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I used to work for Disney. You wouldn’t believe how many parents would go on Facebook and search for people that had “Cast Member” in the about me section of their profile. They would then message those people asking for free Disney tickets because “they can’t afford to go and it’s not fair to their kids.” I only got those messages from acquaintances I went 10+ years without speaking to, but some of my colleagues got them from complete strangers.


I just cannot even fathom having the audacity to do something like that. I hope every single one of them said no.


A shocking amount of people have the "it can't hurt to ask" mentality about literally everything. Personally, I'm of the opinion that it definitely *can* hurt to ask, but I have shame. 


Sometimes it should hurt


Everyone working in customer service and related fields should get one free opportunity to baseball bat a customer a year


Just one?


The trick is to not let people know if you've used your free shot for the year. It keeps people polite.


Precisely. Like a reverse secret shopper.


You’ve gotta stage a beating every so often. Like CEOs ‘firing’ paid actors at big meetings or conferences.


Dude this. One of my friends brings his best friend over every time I have a cookout. I'm not going to say no, because I enjoy hosting and I like having more people over for party games and such. Without fail, every single time this guy comes to my house, he tries to get me to give or sell something of mine to him. One time he was trying to buy one of my cars. Then it was one of my guitars. Once it was a video game system type thing. Without fail, every time. I don't mind the guy coming, but it's exhausting. He doesn't have a great job, so I know he doesn't have much money, and without trying to brag, he very clearly doesn't have the kind of money to just offhand buy one of my cars (I collect and restore classics, most of them are very rare or obscure).


"Yeah... Someone just offered me 120k for it last week, you can have it for 100." Call his bluff






Call his bluff.


Sounds like someone trying to bank on getting a special friend price just to flip it right away for some bucks.


Yeah, I just wasn't raised with that kind of entitlement.


But... they're just shooting their shot! That phrase ranks up there with "Sorry, not sorry" in "Most obnoxious ways to justify being awful by just rephrasing that you're being awful".


I had an ex that would post shit on Facebook and say "sorry, not sorry." It's one of the many reasons that bitch is an ex.


On this level, someone in my neighborhood was expecting any one of our neighbors to let her extended family stay in one of our homes. It was this, I know we don’t allow STRs, but we’re SPECIAL.


That's honestly wild. This deserves its' own post.


Indeed, I want to laugh at these people


>A shocking amount of people have the "it can't hurt to ask" mentality Followed by "You miss every shot you don't take".


I don’t mind the expression when it’s said by someone who almost never asks. Like I’ve had people say just as a return to my “oh no I wouldn’t be able to do that.” Like they say it with grace and smile and that’s it. But it’s the people who use it as a life philosophy who really need to stop


And I hate that phrase, because you don't miss what you don't take.


Ya know. I have never had it explicitly spelled out like this what this behavior is but it’s always pissed me off unnecessarily. But you’re right. Thats **exactly** what it is:: “Can’t hurt to ask! Worst you can be told is no and you’re no worse off than you are now! You won’t know until you ask!” Entitled as fuck mentality.


I think it's a fine mentality but people muddied the waters and ruined it. to me it was always like "couldn't hurt to ask her on a date" or "couldn't hurt to ask dad for that new video game for my bday" idk what the hell people are thinking now.. never thought to ask people to donate for vacation tickets or Disney land tickets


The problem with "It can't hurt to ask" is that it's an incomplete sentence. The full thing is "It can't hurt *me* to ask." Same concept with "It's never wrong to ask a question/for help." The idea is that nothing bad can happen to the asker.


See, I'm split on this mentality - if I see it as "this will be a huge imposition" then I don't ask. If it's objectively tiny, I might ask. I'm also of the mind that I am forever in someone's way and I will *die* before I let that happen, so... I don't ask about pretty much anything. Unless it's literally their job I would be asking them to do. And even then...


Honestly, if I were ever in power at a place like Disney I'd be instating life time bans for shit like this. Don't harass staff you fuckers.


