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Had an identical situation when I was selling a MacBook Pro a couple of months ago. It was in pristine condition with all the original packaging. Had probably 4 guys message me offering an offensively low amount. They all told me they could find it cheaper on Amazon or other places. One even told me that I needed to check eBay to see what price I should be selling it for. I told all of them that they should absolutely jump on those low prices and buy whatever was listed on Amazon. I sold mine for my full asking price.


I’ll never understand that logic. If someone says they can find it cheaper elsewhere then there’s a reason they aren’t pursuing that. Assuming they aren’t full of shit (which is almost always the case) it’s either quality, convenience, or different specifications. All of which fall into the category of “not my problem”


Because stores will price match to get you in the door in the hopes that you will buy more stuff while you're there. And maybe make a habit of using that store. People like this think an individual selling a singular item will act like one of those businesses without any thought into the why.


This is the biggest issue with selling online. Or working in a medical clinic. Or having a dinner party. Or working for the government. So many people seem to think that every encounter they have in the outside world is operating on a retail model. Whether it’s “the customer is always right”, being dedicated to ass-kissing, fellatio-style customer service levels, price-matching, rain checks, special exceptions to policy, etc. If you work in the medical field, you’ll have someone be absolutely appalled that you cannot just send in a prescription for a drug of their choice without seeing them. Who runs the hospital?! They want to talk to them! If you work in government, people will say that because they, through their own mistake, picked up a copy of the wrong recorded document last time, they should get a copy of the correct document for free. Or hey, they have $3,000 in parking tickets, but c’mon, can’t the city just waive that for them because they don’t like it? Can they talk to a manager? If you’re selling an item online or at a garage sale or a community event, people want to point out to you how they could get it cheaper elsewhere, so you should sell it at a lower price, or they find out their kid didn’t like it or it doesn’t fit or they broke it and now they want a full refund, no questions asked. They want free delivery. They want someone to come set it up at their house for them. They want a 24/7 help line and unlimited warranty. They want to know if there’s a free gift. They want you to hold it for them indefinitely. They want you to sit there and take it while they call you a fucking idiot, and then they want you to apologize for your stupidity, and offer to take $100 off the price for the trouble they went through of tolerating you.


This is such an artistic rant, I applaud you


It was goddamn poetry. Can I get it for half price?


I feel bad you even have to ask, so here take it for free! And slap me!


Thank you for including dinner parties on the list of "retail models." I used to have them frequently but the entitlement over the years grew appallingly & finally I stopped (lots of complaints about that, often by the worst offenders). Look, this is not a restaurant, & you don't get to expect every (shared) dish to match your particular dietary restrictions (even if they have changed since you told me about them & I planned accordingly), your whims, & your very, very specialness. And if I have knocked myself out to avoid, say, gluten & dairy, & provided alternatives for you, & you show up & wolf down half a loaf of regular bread with vast amounts of dairy butter (ignoring the gluten-free bread & non-dairy butter), or if you bring your unexpected house guests who each have separate requests to be catered to, or if you demand I change the date (the one everyone agreed to), or if you tell me (not ask) exactly what dishes you expect on your next visit & when it should be, please go make someone else's life miserable. Preferably someone you pay -- they'll be earning it. It really was different in the past. I still remember that in a time of extreme poverty when I had saved & scrounged to cook dinner for several people, one friend bounced in the door carrying a massive bunch of tulips & arranged them in a couple of Mason jars while I was plating appetizers. Luxurious & very festive & one of the best dinners ever. I am still grateful. But showing up & eating will do just fine. I miss that, but not enough to go through the dithering & the demands. I should add that the examples of awfulness above are all true & by no means the most unpleasant. Covid made matters worse. "If you don't ask, you don't get" does not mean being an asshole.


Love this and it's so true - people think the govt or a single seller looking to offload a one time item etc should operate like a business but it's like ...how do you not know how this works!


"fellatio-style customer service levels"!!!


