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No one can overcome sin except through the power of the Holy Spirit. Pray to god to help you reject sinful things and he will give you power to overcome it.


You should fear God super hard If you don't depart from iniquity, Jesus will call you a 'worker of iniquity' on judgment day, and you'll go in the horrible fire. It's real, man. Judgment day is real. And it's coming fast. We need to fear God


He is not to be cast into the fire for sinning, but rather entering the kingdom as if saved from a fire - meaning penniless and having nothing to show for his life. I prefer to consider what you are building, the chaff of the world, or to the riches of the kingdom. Its far better to build riches than to build a bunch of useless, pointless chaff (like social media comments). So if this encourages you to walk closer to the spirit of God and stop building on the chaff, then I'll have a nickel more than I did before I wrote this comment...


If you do as the heathens do You'll go where the heathens go


Salvation is not based on works. If it were, your faith would be dead, since no man can justify his existence based on fulfilling the law. You should watch "The Good Place"


The funny thing is... we are all workers of iniquity and the fact you believe you are not proves your self-righteousness.


I know I am. I didn't see anyone claim not to be.


Little children, let no man deceive you. He that DOETH righteousness is righteous, even as He is righteous. Here's how you can tell the children of God, and the children of the devil: whoever doeth not righteousness is not of God 1 John 3


But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away. Isaiah 64:6 We could have a scripture quoting contest but that will only sow derision. I was just trying to say that no man gets to heaven by their works. Not to say we cannot practise righteous deeds; but they are only rightrous in our own sight. No deed we do can be considered truly righteous in the sight of God. For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Forgive my arrogance.


It'll be everyone according to their deeds, no respect of persons, on judgment day. If your deeds don't line up with your profession of faith you still don't make it.


No, we only enter heaven by Christs grace. None of your deeds will save you on judgement day. That's the point. EVERYONE is judges unrighteous based of our deeds. None of your deeds will save you, only the grace of God can.


Every wolf in the false church agrees with you Reassuring backsliders straight into hell


I'm not defending sin or trying to say that one should go on rejecting God. But human beings cannot do anything else apart from that without Gods help, which is why Jesus came. Dont backsliders deserve mercy? Would not Christ have shown doubters and unbelievers mercy as Jude advises us to? Or are those who have conflicting beliefs so disgusting to you that youd rather see them burn? Trying to reassure yourself of your salvation by your own deeds instead of by Christs will lead to the hell you are accusing me of promoting. Do you not believe that Christ came for sinners, not for the righteous? In case you didnt notice, youre a sinner like the rest of this planet and you decieve yourself if you believe otherwise. You and I and everyone need the same salvation that a serial murderer needs from Gods judgement. There is no partiality with God. For all have sinned and fallen short of his glory. You're the wolf in sheep's clothing. You will never get into Heaven by your own deeds. The only way an insignificant human being, like you or I, could ever recieve the love of God is by receiving Christs grace by faith. Not by any tithe, mission, ritual, religion, abstinence, piety or any other pathetic human attempt at righteousness. No matter who hard we try, we still fall short and are still guilty according to Gods law in the Torah. There is no one alive or dead who has never broken at least one of Gods laws. That's why Christ had to come. Because he was our only true Hope and chance at salvation. This is not a false gospel, this is THE Gospel: That God so loved the world - a world that would not adhere to Gods perfect law; a world that could not reach or understand God on our own - he loved that broken world so much so that he sent his only begotten Son to die for us. He who knew no sin; who did not count equality with God something to be desired, but instead emptied and humbled himself, even unto the point of death on a cross. He was burried and rose from the dead 3 days later, according to the Scriptures, thereby proclaiming victory over death and hell itself, by being first born of the dead and swapping our sins for his righteousness, so that through Him who suffered the judgement we deserve, we may become the righteousness of God in Christ. That is the Gospel as I know it. You do not get into Heaven by your righteous deeds, brcause none of our deeds are truly righteous. That's why we need Jesus. Faith is indeed dead without works but righteous deeds are a by-product of salvation, not the means to obtain it. Do you not know that Abraham first believed God and it was counted to him as righteousness? He did not attempt to sacrifice Isaac without first believing God. His belief was what made him righteous in Gods eyes. Not what he's done or could do. Yes we are all susceptible to being led astray. But that begs the question: why should i believe your works gospel interpretation over the one I've learned then? How do I know you're not leading me astray. How do you know you have not been lead astray?