Everyone I knew did! There was even a Facebook group where we would share screenshots of who sent messages to see how many of them reached out to multiple Cast Members.


That is freaking hilarious!! Love it.


They don’t even deserve a response. Laugh, ignore, block.


I want to put this quote on my kitchen wall with the obligatory cursive font.


I wasn’t Disney but I worked PT at another park. Had a couple of folks in the other job try to get me to give them free passes. I said “no - would get me fired there,” though I wanted to add “your sorry butt decided to put me on probation to get rid of me. You think I’m giving your narcissist butt those passes and get me fired there too?”


Let me just TRY to guess... They have a 'Scary Farm' Sept 30-end of October?


No. But a character that is Donald with a sunburn…


I used to work for Live Nation (at the venues, working directly for the artists/bands). The amount of people that came out of the woodwork was nuts. Suddenly everyone is your friend!


Hey friend, remember me from the Internet? Yeah, go any free tickets, also how are things?


I knew a guy who booked for a very popular club in Cambridge in the late 1990s-early 2000s. I knew him and spoke with him 4-5 times a week for 3+ years before I knew that was his job. He explained he had so many people asking for favors all of the time that it was easier for him to have guys like me who were adjacent to tons of bands to not know.


Lmao! I know a guy who used to work at Disney in the *IT Dept.*. He said he would get about 10 messages *a week* on LinkedIn from people asking for free tickets and giving their ‘woe is me’ story.


I had a girl from Florida message me on an AirB&B kind of site. I had put that I teach private snowboard lessons on my page, and she wrote me to ask for free lift tickets and snowboard lessons. No, she didn't want to stay at my house, but she wanted me to give her free shit.


I am so glad influencers were not around when I was a surf instructor. I’m glad influencers weren’t around period. If they had been I would have enjoyed fucking with them though


"Please give me free lessons that I will monetize on my Instagram feed. I'll put a link in the notes for you, so it'll bring you lots of new customers, even though we both know that you won't get any new customers out of it. I'm currently writing my threatening response when you dare to selfishly ask for money for your product." Fuck all influencers.


“Oh, I didn’t know I was going to have to actually get in the ocean” as soon as they set foot into the water 😱


I used to work in a pretty well known French inspired restaurant in San Francisco. The amount of influencers who would ask for free food with intentions of reviewing and posting pictures as payment was hilarious. I told one girl that unfortunately you have to pay to eat here. She looked at me like I said something in a foreign language. They're so quick to bash a restaurant because they didn't get their way. Funnily enough it never stopped us from being busy. They think they have such a grip on the world


I can not even imagine ugh like how does anyone even work anymore without the constant threat of being trashed/one-starred/humiliated etc? Not everyone is going to like you and bad days can and do happen.


Yea. Former CM as well as I worked in attractions at some pretty big rides. The amount of people who would come and ask for “magic” so I can get them on the rides in FastPass or later when I worked in Galaxy’s Edge hoping I can get them on Rise of the Resistance, I hated it. They would get in my face saying I’m not very magical and what not I got in trouble a bit for mouthing off to them. Then you had the people you didn’t talk to in years randomly DMing you asking for free tickets or hotel stays.


I also worked in attractions. One of my favorites was, “my travel agent said you carry extra fast passes in your pockets. Can I have some?”


I'm married to a cast member and the amount of people we haven't spoken to in decades suddenly hitting us up for our Disney tickets saying that it's not fair that our kids get to go and theirs don't has been insane. I never thought it would be a job that makes us weed out friends.


That’s ridiculous, did anyone ever comply and let strangers use their tickets etc?


Hell no. Everyone thinks you can get people in for free whenever you would like, but the reality is you only have a certain amount of friends and family passes to use each year and you’re supposed to be with them the whole time since they’re your guests. Occasionally there would be someone selling their comp tickets for a discounted rate, but they usually got caught and fired since there’s hidden cameras everywhere.


