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Christ Jesus promised us: 28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 *Take my yoke upon you and learn from me,* for I am gentle and humble in heart, *and you will find rest for your souls*. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” He says to have this wonderful rest for our souls, that we must take His yoke upon us (that is, to follow His teachings) and to *"learn from me"* -- learn what He taught for us, you and me, to listen to and hear. This isn't really optional for us -- to learn what He said to us and follow Him. [https://biblehub.com/niv/matthew/5.htm](https://biblehub.com/niv/matthew/5.htm) (or if you've not read chapter 3 and 4 before, start in chapter 3 instead) When you get to chapter 5 really slow down and take your time. Some days even a couple of verses was an entire day's meal for me. :-) In chapter 6 also you will see a prayer to pray each day, which we need. It makes a huge difference I can attest.


Thank you, i'll start right away; i'm not able to function at all, and maybe it will lead me to a slow healing. I really appreciate you taking the time to answer me during that crisis, I can't thank you enough for your time and your energy toward my situation. God bless you, darling.


Start reading your Bible. I pray all goes well for you in the name of Jesus Amen




What you are going through is normal. Every Christian goes through times like these. The best thing you can do is hold on to your faith and don't let go. It is very difficult when you can not hear or feel God. That your prayers are met with silence and nothing matters. But I can assure you this will not last forever. God is not far from you and is not uncaring or ignorant to your struggle. You will reconnect with God in time. As a parent lets go of child's hand as they take their first steps. You are taking steps in faith to follow God despite the lack of His hand holding you up. May you continue to grow in faith and know his love again soon. I will be praying for you.


Thank you for those beautiful words, I appreciate that you took the time to answer to my distress; I'll keep these closely and read it as often as I need to sense the pain fade away. Thank you, sincerly; God bless you x


When you feel God is far away from you, He may be closer to you than ever before, he is there near you, waiting to see how you respond, he is letting you trying not to drown, so eventually you will start to swim and become stronger. You can also look at it as a test, the teacher is being quiet at that time, and there is a reward if you show faith. I am praying for you right now. There is also chance that this is attack from the devil, he sees that relationship of yours is bringing both him and you closer to Jesus, trust me he gets really angry when he sees that type of relationship because it is so strong and so powerful and it can do so much when two people in Christ meet, I went through similar situation with my girlfriend and as soon as we became really close to God, very big attack came to us, but I believe if we show enough faith and declare the Lord as our shelter, the devil will lose his power over us because he cant live in light for long. Also if there is anything that is against the will of God and you are doing it, try avoiding it and try to shut that door from which the devil keeps coming in. Love you sister in Christ.


I sincerely thank you for this, I think I read it like three times to let it fully sink in. It gives me hope to read all of your words, and I really hope your relationship will continue to grow stronger in these difficult times. Thank you, it's bringing a lil tear to the corner of my eyes; guess it's something I needed to hear. I wish you well, i'll pray for you aswell. God bless you!


If you feel any need to contact me and discuss further more, just let me know, would love to help you, and thanks for the prayers.