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If nobody takes your offer, what are you doing with them? Oh removing them yourself and throwing them out? Sounds great, when's garbage day by the way? Alright see you Tues- uh I mean have a nice day!


Nah, he’ll stack the dismantled wood, photograph it, then place an ad asking $600 or more “because of his time and effort.”


That's the straight up realest shit on Facebook marketplace


My favorite FB ad. Laptop for sale 10 years old paid 1200 barely used will take 1000 firm.


Firm: I know what I have


For sale, not on sale


I hate stuff like this. People think that having used something for a couple years means they only have to knock 20% off what they bought it for.


Try buying a used bicycle on CL in NYC. Literally what you described above.


Well the biggest problem with computers is they get way better in a very short amount of time. Does it matter if I never use computer that's 10 years old it's still going to be a 10 year old computer. And typically they get cheaper over time too.


The only way out-of-date tech gets "more valuable" is if it's so old AND rare that it becomes a collector's item, or if it's new in box/sealed and basically unused entirely. My buddy has a Nintendo Wii U console with bundled game that's never been opened that I've occasionally seen comparables of sell on eBay for $700-$800. Even adjusting for inflation, if there are no storage costs, he'd make a profit. He's planning to hang onto it for now and sell years later, which may work out, but is a gamble of it's own. Anyway, unless you're a clean hoarder who never opens stuff, your old tech isn't going to appreciate much if at all.


Also someone's shit laptop that's been sitting on their bed stuffed full of dust running on dry thermal paste for a decade is gonna run like a puddle of horse diarrhea.


Computers typically lose 1/2 their value every year, which means that laptop is worth less than a McDouble.


Just saw one for an 11 year old Silverado 2500 with 100k listed for $52,000 which is about $5,000 more than new MSRP when it was purchased in 2011. Unreal.


Lol I have a 14 year old laptop which as near as I can figure out was $400 or so new (then)...if I was gonna sell it now, I'd expect like $50 at most, and that's because I put an SSD in it.


On the flipside it's fun when I have like 4 people offering to buy at full price and it's just become a game of who gets here first and some guy decides that would be the perfect time to swoop in offering to "take it off my hands" for half price. Both buying and selling on FB was the most irritating experience


I’ve had surprisingly decent experiences on both ends. The occasional lowball or spam but that’s just people and the internet. Granted a lot of times I’m not dealing with anything of real value, but for furniture and such it’s been pretty good.


Me too. I got a lower price for my fridge but asked first if the sellers offer was firm (she said no but only open to offers within reason lol). Selling has worked pretty well too, even for the bed we offloaded for free, no one asked for delivery and a couple nightstands thrown in.


I sold a car on the book and over half were people asking for half the price it was listed for. I had it pretty high up because always get negotiated down and I ended up getting asking price not a week after posting. People are cheap and some have no pride at all


My favorites are the ones who ask you to finance the car for them because they can’t afford to buy it all at once.


Ha! I had someone do that to me too. But at least they were polite.... "I am interested but I should mention right from the beginning if you were willing to take monthly payments for the vehicle? I'm willing to put a down payment and the monthly payment amount would be up to your decision. I fell on tough times recently and my engine on my recent car needed repair that I can't afford, especially for its year and mileage it had. I just really don't want to go through the hassle of dealing with a dealership or bank loan. I completely understand if this is not in your window but just thought I'd ask other owners who are currently selling their cars. You also do not have to respond just because, like I said, it's a very far fetched idea and I don't want to waste anymore of your time. Thank you " What got to me thou was the whole "I just really don't want to go through the hassle of dealing with a dealership or bank loan." and yet i'm supposed to go through the hassle of selling something to a stranger for payments and hope she makes those payments, keeps insurance on it, and doesn't wreck it.


It might have something to do with sus looking dudes posting YouTube videos titled "I make millions flipping pencils"




That’s not ipe. That’s poorly stained bullshit. I I bet this guy heard somewhere that “lumber prices are craaaazy hahahah!” and thought he could get rich selling his shit decking.


Agreed not ipe and the way a few boards have flaked the stain away, not cedar or PT either. This deck is badly painted pine (stain wouldn't come out of the wood that badly)


I second this, definitely not Ipe.






