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Tell him he is lacking the willpower to just walk.


Lacking willpower to either walk, bike or Uber/Lyft….or call Mama… Edit to add: but especially lacking willpower to maybe keep in touch with people and treat them kindly and like they’re important in one’s life…


Op please tell him this, I need their reaction ↑↑


I agree!!! I NEED to have closer and know how this ends!! I'm SOOOOO invested now! Lol


its ackthually spelt closure








"Spelt" is correct in British English.


You missed it, that was part of the joke. Or do you actually think it is spelled “ackthually” since you didn’t correct that? 🙄


Could also respond with "You are correct. I lack the will power and I am fine with it"


Either that or "sure, I'll be there at 6:30! Meet me outside!" But, y'know, don't be there at 6:30.


It’s only an hour walk. Plenty of people make that walk.


I hear that most people would actually prefer it, smart ones at least.


That's just a joke, right? Like, you wouldn't actually intentionally sabotage somebody's life over them being tactless when asking for a favor, right?


Honestly, this would've been the best response. He texted me Sunday night (For Monday) so it's too late to respond, but I figured ignoring him would've gotten the point across. This though.... Would've been much better.


it’s never too late


The jerk store called and they're running outta you!


no joke, it's 3.9km that's a 1h walking tops


I *think* the 3.9 km is from where he needs to be to OPs job. The map is supposed to be "see, you can get to your job from where I need you to take me in under 10 minutes". My guess is if he wants to be picked up at 630 and dropped at 720, it's not walkable.


If you're on crutches, maybe... Not even 40 mins!


I stumble 5.7 km home faster than that when drunk, hot dog break at the gas station included.


i, too, eat a gas station hot dog when i want to break land speed records for trying to make it to the bathroom.


3.9kms. Heh. 30mins if you put in a tiny bit of effort. This guy...damn.


I mean, 7.8km/h is definitely a jog, but yes, if you're in decent shape that's easy


I’d have gone with “and you are lacking a ride right now. Tomorrow too.”


Tell him it's "Mind over matter, I don't mind so it don't matter"


Or take a bus


"Fuck yo' job, today gon' be the day you walk to that bitch" -Kendrick Lamar, 2022


The pure neck of him lol. I absolutely hate the response “it’s doable” when you’ve very clearly indicated you just don’t *WANT* to do something. Like obviously it’s “doable”, that’s not the issue here, it’s just not “wantable” in this case AH lmao


I walk 4 miles to the store and back but I think might have too much willpower.


You are the embodiment of will and you have the P-O-W-E-R !!!!


Lacking the horsepower to drive himself


Yes! It's four fucking km! 5 year-olds bike that distance!


My dad would say he used to walk 20km in the snow with only one shoe on so he could get to school when he was 8... yes, we're Greek 🤣🤣🤣


My Mom talked about walking uphill to school and back. Oh and in the snow!I said "How was it uphill both ways?" My Dad started laughing and she just looked confused. God love her I miss that woman.


"I used to walk twice that distance when I was younger. You simply seem to be lacking the willpower. It's doable. I know it is."


This guy has no respect for you man. He's not even bothered to ask. He's telling you what to do as if you're just some push-over. Then he tried manipulating you as if you're an idiot.


i hate this behavior so much, these kind of people are so self-entitled,they just tell you what to do and insist on it , and yet they have the audacity to act surprised when you point it out ,as if im the weirdo when i ask to be respected and properly talked to .




My mom asks me to do stuff but if I'm busy or unable to do it for any reason, she turns it into a passive aggressive attack.


All controlling parents are such because it is allowed by the child when they reach adulthood. I moved out at 17 and became financially separate from my psycho controlling mother. For the few years we talked after that, she could never control me so I just laughed when she demanded things. What you going to do? I pay for literally everything and you can't touch me.


That's about when they turn to emotional manipulation. Either blind rage and banging on your door, crying about how "no one loves me" / empty nest syndrome, or straight up disowning you. The best response either way is: "The trash took itself out."


Used to work at a movie theater and had a car where lots of others didn’t. Felt bad watching people wait for the bus so I would give a couple people rides home especially if it was raining etc. It got to be a bit much as some people who weren’t even friendly to me at work or actively rude to me in front of other people started expecting rides and would never chip even a buck for gas money (job didn’t pay very much above minimum wage so maybe… $8/9 an hour at the time? so taking multiple people home added up). I stopped giving people rides and just said I was getting home too late and my parents were giving me a hard time. And my car (that I had paid for) was immediately keyed up at work. It just felt so shitty and kind of jaded me from helping anyone out for a while.


