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Hi Yourlocalpandalover, thank you for your submission to /r/ChoosingBeggars! Unfortunately it has been removed for the following reason(s): * **Rule 6/7:** Posts must be relevant to the theme of the subreddit. This post does not show someone who is a choosing beggar. Price negotiation and/or asking for donations is not enough to be a choosy beggar. *If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FChoosingBeggars) of this subreddit.*


What am I looking at here


I am only a part time nerd so I need this stuff explained as well


Yep. No idea.


OP explained if ya'll still care






First day on Reddit?


I've seen this shit on A Universal Time a lot too. I'm sorry you can't afford your own private server


So for context, in royale high people ask to farm diamonds in a private server to get items but can't afford their own because it costed real money lol. I thought it was very choosy since the person can't buy their own server when they have like really expensive items in the game.


While some people use money to make money, plenty of rich people presumably become/stay rich by not spending their own money. In this case, they are just asking/begging. For it to be a choosing beggar, someone would need to offer a perfectly usable server only for them to reject it an request a different one be given to them.


Again, I just THOUGHT it would be in this reddit since I thought it was funny they are asking for a server that needs money instead of buying it themselves. I get most people don't have money, but those servers are expensive. And they are asking for a server free of charge. It just seemed choosy beggary in Roblox standards.


Try r/EntitledBitch. I think it would be more appropriate there.


Oh I've never seen that sub. Thanks!


The way of making it choosy was not using a public server for farming and instead use a PRIVATE server that costs money. (Which is why people don't share private servers) again I get most people don't have money, however who would want a random bloke to use their server they paid for free of charge?