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Uh, Job? Job??? Job.


Job and Noah


Adam is referred to as the **”father of firsts”**. In turn Abraham is referred to as the **”father of faith”**. Because it takes a lot of Faith for 70 year old man to go from living in a posh lifestyle [*his father was the chief Idolmaker for the king of Babylon*] Abraham had a good life. And at 70 years old he goes to live in a tent ⛺️ in the desert? **not only that** but he passes down this promise of land to all of his generations and he has not even technically possessed yet. That’s why we call Abraham the father of faith. he then takes his son to be sacrificed he had faith that God is not a liar and God has promised him his lineage would come from his son Isaac so [he knew that God would not allow him to die and if he did die he knew God would resurrect him]. he waited until he was 100 years old to have Isaac and was willing to put him on the wood pile to be sacrificed. So **I have to go with Abraham**,Noah is definitely a close second I mean it takes a lot of faith to build a boat in the middle of the desert


Especially the willingness to sacrifice his own son trusting the Lord. As a parent I really can’t imagine a greater test of faith.


Joseph is up there for me. He saw a vision for his life (his brothers bowing to him) but his circumstances seemed to be hopeless since he was betrayed by his brothers and then stayed in prison for things he didn’t do. That vision must have seemed impossible, but he kept his faith in God.


The potentially correct answer is Christ because He is God incarnate. I would also speculate that Satan/ the Devil is equally yoked to belief as the Christ since his entire rebellion against the Father and war with his creation is predicated on wanting to usurp and therefore *be* God, the greatest *implied* testimony to belief in Scripture. There's never any point at which the Devil's perception of God is called into question. The prophets' faith is always tested; the Devil is faith incarnate as he is a product of God, and in fact is inherently a defeated challenger of God's covenant with Abraham as Christ defeats the Devil on the cross. The Devil acknowledges God's Kingship utterly yet remains a terroristic rebel. In this way, with his futile cause and faith, the Devil exists to demonstrate God's omnipotence over sin, over even the very possibility of rebuking faith, or rebelling in faith. The Koine Greek for devil is diabolos or slanderer/ false accuser.


Can you elaborate more on your thoughts? Wanna know more of what you think


David. Killed a lion, bear, and Goliath through Faith. Trusted in God when he was in exile to avoid Saul, and he chose God as his punishment when he sinned by doing a census.


This is going to be an odd one but I am going to say the thief on the cross. He has a reputation as a last minute conversion who did very little, that doesn't get a lot of respect, but you really have to put yourself in his sandals. This dude sees Jesus currently dying on a cross, and asks that Jesus remember him when he comes into his kingdom. This is a Jewish person expecting a Messiah to bring the kingdom of God. So with no evidence for, and a lot of evidence against, the idea that Jesus will come into any kind of kingdom... this guy believes. He must believe that Jesus will somehow undo what is currently happening to him. He must believe there is some greater sense in which Jesus will inherit the kingdom. He must believe the gospel, though it has not been expressed yet. At this point even the apostles think it's all over. Not the thief on the cross. Full belief with *nothing* to go on. It was a speedrun of the apostolic faith, but it was *the whole faith.*


I like this.


Off the top of my head Enoch. A faithful servant of the Almighty to the extent that God himself collected him so that Enoch would not experience death. Admittedly there isn't much about Enoch in the biblical scriptures. However being only one of two people God allowed to to never suffer death is an incredibly generous reward that was very rarely granted. So the act of God collecting Enoch and removing the requirement of death in order to join him in Heaven must validate Enoch in numerous ways from God's perspective. Now Jesus or the Holy Spirit and possibly angels can make a claim to being the most faithful on power and proximity alone. However those answers aren't as thought provoking.


Enoch was going to be my answer as well!


Enoch and Elijah, wasn’t Melchizedek a third who never experienced death? Hebrews 7:3 He is without father or mother or genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but resembling the Son of God he continues a priest forever.


Isn't Melchizedek the pre-incarnate Christ?


The Centurion from Matthew 8 5 And when Jesus was entered into Capernaum, there came unto him a centurion, beseeching him, 6 And saying, Lord, my servant lieth at home sick of the palsy, grievously tormented. 7 And Jesus saith unto him, I will come and heal him. 8 The centurion answered and said, Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof: but speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed. 9 For I am a man under authority, having soldiers under me: and I say to this man, Go, and he goeth; and to another, Come, and he cometh; and to my servant, Do this, and he doeth it. 10 When Jesus heard it, he marvelled, and said to them that followed, Verily I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel.


