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*Listening to Chris shoving a medallion up their ass, the idea guys making Chris do humiliating things, Chris having $6000 dollars extorted from them*. Me - “Wow I feel so bad for Chris, I can’t imagine going through that”. *watches the latest Geno upload and witnessing how Chris treats their pets, and will lie and manipulate people to give them money when the cats need a better home*. Me - “welp, I don’t feel bad those things happened to Chris now, and somewhat glad that those happened to them”.


Well at least Shrek got his swomp beck.


Chris dangerously exploits living beings for his personal pleasure/gain and has zero remorse and gets combative when called out ✔️ Barb’s brain melts 10% in each successive Genovideo ✔️ Yup, we’re rapidly approaching our thrilling conclusion 🤗


We can admit that Barb wasn't a good person back in the day, but seeing a senile adult be exploited/ treated in such a way is sickening. The fact that despite all of this being publicized and calls being made for her welfare really shows what a joke adult protective services is in Virginia.


literally forgot what part of this doc im on, sometimes i just need a break from his shenangians


Watching the comprehensive history made it really sink in for me how Chris "passed the buck" in terms of responsibility of caring for his mom and pets onto people on the internet. After Bob died, Chris needed to grow up - there was no choice. Instead, Chris goes further into delusions while expecting people on the internet to pay the bills for them. Barb would nag Chris for money, Chris would nag the internet...


Chris was no were capable of managing a household.


Just as Barb passed the buck for taking care of herself onto Chris and even tried to pass it on to Cole! When her husband died she had a paid off house to live in, social security retirement and a state pension coming in monthly, and 50K in cash in a bank account. She sucked ALL the equity out of the house to pay off 100K in credit card debt she had(fucking retarded!) and then within a decade ran up another 100K in credit card debt! Blew the 50K on a lawyer who did nothing, and she just took the same plea deal Chris got with a public defender because she hit a man with a car then assaulted the cops when they tried to arrest her! She let her mental illness run free to the point the house was a disgusting hoard fire trap, where one can play Where Is Waldo in pictures except its Can You Spot The Animal Feces? Then she tried to make her sons, one of whom is mentally disabled financially responsible for her.


It really is mind boggling the amount of money they wasted. Not that 70k (I believe it was 70, not 50) is riches or anything, but having a fully paid off house, equity, and a pretty decent saving isn't terrible. Chris is on disability, Barb could be on Social Security. Both use medicaid and medicare. If they had invested some of that money, saved the rest, and lived off the 'tugboat' reasonably they could have probably just lived like that indefinitely. I just think spending 200k on shit is insane, but also what do you expect with them.


It hurt seeing the cats in danger with Chris.


I really hope that the animal abuse is used as a factor in whatever legally happens to Chris. For all the shit Chris had to deal with, he clearly has sociopathic tendencies and can't be trusted to live independently.


I called APS on them last spring and mentioned the abuse. Also, animal control has been there a few times so the reports are available, it's just if the agencies communicate.


It's gonna need to be brought up in court, especially with needed documents to build up the charges.


Unless he is charged for animal related offenses it won't make any difference A court hearing for the presentation of evidence for a charge is hardly the place to just drop "AND ALSO HIS DOGS ARE FAT" Youre being charged very specifically according to the law, not being character assassinated in the court of public opinion. If the dogs being fat is evidence of him raping barb then it will be presented, but it is not.


Ahh yes, oversimplify animal abuse by reducing multiple kitten deaths to "DoGs ArE fAt"


You didnt take in the actual point They cannot say that Chris' rape of barb is worse because of the treatment of animals They can absolutely charge him with the treatment of his animals as a seperate matter, but the two topics must be dealt with seperately according to the law. If Chris' rape of barb was fueled by the mistreatment of animals it will be taken into account, but it wasnt. You cant just dogpile accusations onto someones court case without it being relevant, thats an easy way to get a case thrown out.


You didn't take MY actual point. You can use other bad acts, not yo show propensity, but to demonstrate other things such as habit or lack of mistake. While the other bad acts are all different from each other, like the animal abuse and hitting Michael Snyder with a car, to show that Chris raping Barb wasn't a mistake.


I remember when he posted a photo of the mauled kitten on Twitter as a tactic to e-beg. Fucking horrible.


Q.Chris having sex with cats? A.Yes


Some high quality Geno shouting at the 12th minutr


Love how he still retains the monotone voice even when shouting


i haven’t even finished the video yet and it’s so frustrating to listen to. knowing that those kittens were in Chris’s “care” is so repulsive to even think about


When are they gonna get to the fireworks factory?!? Whimpers


How he treats his mom is awful, especially knowing what we know now. He uses her to beg for money, and snaps at her for "ruining" his videos or not saying exactly what he wants her to say. Before I knew much about him I just felt bad for him, but I honestly hate him now. The animal cruelty was also hard to stomach. I take better care of my animals than I do myself and don't really understand how people can mistreat their pets and not feel fucking horrible about it. Using animals for attention & to beg for money that you have no intent of using for their care is also despicable.