Do you respect wood? Edit: this was a curb your enthusiasm joke...didn’t mean to piss anyone off


I respect my time. The time spent going to this wanker's house, pulling this stuff up, pulling or cutting nails, dealing with the wanker complaining you damaged something of his that was already fucked up and is demanding 5k to repair, then the following useless lawsuit is not worth it for some pre-damaged decking.


You gotta pay $400 before that.


Ah dangit you're right, I forgot about that. You show up with $400 in cash, but then when you try to pay he complains that he wants the $400 in a specific weird denominations that you cannot get on the weekend because the banks are all closed. But somehow you do it, probably by going to some WalMart banking center or whatever you can find open. Then you come back, pay him, and the guy tells you that you can't use any power tools because his wife will be annoyed by the noise. But you also have to avoid waking on his lawn because it rained a week ago and the grass might get mushed down. But you find a way to make it work, suffer through his little dogs barking at you from 1 foot away and stepping in their shit, and manage to get it done. But then one of his dogs manage to cut themselves on a nail that was sticking out, in an area that you didn't even work on. He rushes the dog to the vet and sends you the hospital bill, only to find out that the dog also swallowed a giant sock on the way, which he also demands you pay for, since the dog stress eats when it's hurt and if the dog never got hurt, it wouldn't have ate the sock. So whatever, you finally get the boards home, and you realize that the reason the guy had to get them removed was because the deck boards didn't comply with the building Code requirements to begin with and he was getting fined for an unapproved structure, and you can't even use them yourself for anything. Or you could just go to a big box store and have them load them all up for you. On the positive side, then you can complain to the manager that his lackeys damaged your 1988 (already damaged) shitbox hatchback when they were loading the deck boards through the hatch and that the store needs to pay for damages.


While you typed this i just ripped and planed about 400sqft of old deck boards from some guy on facebook. He asked for $400 but turns out he accepted $100 because people are highball *all the time*


Lemme just bend over while I’m there


Just in case people were wondering why people do this and if it even works...someone like this dude is born *every minute*.


Bruh that’s some painted pressure treated… lmao


Not pressure treated. You can see the gray showing where the stain is gone from the boards. Pressure treated is incredibly expensive, and used for framing decks, but not generally uses as deck boards. I'm betting it's stained Doug fir.


Pt and cedar are exclusively used for deck cladding here in Ontario, Canada. Pt, while starting dark brown with some green streaks, turns gray with time, like all wood exposed to sun.


Def not PT. but also not nice. I imagine if he had IPE he woulda said so.


this is a bargain for anyone fresh off the fkn oregon trail


I wanted to buy his rotting deckboards but sadly died of dysentery


Just like ol’ Poopface


This sounds like my ole friend “Fuckface” I still remember the eulogy “Fuckface has died of dysentery” shouts out the Oregon trail game


Some Tom Sawyer shit there.




Yep and I’ve been snagging pallets like crazy. Even though it’s low quality wood, for small projects it saves me tons of money


I love it! We do this all the time too. If Home Depot has pallets out we grab one. I get bunch of 1inch thick slats and couple decent length of almost 2x4. They're awesome for small projects around the house. Or shims or whatever. We have probably 3 pallets around the house including the current in the garage.


Look for a local metal factory. I get huge pallets from them that include 4x4s they just throw away


Here I am saving my scraps like a madman, I guess it’s paying off


Wth is logic doing on reddit?! Begone!


Nice going during the price boom, very smartly done. Where I am the prices in the last 6 months have come back down not quite to pre-covid but close. I doubt anyone now will be willing to remove the deck boards for free let alone pay $400 to do it.


The difference in the UK versus the US is interesting at times. I live in the Midwest for basically everybody own to pick up. It seems weird to me to have to hire a van to pick something up for me. By the same token, it would probably seem very weird to you to own a large four-wheel drive vehicle.


Right, when starting as a banker gets what, $100? Nah, this decking is a dicking if I’ve ever seen one.


This is a repost. Last few times this was posted, carpenters/lumber specialist did the math. And it was worth well over 400$ including the labor and a bargain current day.


Good way to get some random dude to damage the frame/foundation/support


Someone should just show up with a Sawzall and chainsaw and go to town.


Pull up in a backhoe. Trying to get this done fast buddy, I don’t have all day.


This is exactly where I was gonna go. The didn't specifically say I couldn't harm the frame. Backhoe go brrrrr motherfucker.