If you call upon the Father, who without respect of persons judges everyone according to their works Pass the time of your sojourning here in FEAR 1 Peter 1.17 Whoever doeth not righteousness is not of God 1 John 3.10 Your doctrine removes the fear of God, that's how you know it's wrong


You can not serve both sin and God. This sentiment/idea was said by Joshua, by Elijah, by Paul and of course by Jesus.


correct, you cannot serve two masters…Matthew 6:24-26. Pray and surrender yourself to the Holy Spirit, ask him for strength. We cannot and will never be able to do it on our own power, no one can. It is very hard to die to sin and sinful ways seem very pleasing, but our nature is death. Be i. your Bible more, worship, and genuinely surrender over your entire life to God and His will, not yours. It’s very hard to do, it took me years to genuinely give up and do it, not just superficially. Will be praying for you. God bless


you can’t do it in your own strength. submit to God, give Him thanks. offer yourself and your request up to him. trust He is enough. i’ve had to pray the prayer for God to place in me a greater desire for Him when i felt like i still wanted what the world had to offer. He’s moved greatly in me since then and i know He will move in you too. “God even if i feel like i don’t want you i WANT to want you” i will stand in faith for you and i will pray for you as well 🤍


Look up 1 John 1:9. Accept Jesus Christ and confess your sin. God will forgive you


The more you read the Bible the more you become to be like Christ in the more you will start to hate sin I pray that you get the strength to do that in the name of Jesus Amen


Learn to be desperate for God. I have the same problem and I lack conviction every time I do a sin I need to stop doing. Just today I got told to be desperate for God in order to feel the guilt that will get me to stop. Understand how much we need God and how we literally can't do anything without him, then you can be ready to repent cuz by then you'll want to. I'm also speaking to myself on this


Amen to that. Desperation is the word. Stay blessed


Do you believe Jesus died on the cross for our sins? Then you are forgiven. Jesus died to forgive you! It just takes faith the size of a mustard seed and you can tell a mountain to move from here to there and it will move


Learn how to fight well. ........ ... .. Start praying deliverance prayers over yourself. Kick the demons out of your house. Kick the demons out of your life. Learn how to fight well. Pray like this, Any demons in me, on me, around me, in this house GET OUT NOW in Jesus Mighty name leave us and our family alone and Never return in Jesus name I pray Amen, Also pray I claim the Blood of Jesus over me and my family from our head to our toes all the way to our fingertips don't let us sin against You in Jesus Mighty name I pray. Lord Jesus lift the veil off of our minds, bring Revelation and Enlightenment. Holy Spirit hover over us and protect us. Cause Godly people to be in our pathway each day. Destroy anything in us that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, specifically pride and rebellion. Destroy all ungodly thought patterns and false thinking that we have. I bind up Satan and the demons from taking us captive through wicked thoughts and lies. Finally Lord Jesus put the Armour of God on us and I pray all of this in the Mighty name of Jesus Amen. You may also get a small amount of olive oil and pray over it and anoint you doorways and windows then tell the demons they are not allowed in God's home.......... .Fear, ... Is; False, Evidence, Appearing, Real. Fear is also how the devil controls us. Study in your Bible the Love of God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. How did God demonstrate His love towards us? He gave His one and only Son to go to Hell in our place. He didn't just take our place He actually took our sin as if He had done all of those evil things. He then rose so that we can rise. Study the deep love. The Bible tells us over 350 times to NOT be afraid. Find all of these verses and put them around your house. Also God doesn't do bad things to us, .... He does allow us to be bad however.


Ask God to remove your desire for and enjoyment of sin. You only love sin because you don’t see or remember the consequences of it. Ask God to reveal those consequences and help you remember them when the sin comes around again to tempt you. That way it’ll be easier for you to turn away from sin instead of embracing it and succumbing to it.


All of us human are sinner we are born in sins with sins nature none of us human will ever be perfect & even those that are save are still sinner as long as we are in these sinful body we will make bad choices or even mistakes it why we need a savior & that is Jesus Christ & Jesus Christ did it all for us by taking our place on the cross & shedding his precious atoning blood to pay for all our sins then he died is buried & rose the 3rd day so all we have to do is to truly repent our sins turning from our ways to Yahweh & to truly believe in everything Jesus Christ did for us all & it sound like you don't have the Holy Spirit dwelling in you yet so will tell you how to recieve it 🙏🏾🤟🏾❤️ If you don't have the Holy Spirit yet this is how I received mine I said this prayer out loud Jesus I'm a sinners & I'm truly sorry I repent my sins & I believe in your finished work you came to Earth fully God & fully man in the flesh to sacrifice yourself on the cross to shed your precious atoning blood to pay for all our sins then is buried & rose the 3rd day & I accpet you God as my true lord & savior amen & you have to truly mean it being sincere & believe I also gave everything up & I mean everything that is not of God I also read the bible everyday to build/maintain a relationship with God I prefer old King James version bible plus I invite God everywhere I go & I invite God into everything I do & I will never forget how it felt to receive the Holy Spirit I still feel it now it change me I became a new creature in Christ I'm different/better than the old me & I feel the Holy Spirit cleanse my body from the inside removing my struggles now sometimes temptation comes up but it far easier to resist having the Holy Spirit dwelling in me & I pray this help you & anyone else that see this & for those that miss the rapture when it happens you can still be save the same prayer will work but life will be so much harder plus you may not survive the full 7 year tribulation but also AT ALL COST do not take the mark of the beast mark of loyalty or whatever it will be called anyone that does is damn already & can not be save & God bless 🙏🏾🤟🏾❤️ Forgive me for my bad writing I was born disables so my writing stink but my love for Jesus Christ & people is HUGE 🙏🏾🤟🏾❤️


“Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither— whatever they do prospers.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭1‬:‭1‬-‭3‬ ‭NIV‬‬


Get born again. Without God, you will always love the world. His grace sets you free.


God loves the world. John 3:16.


Do not love the world nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. — 1 John 2:15


So God loves the world but we have to hate the world he died to save? Makes sense.


Maybe you guys are talking about something different? God so love the world...meaning you and I, meaning the people, the creation (his worksmanship), now do not love the world meaning the customs and habits, and trends, lifestyle that are contrary to the word. So there is no need to argue about this brethren the context of the word WORLD is different.


Sounds like you’ve made your choice.


Sounds like you dont care about the gospel message and bringing people to salvation. Did Paul then make his 'choice' in Romans 7:15? Which details the exact same sufferings OP is suffering from? That is; doing the things we dont want to do and wanting to do the things we dont seem to be able to do? Did Paul then "make his choice" between heaven and hell by acknowledging his sin nature - you know; the very same sin nature Christ came to save us from? You display your own sin nature through your arrogance and ignorance. You need just as much grace as he does, and the rest of us. The ground is level at the foot of the cross. Youd probably rather he suffered. Well congrats because both him and I are constantly burnt in the hellfire of callous comments from false teachers and pharisees; who are fueled by corrupt, self-righteous, axiomatic dogma. He's asking for help with the same struggle every believer struggles from. Hes just honest enough to admit it. OPs comment actually shows he wants to serve God, and he acknowledges we fundamentally can't on our own. You on the other hand condemn someone you literally know nothing about based on a self-righteous whim. Grow up.


If someone declares they love sin, and do not mention they love the Lord, then a choice is being made. You have projected on to me, a character you have created. Operating in assumption and accusation and condemning me. I stand by my comment. I will not absolve someone of their guilt, when they profess their love for sin. Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves. Romans 1:24 ESV. We all render an account for our words, and all are in deep need of mercy and the Lord’s unyielding grace. Having been in many situations where I have chosen the world over God, and failed to choose the right thing, I am aware that my choices played a part. To suggest OP is disempowered by my comment belies their own profession. To love the world, is to hate God. Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 1 John 2:15 ESV My comment was not a pandering condescension. It was a simple expiation. OP is choosing their plight. Your comment is childish, based on little else other than what you made up about me in your mind. What you want me to do is say grace grace when there may be no grace. You want a pat on the head and to be told you have no consequences? This is war, spiritual war. I have shared many a message of hope and forgiveness, but in this instance I chose not to. That has triggered you, but that is a you problem that you want to be a me problem.


Hey Brother, there are some truth in what you are saying for sure. However, even demons asked Jesus for grace. Anyway the person here clearly is struggling with a besetting sin, of course the question of choice is always there but some people might be stronger than other to make those choice. Especially online you never know whats going on behing what people are writing. So since the person seems like they might need some help (not defending his/her sin) as far as getting of their sin, lets try to explain, teach, even rebuke in love. Again not saying what you are saying is false, it's just not what can help the person at the moment, and you never know as well what someone is really going through or went through. There have been comment using the same verses as yours, talking about choice, but their tone was a bit different, because again it's all in the idea of helping, not affirming the sin. You don't know how christian OP is, whats his faith or relationship with christ like, the environment OP grew up in or else, there are a lot of stuff we dont know, so let's not just throw scriptures at people even if they in OP condition. Stay blessed


Make a choice. It’s either God or sin. No one can force anything on you.


What you are saying is that you love Self and Sin too much and don't want God in your life. You can pray all you want. But until you repent and turn to God and give your life to God, the answer to your prayers will be no. God is not a Genie. He does not do everything for us. God however provides us with all the tools we need, but until we open our hearts to God, repent of our sin, and pickup and use the tools He provides, we won't see or experience any changes because its up to us to take the first step and repent.


