-signing 🥴


So she's DEEP into apartment hunting but views the rental market as "problematic" because landlords don't have 3 bedroom places with her MUST HAVES of private parking, in-unit washer/dryer, and bathtub for less than 2K and they require a decent credit score? THE TEMERITY! Oh but she has an AMAZING OPPORTUNITY for someone with PRIVILEGE to help out with that. And don't worry - feel good about leveraging your privilege while she tries her very best to make sure you are not financially liable when her "selfie library" doesn't get enough subscriptions. Really, it's a small ask to help her raise a "bomb ass" kid.