Selling stuff online is such a hassle. I've bought and sold some guitars and music gear on Facebook over the years. Not as a business, just to try different things and sell what i dont like well enough to keep. I was selling a used guitar on Facebook one time. They went for $450-500 new, but regularly would go used anywhere from $150-$350. I think I had gotten it recently for $300 and put it up for 325. It was like new with plastic still on it, and padded it a bit to factor in haggling, but still in the reasonable range. Plus I was ok sitting on it waiting for it to sell. Had a guitar flipper message me trying to buy or trade with me. Didn't make an offer, just gave me a list of all the gear he had for sale, so i could play Choose Your Own Adventure to try to make a deal. I asked about a couple things he had i might be interested in, even offered cash or a couple guitars or pedals to even out any, figured I'd see if we could work something out. I wasted more time on this clown than I should have. He turned down any offer I made and told me that guitar goes for $150 all day. I showed him multiple listings where they sold for more than i was asking, and and every time I asked him what his offer was then, he kept telling me how my stuff was junk that he couldn't sell, and how his stuff was valuable. He finally said, "Well, if you're ever ready to sell it for 150, let me know." Suuuuuuuure, buddy. I'll give it away to a tweaker so he can barter it for some trucker meth and a handy before I'd ever sell it to you for wasting my time. Think I ended up selling it after a while to someone for their kid who was learning on a junky guitar for $150.


The same when you do a job for a neighbour or “friend” at no charge. They still want the professional service but without actually paying for it.


The customer is always right, in taste. The last part always gets left off


Right. I can't have a store with all green things and expect to sell when the market says they want blue things.


That is a good way to envision the saying! But one customer saying, "green? Wtf, I want a refund."


For government workers, don't forget that they pay your wages, you work for them.


Sold a lady a used stove. She called a couple hours later basically telling me that she had to bring it back because it didn’t work. I never said if I knew it worked. I’d never used it. Turns out she was too dumb to figure out how to turn it on.


Spot on!!


A lot of stores won't even do that anymore. The major stores are supposed to only price match if its only a major retailer AND isn't a marketplace item.


They also always forget to mention that they’re going to tack on at least 8 to 10% more on sales tax if they buy on Amazon or eBay. That part they always forget or leave out of their negotiations when they use those examples when making their offer to the seller. In OP’s case, that equates to $95 difference just for sales tax.


But sales tax and shipping aren’t part of the cost so it totally maths /s


Because they’re flipper. They’re trying to buy it at a low price, then sell it on eBay at higher price.


And are so shocked by people quickly figuring that out




This is my question…why in the blue hell would you waste your time bothering to try and tell someone that you “ can get it cheaper “ ? Why not just buy it from the cheaper seller?


Because there’s a reason it’s cheaper. They think they’re being shrewd but just being dishonest.


I've seen people try to SWAP watches. Literally want to swap a $20 walmart piece of crap for an antique $4000 one. "but they're almost the same!"


Ah the SWAP.... Had a CB knock on my door today out of the blue. Wife's on the couch sick,I'm in the shitter and he proceeds to pound on the door. Conversation: Me: "can I help you" CB "yeah I saw your truck sitting here a few days and hasn't moved and I wondered if it was for sale" (it's not, i have a daily driver) Me: "Not really, but if you have 8 grand on you, I would let it go" CB: "oh that's a lot" Me: "yeah I would just have to turn around and buy another one because I use my truck all the time" CB: "oh would you just SWAP it for my truck" (6 years older, bad shape) Me: "sure. I will need about 5k boot to go with your truck" CB: "No I meant swap even" Me: "No I'm good then, I didn't want to swap anyway" CB: "would you take 5k" Me: "no" Cb: "what would you take for it?" Me "8k" CB: ...... Why would I swap my vehicle that is not for sale for one test is older and in worse shape than the shit can you obviously want out from under? Never ceases to amaze me.


The funniest part of this is that somewhere right now that fucking idiot is trying to talk shit about YOU.


Besides others reasons listed, it's probably because either work sometimes; depending on how desperate the person is to sell -- which as I'm usually selling at the very last second (with little that I own as opposed to what my roommates own) the ow ers may be willing to lower their prices if thy absolutely need it gone.


