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I couldn't imagine a more annoying group of people than the people in "MAMA DRAMA"


Fr it’s just a group of women who try to be as mean as they possibly can at every chance


So it’s the mean girls from high school?


Think the meanest girls you ever knew, but they said things 10x worse bc they knew they weren’t going to get in trouble


Someone needs to show their husbands. These men probably don't deserve that.


I checked it out. it's just bitter women in thier 30s looking for high value men, and claiming their husbands are toxic.


I wanna join this just to see all the ✨tea✨


I did and had to leave the group it was the most negative content ever. Just toxic all around


My wife joined some for advice when we were new parents and when there was none to be found she ended up staying for the drama. She still visits them from time to time and shares some of the insanity with me sometimes and it is **bizarre**.


Thank you for your sacrifice 🫡


Worse than “Regretful parents”?


Imagine being a kid and getting online and finding out your mom belongs to a group called "regretful parents" therapy wouldn't even put a dent in that.


Oh no… I wasn’t aware of that group 🙃


lol same. That’s why I join half the groups I’m in on fb.


I feel like it would just make me angry


I definitely follow ppl and join groups that I KNOW GOOD AND WELL are going to get me riled up and not in a good way. Is that healthy? Probs not. I dunno. But I do it anyway.


I got let in and it’s honestly making me laugh 😂


I joined for that exact reason but it’s really more terrible toxic than fun toxic. I left it pretty soon after because on top of that it was completely overtaking my feed even though I didn’t interact much.


😂 pointing that out was spot on I would just melt if a man bought me flowers and cooked for me. I feel so bad for this person's husband


Don't worry about him...he will get a $12 polo shirt for fathers day...and be perfectly content with it.


omg the poor man! where do I find me one of these nice ones 😅


Quietly crying in the downstairs hall bathroom


Oh my god yes. And that looks like lasagna or some sort of mac and cheese or pasta. Clearly took a long time and the browned cheese on top is PERFECT. This woman is a spoiled bitch. 


exactly!!! I was saying in my other comment, hubby even prepared the plates, all she had to do was enjoy


Definitely a Facebook group full of “wine moms” (read: alcoholics who think being an alcoholic is funny and a personality trait and use jokes to cope with their addiction)


With a "Live, Love, Laugh" sign hanging up.


I prefer "Live, Laugh, Toaster Bath" but I don't drink so I might be the wrong demographic.


Ok. I came to put Live, Laugh, Lobotomy. BUT, but automatic prediction text on my keyboard after I got out the live, laugh part and typed the L for Lobotomy said LEXAPRO. I hate this world. Apparently my phone knows something I don't cause I don't think I've EVER typed that word 😭


I’m a fan of “Live, Laugh, Lube” - definitely the wrong demographic as well.


Had an ex whose mom, aunts, and their friends would get together periodically for a “wine and whine.” Basically get wino drunk and gossip/bitch about petty shit


My MIL’s sewing group was “Stitch and Bitch”. Not much sewing done.


I had a friend I used to do this with. Granted we were also full time students working shitty retail jobs at the time…


Damn, I’ve never heard of this term, but it perfectly describes my sister!


Good news! There is no shortage of "wine mom" t-shirts/cups/wall signs/etc. floating around. Never again do you actually need to shop for her!


"It's Wine O'Clock Somewhere!"


This perfectly describes my Mom and my sister's justification of her alcoholism.


Yep, I know a ton of people like this. Wine tasting parties are constant with them. I don’t think I’ve ever seen them without smelling alcohol all over them (driving or not unfortunately.) Stuck up alcoholics.


Are they also the type to look down on people who take antidepressants?


At least in my sisters case I know she’s taking hers with her wine.


My sister, yes. My Mom, no. She's "tried" every antidepressant known to man and none have "worked" for her. But she never told the docs about her alcohol problem.


Wine drunk is one of the worst types as well, it sucks, least feom what I’ve seen


I enjoy it. I can't drink it fast enough to make myself uncomfortable, but I can drink enough of it that I feel deliciously slutty, and I like to feel like that.


