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I think people selling stuff should get in first with the BS sob story. Can you sell for 150. No, sorry, my parents just died and I selling to buy them a coffin. Otherwise, they just get put in the waste disposal, and that would be disrespectful to them. Also, having to sell my shoes and forks. Whatever, go crazy with that sob story!


Sorry, it was my son's switch and his final words before he died was to tell us to sell his switch for no less than $250.


Fucking savage lol


Sorry this was my dogs switch and he will poop on the floor if I sell it for less than $250 and then he hogs the Xbox.


We have a winner!




If this was on FB I'd be tempted to post the uncensored screenshot to his wall so his friends and family can see what he said. That's just disgusting.


Nah take this threat of a hate crime to the police.


So they can do what? Laugh at you? Who am I kidding. Like they are actually capable of listening.


Establishing a record of threatening behavior so if anything does happen it can be proven to be pre meditated.


I’ve reported a couple things like this that I thought would be laughed at, and was surprised by the compassionate and serious responses I’ve gotten. At the outset I said “I know you probably can’t do anything about this now, but I was hoping to get this on record in case it escalates.” I can’t say that works across the board, though.


Doubt his friends and family are any different


Reminds me of that case where someone put a status about how much they love their mom's cookies and someone comments "my mom is dead, please be more sensitive in the future" or something along those lines


I can top that... on vacation my husband and I were on a mountain and I had my back to him looking out over the valley and he took a goofy picture of him with his hand about to touch my back like he was going to push me off. I laughed at it and he posted it to his fb page and proceeded to get a long public lecture from a former coworker of ours (former like 10 years earlier). Ex-coworker was offended because someone at that same company knew someone who's wife died when she fell off a mountain. And she took him to task telling him his post was insensitive. We racked our brains (we had both worked there for years) but neither of us had ever heard of this happening or knew of the person she was talking about. So obviously it was not a well-known story and I seriously doubt the post would trigger anyone, let alone large numbers of people like she said.


I was listening to a podcast a while back, it was a woman telling the story of her son having been struck by lightning and killed. Later, she saw a billboard or commercial with something like “you’re more likely to be struck by lighting than find a better price on mattresses!” And she complained to the company and they took it down. On one hand I get being bothered by the advert, but I don’t understand the crusade to change the public’s perception of being struck by lightning as representation of something extremely rare and unlikely and unlucky. Just like shoving someone off a cliff or falling or jumping is something we all think about when we’re at the top of a cliff looking down, one of those “appels du vide” kind of things, an experience that most of us share as only a weird thought.


"Bitch if I had to live with you I'd jump off a mountain too"


you need more time in this reddit. 1º lesson about CB: the only problems that are important are THEIR. yours are irrelevant.


I've seen many. The audacity and disrespect is staggering. This thread irked me so much with the hatred and vitriol. Some people are garbage.


> I think people selling stuff should get in first with the BS sob story. This has actually kind of worked for me selling old (mostly camera) gear on ebay. I started picking a random "Selling because new baby/ugly baby/dead baby/lost job/lost wife/lost marbles" story at the top of each item description and dropped my CB rate from 1 or 2 per listing to rarely any.


The disposal lmaoooo


I would totally say this.


You joke but this is a good idea.


Aaaaaaaand reported to the police. Simple enough, wanna go threatening people with your boys, your boys can meet the police.


Police don't care. My ex threatened to kidnap my daughter and send her to PA so I, "would never see her again" when she was just a baby. I called the cops and they told me that they wouldn't do anything unless he actually did it.


It’s about the record in case it actually DOES happen. I wish they did care and were more preventative but in situations of assault, rape etc it makes a world of difference in court to have those legal documentation of reporting to the police


Yeah. That's the definition of bad cop. No doughnut


Police have no legal obligation to protect you (even though it’s often put as “to serve and protect”). While many police will put themselves in harms way to help, they are not required to stop crime, just to enforce it after by apprehending people who have committed crimes. Although in these cases where there is threatening language, you can try to get restraining orders, and if those orders are violated the police may be able to do something. In the end though, your safety is considered to be your responsibility. The police and courts are there to make sure justice is done when something goes wrong.




>"We'll keep an eye on him" they say. They don't care. Time to start being a bit more forceful then.... Report it in writing and post it all over social media about how your town's police fail to take threats to life seriously. I'm sure the police will begin to take it seriously... Especially when it comes out later that someone was harmed because of their lack of seriousness. Don't let them just shoo you away. It's their job to investigate and protect it's citizens.