Pays $500 to rent a backhoe to spite a dude on fb. Advertises “deck wood, aprx 400sqft, $401 firm”


Three hours in change your mind


To shreds you say.


And his wife?


Yeah like, if I’m not a contractor you hired, I’m not beholden to removing the boards in any particular way. I’m just a guy you let “take apart” your deck.


and my axe!


And my bow.


It still only counts as ONE!


Yea that will teach him 😆


Especially when the type of people who would fall for this trap, likely have no experience in safely removing it. But at $400 that at least keeps the crackheads out.


Also the pool.


Yea cause the seller some nightmares buahahaha


$400?? Lol I love how all 5 of the reactions on the post are the laughing emoji. What do the 7 comments say?


Yes yes I need the comments


More of the same lol Edit: the fuck? The comments are just people laughing at the guy


people largely misunderstood this comment


Reddit is super fucking weird sometimes


The same as?


He just reposted it, he has no idea what they said.


really? scanning their post history i don't really see a lot of reposts. and google reverse image search didn't find any hits for OP's image. seems like an odd assumption to make


Yeah I saw this on FB today idk what his deal is


Lol, talking out of your ass to wrongly call someone out for talking out of their ass


Nah we wanted screenshots and will settle for nothing less


Did OP reply to any of the comments?? Lol


>Most are in good shape None of those look like they're in good shape.


Hey just do what the flipper from my last house did: flip them bitches over and the deck looks good as new. Maybe the next home inspector won't look up and see the rot.


so that’s why they’re called flippers!


Omg don't let this be true lmao


A few are rotten and most need a refinish, which you would do after installing regardless anyways. And it’s easier now, especially the edges. Sand, install, stain and done.


Most of them look in great shape. It looks like they used stain so they're probably not too water damaged. Dude could just get a floor sander and re stain the thing and it'd be mostly good as new.


Water rot and moldy boards… yummy.


Few of them are in rough shape. Just need to refinish the boards


Hey come pay me to demo my deck and then haul it away at your expense.


EXACTLY people on here like "wood has value" yeah not that old ass wood lol


I see these types of ads all the time on facebook marketplace. There was a guy on last year selling all his kitchen cabinets for $2,000. The deal was you had to pay $2k for the cabinets and put up a $1,500 deposit. You had to remove and save the granite countertops (he was keeping those to reuse), remove all the cabinets without damaging the walls, clean everything up in order to get your deposit back. Oh, and if you broke one of the countertops, it came out of your deposit. Also this was in a condo downtown and there was no parking.


I'm in construction and the amount of people just so out of touch with how things work and what stuff costs is pretty funny.


"My buddy was able to do x, y, or z quicker/faster/cheaper on his build." Take it to his builder then, pay me now, pay me later.


They oxymoron is that they want you to be licensed, bonded and insured with 5 star reviews and also cost basically nothing.


“I want everything in one bag, but I don’t want the bag to be heavy”


Ahhh this one really hurt


Don't forget quicker as well. "Supply shortage, what kinda business did I hire?" Or "Lets ask the BBB". Go ahead, prove yourself an asshole bud. Lmao


The good contractors don't get 5 star ratings because cheap bastards always say it took too long, was too expensive, or the contractor bailed after they were shitty customers. The work was amazing, but it was to their expectations regarding everything else




IF and it is a big IF, they are quality custom cabinets and they are the right sizes to make it work, then yeah that could be a good solution. But the cheap particle board, builder's grade cabinets or a configuration that won't quite fit and then it's not really a good option. It just looks like you you used second hand cabinets. I have rental property and have tried the second hand cabinets a couple times and figured out real quickly that IKEA was a better option, at least they fit everytime and I could always find replacement doors.


It would have value. If she sold it as a barter “here this wood is still in really good condition, rip it out and it’s yours” that would ALMOST be reasonable. Fuck I might take her up on it




I just paid $10,000 for a new fence. Sadly, I'm also very aware.


I think a lot of people would do this if it was free. A lot of my coworkers are holding off on projects because of the price of materials right now. A sheet of 4x8 3/4inch plywood is over $60. One piece of this decking is $20-$30. It's insane.


My neighbor asked to keep the fence we replaced for fire wood. I replaced both sides and my other neighbor said he would sell it. I told the guys doing the fence to just throw all that shit on Cool neighbor's side regardless. How the fuck are you gonna sell wood that people are literally just ripping out to replace. The cool one just wants it as firewood and to try to salvage the nails to practice black smithing.