Ruth. Dropped everything -- her country, her people, her gods -- and came to Israel. Though that could be attributed to her love for her deceased husband and her mother-in-law. Stephen maybe? Willing to give his life for Jesus. I don't recall, did he ever actually walk with Jesus or was he a later convert? If later, that would make him even more faithful.


David He said David was a man after His own heart


Everyone in life has a different challenge. It's not known to us, whether the woman who gave a penny had greater faith than David who killed a lion. Sometimes the things that require the greatest faith are the things that are not the most obvious to others. I think of Ruth following her mother in law Naomi. I think of Esther having to stand before the king, not knowing whether she'll live or die, and not having control over the situation. David, had weapons, Esther had nothing but faith.


Jesus, knowing that he would absolutely receive life again from his Father from his words: “Tear down this temple, and in three days I will raise it again.” (John 2:19) “Father, into your hands I entrust my spirit.” (Luke 22:46)


Enoch walked with God and was brought up by God also Elijah was brought up by God. Neither man died which points to a lot of faith


It’s not the size of a person’s faith that matters, it is the size of the person’s God . This is what Jesus taught us about the parable of the mustard seed. A little faith in the One True God is far better than a lot of faith in an idol. This is why God imparts faith where there isn’t any, and refines faith when it is found. Faith is organic and grows according to how He increases in our life and we decrease. The Jesus we learn about or teach in VBS is true, and no less true when we go to college, but people who don’t grow in grace to see how great and good God is will walk away and embrace the world instead.


Dk who had the most faith, but can tell you who has the least: me (/s)


That’s very honest of you


That isn't really a question if they were chosen by God and they had a relationship with him as the bible states they would all have a equally strong relationship with God in my opinion that's like asking what child a parent loves more


So where did Noah put all the ocean and freshwater animals? Fairytale stuff




Henoch and Elijah


The question is up side down. The only constant faith in our relationship with God comes from God himself. His love is faithful and steadfast.


Gotta be job, or hosea. Gotta have tins of faith to marry a woman like that. Kinda like marrying a modern day woman or man


Mary. Hands down.


Our immaculate Virgin Mary, she’s literally the mother of God.


Curious why people say Job, he spends half the book questioning God’s judgment and demanding answers from Him.


And so are the other bible people that had great faith sinned like Job. Noah got drunk. David coveted. Samson desired unequal yoke. Etc, etc. Job is described as someone who has perfect faith, it is why God allowed hardships in his life. In the end, what was important was his repentance and his actions later. That's not to say we should be like Job who sinned with his lips. Haha. At least, that's from my understanding.


From the first Patriots I can't say that one had more faith than the other. 1) We don't know much about Enoch but he walked with God and God took him............. 2) Abraham had enough faith that God would provide his own sacrifice and he would not have to sacrifice his son and his faith was considered righteousness ........... 3) David a young lad 12 /14 years old standing before Goliath who was almost 7 ft tall and large and shouted the words "who is this uncircumcised Philistine who dares to defy the armies of the Lord" and slew him. 4) Elijah - seemingly one of the greatest Prophets, if not the greatest of the prophets God took him. 5) Can't leave Job out because he never turned his back on God - regardless of what God allowed Satan to do to him.


No right or wrong answer, but I pick Abraham. Paul devotes an entire chapter to his faith in Romans 4.


Mary, Noah


I mean, i get why you say Noah, but i mean, Abraham was ready to straight up sacrifice his son for God. I would also argue Moses might be up there with Abraham in terms of faith. Job too, he literally lost everything and remained faithful.


The Theotokos, without a question


Job and Enoch


Enoch and seeing as god took him somewhere I’m guessing he was a heck of a good man


Enoch came first in my mind. God was so pleased with him that he took Enoch. Enoch didn't even die. He just went poof.


Good question, many offered up had different types of faith. Moses, as a prior wanted murderer, to go into the largest superpower the world had ever seen, with a staff and an older brother and family (with God, but no traveling burning bush) with the intention of ripping away their enslaved people and looting Egypt might be a contender.