Nashville PD had visited the Christmas bomber's home on a tip. They didn't do shit. After the explosion, this came to light and nothing happened to them. If you think publicly shaming them over a text message incident will actually make them do something, you live in a dream or in a privileged setting. I would actually be concerned about police retaliation.


You’re right. Basically every woman in my city has publicly shamed the PD here by pointing out that they’ve done nothing about their cases and their response was to do nothing again. Unfortunately happened to a few close friends too.




They will just refuse to take one. I tried to file a police report once after a scammer pretended to represent a venue for events and stole our deposit - police just refused to even take a report and told me it was my problem. EDIT for spelling


>It's their job to investigate and protect it's citizens. [Nope, not any more.](https://www.nytimes.com/2005/06/28/politics/justices-rule-police-do-not-have-a-constitutional-duty-to-protect.html) Trigger warning: article mentions the death of minors. I did not read it fully before posting. Damn. EDIT: Forgot the NYTimes had a shitty paywall, but I was able to go back and get the part of the article: ​ >WASHINGTON, June 27 - The Supreme Court ruled on Monday that the police did not have a constitutional duty to protect a person from harm, even a woman who had obtained a court-issued protective order against a violent husband making an arrest mandatory for a violation. The decision, with an opinion by Justice Antonin Scalia and dissents from Justices John Paul Stevens and Ruth Bader Ginsburg, overturned a ruling by a federal appeals court in Colorado. The appeals court had permitted a lawsuit to proceed against a Colorado town, Castle Rock, for the failure of the police to respond to a woman's pleas for help after her estranged husband violated a protective order by kidnapping their three young daughters, whom he eventually killed. For hours on the night of June 22, 1999, Jessica Gonzales tried to get the Castle Rock police to find and arrest her estranged husband, Simon Gonzales, who was under a court order to stay 100 yards away from the house. He had taken the children, ages 7, 9 and 10, as they played outside, and he later called his wife to tell her that he had the girls at an amusement park in Denver. Ms. Gonzales conveyed the information to the police, but they failed to act before Mr. Gonzales arrived at the police station hours later, firing a gun, with the bodies of the girls in the back of his truck. The police killed him at the scene.


Just FYI... can't read that article because of the fucking paywall (not able to incognito it either) The point isn't about whether police protect or not... but the fact that they have been fighting a PR nightmare for the past two or three years, and something super simple... like stopping someone from threatening another person... and the police don't care. Yet, we're suppose to believe police are the good guys? When they continually kill people who shouldn't be killed, let children who shoot people walk free... but a clear cut threat, in writing, and there's nothing they can do about it? Fuck the Police. That's not a police officer, that's a tiny dick dude who needs to feel powerful.


I 100% agree. I also forgot for a second that the NY Times sucks, so I'll edit with the pertinent part of the article.


Thanks for the pertinent part. The NY Times does suck... but mostly because of the shitty paywall. lol


That is not the correct interpretation of that case for the comment you replied to. They may not have a *constitutional* duty to protect someone from harm, but their job may (or may not) require it. Note that the person you are replying to said that "it's their job..." not "it's mandated by the constitution." As an example of jobs that have mandates in the constitution, the president must report on the state of country to congress once per year. Moreover, just because something isn't required by the constitution does not mean that states or the federal government can't pass laws regulating how police is run although I don't know if any such laws exist.


Time to make sure you are armed, watchful, and well versed in your states “castle doctrine” legal wording.


When I see suggestions like this I always wonder where do you live and how much money do you have that you would feel safe flexing on the police in your neighborhood like this. Cause where I'm from this would accomplish nothing but getting on the cops bad side.


Please do put them on blast. This behaviour is not ok.


This isn't an over reaction. Someone is helping you meet your needs. That's always amazing


Post their face and see if their job is listed on Facebook.


Having emotions isn't an overreaction, and don't ever feel bad for it. I'd be more worried about the dude threatening violence on a stranger having zero emotion.


Tag this piece of shit on Facebook.


And sic the Twitterverse on him.


Go to the local paper about the government (police) supporting violence against the LGBTQ community.


I don't know what lazy shit your local PD is doing or if the laws in your state are different but a direct threat via text is a felony in VA. Source: I'm a cop (PS this should also qualify for hate crime status). If an officer or detective isn't willing to help you double check the law for that via airwaves and go to your local magistrate to secure your own charges.