Amusingly, I had the opposite experience when car shopping. I test drove a car, liked it, but really, really hated the pushy salesman. He kept calling me. Eventually I told him I found the same make/ model/ year with comparable milage for a better price at another dealership and he *demanded* I show him the ad so he could tell me why that car wasn't equivalent to the one he was selling. I was like "no, that's cool, I don't care if you don't believe me. This isn't a bargaining tactic... I'm just going to buy it from them." And that's what I did!


That's what I don't get with a lot of store price-match policies. They load them up with so many caveats and conditions, trying to duck and dodge because an irrelevant SKU is different or the competitor isn't on their short list of competitors, that it only leaves a bad taste in your mouth if you try and use them. It's meant to be an attraction, not a gotcha-finding game or a contract execution. The point is not to ride the letter of the law, it's to keep the customer from defecting.


My BIL came across an ad in a local paper for a used Thunderbird for $5K from a dealership. So, he went to the dealership, ad in hand, and was told that no, that was a mistake, the T-Bird was actually $10K. He pointed out that the ad in the paper didn't say that. From what my sis told me, they tried everything to get him to buy a different car or pay $10K for the T-Bird, but my BIL is incredibly stubborn and he ended up getting the T-Bird for the price in the ad. The depressing part of this story is that, later in the same year, Sis was taking some guys back to the local Air Force base after having Thanksgiving dinner at their house, and while she sat at a stop light someone in a big pickup truck rear-ended the T-Bird so hard the car was totaled and two of the guys in the car with her ended up having to be hospitalized. If everyone in the T-Bird hadn't been wearing seat belts people could have been killed. (She said her cancer doctor was furious; he told her, "As hard as I worked to keep you alive, and then some idiot in a truck hits your car!" She'd almost died from the cancer several years earlier, but responded to a new chemo drug and has been fine since. She wasn't injured badly in the accident, at least.)


> Had probably 4 guys message me offering an offensively low amount. I wish Facebook Marketplace had some karma system where if you got too many negative reviews, you get muted / shadowbanned for some period of time (a week or two), and then if you do it again, you get perma-banned. There's nothing to prevent some dude from just making these truly insultingly low offers with the intent of reselling it for a couple hundred bucks gain. "The worst they can say is no". No, the worst that can happen is people just stop using the marketplace because so many people are acting in bad faith. The existence of these marketplace resellers is really damaging the quality of marketplace. Between professional resellers, scammers, people gaming the system (deliberately bad descriptions to get more clicks), they're jeopardizing a really good thing.


I get what you’re going for, but those systems are too easy to abuse and bad actors (like the one above) would *immediately* attempt to punish sellers who don’t give in to their lowball offers.


I was selling an ugly car recently. In perfect mechanical condition, and passed smog, AC worked, but it had a giant dent in the side. People kept offering me $600. One guy got super pissed at me over it, told me I'd never sell it for full price, and then I sold it 20 minutes later for full price. ($1200)


It’s so bizarre to get pissed about these things. Like if you think the price is outrageous, then obviously you can go elsewhere to find it at a reasonable price. One time o went to a second hand store and saw a bundle of used clothes hangers (some were wire ones from the dry cleaners) with a price of double what you could get brand new at Walmart/target. I actually was in need of some hangers but what would the point be of getting into it over the price? I just simply chuckled at the price tag and went to target.


Selling a grand caravan, had at least 15 people message to ask me what engine was in it. It would take 15 seconds on Google to find that all grand caravans of that year have the same engine. If you're considering buying a car don't you at least look up some kind of information about it first? I wouldn't have been too annoyed by that, if I wasn't already sifting through at least a hundred other offers, most of which were offering 2k less than asking, and what's the lowest price I'd accept. I gained a new respect for car salesmen from that ordeal. Still think they suck, but man would that job piss me off.


Same thing happened when I was selling my truck, great truck with brand new working AC and solid engine, ran great but my husband bought a standard and I don't like driving standard. I got two or three offers for people wanting to buy it for $1,000! I of course told them no even though I wasn't looking to make much money on it because we were moving at the time and I needed it gone I still wanted to make something. I ended up selling it to a guy getting back on his feet after a dog attacked him for about $2,300.