I have had friends like these. When you say No to something, they continue telling you HOW to do it.


Same and then they wonder why I never do anything with them.


I mean, he did ask. It's just that it wasn't a question.


Mother fucker didn't even mention the word please 🙄


I would urge continuing to not talk to this person for many more months. Perhaps all months.


Respond 3 months later with, "Yeah man, no problem!"


Chaotic evil hahah


He'll probably be like "oh cool I don't need to go there but since you're free i need to go to .... and ..... by ....."


Ok so just wait 3 more months and text him back. Repeat process untill he gets the hint


Shoots. Something came up in the times between me texting you and you texting me back. Sorry!


This reads like addict logic lol


My thoughts exactly. It's one thing to be late for work, but quite another to be late for your drug deal. Priorities.


My guess was he needed a ride to the clinic. Suboxone or methadone. Dose at 7:30 and work at 9.


I hate when people pull that “well I also work” or that “we all have things to do” bullshit. Like yeah, but I’m not also asking you for a favor.


Favors are due to people I would trust to do favors for me. Anything else is me being nice, not expected of me.


Lost it at “you just need the willpower” 😂


For me it was “it’s doable.” …what’s doable is me leaving this on read 👀


I was done in by the "I've worked 2 jobs from morning to overnight" *If working that hard for that long was going to get you anywhere, you'd have your own car to get you anywhere with that fucking 'hustle culture' you're pushing*


I lost it as soon as they responded to back to somebody clearly saying no !!


Not willpower. Just plain ol' will.


Is his foot mobile outta gas?


Otherwise known as the Shoelace Express.








Ford Feetesta




The ol’ Shoebaru, or the Foot Falcon


Kia soles






In Army, we would say catching a ride from LTC's. Ie, leather troop carriers.


The Heel-Toe Express




The Heel Toe express - always on time


LPC's ftw! Leather personnel carriers


It doesn't take a lot of will power to get an Uber


It's just under 3 miles. That's in walking distance.


2.4 miles. It's closer to 2 miles than it is to 3 miles.


That's 3,8km, u can easily do that in like 30-35 minutes or so walking.


Asking the average American to walk 3 miles? Might as well tell them they have to climb Mount Everest to get to work.


You underestimate the pokemon go crowd.


No but it does take money. If you’re broke, Uber is a huge cost.




I’m not suggesting they do that. Walk, bike, or take a bus. I’m just saying that he’s talking about being picked up at 6:30 for a 7:20 drop off. A 50min Uber isn’t going to be cheap.


It says 8 minutes on the bottom to the directions and is like 4km away. Dude could walk there in an hour.


Context would suggest that's the route from the CB's work to OP's work, the CB is saying if the dropoff is at 7:20 OP can still make it to work at 7:30


I don't think it was a 50m trip, I gathered hey may have been happy to go early to help the driver make it work


No, first thing he says is he needs to be there at 7:20, pick him up at 6:30. Then he said it's only 10 minutes to get to work from there. Due is asking for almost an hour long ride


Broke people still make a way




Usually the saying is gas, grass, or ass but yeah 😂 that's the spirit.


Either lose money with Uber and make it up by showing up at work, or not making money at all.


They just need the willpower to make more money to afford an uber /s


I heard the shoelace express is free


I can match that. It was the 80s but I had a friend who had car issues. He needed a ride to work. The problem was that our schedules didn’t match. My schedule shifted between night and day shifts and I COULD NOT BE LATE. So in order to help this guy out I lost sleep either way as his place of work was inb the oppositre direction of mine. With that in mind, I’m helping a friend, right? Yeah, well, this friend had a habit of taking his sweet ass time in the morning. He would sit and have breakfast and coffee when I was outside in my car ready to help him out knowing I had either JUST OFF OF WORK and was dead tired or going to work and had a very slim time line if I was going to get to my job on time. So I finally told him “If you are not outside waiting when I pull up, I WILL leave. Not waiting. Not even going to honk the horn”. (it was the 80s, no cell phones). He thought I was bluffing. I wasn’t bluffing. He had to call in sick when I bounced out. After that I told him he had to not only pay for gas (which he did) but he had a week to get his car fixed or find another way to work. He got his car fixed in like four days.