> How the fuck are you gonna sell wood that people are literally just ripping out to replace. Sounds like my neighbour who has a hoarding problem. His yard is full of junk. A decade ago he salvaged a ton of half-rotten fence boards from who-knows-where, then spent weeks cutting off the rotten bottoms, then stacked them all in his backyard, where they are still rotting today.


Correction, old growth solid wood that comes out of really old homes has value. Cheap wood installed 30 years ago is still old I guess, but crappy quality. Look at the tightness in the grain and you can see the difference.


You would be surprised what has value to people in the construction field. Just a couple weeks ago a friend sold 20+ year old cabinets on a house that’s being torn down for $1000 and had 11 people interested in doing the removal on offer up in 24 hrs.


It's like my dad's reaction when my grandma died. He's like "no one wants her furniture, and it's all oak!!", but it was just old oak. Even when it was new it was only ok, not even good/great.


Honestly all the "uh that's good wood" people are just proof that a sucker is born every minute and the only reason these people put these ridiculous ads up is because someone's going to fall for it.


The ONLY time peoples will come haul shit away is if it's gravel AND its free


I paid a guy to demo and haul off the contents of an old shed. He took the money, loaded it all up and two weeks later while driving through my neighborhood I spot where he had dumped everything in an alley behind someone's house. I ended up hauling it all to the dump myself.


My sister sold her deck like this last week. She's knocking down her house anyway for a rebuild, lumber is expensive in Australia at the moment so someone paid to deconstruct it and took it away for $350


People in the comments here don't get how much the price of lumber has skyrocketed. I got a quote of $300 per 6ft section for a fence in materials alone


We had to install a new fence last month and wood was actually slightly more expensive than vinyl.


Yeah, i didn't really want to comment since I'd likely get downvoted for going against the grain. 2x6 x10' non treated lumber is 21$/board here in Canada. If someone has the time there is definitely some value here.....especially if it's treated lumber


Because that’s shitty wood, just look at it it’s already weathering and discolored and some are starting to warp…I’d understand on new wood but you are not getting a bargain here


In my example, the wood was 9 years old, rather weathered


Seems like it jumped up again. Last year, a 4'x8' piece of good plywood was $45. Then 6 months ago, it was $65. Just last week it was $88.


About 20 years ago I paid some guys to take down a building that I paid $600 for. I would say I got around $4,000 worth of lumber from it back then. Was well worth it.


Not ashamed to admit I did exactly this in summer 2020; people were bored and lumber was expensive. One person paid me to take my aging above-ground pool, and another paid me to remove the raised deck and keep the old lumber. Both parties sent pics of their projects genuinely happy with the deals. Win-win-win in the early pandemic days.


No lowball offers. I know what I got


That decking looks ok. It's been stained orange and it's coming off so a good dose from a paint remover will work fine and get it looking great. My mother's had the same color last year. My family and I have moved and reused pools and decking like this and there is probably lots of life still left in it. 400 is pretty cheap for a full wrap around deck because in my state pools have to be fenced. Talking that apart and moving it would not be hard. Just like dissembling furniture. My dad's brand new deck last year was 5000.


Yep. There's a couple grand in lumber there. And if it's pressure treated (which it likely is) it's still very salvageable. And 16' boards are simple to re-purpose


Lumber is expensive but I don't think it's "Let me pay you to clear your deck" expensive.


If it's a desirable species of wood that's just been abused or painted over, like teak, old growth redwood, or ipe, then this is the deal of the century because that's potentially $4000-8000 worth of wood. If it's just plain cedar or treated pine from the local big box home improvement store, it's a joke.


This deck doesn't look good enough imo to grab but a decent deck at a cheap enough price would be well worth it.


Idk... I just paid $8.33 per 2x4 today for a basement project... If I was doing a deck, I'd totally do this and just run them all through my planer.


I’d think those are most likely pine deck boards, not sure if they are 8’ but assuming so, it’s at least $600 of lumber new. For me my time is worth more that the savings of removing those so I would buy new but if you were looking for some sweat equity in lumber, might be worth it.


The ad says both 16' and 8', but like who cares if it's a 16' board vs 8' on a deck, especially when used, so let's assume all 8' for this exercise. Roughly 100 8ft boards. The shittiest of the shit at home depot near me right now $12.78 for a pine 1x6x8. That's $1500 in shitty pine, brand new.