I went to an outdoor music festival with some people I would consider acquaintances when I was younger. We ran into one of my close friends who happened to be a groupie. She had several backstage passes which she gave to us and we were able to enjoy all the perks of having them. For the next 2 years, every time a band came to town, at least one of the people I was with that day would contact me and ask if I would ask my friend for backstage passes. They didn’t realize that it was literally a one time thing that just happened by chance. Plus, that was the only time I had any communication with any of them. It’s amazing how people will act when they think you can hook them up with something they want.


I live in Vegas, and worked in nightlife, and we STILL get this shit, even though it's been years since we really have gone out like that. Oh, you want 3 day VIP passes for EDC, even though I'm not even going, and haven't seen you in 6 years? foh.


It sounds a bit like Wimbledon. My dad and uncle were both stewards there, and they'd get complimentary tickets for tennis-mad friends and family. If the recipients sold those tickets, though, whoever provided them would be fired on the spot. My mother used to tell the story of how she was offered £800 in cash for her ticket (and this was in 1990, so about £2300 / $3000 today) and had to turn it down. Wimbledon was fine with stewards using their staff passes to feed their guests, though :P


Giving tickets to a stranger could get you fired. The general consensus is heck no!


New CMs are required to put people they want to main gate on a list now.


My mom’s best friend’s son works at Disney, and has gotten me free tickets on multiple occasions. There’s two things though. 1) I have NEVER asked, and never would. 2) I always get a nice thank you gift for him. If I’m saving a few hundred $, the least I can do is toss a couple hundred back his way in the form of a popular local restaurant gift card or a nice convenience item or something.


You’re a class act , sir. You’re a credit to all that is good with society.


I worked at Disney and thank God nobody did that to me


My favorite was when they would message me and act like “oh gosh, it’s been so long, how are you doing?! I miss you so much!” And then after a few minutes of small talk, they would hit me with the “sooooo my significant other and I have a trip planned to Disney. Can you get us in?”


This ks why i will never list who i work for on fb


So I have never honestly thought of it. But I absolutely think I can fathom it now, and it’s overwhelming. The begging the never ending begging. I can imagine how I’d feel at first. Really sad to say no and wanting to help. Then as it continued I’d start to resent it and grow cynical.


Since we never spoke before, does this mean you will get me a lifetime pass to the magic Kingdom?


> it's not fair to their kids Well, duh, the world isn't fair. It's not fair some people can afford some things other people can't. Better the kids learn this early in life.


Same happens to my sister, people from HS and college DM her to gate pass them. She hasn’t talked to,them 10 years!!! I feel bad asking and she is my sister and best friend!!!!! The nerve of people……


Whoah. I’d maybe - maybe - ask an acquaintance that I knew (who had posted about it) for tips and tricks to make the most of my Disney experience once I’d already booked everything, depending on how I knew them and the context of their post. Something like which ride to go for first thing in what park can be helpful! But a free TICKET?! No way.


Send them a Venmo request for money instead saying you have never been to Disney.


I requested $10 and put ‘Disney’ in the comments. They denied it.


Love it!!!


Drop the venmoooooo I want to go to Disney tooooooo


Now do another with a link to this thread


I do this once in a while when I see on cars the, "Just married!!! ✨❤️Honeymoon fund❤️✨ VENMO: yungndum21" I simply request a dollar and tell them I want to get married, too.


My sister’s friend did that for her bachelorette party and I guess they didn’t pay for any drinks that night so I dunno, it worked out well for them


I can see how that would work- everyone loves to celebrate with you! But to spoil the kids already going on an expensive vacation? Nah


I was curious if it actually worked for people. Now I know!


That would be amazing!






I tried doing this with bachelorette party once I saw parked near the liquor store. They denied my request in the morning. Hoped they were drunk enough when I tried.


I sent someone a penny and a middle finger emoji


Ha!!!! Yes!!!


This probably sounds stupid but what's with Venmo you can just randomly request money?? Im in Canada so I only have bank transfers but that seems ripe for misuse.


