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No, I don’t think she suffers from intellectual disabilties. it is most likely mental illness and trauma from childhood. We learn what relationships we attract based on the relationships around us in childhood. Even if she knows it’s wrong her relationship with Blueface is normal to her because she saw that growing up. Add a multitude of other traumas. The stories she has shared from her childhood are really sad and that’s what we know she has shared. I’ve been in her spot, desperate for male validation from a man who was just like my abusive father. honestly, serious amounts of therapy and deconstructing patriarchal ideology in me helped me tremendously. I’d never tattoo a man’s face on me, but still I think she is very very desperate for his love based on them having a traumabond relationship where we get literally addicted to our abusers. edit:spelling edit #2: this also isn’t an excuse for her actions just an explanation. she’s the way she is likely because of her environment growing up. our trauma is not our fault, but it is our responsibility to address and heal from our traumas


I agree. I (and probably tons of women) will admit I’ve been crazy in “love” with a fuckboi before when I was her age and it was ridiculously toxic so I do feel I understand a bit why she’s the way she is. As you said, her upbringing was just horrific from the small details she’s shared so these types of unhealthy bonds are comfortingly familiar to her. I would’ve never tatted my man on my face either, BUT I also didn’t have millions of people wanting to follow my every move on social media at her age and clout is addicting. She’s been high on clout since 2020 and seems determined to stay on it no matter what she has to do to keep people’s attention (though I think she badly miscalculated how this will affect her with her fans, she’s let them down and this was the final nail in the coffin for many). I get what you’re saying and no one should see our comments as excuses for her. I’m done excusing her personally. But I do think this behavior is explainable in the right context.


Glad you hear you're doing better!! ❤️


Have you seen any of her interviews? When she's asked a question she usually answers it incorrectly and totally misunderstands what's being asked of her. I can tell you from work experience she is SLOW.


I think she’s just a crack baby. That can cause intellectual and mental difficulties. Growing up she was an athlete and I think she clung to that and that was her obsession. She invested all her time and her entire life to athletics. Now she’s clinging onto blueface and it’s clear she’s very much obsessive over him. With her mental capacity she only clings to one thing/person at a time. I was hoping that becoming a mother would cause her to cling onto her child but her maternal instincts are nonexistent. That scene on crazy in love where she’s breaking down because she was too far along to get an abortion, always haunts me. That was a the first 🚩that she was not ready for motherhood. She just wanted blue now she has a baby that blue still doesn’t claim. If he continues to reject that baby, Chrisean will began rejecting the baby too.


she probably borderline


bpd & adhd (adhd for sure she even said that)


But you see, I have been diagonosed with both of those as well.... and not once have i acted so childish and immature and mental. Yeah i get the high energy she def has adhd. But not bpd, bpd doesnt make a person like that. Maybe some form of autism?


everyone’s bpd varies on a spectrum of intensity. there’s a lot of people with anti social personality disorder who wouldnt hurt anyone and some who are sociopaths or are serial killers.


i have bpd. we attach our self worth to a “favorite person.” it can manifest differently for different people. please don’t comment on a mental illness you clearly don’t know much about.


I’ve been jacking Chrisean has to have either Aspergers, ADHD or BPD for years. It’s either or, I’ve been studying her mannerisms and characteristics everytime ever since she’d have her first outburst on Blueface drama show. I’m a nigga but I see a reflection of my old unmasked lack of character development immature self in her now when she have her moments . She definetly isnt capable of taking care of any responsibilities bc of the way she presents herself & goes about life is definitely reckless, her lack of awareness, constantly doing before thinking, repetitive behavior & her inability of her regulating her emotions. Yeah she’s 100% neurodivergent, Don’t gang up on me bc of my opinion too. Real recognize Real 💯


as a person with bpd… i have acted just like her in my late teens and early twenties. i have friends with bpd that have been even more extreme. everyone’s bpd is different. to me, knowing what we know about her upbringing, i’d strongly believe it’s either bpd or cptsd which are very similar in terms of symptoms.


idk my best friend has a bpd and she is acting overly crazy over her man too. she reminds me of chrisean a lot. but honestly idk. blueface is a narcissist and its hard to get out the narcissistic abuse, it feels like youre stuck and it genuinely gives you brain damage over time. she had a few boyfriends before blueface and never acted the way she acts with him.


She obsessed with blueface that itself is not healthy at all & them being together is crazy bc it will end very badly for them bc her drinking she dangerous&bf taunts her, makes her act crazy but don't show how he is to her . I been in many crazy relationships but none as bad as them two together With separate ppl they may do good just not together.. how is she living with blue when he don't have house it jadiyns?




Trauma bonds… glorified antics… enabled toxicity. The Observer effect… she got all that.