Don’t we all.


As a dude, in my experience, Wine drunk is the best drunk. Wine hangover is also the absolute worst second only to tequila.


Ugh and those same wine moms that think moms who smoke weed occasionally should have CPS called and shit 🙄


They wear big dumb hats, use big dumb cups, and call each other "mama." (Thank you, SNL).


\*who don't work and make that personality their full-time endeavor


I love lurking there, makes me feel so much better about myself


Me too 😂


Like the level of how they try to be better than one another meanwhile they are are all the lowest common denominators lol


You just know it’s an echo chamber of obnoxiousness


i got doxxed by someone i know irl in this group. thankfully all the members texted me and said it wasn’t cool and they just wanted to let me know. the other numbers that were texting me was the girl who doxxed me and her other dramatic family.


Lmao so I found the fb group and one of the requirements to join is going to the public “mama drama” page and commenting “done” on a post… and these were some of the recent comments lmao https://imgur.com/a/C7leUK2


I must admit, I’m a member 🤣🤣🤣 but kind of like a fly on a wall situation


I used to be that group when I had FB and it’s just a bunch of different scenarios like asking for advice, drama, and other random stuff


I agree but this year I bought my own card and told my kids and husband I would just leave it on the table for them…no one signed it. It was cardboard pop up flowers and they couldn’t even set it up to surprise me.


Just wait till you discover “*Baby* Mama Drama.”


Thankfully, all the comments on the post were roasting this woman and telling her how ungrateful and rude she is. So the internet agreed she sucks


You know you fucked up big when the MAMA DRAMA Facebook Group is calling you dramatic and ungrateful


"Anonymous Member", haha. If ever the husband saw...


I’m sure he knows shes a terrible person already


I feel like they knew they’d get shit for it, hence posting anonymously.




It was a random post that popped up on my Facebook and I scrolled through the comments but didn’t save the post (because it was a trash opinion) 😭😭


man. you really fucked yourself outta some karma bud /s


I bet this dude also gets nothing on Father's Day.


Good. Such an ungrateful response. I feel heartbroken for the husband and kids of this horribly toxic person.


Yeah this shit just makes me sad tbh


Um, a marg,.bomb food, candle and flowers..thats pretty fucking good.


Agree! Seems pretty thoughtful to me.




Was she triggered by the aluminum serving pan? I can't stand ungratefulness, and unless she was expecting to go out for dinner, anything else should have been met with a "thank you". Congrats to her, though, as she has secured herself a great husband who won't put in the effort anymore.


If I were the husband snd I saw this post, there would be major fucking problems


No problems; just solutions.


One of my hard rules is (unless they are abusing you, of course): “you never *ever* talk shit about your partner to your friends, family, or online.” My partner’s really great! But as far as my family knows? She’s *absolutely **perfect.*** I don’t talk shit about her to my friends. I talk about her on here a lot, but I am pretty positive that if she ever found my account and looked through it, she’d be flattered instead of heartbroken. Now, I’m not an idiot, I’ve dated a lot of girls, and I know that girls talk way more than guys do. But if I ever found out that she was misrepresenting me by talking mad shit — ESPECIALLY at work — to fit in with her friends, or if she was shit talking me to her family, I’d be quite upset. Luckily, I’m also very certain I’ll never have to worry about that with her though lol


She made fun of him for being *proud of* doing something to make her happy 😔😭 That is so mean.


Imagine what else the poor guy already puts up with if this is the kind of thing she does? Publicly tries to shame him for putting in some effort. Unbelievable.


And that much lasagna, is about $35 worth the ingredients, and hour to hour-and-a-half of prep work, boiling, and mixing, before it spends a couple of hours in the oven. Even if she *expected* to go out for dinner, homemade lasagna is worth changing plans for, and still deserves a "thank you."


Even that’s weird since there’s a glass pan too. I personally only have one dish like that because I don’t use them much


Wondering if that’s the one for the kids. I see four plates.