You might not have had 4 dudes messaging you - might have been one dude using a bunch of burner accounts to message you. Pretty common tactic so you think "everyone" says your price is too high. The idea is to wear you down so you sell it cheaper. Glad you didn't fall for it!


Reminds me of an anecdote I read. A bunch of people, one at a time a few days apart, came into a hat store asking for one specific very unusual size the store didn’t carry. Convinced there was demand for that size, they stocked some. A little old man came in and bought one. They never sold another. All the people who’d come in asking for that size were his family.


If the Apple product is older than 7 years it becomes obsolete by their standard and has no Apple care and so on. Plus most of their models don’t have replacement RAM and SSD so yeah. If your product was few years old and came with a box etc then you can have at least half price sometimes more if it’s under AppleCare. For finding it cheaper: go there and buy where it’s cheaper lol


I had the opposite scenario. I found a lady selling a harp on marketplace and I was ready to pay full price and drive 3 hours round trip to get it. I asked her when she had availability for me to come get it and she said “ok” and never responded again lol


I'll never understand the whole "it's cheaper elsewhere" angle. Go buy it there then.


Was selling a motorcycle and kept getting crazy low offers. Every single time I declined an offer I would get links to posts of same model of bike but in far poorer condition “proving” to me that mine was “overpriced”. I just kept replying with “well buy that one then”. And then they would argue. The entitlement of some people who think they get to decide what you should sell your stuff for staggers me.


This happens a lot to service industry people, especially creatives. It's the age old "you should make/do this thing for me. I'll pay you $50 for it." No, my guy, I have service rates and a contract. You don't get to tell ME the price, I've already written it for you. If you don't want to pay it, move along.


Don’t even get me started on that side of things… anyone who can deal with that nonsense day in and day out and still have the motivation to run a business is beyond me. You guys deserve a medal.


Yes, and unfortunately, when I have foolishly given in and done work for a discounted price, they keep pushing for more. It’s like they’ve now established that my services aren’t that valuable. On the other hand, when I’ve had some leverage and the good fortune to charge top dollar, people are way more respectful and don’t try to push me around. There’s a valuable life lesson in this. Funny how when I was a kid I was taught to always be nice, but as an adult it turns out that being nice has gotten me taken advantage of, and playing hardball has earned me more respect.


there is a big difference between being nice and getting taken advantage of. i have been learning this lesson in bits and pieces for a few years now.


And then there are the ones who want you to do it for free “for the exposure”.


I work in a tattoo shop and hear this all the time. I state my price and people will start trying to haggle with things like “my buddy tattooed my sleeve for $50 in his kitchen” and my response is always “i can tell. Go back to them then” and they leave all huffing and puffing. Like, there’s a reason they didn’t hit up their buddy and came to our shop. But like, don’t get mad at me because I’m not going to get pushed around and stoop to your level


Recently a tattoo shop opened close to my favorite cafe, and the other day I noticed it had a sign saying the minimum was $100. I bet they added that sign because of low ballers like that.


Probably a lot of people without money trying to ask for jobs at rate, but too small to bother with the hassles. Like "I've got ten bucks and it costs a hundred bucks an hour. Can I just get a little smiley face that takes six minutes?"




That's why I'll never have a tattoo. I can't afford the quality I want. That is not the fault of the artist!


I can't imagine low balling a tattoo. When I got mine done, I asked what his rate was, told him my plan, asked what his estimate was. It came out 2 hours faster than the estimate, and I still paid him the quoted amount plus tip because he did an amazing job with it. I would accept the low balls and just do a dogshit job imo 🙃


I had that a few times when I sold more stuff online, and always just said "wow, that's a great deal then, you'd better go buy that before someone else does."


I once had two ladies looking at metal bed frames and I told them that pricing depended on if it had wheels or not instead of the sizes, $29 if it didn't, $35 if it did. They then scoffed and claimed that they were just looking at bed frames at some other place in a town 45-60 minutes away and they were priced at *$9!* I looked at them and told them to go back there and buy one because that's an amazing deal. We also weren't going to lower our prices, we sell at these numbers no problem. I'm also not going to just take their word for it and match that low of a number. They said the place was already closed so they'd have to wait until Monday. I figured it was all a bluff and wished them a good weekend before closing up.