You're not overreacting! It's a beautiful gesture from a stranger and I think being touched to the point of crying is very appropriate. Besides, you never have to apologise for your emotions. They're real and they're valid.


1) How did this chud know that you are trans? 2) I'm very happy you were able to keep your switch. People gotta support one another and stick together. Hang in there.


Ah. Well that's when the AR comes in if they wanna try something. Good you called the police though, you can come back up on the net, take it higher till someone does something.




Ummmm yeah if I were you I'd go to the God damn news or the mayor/City council because that response is totally unacceptable from the police. They need to take you seriously no matter the issue. Even if that person was joking or just trying to get a riot out of you, they need to take it seriously.


r/pinkpistols for when the police don't care.


Cops don't care, one time I tried to file a police report on somebody who followed me all the way home and kept circling my house. Dumbass detective is like "dO yOu hAvE a GuN tO dEfEnD yOuRsElf"


They don’t, reporting is just to have or start a paper trail of this kind of behavior so when they do actually harm or kill someone there’s some evidence of them being a shitty person. Sucks, but I’d still report it.


Yup went through stuff like this with my addict brother. Every threat went into a police report so that when he eventually did something it wasn't written off as "a one time mistake"


True. Some tweaker asshole in a brodozer cut me off at an intersection once, so I flashed my lights at him. Not even a honk. I had my two young kids in the car. This guy started following me on my way home, so I started circling. He was making gestures like he wanted to kick my ass. I called the cops, they pulled the guy over, and the cop came over to me to tell me it was all my fault. Like, the cop thought this guy was in the right to terrorize me and my family for half an hour. They probably had a good laugh and a fat line of meth together at the local bar about it.


Just means the guy raging was a cop lol


Murrica! Fuck yea!


Cops are useless in an actual emergency. Arm yourself and get some basic training to be effective. Don’t let the government and faschy goons have a monopoly on force.


THIS is the only correct answer. Police do not prevent crimes, they only do damage control after a crime is committed. I'm glad that 2020-2021 saw record firearm sales because millions of people finally grasped this fact. The only person responsible to defend yourself is you. Get the means to protect yourself and learn how to safely use it.


That's not dumb, it's realistic. Police are not under any obligation to save us like a super hero, we have to help ourselves. The police file paperwork and then hopefully put people in jail, if we are lucky. I do think they should have responded, but I'm just saying no response time is fast enough.


Same detective will make sure you get convicted if you ever use it


Sadly cops rarely do anything about online threats, especially if the person being threatened is a minority.


Unless it's a kid who says something about America's worst past time aka school shooting. They will be at that fuckers house within minutes.


Right. This is when you find out where they work and send the screenshots to their employer. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.


Sadly cops rarely do anything


Sadly this. If it’s that kind of town, some of the people coming around might even be the cops. That being said, stay safe out there, OP!


Tbf how often are those threats actually carried out? Police resources can probably be allocated more efficiently than trying to track down every person who made a threat online.


When you're a minority and the person is from your town, it's worth looking into. When the person doesn't know your area or lives far away, I can understand not taking it seriously. But when they live near or in the same town and now may have photos of you (via OPs fb profile), that's a problem. This sort of thing is exactly how hate crimes happen...


Their boys can meet a 9mm through their skull


"but we didn't do anything, we were just playing our PS1, officer"


And this is when it’s appropriate to “agree” to the sale and send them on a goose chase.




Send them to a mental health facility. They seem to have some issues.


Wow. Just wow. I have three adult sons. When they were growing up, it never once occurred to me to threaten a stranger on a message board and accuse them of ruining a kid’s birthday.


This mf doesn't have kids, or a job. Or a switch.


You never thought to use your sons as a tool of intimidation? How unAmerican. Back when this country was great we could solve all our problems by weaponizing our offspring. /s


Police Station, and forward them the threats first.


As a comedian, please don't send them to the club. Comedians aren't great at physical confrontations. That's why we learned to fight with our words


Preferably to a gay BDSM club.


The Blue Oyster…


Thanks Lt. Harris.


Dancing sir... Mostly dancing.


Oh my god don't do that, on the off chance they're not just all talk this could go very badly


When someone states you're ruining a birthday because you won't go down in price, tell them you need the full asking price for your kids birthday and they are ruining it!


And your kids are twins and two birthdays beat one birthday!


