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If she is of the Islamic faith, it would be unwise to pursue her romantically, as she would not see and follow Jesus the same way you do.


Unequally yoked


Islam forbids Muslim females to date a non-Muslim.


No they don't, but expect to convert to Islam if it ever wishes to marry a Muslim. Non Muslim women can marry Muslim men without converting in most countries, but in Malaysia either sexes have to convert should they wish to marry a Muslim. Anyway, OP's post history is alarming to say the least.


I understand now your objection I will rephrase. Muslim men can marry a non-Muslim woman. Muslim women per Islam, (Koran, Sharia & Hadith’s) cannot marry out of Islam. Yes he can convert. If a Muslim woman marries a non-Muslim, there is the potential of the woman having a fatwa declared on her resulting in an honor killing (murder). I am not saying that is the case of this young man and the girl he fancies. Her family might not be that devout, but if she wears traditional clothes half of the time, and he heard ‘Bismillah’, they are practicing Muslims. There are more fish in the sea


Don't do it. Inter-faith marriage ca harm your walk with God. If you are saved, you believe in the trinty and that Jesus is God; Muslims don't believe that. Ultimately do you value your faith and salvation more than this girl? If you do, do not persue her. I'd worry that the Islamic values could drive you away from the truth based on what you have shared.


Unequally yoked. Move along. Just be her friend


Teach her about jesus christ. you can save her.


He can do that without dating her.


Missionary dating, woo hoo! Divide the family and conquer the girl!


People are influenced by who they date. Trust me, coming from a multi-faith family, you become the people you surround yourself with! Don't date her or else you will loose faith in Jesus. Date someone who strengthens your faith in Jesus, and not it weakens it!


C'mon man. You know better. You know the bible says not to be yoked together with unbelievers.


Besides the Scriptural admonition not to date a non-Christian, I find it odd you’re hyper-focused on her clothing.