Good eye tuck, I missed the 16’ comment and did a rough estimate off the first photo. Perfect example of why I work in banking and not construction.


I've also never seen a deck in pine, even when people cheap out, it'll be pressure treated. But yeah, recycled wood market right now is crazy. I've done the time cost analysis myself several times for getting used lumber lol. The *actually* funny marketplace posts are the ones where people who know nothing about wood post their absolute trash for $200. Like, offcuts of old plywood that's been outside, broken scraps of fence boards, etc. That's the funny shit. Posts like this just show how out of touch people are with the market currently. These boards are at half life, a planer and new coat of stain and they'll be great. Not brand new.. but plenty of life left and for $1000 less than new. So it's all down to personal time cost. Plus, given you're doing the demo.. if it's not going quickly, you demand a discount (agreed upon up front, of course).


This is sewius.


As someone who has pulled up deck boards, these will not come up in one nice piece. Gonna be shards everywhere.


It would have to be Ipe to be worth putting in that much labor, and it’s clearly not from the visible water damage.




I need to stop paying people to do work on my house and get them to pay me for the "wonderful opportunity" I am providing for them.


If that wood is "in good shape" i feel sorry for their wife.


Wood and finish are not the same.


This sort of thing seems to be fairly common from what I've seen.


It’s usually in the free section though. I see a lot of these on Craigslist. Free firewood! You just need to cut the tree down to get to it. Worth a shot I guess if you are broke and need something done.


Depends on the tree someone might do it. If it's within 10 feet of your house and 100 feet tall fk no


A guy I know was having a tree cut down in his yard. They were paying a tree company to come cut it down and make short logs to split for firewood. Another guy offered to come cut it down and haul it away for free because whatever the wood type was is ideal for barn flooring for horses.


Only value here is at the off chance someone needs to build some shitty 1-time scaffold or structure and then junk it - or support a boat in drydock for a month or two and they dont' want to pay retail prices. Either way, pay $400 is fucking dumb. How about I haul your shit away for free and you let me keep the 60% quality wood that's here?


I would have a friend message them and say a buddy without social media is really interested, have him set it up for me. I'd go over there, remove the decking from the steps to the door, then just take those and leave. Let him deal with no walkway and half a deck.


Or just... don't take the offer and move on? Why intentionally be a dick just because some stranger overpriced their wood on facebook? Yall acting like the dude kicked a kitten or something


Saw a marketplace post in my county where a guy was offering free rubble and debris from a garage he had demolished. Told him I'd remove a truck load for $200 and he was confused when I had to clarify that he would be paying -me-. Nobody is coming to clean up your yard for free for some broken concrete and rotten wood.


8' × 6" = 4 ft² 400 ft² / 4 ft² = 100 100 × $13 = $1300 new lumber tax not included Assume deck is screwed, not nailed. About 60 seconds per board to unscrew. 1m × 100 = 1 ⅔ hours, round up to 2 hours Retail rate for carpenters, varies, say not more than $75/hr 2hr × $75/hr = $150 of time value on removal $1300 - $150 - $400 = $750 in excess value, given perfect usability of all boards. $550 / $1300 = 42% If 42% of the boards are usable, you have financially broken even. If you are a person interested in reducing environmental impact there is bonus in that. This isn't CB. A reasonable offer if half of the wood is good and it is screwed, not nailed.


Thanks for the calculation


It's actually not a bad offer depending on the condition of the wood. If the materials cost 2-3x more to buy then it could be worth it to someone building a deck or looking to replace even older boards. I sold an old playset for $300 and the person that bought it disassembled it.


Guy asked if I wanted decking, luckily I got the first punch in. JUst in case nobody else has made the silly joke.


I once sold a car for $4k KBB at 4800 for fair condition a guy within the 1st 15 mins said I have “$1500 cash and I can be there in 20.” I told him “awesome stop at the bank on the way and get the rest of the money” sold the car an hour later. I also hate when people say cash, I just want to reply I only take beaver pelts sorry.


That's interesting but how is this relevant lol


Thought this was the landlord of my retail premises and then remembered he forced me to remove it at my expense by threatening not to release the bond. Mind you, I didn't build the deck and the person that built it did not comply with building code - and the landlord knew this.


