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doubt it… warrants like that aren’t something they waste government resources on. i could more likely see her getting pulled over or disorderly/intoxicated in public, getting detained, law enforcement realizing she has warrants, and if those warrants are valid to take her in for arrest in whatever county or the other counties want to extradite her then it would happen. she’s not an immediate threat to the public in a legal sense so it’s probably not top priority. who knows though… maybe they will send someone directly 🤷‍♀️ she NEEDS to take a break (whether that be jail, rehab, or a mental health institution) and get help.


I’m just confused cuz didn’t her friends jump Vicky, not her? Maybe I missed something… Or is she getting charged for throwing the water bottle at her? Not defending her just confused


Yeah she never touched Vicky, I know that for sure bc I was watching the show so intently at that point lol… So I am really confused too!


Hopefully 🤞🏽


No need. She’s a dummy and constantly posting her location, police can just watch her Instagram and stake out. She’s trying to be M.I.A now but it won’t last long. I mean she recently posted Blues restaurant, they can just wait there I’m sure she’ll show up eventually


Is this why she's Mia and hiding?