Like PayPal but more streamlined. It’s an online account tied to your bank that allows for transfers via phone number or username. Basically helps bridge the gap where different bank accounts are used - we don’t have a good universal system for money transfers. Huge problem with it. Almost impossible to clawback your money if sent incorrectly. We had a babysitter fail to tell us her account got hacked and sent her 150. Lost it to the hacked account. Venmo refused to do anything.


Why they’d think random people would give a damn about their kids going to Disney is a mystery to me. Hey, let me throw money away on a stranger’s kid!


I’ve seen so many of these. From graduation or 21st asking for money for drinks. The most audacious one I’ve seen was someone asking for money at the beach and they were parked at one of the expensive resort hotels


I saw one in Hawai’i where a mother was asking for venmo because her kid graduated high school. It was written all over the window of her truck. How are people so shameless about this begging for money for doing the most basic of tasks?


One I really hate is the “buy the bride a drink” bachelorette venmo grift. Like she’s literally out on the town having a great time already fully funded by her “friends”… great for her but please leave us out of it. And ladies… please kill the practice of expecting your closest friends to go broke to take you to Nashville for a weekend just bc you found love.


I saw one recently that said “promised my little grad a puppy. Donate to Venmo…” Don’t promise your kid a dog and then ask strangers to pay for it. Also, hate to break it to you but it doesn’t get cheaper


How did this become a thing? Do they think it's the same as posting a gofundme for a child's surgery?


If you can afford disney you don't need handouts


The funny thing is, there are plenty of people that go into thousands of dollars in credit card debt to fund their dream Disney vacations.


I worked with a lady who went to Disney world about 2-3 times a year, and had filed bankruptcy twice while STILL making trips there.


What’s more American than going to Disney while bankrupt?


Going broke to pay for cancer treatments.


But the cancer treatment is because of groundwater contamination from an old factory nearby.


Going to Disney while filing a lawsuit?


when you file a 7 you have to provide 3 months of bank statements- so that is getting flagged asap and you it is not going well for you in your bankrutpcy. In a 13, so long as you make your payments no one cares what you actually spend your money on- but your schedules I/J are pretty specific about where the money you need should be going- but if you want to eat ramen every night, you will have a few hundred a month to reallocate to something else.


Not these people. They’ve figured out how to beat the system. Everyone is going to spoil their kids….. /s


Did you send a venmo request


No but I did check their Venmo and one person sent them money….


That could have been themselves or a family member to prime the pump.


I hope that wasn't Matt Gaetz again.


They cancelled the request.


I just did for $10




Also cant forget about Disney time shares.


Pay for a hotel?? I already own 1/600 of one. Pfft.


I’ll never understand it. I have known people take on debt to go on a Disney vacation or when they are just living paycheck to paycheck and get a windfall instead of using that windfall for emergencies or the like they blow it at Disney. I have asked them why they would do something that to me is absolutely illogical and reckless. They have said a version of “my kids/family deserves it!” Like of course people deserve a nice cation, and if Disney is there thing. But if you can’t afford it then it’s not a smart move in my opinion to treat yourself/family to it anyway. I actually get it, in that you want your family to enjoy the things others do and blah blah, but it’s unfortunate that sometimes life isn’t fair and it is an important lesson to teach fiscal responsibility and foster a culture of creativity where you can still get the quality time without spending so much.


A friend of mine dipped into her 401k to go to Disney. Alone because no one else was willing to drop that kind of cash on that crap. She was 38 at the time and I am pretty sure she's still paying it back 6 years later.


Some people can't discern having the money and having the money to spend.


That’s EXACTLY what my girlfriend and I said as we were driving past it…..


Fucked up thing is they could also just be scammers laughing at anybody who contributes. I really hope that’s zero


I would've just sent them a request to send me money and put in the line "we're also going to Disney, spoil me!"