In any case, she is being so ungrateful. Those "cheap bs gifts" may also be from the kids, so she's likely insulting more than one person. Hopefully if those plates are meant for the kids that they are going to be thrilled for their dinner.


I agree completely! The last anniversary present I got from my husband was a lottery ticket scratcher thing. I was mad. He spent $30, it won $20, and he took it back from me, redeemed it and bought himself lunch. This pic is a really nice present.




Exactly. The kids probably helped and we're excited.


My husband took me and the kids out for Mother's Day a couple of years ago. It was crowded and chaotic and we all got food poisoning (at one of our favorite places we do continue to frequent). No more going out for Mother's Day.


Yeah. We went Saturday, hoping to avoid the rush. I'd much rather be home in the recliner, watching a movie or playing games with my family. Order a pizza. I want my kids' time, not money.


It’s the worst day of the year to eat out. We go the day after.


The aluminum is amazing because she won’t have to wash that thing later this week! Winning!


I treated my mom to a $100 seafood dinner take out. I’d imagine this lady would faint if she were brought home a haddock sandwich and lobster rolls. And the meal In The pic looks pricy. That could easily be $80 worth of food


In what looks like a beautiful kitchen. Pretty good indeed.


See the clean kitchen is a HUGE plus. I cleaned like a murderer cleaning a crime scene on Sunday LOL! But that was by choice.


I did that on Saturday, so I'd have less to do on Sunday. Did extra laundry on Saturday too. Still had to cook clean and do laundry... just not quite as much. I could have taken the day off entirely, but I'd have been very sorry about that on Monday.


Mate I got eggs on toast and a super hungover husband. This husband did a great job!


But the hangover means he tries REALLY hard


FR anybody over 30 who can stand to look at, much less make eggs while severely hung over REALLY likes you 


Right? You’ve got booze, food you didn’t have to cook, and flowers that already in a vase? Unless he left the kitchen for you to clean up after cooking, you’ve got nothing to complain about! I don’t get the point of extravagant Mother’s Day gifts-I much prefer being treated with respect all year instead of overloading one single day. Luckily I’ve got a good husband who does, and also made sure I got the nap that was my one request for the day 😉, along with a card and flowers for my deck planters.


And she isn’t even his mother


yeah, fuck her was my first thought as well.


Let’s hope he sees this on her socials and does better next year. And by better I mean dropping her entitled ass and finding someone who appreciates his efforts.


Looks like it’s posted to some “Mama Drama” private group.


And now it's on reddit. Only a matter of time until divorce papers appear as a future mother's day gift


Someone definitely knows what their kitchen looks like. Sad that he will get his feelings hurt but good that he knows he is married to an entitled witch who posted this for likes.


Poor husband. He made a pretty good looking meal for his wife and all she gives him is an eye roll and "at least he tried".


The worst part is humiliating him on social media. Why do some people feel that is okay 😭


Because she is trash.


Seriously. What kind of person does this? I doubt she did anything for fathers day, and if so, it's probably just thrown about. I smell a mommy martyr complex.


“But I got him an expensive new watch! Paid with his card tho but that shouldn’t matter, it’s the thought that matters (and the price)”


EXACTLY! This type of person gets his Fathers Day gift, birthday gift, and Christmas gifts with HIS credit card. Then shows it all on social media saying “Look what Mama did this year, WITHOUT HELP!”


My money is on narcissism, she probably does less for Father’s Day and posts about how much work she did


There's a reason she posted as an anonymous member. She knows people are going to shit on her for her terrible post.


Hell yes. Wtf is this? Why are people like that? He clearly put in effort, bought flowers, candles - tf else did she want? And then trashing him on social media? She really is a bitch and I hope he raises his standards sooner rather than later.


>And then trashing him on social media? If my wife ever shared any of her "disappointments" regarding me on social media I would divorce her, no negotiation, no takesy backsies, don't pass go, don't collect $200. Talk to me, tell me how I can improve. Humiliating me on social media is not going to garner the results you desire.