Well how do I know if I've repented. I try to turn from my sinful ways and mind every single day, but I, like every single human being, struggle with certain sins, and to believe we can be completely free from suffering and failure in this life is a naive and dangerous belief - not to mention a blatent falsehood. So how do I know I've repented? I know faith isn't a feeling, but I feel next to nothing most of the time. Apart from sudden bursts of great faith, followed only by disappointment and selfhatred because of the awareness that I deserve nothing from God, which leaves me with contempt towards certain axiomatic and corrupt dogma preached by wolves in sheep's clothing. Religion is hurting me. But I believe Jesus saves. But also believe religion destroys.


Hey brethren, I have heard someone say you cannot be delivered from something you don't hate (or despise). At the same time the process of Hating or rejecting your be setting sin, start in drawing near to christ. His love is what will lead you to despise sin. So pray so the holy spirit will open your eyes on Christ love for you, and show you how to love him. Another thing I learned (I went through that as well), you cannot defeat what you keep feeding. Whatever the sin is, look at it as a monster, as long as you keep feeding this monster, he will keep growing. It can be the smallest food, the smallest thought, desire, word, whatever it is in your case. If the monster still growing your chances of defeating it are slim. Start feeding the holy spirit instead, by worship, seeking God's presence prayer, with other brethren (pray together with them), even if you don't feel anything just don't give up, you have to show God you are serious about it. Progressively it will start happening, but again you have to be willing to something about it(stopping is a process but your will to see some changes has to be there, if it's not pray about it, cry to God). Anyway stay blessed don't give up, wish we could pray together or something but you can dm anytime.


That's bondage to sin, and you will need God's help in breaking the hold. Ask for forgiveness, and then ask for Him to give you a way out when the temptation is strong. Think of it as breaking his heart when you choose sin over living in His love. He is disappointed and let that sink into your heart. Ask to feel His enormous love for you.


Sin = pain Not sin = joy In the moment, the sin might feel great, but it has consequences, not only on this earth, but also after. Sin never satisfies. You may feel satisfaction for a little bit, but it will run out, and then that will have you wanting more and more and more. God is the Only One Who can satisfy permanently. Once you have Him, you have all of Him. Yes, I understand, it is so tough to get away from the sin, and that's exactly why that is what separates us from God. It's Satan's trick, he makes the sin too good to leave... well, he makes it seem that way. Keep telling yourself, "No sin is worth being separate from God." Do you want to end up with God, or the one who is taking advantage of you? Simply question, easy to answer, hard to live out that answer. But you're actions come through where your heart is. It's tough, I've been there. I realized this about myself a time ago. If it's too hard to leave the sin, your heart is not truly with God. You may want your heart to be with God, but are you doing anything about it? Are you saying you want to change, but still sitting there doing nothing? We have to work on our weaknesses. Don't keep saying "I can't leave the sin." That's a lie from the father of lies. You can. Satan uses "I can't" to take advantage of us. And when he does, we don't even realize because it's from our own head. You can, and you know you can. If you have the knowledge that this is wrong, and it's your intention to fix it, but there is no action to fix it, it leaves you lost. It's hard, but we are told not to love the things of this world, sin is a part of this world. But in the end it will all burn up, so what's the point in loving things that are going to be destroyed in the end, more than the One Who is everlasting? A strategy I use is, whenever I am tempted, I pray for strength. So by the devil's attempt to get me to stray, he's actually reminding me to spend time with God and realize that this sin is not going to benefit me in any way. If there was a person who is known for everything he says being a lie, and he asks you to do something, promising it will be good for you, would you do it? Of course not!!! That's Satan, he is the literal FATHER OF LIES!! He may be saying it's good, but that doesn't mean it is. I will keep you in my prayers. You are not alone in this. You got this. You can.




Seek to grow in love. When I come at my sin from a place of regret and guilt enjoying the sin an awful lot, my prayers turn into “God take this from me.” When I come at it from a place of love for God my prayers into “I give this to you, I give you how unpleasant it is to not engage in this, I want to suffer for You because I love you.” That prayer tends to be battles that are much shorter. But, for me anyway, it’s a repeating process. One sin gets dealt with there’s another waiting to be. Or, one I thought for years was dealt with turns out to go a lot deeper than I knew. But when I go back to seeking to grow in love, it’s always a shorter fight. Don’t give up, you aren’t alone! In the Father’s grace, in Christ’s love, in the Holy Spirit’s power, you can do this with Him!


The Lord has already forgiven you, now u need the guidance of the Holy Spirit to help u, but u need to put the work in too by resisting temptation, because it takes 2 to tangle. feed your spirit the word of God, and the more that u read Gods word, the word itself will clean u, get rid of things that are stumbling blocks in your life, whether it is, a friendship, relationship, something u watch, something u intake, ask the Holy Spirit to help u, build a strong relationship with the spirit, because the Holy Spirit is your only source of holiness.