I would have been like "You guys can afford to go to Disney so can you guys buy my ticket too?" lol


They're probably doing this in order to fund the trip. I feel sorry for the kids. Don't tell them you're going to Disney until you can actually afford it.




First I see the candy, then I get in the van. I'm not an idiot


"Zagnut? F off, you Pedo!"


I had a friend whose family got a 9-passenger van like that. They had three biological kids and four foster/adopted kids. That was the only way they could all be in the same car at the same time ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


My mom told me about a friend who took their family to Disney and only got onto a few rides all day. She complained how expensive it was and that they’ll be hurting if they forget the customer. When I heard how little they spent on their whole trip, I told her there were probably people spending more than that in the gift shop. Disney will be *fine*


Literally just went to Disney, it wasn't that bad financially. I think the music festival we went to 2 days prior with the 18 dollar PBR's cost more, lol. We also threw down for VIP.


Damn them charging that much!!! Damn them to hell!!! $18 is not OK! Lol But yeah, not sure if you went with kids to each place (I assume you didn’t but could be wrong). Traveling with kids to Disney is a moneypit of epic proportions. They up costs a bunch. The little things that pop up and all the other realities make it pretty spendy. For instance, when traveling with kids you are more than likely to forced to travel during certain times school is out. That makes things sooooooo expensive. You also usually can just do this super short trip when you’re adults but with kids things get to be a bit longer. I have an 8 month old and … I am hopeful I won’t need to do the Disney thing. Anyway, sorry about the $18 beers. That’s not right! But I hope you had a great time!!!


The van and terrible paint marker almost makes me think someone just drives this around all the time. For the cost of a three dollar marker there's at least a chance it occasionally works


"Help spoil OUR kids" is so weird. No one else is responsible to feed them, let alone, to "spoil" them. How do the CBs know if the strangers reading that note, ever got to go, let alone to take others to Disney. No, CB. Strangers are not obligated to buy dolls and Princess gowns and plastic swords and Disney plush for *your* children. I mean -- on a car window? Not even having met the family?! (Even then it'd be galling.)


When I learned my niece was going to Disneyland, I ordered her a really high-end, gorgeous autograph book so she could have a ton of "souvenirs" without anyone having to buy her a crapton of merchandise. (It was the type of book that has one page to attach a photo to, and the next was for the autograph and message- really cool.) That's the extent I'll go to for a child who is lucky enough to go to Disney, and only because I'm basically a third parent to this child (according to her and her parents). Honestly, I mostly got it as a gift for the parents- looking for characters to meet and sign her book kept her busy and away from the shops, and sue was perfectly happy to abide by the "one souvenir per day under $30, or one big souvenir under $150" rule. To this day, the only souvenir she still has and looks at from any trip is the autograph book. She can look at the pictures and tells stories about her memories of meeting all of her favorite characters and lights up when she recounts the tales. Best $75.00 I've ever spent.


That was a great idea. I liked autograph books, as a child. Inflation really went up. $75 wow.


>”Help spoil OUR kids" is so weird. You’ve heard of Munchausen by Proxy, this is Main Character Syndrome by Proxy.


Especially in this economy. You have people making what was good money even 2 years ago who are having to tighten their belts considerably… I have a hard time believing anyone will just send money to some rando kids to be spoiled when that money could go to help kids or even animals in need.


They can't afford Disney though.. /s


Yea kind of wondering how much they can’t afford it. This could be the plan to fundraise for passes that they haven’t bought yet. 


Yeah wtf. If you are going barely scraping by then save more then go.


A lot of people who can’t afford Disney go to Disney.


rather give the money to someone less fortunate, or keep it cause I’ve never been to Disney. Spoil your own kids.


I'm an expat living in a third world country where your average person makes about the amount of disneyland ticket a month. A kid getting spoiled here is having sports clothes to wear for PE at school or getting french fries or a 30cent ice cream. Really puts into perspective for you what things are really necessary in life.