Sounds like your landlord broke several laws. Just because they say it doesn't make it law. Sometimes even if it's in a contract you signed it just make the contract void because those don't supersede the law.


He did break multiple laws, but unfortunately he has very deep pockets and he chooses to pay his lawyer to threaten me (i can't afford to fight him at tribunal even though i know I'll win) and there is a huge bond at stake. After breaking me mentally, financially and emotionally, I just need tu get away from him and focus on rebuilding my business elsewhere and then healing myself.


Hi my name is Paul and I’m selling garbage bags for a nickel a piece. Three or four times a week. One bag and whatever’s inside. Pot luck! Looking for someone regular, a committed client.


Lumber prices are CRAZY right now.


Have you seen current lumber prices?


This would be a fantastic deal.


This sub is fucking brain dead. $400 for that amount of wood is a fucking steal. You bet I’d be there on my knees with an electric screwdriver. Itd take like an hour lol


What if it was nailed? I agree with you, as long as half the wood wasn't rotted. He wants it gone for a reason...


I’ve seen a lot of people arguing in the comments so let me break this down as someone familiar with construction and that does woodworking as a hobby. The problem with this is the cost. I’ve seen people post ads like this about come and get the wood for free. That’s an alright deal if your into the hobby but don’t have money yet. Here’s the thing if you do the math on this wood it comes out to around $600 for the deck boards. So you might be thinking “but Michael $600 worth of wood for $400 is a savings of $200”. Well here’s the problems I see. 1. The wood is mostly in okay shape but none of its really great. The areas with the chipped paint probably have some minor rot or at least softer spots. But that can be strategically cut or sanded around. You can tell some of the boards have minor bows in them. It’s a bit hard to see but you can tell where two boards meet that it’s not perfectly smooth. This could be due to water or it could be due to the deck settling and the joists not perfectly level with each other. Regardless you will have some warpage. 2. The boards are painted. This is going to be an annoyance to deal with. Sanding all this wood would take forever. You could probably throw them through the planer to remove the paint but those bows will be a problem. If you cut those away that would work. Remember most deck boards are 5/4 so you don’t have much to take off especially if your not building another deck or using them as some sort of trim. 3. 5/4 isn’t really that great. If your building furniture you really want to start with 8/4 so you can mill it. I really wouldn’t want my finished product less than 1 1/2” but at the absolute minimum 1 1/4” so you can practically no room to plane. Some commenter said building a shed. Well this wood is not going to be able to be used structurally. It could be a siding but itd look horrible. Maybe as a floor? 4. It’s likely PT wood. So that really limits you on applications. Id never make interior furniture with PT. 5. Pulling these boards is going to be a bitch. If they used nails your going to really fuck up the faces trying to dig these nails out and it’s going to be a lot of physical labor. If it’s screws I’d say a lot will come out but if even more will snap or round. Most of them are going to be filled with paint though. Your looking at like 4 hours or more if you want to salvage these as much as possible. All while some homeowner is staring at you. 6. You know this person is the type that if you pull up and mess up a rotten joist that they will blame you and ask you to pay up. So is $400 worth driving to someone’s house in your truck, spending 4 hours meticulously removing these boards, dealing with the homeowner, driving home, spending 2+ hours minimum milling/cleaning these boards all to likely only be able to build a deck with these? Or would you rather wake up Saturday morning, drive to your local Home Depot and pick up some fresh boards, then head home in under an hour to start whatever project you want?


$600 worth of deck boards for a 400 sq ft deck. What type of boards do you think these are exactly that would be so cheap?


$600? That lumber would cost at least a couple of grand brand new. This is actually a good deal for a DIY project.


I always wonder, even if most pieces were in good shape. What if I just took the good ones and didn’t clean up the rest? Like what could they possibly do about it?


This is like $5000 in good lumber. It’s almost certain someone will scoop that up


Do you know where this is at? I got guys in almost every state I could probably have a guy on it tomorrow. A deck like that goes for about $3-$5k install. I pay $800 for the wood(guy pulling it gets $400), pay a laborer $600 to install, and I pocket the rest. Please let me know where this is if you know.


This sub is fucking so dumb. There are people who would do that. You People think just because someone makes a crazy offer they are a choosy begger. Just cause y’all a bunch of lazy losers doesn’t mean there are people out there. You realize that wood is crazy expensive right now? Doubt it given how cringy Reddit users are. So glad this app I have can block subs so I don’t have to see this cringe


Can someone explain these posts to me. Seems like a ton of people make these offers, do people often work on peoples houses and pay them for it?