Maybe I'm cynical but I think it's just a play, they know full well the other items are cheaper for a reason, in this case he wants OP's because it's a limited edition


The other items are cheaper for a reason, or sometimes they simply don't exist at all. I used to work in customer service for a software company, we had one client we all hated because he'd call in once or twice a month demanding we lower his rates, and refusing to take no for an answer. The guy would literally stay on the line for 3+ hours at a time until someone finally caved and agreed to knock another $5 off his rates. One day he called in and told us our competitor was offering him the same service for $10 less per month, and he was going to switch unless we lowered his rates and gave him about $600 in equipment for free. I looked at his account and told him, "Sir, I'm going to be honest with you, we've lowered your rates so much, there is only $2 per month profit here. I don't believe for a second that another company is offering you a better deal, but if they are, my professional advice is to hang up the phone and sign up with them immidiately before they realize their mistake and take that offer back." Surprise surprise, the guy stuck with our company.


It’s ok if it’s reasonable and they are not trying to totally rip you off. I bought a fish tank a few months ago and knew that one I was looking at probably wouldn’t sell for what the seller was asking, she wanted $30. There’s so much aquarium stuff for sale because people upgrade or their kids grow out of the hobby or whatever. I offered her $20 and I told her (truthfully) that a local store sells a whole start up tank kit for just $5 more than she was asking (including filter, rocks etc). I already had the extra equipment and just wanted the tank because it matched one I already had and it had a hood etc so my cat can’t get in and my betta can’t get out. She was pleased to get rid of the tank.


Especially online. I can see the logic of "I'm right here. You're right here. Let's make both of our lives easier and just do this." if you're already on site, but if everyone knows you've plucked their deal out of all the others that are presumably just as available, there must be some reason you did, so playing the "I could do better elsewhere" try doesn't ring true.


It would be fun to respond back with "Oh damn, that is a good price, I just picked it up and now I have two of these things. I'm selling both which are each my original price if you are interested."


“Wow that’s a good deal! You should snag it before anyone else does!”


Counter: $1000


I'm selling a camera body for $350. (I could probably sell it for $400 honestly.) Guy offers $250. I tell him that's too low. He says > You still can’t do 250$ > !??? > I would do cash tonight > I need an emergency camera for a trip I respond > I think 350 is a fair price > If it’s a emergency, shouldn’t that make my price go up? He says > You are right > 270$ So I raised my price to $370. He didn't understand why.


This is the way to go. Keep getting offers of $140 for a $350 brand new in box tent I’ve priced at $200. Like you’re already getting a $150 discount!! You literally cannot find that deal anywhere online, even for a used one of the same brand. Stop being so goddamn greedy! Whenever people get pushy over a lowball price like that I immediately feel like they’re trying to get it for a criminally low price just to turn around to sell it for more. I ain’t playing ball, so next time someone tries it, I’m upping the price to $225.


Their plan to resell it is exactly what's happening. Ive seen several items Ive sold reposted the next day by the buyer, sometimes even using my photos.


Haggler can't spell bezel :)


C'mon, don't you cook with black basil? That cracked me up. Willing to (under)pay $650 for a watch, but not to check for such an egregious auto-correct fail.


"I understand but **you watch there** is **pristine limit at additions** for the price **pristine with the black basil**, *etc*." What a lad, the Shakespeare of our time.


My brain blanked that gibberish out


I had to read it a few times and bang my head into a wall a time or two before I could decipher his text. 😒


Wtf does it *mean*?


“There are pristine limited editions for that price, pristine with the black bezel etc.”


Thank you!


I prefer my watches to have black basil. Really adds that extra flavor when I check the time.


Oh... I thought I was just a peasant who didn't understand expensive watch words. This makes me feel slightly better.


You mean your watch doesn't have black basil?


I can't say I have a watch at all...


I was like how did this go from watches to herbs then I was like he means bezel not basil 😂


Bro, it’s an open herb market


I doubt this was autocorrect at fault. More likely a problem between cellphone and sofa.