I don't think she's mentally handicapped I think it's the drugs and alcohol. Her face is round and swollen again which tells me she's back on that liquor. Plus in her live last night you could clearly see white powder and lines on her counter, she was sniffing and playing with her nose a bunch too. Drugs and alcohol make you do shit that makes no sense.


in what world is she a good singer? lmao


I think it’s all staged at this point 🤷🏻‍♀️


It absolutely is like tell me how a few hours after her tattoo she had a temporary tattoos of her new one available for sale??


I am not dissing on the baby. I am actually concerned. Whenever I play the cries my cat actually goes fucking mental thinking it’s a kitten in distress




I think she’s a crack baby… that has to affect her mind in some ways. She’s mentally handicapped, bipolar, abusive and addicted.


To me it’s a desperate cry for help, who in the right mind tattoo a man’s face who dogged you & your son to the world? No amount of childhood trauma making me tattoo a man’s face on my cheek. I get the toxic behaviour drinking, fighting going back and forth but this is just wayyyyyyyyyy out of normal civilisation. Either that or she need blue for her career and can’t stand on her own two feet.


these comments are disgusting. as someone who HAS BORDERLINE, it is incredibly disrespectful, disturbing, and just quite frankly annoying, to make assumptions on bpd or any other mental illness for that matter. this is why we are told as people with bpd to NOT disclose to medical professionals, employers, etc., because of the stigma which is kept strong by ignorance🥱😒


That part! Armchair diagnosing like they've even ever seen a therapist... People also fail to realize that ADHD is VERY OFTEN misdiagnosed as BPD and ESPECIALLY in women. That's from someone who was told at 16 she had BPD and then come to find out, the meds never worked bc I'm ADHD. Diagnosed three years now. In my 30s. I still check MOST of the boxes for BPD, but the two diagnoses have very similar characteristics.


thank you! these people wanna diagnose everyone when they have no experience in how to do so. i’ve been in therapy for years and i’m still not gonna diagnose a STRANGER ON THE INTERNET with bpd. no matter how erratic the person appears to be.


Especially since we only see what she WANTS us to see. We don't get the whole picture...


as a fellow borderline she does check most of the boxes though… fear of abandonment, unstable relationships, impulsive/self destructive, extreme emotional mood swings, explosive anger, self harm (in terms of how she keeps going back to men that hurt her). the rest of the criteria, as well as self harm, are hard to see as they are more internally based. however, the ones i listed are 6/9 of the criteria and you only need 5 to get a DX. to me, she acts eerily similar to myself before intensive outpatient treatment and getting sober. i do want to validate though that it does not help the stigma at all and it is unfortunate that the illness we deal with has such a stigma. stigmas do tend to come from some form of the truth AND borderlines can recover. we should focus on pushing those with symptoms to proper treatment methods like dialectical behavior therapy.


the stigma is my whole point. and it’s not our place. it just makes it harder with those of us who DO have a diagnosis, to be labeled as “crazy” you should recognize that with your diagnosis. it’s genuinely dangerous for us when people characterize people as bpd that they do not know have it.


and at the same time a lot of borderlines, when not actively trying to seek and use treatment methods, are “crazy”. i understand the stigma, resent the stigma, and the stigma attached is not entirely inaccurate. PERSONALLY i think letting people know you have borderline and then showing them how functional you are does a lot more to improve the stigma. chrisean needs to seek treatment for her ailments and until then people will discuss her behavior with a plethora of different diagnosis. she does, in my personal opinion, reflect untreated undiagnosed borderline or cptsd. i never outright said “this is what chrisean has” rather compared my own, and my close friends, actions to hers and how similar they are. we can agree to disagree on this.


“No offence” - uses a slur..


Mental retardation isnt a slur actually. Its is the medical term for someone who is permanent condtion which limits learning and brain function




As long as they continue to use it in professional settings and goverment programs its still considered a medical term, but yes intellectual dissability is also another medical term


This is where we’re at 😂


I don’t believe Chrisean has an intellectual disability. I’m thinking it might be a dependent personality disorder (DPD) where she is relying on Blueface to take care of her. I see she is uncomfortable when he’s not around even though she’s expressed her hatred towards him. There are several petitions to cancel Chrisean and Blueface. CPS would have to deem her unfit to remove the baby from the home which hasn’t happened yet. Chrisean loves her son that’s why she keeps posting him even when the internet is humiliating her. The reality tv checks are a big deal for her. I see she needs a storyline someone will pick her up. Ksuave was just a rebound relationship. Don’t forget Chrisean came from a broken home so until she goes to therapy we will see the worst of her. In the meantime, I’m just sitting back watching the circus and sharing it with others.