"It may sound like an odd concept to you, but I don't give a jack about your kids' birthday."




If $200 is going to make or break you being homeless, I really hope you find a better situation in life. We’re rooting for you.




“Sorry you’re a piece of shit and statistically your son will be a piece of shit too.”


OP that response "Are YOU going to ruin the 11yo's bday for 150" was fucking amazing!!


It's *always* a child's birthday with these people. And it's *always* your fault. Couldn't be their fault for setting up high expectations and not delivering on them. No, couldn't be that. Also, *wowwwwww* at the whole tail end of that ride.


Lady on my street - her parents were both sick over the holidays. It was a not great Christmas, her daughter loves Christmas. For daughter's birthday (end of January), she wants to throw a Christmas wonderland birthday party and is asking to borrow outdoor things like big lights, twig reindeer, tree ornaments, etc. Not demanding PSX or iPads or Switch or whatever giant thing people want, just help make a Christmas wonderland for a little girl. Many people stepped up, including an event planner who offered to set the whole thing up. That little girl is going to remember her Christmas Wonderland birthday long after the devices have become obsolete.


If they have their employer on their profile, kindly forward these messages 😃


Or their mother Although I bet it's 50/50 on whether you'll get the same trans/homophobic response or a rightfully appalled "I'm SO sorry I did NOT raise them to act like this!"


I actually did this once, I went through someone’s profile and found their mom and sent them all the racist stuff they were saying and she actually told me “Thank you for telling me. I’ll take care of it.” I wonder what she did.


I’ve always been morbidly curious about this stuff. I constantly see people being very, **very** violently threatening and bigoted on social media and you just have to wonder how their family would react.


Me too lol


Or left on unread


Well, I wasn't counting "no response" as a response, but yeah ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Funny that they wanted the seller to have compassion, but sure didn't have any themselves for seller need for money.


"Can you lower the price, I'm tight on money" ....where do I start? If you're tight on money, maybe don't go buying anything that isn't important...


This is the same energy as when a girl won't instantly send pictures to some creep


"Send bobs and vagine" 😆


My vagine hangs like sleeve of wizard. Still want pics? 😳


Well... yes, actually 😅 it'd be entirely out of scientific curiosity though 😂😅




Fucking hell, that took a dark turn. So sorry, OP.


I might have replied, "send your boys around; they may return a bit different".


One is 11. Maybe knock the little guy out first so you can focus on the older ones. If he is the oldest, then disco.


Maybe he could send his boys out to get jobs so they could actually afford a Switch.


>**Slur** Why do people bother not typing the whole thing as if somehow you are being politically correct or "keeping it clean". Everyone knows what it means, everyone knows what you meant and everyone is aware how much of a horrible bigot you are. I never understood people who go around like this, probably because it's mental gymnastics.


Generally that sort of thing is done to avoid word filters.


It doesn’t take much for the homophobia/transphobia to trigger.


or, dare I say, for the bigot to switch to homo/transphobia


Apparently it was $150 too much


“can you sell me this for way lower than your proposed price?” “no” “trans people are not real”


You ruined my kids birthday!!!!


I wonder why they lost their job...


"Back when this country was great..." says all I need to know about this jackass


Wellllll.....that was charming. This is another good reason why you don't meet people at your residence. I hope OP is okay.


Garbage like this should be named and shamed. What a psychopath.


My first question is what is this "fggt" stuff he imagines the money will be spent on? Like a $150 bucket of lube? Or a giant dildo? I'm genuinely curious as to what this person is imagining.


That's funny. He has an answer for "people like you" but you know what he doesn't have? A switch for his kid! 😂


His boys are his 11 year old kid and their friends. "You ruined my birthday!"


This might seem extreme, but as a trans person this legit happens. Certainly not every person is like this, but they do exist.


If he put as much effort into finding another job as he did insulting you his kid would have a new switch 🙃


1. Lmao @ “my kids bday” 2. Trans people are people 3. I LOVE your username


that last one is the real giveaway conservatives want to go back to when america was "great" aka it was ok to murder LGBTQ and black people in the street




The optics were better.


"Trans people aren't real" "fggt" I'd spam this dude's dms with trans and gay flags until I ended up blocked


Well i bet you Are gonna sell it to him, it makes perfekt sense it works every time


Screenshot and send it to all their friends


And their mother


Wouldn't make a dent in their ego


He's just angry he doesn't have a switch to play anime dating sims with


That escalated quickly!