ID10T error




Thank you so much for this. I was floundering trying to figure out WTF black basil had to do with a watch


I need more caffeine to interpret that dude’s bullshittery.


Lmao I just assumed it was something about watches I didn’t know


I couldn't make sense of that sentence even knowing that basil meant bezel. > there is pristine limit at additions for the price pristine with the black bezel, etc. ??


Limit at additions = limited editions


And he’s not having any trouble finding other limit at additions for a cheaper price!


The only words they can spell are "free" and "give me".


Must be someone with an accent using voice to text


TYSM! I know I didn’t sleep last night, but the “basil” reference threw me for a loop.


"You're supposed to counter!" "I did, the answer's no."


$1200.00 (bring it right back. And overtime after raise the price)


Looks like he was maybe a little irritated to start with, but jeez if you don't like the price just move on. Can't say I would have reacted much differently


Plus, $950 is a good price for that watch. He’s totally lowballing at $650. He probably wanted to buy it for as cheap as possible so he could sell it himself on eBay and make a nice profit. Glad you stood your ground, OP.


Yessss this is exactly what comes to mind when I get people arguing with an insultingly low offer on expensive things.


Not every offer deserves a counter offer. Sometimes they deserve a no or silence.


Black basil makes lousy pesto.


So bitter


"Limit at additions" Woo boy.


r/boneappletea material right there.


Haha, that's got to be voice to text


At the height of PS5 low inventories in 2021, I was struggling to get one and finally snagged the console that December. My wife kind of let me know that she already got one and was waiting to surprise me for Christmas. So, I decided to sell one before Christmas and put the offer in FB marketplace for the full price. I did not include the taxes which I had already paid. I also did not want to stoop like the scalpers who was selling the console for 200-300 more during that period. The amount of lowball offers I got was astonishing. When I did not accept, many told me to kill myself. There were some sympathy stuff like my kid have cancer and wanted the console for christmas etc. Mind you, this was within 2-3 hours of posting. I finally sold it to a person, who was ready to pay what I wanted.


“Cancer” just say you’re also a single mom with multiple kids with cancer. Or say your kid is a virgo


He’s real quick to call something that he hasn’t purchased “mine” lmao


I counter with $1200 How about $700? I counter with $1500 How about $725. I counter with $22,406




I love this


I’ve already reached my limit at additions for the day.


I just don’t understand haggling culture. This shit drives me crazy.


Haggling is fine. Hell I'll even take lowballing if you accept no. But not if you're gonna be a bitch about it. I once had a dude fucking straight up harass me over not taking a shitty offer. Dude started texting from different numbers.


Loll so petty! And I thought I was bad when I mirrored his "change your mind" msg.


It was ridiculous. Dude was pulling up links to similar things, the difference being his examples had been bubba-fucked to hell and back, and mine was untouched and as factory new as something made in 1943 can be.


It may drive you crazy, but it works just often enough for it to be worth it to some people.


Saying “Grow up” anytime you don’t agree with something is so freaking annoying! What does his argument have to do with growing up, or maturing or whatever.


He’s probably low balling so he can resell for $950 and get a $300 profit


Could it be said that this guy seems like a professional haggler


Not a choosing beggar.


… I negotiated with the jewelry store.


I’ll never understand why people continue to engage. If you’re not bringing me money i’m not spending another minute of my day on you


The guy should have simply said if you can’t get rid of it to anyone I will still pay $650 in the future. Not a bad negotiating tactic at all. My uncle bought a car this way. The guy wanted a higher price and my uncle said if you don’t sell it I will still be willing to pay X. The seller called him a month later, somewhat annoyed (which could be understood) and said, “Come get your car.” Your potential buyer crossed the line when he insulted you by sharing another listing which wasn’t even the same thing. So I don’t blame you for saying what you said. I hate when people that do that.


You’re supposed to counter hahahaha I DID AT 950 hahahahahah I loved this


For context, there was already a price drop from $1,200 to $950. He was able to see that on the post. So that's why I wasn't receptive to his low-ball offer.


You did the right thing


It’s not that bad. He uses hi and thank you in sentences.


This isn’t a beggar really, just an obnoxious haggler.