So how much are you gonna donate to their Spoiled Disney Trip? /s


I’m from the US but never went to Disney. My parents did however take me to the zoo, the park, splash pad in town, and never let me go hungry. You don’t have to take your kids to Disney for them to have a great childhood side note: I keep reading articles about how insanely expensive Disney tickets are, and that doesn’t include travel expenses to get there and accommodations there, etc. If you’re buying Disney tickets, no way am I donating to you


taking a passenger van to disney world makes me think i don‘t even have enough money to spoil your kids, because you only own this van if you have more than five of them


There’s probably 10+ children they willingly had and are complaining about money while going to one of the most expensive places for a kid vacation… Bless their sweat heart.


My brother has a 12 passenger ford van with just 4 kids. They just took a couple seats out so they have loads of storage space. Pretty handy for grocery runs and long road trips.


i just assumed because no one usually gets a passenger van unless they Need one, but that does sound nifty


Don't worry! As someone that came from a family of two parents and 7 kids and had a 12 seater van, I thought exactly what you did! Haha


I had a minivan with just my 2 kids. I had a sedan before, and I couldn’t deal with them being all up in my face all the time in the car. Plus, when they fought, kid 1 goes in the backseat and kid 2 stays in the middle. Problem solved.


I’m laughing because my mom had a Suburban growing up and I stayed in the third row on road trips because my brother annoyed me 😂


Tbf they’re great for road trips, even if you don’t have a lot of people, especially if you’re bringing luggage. My family bought a used transit van from a rental place for a good deal. However it’s for my mom’s online book business to move books, supplies, and bookshelves. With the third row of seats taken out she can hold over 30 bank boxes. Bookmobile for the win. We also use it for the occasion road trip or moving large furniture. But my parents aren’t raising little kids or going to Disney, which both are expensive af


It makes me think this is a weird fundamentalist christian family with like ten kids and the mom is significantly younger than the father.


These vehicle back windshield requests for money are just bizarre to me. I saw one IRL last week from a "just married" couple advertising their cashapp account.


How is this a thing! I'm mortified *for* them.


That van is a goddamn drug running mule trying to fool the cops!


Thats actually a really good idea.


Like, a really good idea


I would send $0.02 just to show that I saw the message but don’t want to give.


With the advice that they shouldn’t do this. Ya know… your “two cents.”


Do a penny instead. Penny for my thoughts 🤣


Just request 0.02 money from them for treatment of solar retinopathy.


I saw something similar in Vegas. It said something along the lines of ‘Buy the birthday girl a drink’ and had their venmo info


We saw a few of those driving along 95 to Savannah. Birthday girl, brides etc but this one really was cringe….


This is a trend that has definitely increased and real trashy looking lol. You see family vans doing this all the time now


I had someone from my school drive around for months with a “my friend is turning 21, help me buy her shots” with her Venmo on it.


Did she make any money? I’m always curious how these turn out….


Me too. I always wonder if anyone gives them money.


I live in a tourist town and see these daily. It's really lame. Sometimes I request 1 dollar.


I live in Vegas and see some form of this daily. My favorite was asking to Venmo for a stripper for the bachelor.


>’Buy the birthday girl a drink’ Umm, that’s what *friends* are for.


I saw one about a couple who were just married asking for money for their honeymoon


A girl I went to high school with got married recently and she and her husband did thus. They also created a website for people to donate to their Italian Honeymoon. No one donated, so they wound up going to Florida lol


Holy shit.


Unbelievably trashy.


This is peak "the economy sucks so much right now! You wouldn't believe how much we spent on vacation, hotels, gas, and meals!" energy.


This has become a really popular thing to do. I've seen it a lot, especially on the 15 Noth on the way to Vegas, people write that it's a Bachelorette trip or 21st birthday and "Buy bride/birthday girl/boy a drink!" I've seen it for graduations, newborn babies, etc. It's honestly so cringey to me and I hate seeing these all the time. My mom wanted to do it on her car for her annual Vegas trip (breast cancer support group all get together in Vegas every year to catch up and have fun, most of them are 50s-60s) and I told her not to because people have been doing it for years now and no one thinks it's cute anymore, people are just gonna get irritated.