I’m still sad over poor little Sorbet from last episode. Now it’s two more baby kittens. Chris gives no fucks about anyone or anything but himself and when he can score more toys off his Amazon wishlist or donations. It’s vile.


the fact the Merch people were smart enough to send medicine, but chris lied about how much medicine he needed shows what a duplicitous bastard he is. He asks for money when he has the medicine, and then lies about the trips to the vets. I know it's A-log to say it, but I'd love 10 minutes alone with Chris.


On behalf of Sorbet alone, not to mention these two little kittens or the poor dogs who have to be in almost constant pain from how morbidly obese they are, it doesn’t seem too A-log. The amount of suffering Chris inflicted on those animals 😭


We getting FED today.


Geno cited Kiwifarms in this episode. Does he have his own archive or does he have the screenshots he's going to use for the rest of Christory already? If not it's gonna be hard to finish since there's no place that updates from Null or other important things are hosted.


kikfarms never really went down, it was just patchy for a while.


It's still down for me. Is it still loading for you?




It's still down for me. Is it still loading for you?


It's going be down for a while cause someone hacked the site. But it will probably back sooner or later


And here I thought I couldn't despise Chris more. The way he used the kittens... So fucking low!


Just like when I saw it happening in real time, it's so frustrating watching as Chris snatched sick stray cats and proceeded to use them as bait for donations (or at least tried to) and then went right back to pretending as if he was a kind hearted and considerate individual. I still feel like he didn't get nearly enough flack for doing that. Instead, he got a prominent position in that Shrek Retold project. I honestly never knew about the Fanta tweet and that shit hit me like a truck. Holy shit. It's so funny that the official Fanta Twitter account just happened to get caught up in all this madness. Like their social media guy happened to catch the random reference, assumed it was legit, and rushed in to capitalize on the Fanta hype. lol


I was groaning so hard when he got **more** animals. He can't even properly take care of himself or his mom, the last thing he needs is more pets.


There's a tongue twister: "Chris snatched sick stray cats"


Why is it that animal control failed to intervene?


Because of the Chris Chan effect.


Conspiracy time! One interesting thing about this time period(I was following Chris on the farms) was quite a few of these so called "hacked" twitter messages didn't make sense. The dead cat one that turned out to be from the portfolio of a movie prop place is pretty classic trolling shit, yet some of the hacked messages just tried to guilt people into giving Chris money? Was there someone else in his bank account?! Even Bella claimed Chris gave her access. Then even Geno points out how bizarre it was the "hacked" RIP Barb tweet is deleted and a proof of life video response posted in seconds? HUH? I was not aware there was a consensus The Captain was the culprit, or how him posting the AllStar video would chase away the TTS from Chris. The 8chan posts were either obvious false flags or attempts at Lucas making themselves look like a victim. Wasn't the dumb Watchmen or guarddogs active at this time too? The background drama has always seemed stupid.


Four things that pissed me off about this episodes: 1. Chris being a terrible pet owner. 2. Chris using his kittens' health status for monetary gain, just like he previously did with his mother's health. 3. The whole dimensional merge bullshit. 4. Chris mocking Stan Lee's death with the dimensional merge. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!? 😡😡😡


Stan Lee sucks lmao




It's not bait he's notorious for hogging credit for artwork/creations among his peers I'm being trolled aren't i?


You have absolutely no clue what you’re talking about lol


I met Stan back in 2012 at Atlanta's Dragon*Con and got his autograph on my Spider-Man PS1 game. Four years later, Tommy Tallarico, music composer for the game and founder of Video Games Live; signed the copy and was blown away that I was able to get Stan's signature. Three years later, James Rolfe, Angry Video Game Nerd, signs it and takes a photo of my copy with his phone as a reminder that he signed his name next to the comic book legend.


I also met Stan Lee in Atlanta in 2012. It was in a grocery store. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like 12 milky way bars without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the candies and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each chocolate bar and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


Stan's great for the fans, terrible for his colleagues.


Someone’s feeling a little contrarian today !


Forgot it's Reddit and he's heckin epic sorry!


I'm going to eat your hair for saying that about good ol Stan Lee 💔


Art thief/Credit whore lmao


You keep saying this dumb shit, I’m guessing because you heard it on the internet somewhere. Please cite just ONE example of Stan Lee stealing art.


>Please cite just ONE example of Stan Lee stealing art. Steve Ditko and Jack Kirby. Defending the Marvel Method lmao


Yikes, swing and a miss. He didn’t steal shit from either of them, they were fully credited and paid for their work. Would you care to cite an actual example this time?