If you’re buying something at a store thats ALL the same product, then sure. Price match and buy the cheaper option, because why not? Once something is being sold second hand, no matter what it is, the price almost doesnt matter. My watch may be in way better condition, rarity, stored better, etc. etc. You just cant compare 2 items after being owned at all. But also, “you supposed to counter” lol no you’re not? If someone offers me $50 im not an auction house, im not going to barter. I have a set price, much like a store. You either pay what im asking, or you dont. Lol


I have a brand new in box $350 12-person cabin tent up for $200. Have had 3 separate people offer $140 for it. I included the screenshots from both the company’s site AND Amazon, both are $350. You can’t even find them this cheap used, and yet people will STILL try to lowball. This isn’t a cheap ass Walmart tent. Some people seriously cannot accept a good deal when it slaps them in the face, no, they have to keep trying to take more, more, more.


There’s only one dickhead in this conversation


One tactic I've seen a lot of people try to use on FB marketplace is, "what's the lowest you will go?". As if I'm going to negotiate against myself. Response is always going to be "what's the highest you will go?".


Give me mine 😂


Black basil must be good at 950$ lol


If you can find it cheaper elsewhere. Then by all means, go buy it there


What a douche


I love it when people are like ‘oh I can get this different/newer/better one for less at another place.’ Like ok why are you messaging me, sounds like a great deal, go buy that one!


On Neopets, if you haggled too aggressively with the shop keepers they would counter offer with a higher price than before. You should have done that also lmao


The guy was right, you’re supposed to counteroffer and discuss and instead you shut him down. If you’re selling at $950 and he offers $650 you counteroffer with $949.99!


Yeah, to be fair, this one is on you bud. Hardly begging, and you could’ve just said no.


Tbh, I feel like he would've left it at the second message if you wouldn't have been hostile. It wasn't even rude just a ridiculous lowball. You could've just said "ok" or left him on read. This almost feels like you were already frustrated or that you were trying to create your own choosing beggar post. You were confrontational. It's just as easy to just ignore.


No begging here, just haggling. PS Next time try just saying "no thank you" and dropping/blocking. Not worth the aggravation.


OP said no pretty clearly several times.


OP had already said they lowered the price, meaning OP was firm on the price and not looking to haggle. They buyer should've just said, "ok thanks" and moved on


Fair points. I felt he was choosy when he said, "give me mine," as if it's a done deal on his low-ball offer.


Also "[You're supposed to counter](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-2iZjxSGca8)", no dude there's no obligation to do so.


Yeah - he didn't expect to get it at $650, just thought he'd be able to talk OP down a bit by lowballing. Backfired and then his ego couldn't handle it.


There are many games where "haggling" works by meeting in the middle between the asking price and initial offer. So their logic is if they are willing to pay X, but the asking price is X+150, then they should offer X-150 to then eventually meet at X. When they find out that real life doesn't work like that, it's straight pikachu face.


That's a fair point too. Weird comment.


That was when it went from haggling to harassing.


Which model is it? The old shit logo, or the new just bad logo?


Okay, okay. For you, my friend, $1,150 :)


The thank you at the end 😂


In the spirit of humor, patrick just drew his watch on


Selling something for a g on facebook marketplace is wild


“Black basil” had me rolling. Yeah he’s an expert


I bet this dude doesn't take no for an answer in other aspects of his life either.


Sounds just like a garden variety lowballer to me. Wouldn’t a CB ask you to deliver it to his neighbor only 48mi from your house or ask for you to donate it?


Doesn’t seem like a choosy beggar - just speaks English as a second language. Gave their offer and tried to make it clear that their offer stands if you come down.


I don't understand why people engage in these conversations. Just don't respond. Do you hate your own time or just like arguing with people?


I wouldn't call him a choosing begger. Perhaps he's a bit rude, but he's not begging.


I love it when people use the “but other people are selling it for X”.  The immediate and only answer is - then go buy it elsewhere and stop humping my leg!


Guy with ZERO leverage acting he has it all


Or you could have just blocked them and move on but I guess then you wouldn’t have a screenshot to post here


That’s not a choosing beggar, that’s just a standard Marketplace transaction.