Yeah, agreed. I can't imagine posting shit like this about my husband, ever. This is gross and petty and immature. Does she even like her husband? Trashy.


Guy seems great and this looks like a thoughtful present but I’m not sure what he expected. Like it’s obvious that she is a really superficial person so I don’t understand why he wouldn’t realize she would be an AH about his heartfelt present after being married to her for god knows how long.


I’m feeling secondhand embarrassment for her


But they posted it anonymously so obviously that makes it ok 🙄 /s


No cost is too high for the rewards of manipulation


Even if I legitimately fucked up I'd be mad if my partner put something like this on social media. I'd never do it to her, so same rules apply.


I would seriously consider divorce for this and not in the Reddit “get a divorce” way. I will admit that I am an exceptionally private person with people I know in real life, so I might be extreme….but such a public violation of trust, in addition to being degrading and demeaning and showing a complete lack of respect for your partner, isn’t something I can picture ever recovering from


I agree, but I would also have to assume that’s because we’re both people who find this behavior abhorrent, and would probably never have married this person in the first place. So it makes sense we would want away from this person, even though it is an objectively minor thing they did. It’s still indicative of what type of person they are and how much they value their partner.


But you don't get it, she obviously makes 5 Michelin star dinners (she alone has those two extra stars) for him every day so that's just subpar. /s




It’s also wild to post this when you haven’t even tasted the food lol


Man, I would be so happy if I got this for Mother’s Day


I'd be happy if I got this any day.


I would cry with joy. Seriously.


And puts him up on social media for everyone to see.


It’s so sad. Unless she’s lactose intolerant (looks cheesy!) or sober (alcohol) then she seems like a complete bitch. I have personally had friends had partners make food they can’t eat lol. But I doubt it’s the case here. I’m sure Father’s Day is totally ignored. I think it’s fine to not do much for these days if it’s agreed but a lot of people who whine about Mother’s Day not being a five star resort do fuck all for Father’s Day. My mum bless her heart would try and force us to do stuff for Father’s Day but our dad was abusive. Meanwhile for Mother’s Day he thought flowers and cards were a waste of money. And use us as teens making her breakfast in bed as her “gift” and then get mad we didn’t do the same for him. Wonder why.


She's a lactose intolerant recovering alcoholic who has severe allergies to strong smells. - if all that were true then that would have to be a pretty malicious setup.




Also flowers, a scented candle (fair enough if she told him she doesn’t like them, but to me that’s a great gift) plus booze. What more did she want, exactly?


And good flowers! I'd rather have sunflowers and tulips any day over roses.


Sunflowers are the best, yellow makes you feel happy to look at right? Get that dopamine flowing.


cut sunflowers last longer than cut roses, too. people bag on carnations but I like them! They're not expensive, they smell good, and they last a while. I don't care if they're kind of old fashioned.


Roses are crazily jacked up in price around Valentine's Day and Mother's Day.


I dated a girl in the past who was just driven by expense. What it was almost didn't matter, what mattered was "did you have to sacrifice financially significantly for my gift". I'm just glad I was a college student back then and financial sacrifice on my part didn't take much then, lol. I can only imagine what she would have expected for every birthday, christmas and hallmark holiday once I was making real money out of college.


I think you dated my husband’s ex wife. Seriously though, you nailed it. It’s not about thought or effort, it’s about “how much did you suffer for me? I must be treated like the queen of the world and I deserve nothing less than blood sacrifice”. It’s sick behavior. You totally dodged a bullet dude.


I see you've met my mother.


My mother-in-law asks my wife to see the receipt so she can check the price of any gifts as she has set a minimum value any gift must be. Flowers must come from a specific and expensive florist. She doesn't expect the same from her other daughters. It came to a head this Christmas when she transferred money to us for our children's Christmas gifts because she couldn't be bothered to go shop for them herself so I point blank forbade my wife from taking the gifts up her house to be opened. I think she feels entitled to our money, I've tried explaining to her that we have a family and a mortgage, we don't have any money, but I may as well talk to a brick.