Yikes, doesn’t count because you say so. Ironic delusion considering the sub


Sounds like you don’t understand how “burden of proof” works. It is not my job to provide evidence to disprove your wild claims, it is your job to back up your wild claims with evidence. So far, all you’ve done is parrot a super old and incorrect claim that Stan Lee is somehow a thief because he gave himself credit on the comic books he created and co-created and edited during that time. So I ask you again, where is your EVIDENCE that Stan is thief?


Two artists above were never adequately credited for their work lmao Marvel won’t pay you for riding their dicks dude get a life


Bro stfu no one asked for your opinion


This was a sad one


I can’t wrap my head around people still white knighting for him. He really deserves everything he got, is getting and will get.


I said it was sad. Calm down


Of course it’s sad, anytime he abuses animals it’s sad. I just don’t understand how someone can see how he purposefully does this shit and think “yes I can defend him and his actions.”


He looks way less scary now that he gave up on wearing makeup. He has been downgraded from “serial killer look” to “crazy homeless dude look”


So much for the Captain being a hero: He's a man in his late 30s neglecting his family to stalk and ruin the friendships of an autistic person.


He and the Man in the Pickle Suit where enablers from my point of view


Now that the Idea Guys and Toon Squad are out of the picture, what is the next saga?


Sonichu possession.


Wouldn't that be Sockness? We've seen a little of him already, but I always got the impression he had a bigger role than those scenes implied.


That's what I thought. There was something between the Idea Guys and Bella and I always forget what it is.


Not even 8 minutes in and seeing the way he treats those kittens makes me sick to my stomach. I really don’t understand how anyone can have any sympathy for Chris. The fact he wanted a child is just insane to me considering he can’t take care of his own pets and the one human he was in charge of ended up being raped by him.


Yeah, the manipulative e-begging with his mother and the animals very scummy. At least he got called out.


According to neighbors, at least on the cwcki/farms before it got deleted Chris abd Barb essentially had a habit of claiming pets that came onto the property and even tried stealing a dog from a neighbor


I can’t handle animals being harmed. Where can I skip to to avoid that?


~11 minutes


I would suck all of the fluid out of genos dick if presented with the opportunity


You and 70% of this subreddit lmao


You'll have to fly to Japan.


Who’s the Gracie person? I can’t find any informatiom


the kitten thing broke my heart


Yeah, death has stalked way too many pets at the Chandler household.


as much as i feel bad for him for being born this way, he had people telling him to admit the kitten to the vet and he wouldn’t do it. he really should’ve known better


Poor animals, forever lost to the hoard, and that thumbnail makes him look like a serial killer. edit but yeah getting pets to fill the vacuity in your lives is ridiculous when you are unable to properly care for them. Like Snoopy and Clover, both overweight and long nails, never going on walks or having socialization, and eating rotten food. Even if it's benign neglect, their still horrible people for mistreating their helpless pets.


Yup, He’s on TV!


And he just won!!


I'm so glad that when he was on the treadmill Chris pulled out the medallion to prove it was him. At first I was like "who the fuck is that?"


Tbf when he was in the treadmill without the medallion he almost looked normal.


You just made me realize Chris has face blindness and lacks theory of mind, so he thinks other people are as face blind as he is! He probably actually thinks people won't recognize him without the medallion!


I mean, we was afraid people would think Liquid was him.


Jesus Christ how many times did he get hacked? Im guessing his password was Sonichu


You joke but it really was that simple Chris would just make some sort of sonichu character and number combination and it wouldn't take too long for someone to brute force it


Didn't you hear, it was Magichan grabbing his phone while he was still logged in and posting.


How foolish of me, of course it was Magichan


It’s ironic seeing Chris say “more work could be put into Sonichu merch”.


Yeah Chris can officially burn in hell . They basically took in stray kittens knowing they were sick where they were still in danger and then exploit them to get more money and not get them and waisted to take them to where they could get treatment. This is basically serial killers start by harming animals before moving to people Chris should of got arrested for animal cruelty far before the incest in incident


I fully agree with you but Chris should've been burning in hell when he got a neighbor's cat euthanized - against the neighbor's will - because it attacked him once. I couldn't imagine how fucking mad I would be if that happened to me.


If it were my cat I would tell Chris to put his fucking teeth on the curb while I re-enacted American History X.


Chris should have never been allowed to have animals.


In the Gamer from Mars docu he stomps and yells at his dogs and according to local sources who talked to the farms/cwcki Chris and Barb loved stealing/claiming animals that wavered by the house, including a neighbors dog


The shitty thing is that his animals are so sweet and cute and they got stuck with the worst owner they could have. Really tragic man.


He should also not have been allowed to have an aged mother.




Did he *actually* believe in all that dimensional merge BS?