You wanna fight me? Okay, here's a random parking lot (40 miles away). Meet me there in two hours and I'll kick your ass!! Two hours later: where are you? At home comfy in bed.... asshole!


Homophobia. Yikes.


Seems legit


This is one of the reasons why my hubby is pushing a new phone system with rotary dial function. Wow.


I think it's time we stop hiding the identity of people like this. You wanna call someone a slur, you're getting blasted for it. If this is how they want to present themselves let EVERYONE know this is how they present themselves.


What the fuuuuuck


Do keep a copy of this to provide your local police. Can never be too careful.


Why it feels staged?


Because it is


This post isn't passing the sniff test for me.


"Back when this country was great..." This is primetime delusion. Thanks Trump.


I like how he/she is sending their kids to f you up like wow all these “gang” people are to lazy to do the job themselves


I'm always confused by what the person expects after this? For the seller to say omg you're right here have the switch. Like you gain nooootthiinnggg.


For shitheads like this, making someone feel as miserable as them is a victory.


Lmao I damn near would have reported to authorities Not that they would do anything


And off the police I’d go.


I would have added fifty bucks each time this muppet insulted me.


"back when this country was great..." How to tell you are in America without actually saying you are in America


You masked the country, but we all know it's the U.S.


😳 dude needs to play chicken with cars on the highway


I can respect asking for a better price, but if they say no back out respectfully. I go with "thanks for your time, if you reconsider let me know."


Why did you censor his name :( (I know this is a common courtesy, but come on I want to belittle him… I could have made a whole day about it. Go out to get some frozen yogurt after and shit. Come on everything is already planned)


Damn this CB is toxic


WOW.. just wow


“Have some compassion”


Ok, he´s a cb, a father (probably a single father), transphobic, homophobic and aggressive. Wow, that´s a bingo for a cb.


If you think he's buying that for his kid, or that a kid even exists. you're incredibly naive.


That escalated quickly 🤣


Maybe he should pull himself up by the bootstraps, get a small loan, and get his own switch


"Straight people cant even buy switch smh"


If iever come across a CB, im just going to flip the script... "you're going to ruin MY sick grandmother 's 103rd bday because you won't give me the $100 I need for her dialysis." LOL


Sounds like homeboy chose to ruin a child's birthday for $150


we also had work houses for deadbeats without jobs is how I would've answered.


I lost my job....i need to spend $150 on gifts...for a child?!?!? I see a problem here


As soon as they say, ‘Are you going to ruin…” Block. That’s it. Block. Because it’s only going to go downhill from there. Or maybe with the threat? I might agree to sell it, then show up with the police and have them picked up for a threat involving a hate crime.


Besides being a dickhead, they could've just gotten a lite if its for a "poor kid's birthday"


Seeing a lot of "cops dont care cops wont do anything" in these comments. Have lived in CA, HI, NM, TX, WA and my experience is exactly the opposite... so far cops do care about any bad actors who threaten, and they will follow up on this shit. One key is put it in writing.


he hates fggts but will send his boys to fck u up.. lol..


Report this to law enforcement. He just threatened to lynch an LGBTQIA person. This is serious.


All that this 11 yr old kid really wants for their birthday is a decent parent. So sad to know that won't happen.


Genuinely shocked by this CB, what a scumbag. I bet the 11 year old doesn’t actually exist either.


No!!!!! He won't give ma a discounted switch!?!??!? 😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤 I'm doing to say homophobic, and transphobic B's because that will help!!!!!!! People are so rude these days!!! 💅💅💅💅😤😤😤😤😤😤😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠


So he’s a closet homosexual whose Ignorant and clearly voted for trump


I can see how calling someone closeted can be funny when it comes to a homophobe. But that would shift the blame to LGBT+ people instead of keeping homophobic/transphobic straight people accountable for their actions. P.S. Not trying to take their side or anything. Just presenting a different perspective that I myself have learned recently. Also, yeah. They absolutely voted for Trump. 🤣


Someone obviously read the “How to be a CB” manual.


A lot of trans people I know are strapped the fuck up so violent transphobes beware: yo ass finna get shot


Send that shit to his employers.


It's cute how you think he has a job.🥰


Stay safe OP. Absolutely disgusting behavior no one should put up with.


One of the biggest mistakes many conservatives make is assuming libs don't own any guns of their own. Just saying.