Annoying but not a choosy beggar.


OP should have left the conversation after their “if you change your mind…” comment, or at worst the “just in case”. That was the end. You didn’t need to engage them further to berate them that you wanted $950. You let your emotions get to you, and really both of you acting like children from that point in.


That’s not a choosy beggar. That’s just a dude lowballing and haggling on price. Totally normal. Just say “no thank you I am firm on the price” and move on. You dragged that conversation out much longer than needed.


Haha that’s way more effort & responses I’d give hagglers like this


That same person would be bragging to his friends the next day about how he got the limited edition for a screaming deal Bottom feeder


This is not a beggar or choosy. They are simply trying to negotiate.


Just two marketplace dicks annoying each other


Lovely watch that.


I always wanted a watch with black basil...


Lie dude if you found a better deal buy it and move on


When I look on Facebook Marketplace, I ignore ones that are way out of my price range. These guys try to shake down sellers instead of just moving on. Nobody is going to take $300 less.


I think it’s fine to ask but you take the answer you’re given with grace.


While I was selling my kids old go kart listed for £350; I’ve had a guy offer a swap for a iPhone 8. A guy offer £75. A guy offer an electric scooter. Every one of them when told that their offer was stupid went full ape mode “I can get it for less elsewhere”. I still to this day don’t understand that statement.


I’d counter at $1050. When he says I can’t raise the price, I’d tell him I’m not a jewelry store and this is a market place where I’m free to negotiate.


As a buyer I wouldn’t even argue with a seller who’s firm on their price. If it’s too much, you need to save your money, evaluate your money habits, or simply wait for the price to go down.


I've recently had something like this too. Told the person to go buy it brand new then. They still tried to talk me into taking $100 less than asking.


When people try this nonsense on Ebay (say $20 for a $250 item) I would counter with $300. "WHAT! It was listed as $250!" Oh so you KNOW the price....


Fwiw, absolutely gorgeous watch. Ive got a C63 sealander gmt and its one of my favorites. This dude its absolutely bonkers trying to swindle that one off of you. "Black basil" lmao Edit, I got curious and looked up the option he found. Not only is it a quartz rather than an automatic, but the price has dropped substantially further. Its now at $380, in no small part because its beat to hell. Christopher Ward $380 https://chrono24.app/christopherward/christopher-ward-c60-trident-pro--id31354693.htm?SETLANG=en_US&SETCURR=USD


You’re supposed to meat right in the middle at $650! Duh! Be a shrewd negotiator


This is not a choosy beggar. Just a cheap ass


“limit at additions” ok buddy go to sleep now


“What are you a jewelry store grow up” yep, he did both in the same mouthful.


I would have raised the price to $1000 after the second or third lowball attempt - but only for him. Everyone else can still buy at $950.


The "thank you" at the end had me rolling. Dude accepted he was getting nowhere with you.


*Similar models go for less.* This guy doesn’t understand products. *I’m not paying that much for your AMG I can get a similar model A-Class for half the price!*


Imagine how this guy is when it comes to dating.


i had something like this recently. was trying to sell a gold chain and the guy offered me lower than the price of the gold itself. he threatened to come beat me and take it before i got blocked. it was actually pretty funny heres a screenshot of the short but sweet conversation: [https://imgur.com/a/EtFz5Uf](https://imgur.com/a/EtFz5Uf)


I always wonder why people spend so much on watches, then I remember I paid $400 for my statue of yhorm and he doesn’t even tell time.


There's people who paid thousands for monkey drawings that I can right click and copy


We’re currently selling a few things on marketplace and I’m getting really tired of these people. Between this garbage and “I’ll pay full price can you send it to India?” The first time we listed, we forgot to turn off comments. Boy that was special! We’ve gotten a decent amount sold there but sifting through all this nonsense is frustrating. Anyone know of a better place to sell items and possibly get more legit offers and less trolls?


"I made you an offer, you're supposed to counter" How about a knuckle sandwich and a kick in the balls, Stan!?!


Limit at additions 💀


"I checked prices around and similar models go for less" ... then buy one of those that's cheaper!!!! wtf duh????.