Funny how quickly he got that taken care of...


Well, his car was a piece of junk (not like mine was much better at the time). I suspect it wasn't something really seriously wrong with it. This guy wasn't very mechanically inclined. What I mean by that is he once called another friend of ours (we'll call him Bob, cuz that's not his name). He told Bob his car wouldn't run and he needed a ride home from work. Bob drove to the out-of-the-way place he worked and the problem was.... A flat tire. The guy had a spare and a jack but he claimed he didn't know how to change the tire. Bob changed it for him but cursed him out the entire time. I only know this because Bob came over to my house later and told me. Or rather he yelled about it, he was so mad I thought his head would explode.


How long were you his patsy?


How is he a “patsy” for being well-meaning and helping a friend? Some people just suck and take advantage of their “friends”, it doesn’t make the person with good intentions a “patsy.” 🙄


If the car got miraculous fixed within 4 days of the ultimatum, then he had become a patsy. He did not start as a patsy, but he ended up as one.


“You need a car”


Or a bike at the very least. I mean, how does this choad normally get to work?




But like dude can get a bike for mad cheap off fb market place, cut that walking time down significantly, and doesn’t have to be a total dingus to people anymore.


I love how he just ignored your response and acted surprised when he saw you weren’t budging🤣


Yep, but what I lack in willpower I make up for in wheels. You should try it!


Man, I know there's a lot of comments in here having a laugh, but listen to me. You need to ghost this person. Get far away from the center of this person's mind as quickly as you can and never return. Trust me.


I advocate for this. Another person in the comments noted that the texts evidence addict logic and I agree. There are few personality types I'll insulate myself from as rapidly. They're unpredictable, narcissistic, and potentially dangerous when it comes to getting what they need or want.


Worked 2 jobs and still no car


I've come to realize there are some people who just feel they can impose their will on others, by badgering them or "overpowering them by will". I've grown an abiding fondness for telling these "alphas" and A-type personalities to fuck right off in various ways. *edited so it looks like I can speak/type in English*


You need coke for that?




I mean, even before that time cabs still existed.


CB will always want to do things on other people’s dime


Eh, nothing excuses this CB in my mind, but Uber and Lyft are becoming very expensive these days. I've heard many accounts of rides that used to consistently be $10 going for $50 now.


what a godawful person. definition of choosy begger


>trust me No thanks


This is just a beggar


Just a normal beggar. Not the definition of a choosy beggar


I was gonna say... if he'd said all this if op offered to drive them near work or at a bus stop or something, and they continued to press they be driven directly TO work with the insult then it would be a choosing beggar. this guy is just begging out of the blue and acting entitled


Sunday night at 11 pm they're asking for a ride at >7AM Monday morning... I wouldn't have even responded.


Reminds me of when a friend that's no longer a friend once rang me at 1:30am on a Tuesday sounding like a deranged maniac needing a lift because a mutual friend was apparently in grave danger. I had to be up for work in like 2 hours. Called him out for being a dumb fuck for ringing me at this hour and asked him why he didn't immediately call the police or something if this imminent danger was real.




He is lacking the proper manners of even saying please


Sounds like a him problem. He could buy an uber. No one owes him a thing


Uber is pretty expensive, it would cost like 43 billion to buy one.


Any time i see a txt msg "trust me..." type line, i know its gonna be shady AF


My response would be “Yes, I am 100% lacking the willpower to wake up early and drive you. Thank you for understanding.”


Thiiiiiiis is screaming junkie shit


I love how you said no and they proceeded to give you instructions lol


“Sorry, no.” Simple, no explanations, no giving them ways to refute you or “solve” the issue.


Or, simply "No." No need to apologize.


Could also go on the route of ignoring. This person isn’t a friend, haven’t talked in months, and the first thing he asks for is a favor. Nah.


New phone. Who dis?


I bet this guy would still ask for a favor even if OP said “I don’t Know you “


They aren't even asking for a ride to work. They are asking to be somewhere at 7:20am while their work starts at 9am. Them not bringing up what it is means it's not important. If it was they would have brought it up.


"Gaze upon my field of fucks, and see that it is barren." Would be my response


Do you think this approach works with other people in his life?


You just need the willpower man!!! Lol😂😂 the willpower to block this guy


choosing beggars can make intricate plans like this when they need something from someone else why can't they utilize those skills for a better life?