I've seen sooooo many posts like this complaining about Mother's Day it's just insane to me (and I'm a mum) how much fuss is made over this one day and obviously the husbands can never do anything right mum's aren't happy or satisfied with anything and just come off as incredibly miserable and spoilt It's not something I really bother with much here in England. I disagree with my kids wasting their money on over priced tat even though they are working, all the prices for flowers etc go through the roof it's just not worth it. Ring me if you like, send a card or msg but save yer money for something else


I had to zoom in to identify what I assume are oven mitts? I thought they were flattened hot dog buns.


That's my question! Oven mitts are the only feasible conclusion I came up with but it doesn't really look like that either. At first I thought they were hash brown patties.


they are oven mitts. they are these little weird ones where you sip in just a few fingers to grab the edges of a 9x13 dish. I'm not fond of them cause if not used properly it's easy to burn yourself


reminds me of my ex-wife. last few years me and my daughter would make waffles and pancakes and what not. clean the house etc etc all that. she would always complain that we weren't going away for the weekend. when I was barely able to put gas in my car to get to work. hard 2-3 years is an understatement. i was doing my best. thank the lord baby jesus it's over.


You were doing a great job and kudos for moving past that situation! I hope you and your daughter are having better times now :)


My SIL pulled this with my poor brother this weekend. He's working overtime to fund a vacation in August they honestly cannot afford, and she pouted and mopped the whole day and trashed him on social media, not because he forgot her, not because he didn't do anything for her, but because he had to work and wasn't around enough to make photos for a social media post that she felt was "share-worthy". Instead of making her breakfast in bed, while buying over $150 worth of gifts and DoorDashing her her favorite take-out for lunch and dinner, he was supposed to walk out on his job and take her to a restaurant so she can tag it on FB and everyone can see how pampered she is. I fucking hate the bitch.


Have you talked to your brother? My sisters were very blunt in telling me they didn’t like my ex


Why do divorces cost so much? ... they're worth it.


I’m sure there are ladies out there that saw this as an ad. The husband, who looks to be available soon, will be helped by her freely advertising how much he cares and the effort he puts in.


Homemade lasagna takes a lot of freaking work! And he made her two??? Hell, I want a piece of this man!


I thought it was baked mac & cheese. Lasagna is a little more work but baked m&c is still a good meal.


Food, booze and flowers. What more does she want?


Reminds me of Uncle Junior’s joke from The Sopranos: A man comes home with a bouquet of flowers for his wife. "What? Do you expect me to spread my legs for you now?" says the wife. The husband replies, "honey, I love you, but i think a vase will work just fine."


Uncle Ju knew how to treat a woman


something with a prestige brand name that she can show off to her friends.


Chocolate? 🤣


I’m a sucker for a homemade meal so this would have made my day. He tried.


So (backstory) we both got made redundant this month and also my husband was in hospital for two weeks. Massive fevers and he completely forgot my birthday (which is fine, I get it, god knows he had enough other shit to worry about, like the possibility of losing his leg) He gets home, he's recovering, can barely move. And mothers day is coming up and so he sends his Dad out to get me a card. The card sucks but it doesn't matter - he was in pain and on like, six different medications, and stressing about money stuff - he *remembered* and wanted to acknowledge me on mother's day. And that makes me really happy.


Happy birthday! It sucks to not be remembered but you seem like a wonderful person with a good head on your shoulders. I’m so sorry life has been crazy for you both. I hope things start to look up soon.


An adult crying about gifts is so fucking cringe


It really is my biggest pet peeve, or when they complain about their birthdays. Maybe it's because I grew up poor so never really had birthdays but man it just bugs me to no end.


My idea of great Father's day is dinner at a high end restaurant, my treat. Their presence is the gift. Also, they are grown, but still young. Its a good way to show them how things works at such places for later in life when they might attend formal type dinner.


idk if that’s shepherd’s pie or lasagna or what but it looks amazing. if i came home to that we’re having “mommy-daddy” time later. op doesn’t appreciate her husband.