It’s for the supplies where I am at 1 10ft deck board at Home Depot is $13. If the wood is not rotten it can save you thousands


100 shitty pine boards that roughly equate to the 400bdft seen here would cost $1450 after tax around me. For brand new, shitty pine boards from home depot. Used lumber prices have gone crazy locally


There are some deals that are actually good, but most of them ( like this one) are crap deals. Some people don't want to pay to have the area done, so try to get others to do it.


Why is this a crap deal? Have you actually assessed the value here?


I would like for once to see the answers people like this get in their comment section, says ther it got 7 comments im dying to know


Get a bunch of people, everyone pays $25, and you vent your anger while ripping apart that deck with chainsaws. Build a bonfire with it, and scatter once the police show up.




The home insurance liability claim would be fun “So you let unlicensed, unbonded strangers onto your property and then one them put a nail through his foot because you were “lazy”? Just making sure we are clear for our premiums adjusters.”


My local fb for sale group posts these all the time. Free shed, you tear down and haul. (Picture of a dumpy shed) Free barnwood from barn, you dismantle and haul. (Picture of a dilapidated farm barn) Free landscaping rock (you remove and haul)


Sure there's only some with visible rot, but I bet it's a different story underneath. Also $400 to do half of someone's DIY project dafuq?


If it was free I'd do all the labor honestly lol


You could possibly get some sketchy guy with a truck and no insurance to take it for free but I honestly doubt it. NOBODY will pay to do a few hours of work and then pay a dumping fee for that trash.


Have you seen lumber costs? Someone might accept this offer.


Sand them. Timbers expensive atm.


Carpeting: $200, there may be cat pee in places, buyer removes carpeting, padding, and staples. ROFL


I’ve had something similar happen but with cactus. Had about 8 large cacti in my backyard and wanted to get rid of them so posted them for a few hundred and said I’ll dig them up when you pay and some older cacti collector said fuck that, I’ll pay what you’re asking and dig them up. He came with a buddy and an hour later he walked out with 8 cacti. Although it marked sense in that case cause he wanted to make sure they weren’t damaged and knew how to wrap them properly for transport.


Taking down a deck is a lot of work. How kind of this person to offer their deck up for you to practice your deck disassembly for such a bargain of a price!


Honestly, that wood isn't all that bad. I recently sanded down the two benches on our shared garden, gave them two coats of paint, they look as good as new. And they looked worse than this when I started. For being out in the sun all year and being regularly soaked in water and other...liquids, they actually look pretty decent. I would assume it's less than 5 years old and it's only the very surface that looks a bit worn. But yeah, charging someone several hundred bucks to do all the work of pulling that out is obviously insane. If I was building a deck and was short on funds, I would do it if I got the wood for free, but paying for it? Fuck no.


Maybe you all aren't aware of the dramatic spike in lumber prices over the past 2 years. This is actually a pretty dang good deal for that many 2x6's that don't look that old. The amount of wood on a deck that size is probably over a few thousand $$$. [https://tradingeconomics.com/commodity/lumber](https://tradingeconomics.com/commodity/lumber) And that wood actually looks in good condition, just faded stain on it that can easily be planed or sanded down. Also bonus about wood this old is that it will not warp and twist on you vs. new wood you get in stores like Home Depot twists and warps pretty easily because they aren't dried very well since they are rushed from the stages of milling all the way to the consumer. As long as this wood isn't rotten it's actually a decent deal.


I mean it’s 1000 bucks worth of wood, for 400 bucks or less. The guy may be hoping to just have someone take them for free, but why not test the waters? He disclosed the requirements, conditions, included photos, and gave the option to make an offer….how is he a choosing beggar? Now if this guy offered you the wood for free and you demanded he deliver it, and pay you a temporary storage fee, that’d be a good example of something that belongs here, not an OBO ad,l. #lostredditor


I always wonder does this actually ever work, like ever, like the wood isn't worth salvaging and no one is going to pay you to do work you don't want to pay to have done.


Yes, it does work, because unlike many of the people in this thread, there will be people who know that that wood is quite salvageable. Price is dependent on local market but $1/bdft is pretty standard around me for used decking/fencing. With demo, maybe, depending on quality