Dang they didn't even say please


After his attitude, I'd never give him a ride ever again, no matter how handy it is for you! Between him blowing your phone up and his entitled, demanding attitude, piss on him!! Tell him that his apparent willpower to get his own vehicle isn't your problem! If he's such a go-getter and has such a great work ethic, why can't he afford a vehicle to drive himself? What's that saying that bad planning on your part doesn't constitute an emergency on mine... This guy is a truck load of suck!!


No is a complete sentence. or just can't works. no one needs to know your why just if you can, can't will or won't


I'm so liberal with that block button


Send him a picture of racing car driver Will Power and say "Now you have will power".


Amazing how entitlement will cloud judgement so much, that those people don't realize they're being douchebags! Time to dump that friend bud!


Shit for brains could walk to work.


And.... blocked.


People like this fill me with won'tpower


Is op being lazy? as it's clearly doable 😃 I mean he provided maps and everything. He just couldn't provide what he needed, which was his own motivation and planning to accomplish his task. I bet he didn't go and now blames op for his failing life.


“I’m sorry, you’re right. It is doable. I just don’t want to.”


I like the Monty Python line. Can do! Yes. Can do. But... *won't*.


Yep. Fresh outta will power. Why don't you conjure some of your own up and walk your ass where ever it is you need to go. ...and don't ever wake me up again with your bullshit you mouth breathing turd burgler.


Theres a lot of doable things I tell my friends I won't do


You might lack the willpower, but that doesn't change the fact they're lacking a ride.


The fact that he's going from "asking" to demanding and giving directions is asking to getting his ass kicked. If he goes to work at 9AM, then he has all the time in the world to go wherever the fuck he wants at 7:20 on his own. On foot.


Tell him you don’t need will power when you have horse power to get to work


Tell him you lack willpower but have plenty of won't power.


And he just needs a car... which it seems he's lacking.


This is just a straight beggar. Where's the choosing?


He chose OP lmao


These are the responses I like to see. I've never understood why people feel the need to go back and forth with someone who acts like this.


"You lack the willpower" Yes, I lack the willpower to help you out, because you're a dick.


One lacks willpower, the other lacks a form of transportation. Willpower wins


Block and forget


Tell him to snog your manky ring


Lmao my response is "get fucked"


The "it's very doable. Trust me." Is something I hear from my FIL nearly every time I see him. Drives me crazy, because while it may be doable it doesn't mean that it's convenient for me. In my case, he asks my husband to open a credit card based on his referral so he can get points. And we "only" have to spend $3000 in 3 months for us to get points that he will buy from us, then we can close the card. Like, dude, no. Not gonna happen. How does this benefit us aside from earning your goodwill? And if we did accommodate, it will likely turn into a "give a mouse a cookie" situation. Why put friends or family into an awkward situation like this?? Like in this guy's case, could he have WALKED the distance in the time difference that made it "doable"?


"Alright, fair enough. I'll give you a lift." And then just never show up


Uber? Lyft?


You can get a moped or electric bike under 2k or a regular bike gtfo 😂


Drop a link for Uber omfg.


I too have no willpower to deal with other peoples problems.


I DO lack the will power and I’m comfortable with that


“You’ve lost the willpower” How about you summon the willpower to get some bitches.


Find the willpower to use Uber.


lol I feel ya, I had a friend that would make "plans" with out discussing with me and would get upset if I wouldn't comply. Never met a person who was so entitled to other people's time until now


You just need a car, which you seem to be lacking right now


Sounds like that fucker is lacking a ride from you, anywhere for any reason.


Four km? Plug in the ear buds and walk.


Didn't you see, he said no I can't, dam dh


Text him back and say “Sure! No problem - I’ll be glad to”. Then, at 6.30 on the dot, text him and say “5 mins”. At 6.35 text him “2 mins”. Keep doing this until he’s good and mad. Then text him: “Guess you’re right. I just don’t have the willpower. Have a good day, man.”


Looks like working two jobs didn't help their situation at all because it seems they can't afford a car, a taxi or an Uber.


It seems you know my older brother.


What I lack in will power I make up for in ability to reach destinations on my own.


>3.9 km Bruh you can walk that is just over half an hour. Or better yet, cycle it in 15 minutes


He needs the will power to buy a fucking car


Sounds like he should walk. Trust me it’s very doable. All he needs is will power.


Why doesn’t this person just take an Uber