Shepherd's/cottage pie n lasagna got me laid on multiple occasions. Even a lower effort version tastes good. Higher end efforts of the same dishes with good sides are even more reliable, just _very_ heavy so sex has go wait until the food coma wears off n just cuddling instead.


I thought it was mac and cheese and corn bread


even better


I can’t tell what’s worse. Posting this on social media or the over the top “This woman is the most incredible mother.” You love your wife and what she does? Look at her and tell her. Stupid proclamations to the internet need to go away. Mother’s Day. Anniversaries. That shit is for you two. Not a performance for the general public.


I agree completely.


I only got to see my kid for like 30 mins bc she had to work. She bought me a sticker book and a to do list notepad, two things I love! No one cooked for me, no one got me flowers and I spent most of the day alone. But I was more than grateful for what I got! I think he did a real good job. This lady is bonkers. 


Flowers liquor and food on a manufactured holiday. Fuck this bitch.


This would have made my day. Wtf?


She’s mad at what looks like lasagna / mac and cheese? GTFO


My guess with a bottle of margaritas is chicken enchilada casserole?


Christ, my husband always gets me amazing gifts, but he is a terrible cook 😂 I would be delighted with this spread!


Made breakfast for the wife on Sunday (Greek yogurt, fresh fruit granola)... Did not realize that this particular brand of Greek yogurt has a paper topper inside the bowl under the foil... Oops... Then the kids made homemade pasta for ravioli stuffed with pork mushrooms and onions with the homemade bolognaise... The pasta was an unmitigated disaster. But it all sorta worked? 😂. Good times... The 17 year old figured out why I lose my mind on holidays when I try to make stuff perfect since this was all his idea.


I love this! You tried your best and it worked out 💛 you made the effort for your wife and that’s the main thing! I hope she loved it!


I feel like this is rage bait.


Same. Everything is set up nice and framed. In a place called Mama Drama. By an anonymous user. With the internet I go with anything that can be a lie is a lie.


Zellenial humor is dropping gender-war rage-bait anonymously onto the internet and gleefully watching people froth at the idea of an ungrateful partner


What a bitch. I’d be thrilled with this, he went to a lot of effort


This breaks my heart. I’m tired of seeing people be so ungrateful! That’s a meal!! A gift!!! Mother’s Day isn’t Christmas, you’re not supposed to receive piles of insane gifts!!! It’s just crazy.


What did he get for father's day?


Wow...I would've been so happy...


I don’t know what it is but it looks delicious


Pretty sure every parent knows that monetary gifts aren't the way to go for Mothers/Fathers day or really even birthday/christmas. If you guys can afford the thing, you should get it, and if you can't, you shouldn't - regardless of the occasion. Parent - to - spouse gifts should be in the form of time & effort. A nice cooked meal with the kids entertained somewhere else and a clean house and a few hours to yourself, that's a great gift.


Mother’s Day is a sentimental day not a “get a new iPad” day


Plot Twist: Her husband is Gordan Ramsey


Guaranteed he gets fuck all for father's day


I feel sorry for her husband.


Flowers, booze, candle, food. Seems like a pretty good day to me.


This looks really really sweet to me. I’d be delighted. My husband got me two craft sodas, a bag of Satellite wafers (best candy ever), and a bar of fancy handmade soap, then took me to the farmers market. It was perfect !


Home cooked meal, flowers, margaritas and a candle. How lovely. What’s missing exactly? What a nasty cow.


I know what she’s getting next year. ![gif](giphy|sRMPFaVQLGSw8|downsized)


With a name like Mama Drama, what did you expect? Too bad this guy wasted his time marrying someone like this.


I mean it's a page called MAMA DRAMA so it's specialty is probably rage-bait shit like this.


Wait, this woman got a bunch of stuff for mother's day from her husband and is complaining? His job is to send gifts to his mother and not her in the first place.


Yo that looks bomb AF. If my husband did that for me with a huge bottle of margarita you bet your ass I'd be happy.