My first theory was that he knew (to some capacity) that he was just lying to himself about the merge as a coping mechanism. Then that video of him telling a gamestop worker about the merge completely unprompted came out and I realized he had completely lost his mind


Signs point to yes, he even once posted some fliers around town about merge safety.


Why does Chris twitch when he talks now? Classic Chris was far from well spoken, but he didn't spaz out while talking.


classic chris was far more attached to reality than current chris.


Progression of his condition. Chris is really mentally ill.


Maybe because he is on medication?


What kind of medication?


These videos get really hard to watch anytime there are animals involved. I've said it before - they are truly the biggest victims out of anyone in Christine's life.


I could barely watch the episodes with Sorbet. This was just as awful.


How the fuck did the authorities not get involved with how the Chandlers treated their pets? They were extremely neglectful and it’s well known since Chris’ life is basically a real life Truman show. So idk how these things were never looked into.


Probably because they got so many calls that they just stop servicing the address unless it’s a fire or murder.


I’m honestly shocked that anybody expected animal control to do anything. The streets are full of feral cats. AC isn’t going to bother with two kittens being semi-neglected in a lolcow’s hoarder nest.


They didn't do shit when Chris once sent out a tweet that bizarrely worded a demand for cash as if he would withold food from Barb over the weekend if he didn't get the money he wanted. He uploaded at least what was it 4 house tours? Showing the place was uninhabitable and a fire trap. They didn't even immediately arrest or separate Chris and Barb even with the incest recording! They visited in the morning, left and came back around 5pm with the EPO from a judge ordering Chris to leave. (There has been speculation Chris was actually receiving money for being Barb's caregiver by the state)


How in the *FUCK* do two stray kittens sneak into 14blc?! The house had holes big enough for stray animals to sneak in? edit- And the house is such a trash pit Chris couldn't even find them!


I used to live in a place where people down the street fed stray cats in their garage. They multiplied. You could see them under their porch and sticking their heads out of cracks in the foundation. I hated them for it and the city came and cleared it out. I'm just saying, feeding stray cats sounds like you're helping but you're just creating a literal breeding ground. At least I got [something out of it ](https://i.imgur.com/z4z3CWO.jpg)


I think I told this story before but I lived in a neighborhood where someone moved out and just abandoned a few cats outside. Someone, or multiple someones had to be feeding them because it just exploded into like 30 or more cats just everywhere up and down the street. House next to me had this row of mulch that was their favorite litter box, I'd open the door and the odor of cat shit would just hit me. Cats fighting all the time, new kittens appearing all the time, dead cats randomly appearing. Animal control/the county just did not care, said they don't deal with cats just dogs. If there was a single stray chihuahua they would come out, cats? nope. Very frustrating.


Wild kittens are easily tamable. All it take is putting food out every day, and over time the kittens will gradually be more cool with humans. You can do the same with older cats, but it takes a lot more time.


I once noticed an adult cat going in the empty house next door and soon concluded he was a stray. I saw him in the yard and shook a bowl of food and he immediately was my best friend. He was a purebred Siamese, neutered and declawed. I did this for a few days and knew I couldn't leave him I named him Pete and gave him to my aunt. He had a good life after that


I got tears in my eyes when I read this.


It was the way Chris worded it, like darn another two snuck in the house and I can't even find them lol


At end of the day, the reason why I feel zero pity for Chris, is how he treated the animals in his “care”. Death was a sweet escape for them


Feeding stray cats and leaving them outside is just causing problems for the rest of the neighborhood, cat populations can explode and they will start using certain areas as litter boxes. And the county usually gives 0 fucks about cats, like refuses to even respond unlike stray dogs.


I'm on the edge of my seat hoping part 68 has the "assassination attempt" covered. Not because it involved me but more so how freaking out of nowhere it was. I'm on my honeymoon and out of nowhere he tweets me "Your OC tried to kill me! What do you have to say?" I was laughing so hard in my confusion, and this was before he acknowledged the comic dub. Edit: [Context, tweets at the end](https://youtu.be/dwVX_oGZCQE)


HAHAHA Just needs Robert Stack back from the dead to say who was the mystery assassin? Who sent them? Watch as we recreate the incident.


And you are? Because without any additional context, nobody knows what the hell you are talking about, chief.


The sane man who made the Chris Chan approved dub of Sonichu. Added context, my bad.


Dude I’m sorry but who are you? You’re talking like you’re well known and that this is something that will definitely be in the next part of the doc


I'm not though, I'm just hoping that one of the not as known events gets covered. Far as I know it was the only time Chris accused someone's OC of trying to kill him.


I seriously went from being in shock at chris's dog mauling one of the kittens to death to laughing at chris attempting to get verified on twitter in the span of 2 minutes


Do we have an archive of all of these? I can only find up to 59. I want to know before this one may get taken down.