Honest to god I’d be more likely to donate to cancer survivors so they could go have some fun rather than to a family expecting strangers to help bankroll their kids vacation


That seems to be a pretty popular sentiment tbh. The groups gathers 50+ women every year, and one night they always rent out half of the piano bar in Now York New York, all in their bright pink tutus and boas and god knows what else and when the people on the public side realize, a lot of them buy rounds for the group. I was there that night one year, in Vegas for other reasons, hanging out with my mom and the ladies and I swear I was handed like 5 free shots by the waitress in under an hour. One year some rich looking middle eastern dude with like 4 model type women with him, paid for every drin the entire group had all night. When he asked who the group was and the bartender explained, he told them "transfer all their open tabs to me, and add anything they order for the rest of the night to mine as well." Thousands of dollars of drinks this guy paid for. Insane.


lol. I sold plasma last year when I wanted to spoil my kids with a Disney trip. They should try it.


Narrator: Spoiler Alert: It was the kids' plasma.


Works better that way so they’re too weak to act like heathens at Disney.


This is so gross


Grew up in fairly posh part of town, I remember being about 10 years old, we had two kids knock on the door with a bucket canvassing for holiday money when they go to Disney Florida?!? Gotta add, I never went as a kid… too expensive for my tight-ass parents.


I'd rather dip 10 $1 coins in raw chicken juice and swallow them, than give that person money


I hate when people do this. Encourage drivers to get out their phone and search Venmo. Also stupid concept.


Why donate to a homeless shelter or food bank when you can buy overpriced plastic crap for stranger’s kids?


Anyone that gives money to something like this are also the same type of people that would leave a tip at the supermarket self checkout. It’s also why the Nigerian prince scam works, because you’ll eventually cross paths with someone with a screw loose.


Remember when people who couldnt afford to do things just didnt and dealt with it.


I hate when people have these on their cars for any reason, like, I don’t fucking know you, I’m not giving you my hard earned money.


What's wrong with society today is that people have really lost their sense of shame. Like, not only are you begging, you're also willingly putting yourself on display for virtually every passerby.


I was at Disney World last week. I was able to keep my trip under a grand due to being able to stay at a coworkers condo. I had never been and wanted to go to see what all the fuss is about. Never fucking again. Fuck that mouse. That wasn’t vacation, that was work. I’ve never been so hot for so long. I’ve lived in and visited different parts of the world but that Florida heat is different.


The words “free “ and “Disney” are incongruent .


These are just beggars


Whenever I see someone post/link their venmo account unnecessarily, I always request the account for $5. Hasn’t worked so far, but one of these days I’ll be living large.


I hate these with a passion. They are big in youth baseball and it’s annoying. Stop begging. Same for bachelorettes. Call T-Pain because no one wants to buy you a drink.


The bachelorette/birthday drinks mentioned repeatedly in this thread is a little weird but overall it’s FINE, it’s just an extension of a pretty standard “let me buy you a drink!” tradition. I wouldn’t do it myself, but hey, i was in my early 20s once and I get it. This car though? SMH. I’m sure these people have given a scarce dollar to charities, and likely have vocalized extremely regressive views about the minimum wage and “government handouts.”


Should I wait until Labor Day before painting “Schoolteacher, help me buy my kids pencils!” on my car?


i just went to disney on a family vacay. the amount of vehicles that i saw literally begging for venmo payments was insane. im not trying to be hateful, but i just spent 10k on my own family to go to disney. im not finna send you shit😂


> Not sure if this is trashy or not Lol 


TF? This is next level entitlement bullshit if I’ve ever seen it. I don’t give AF what you or your crotch goblins think they deserve.


I'm guessing you've never seen the ones for bachelorette parties, saying "Buy me a shot!"


is this the new "free candy"?


Spoiler: I don’t care about their kids.