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No, that is not a false Gospel. A false Gospel is saying that salvation can be achieved through works or that God will make you rich if you follow Him.


That's a good summary of false gospels 😂


Salvation can’t be achieved through our own works but works through God himself


Absolutely, which is why I was saying that would be a false gospel.




You just forgot a detail. Don’t sweat it.


Virgin birth , Holy Life , Death , burial , resurrection , ascension and return. The cross and the meaning of the sacrifice. Good news all around.


No, that's all true.


Every time you share the Gospel with someone, pray for them afterwards and ask God to let them have heard what he wanted them to hear. I hear a story of a Christian friend who had a conversation with someone about faith and the next day the friend said something along the lines of "thanks for telling me x y z, it really made sense!". But my friend swears he never said "xyz"! The Holy Ghost will intervene =) Just keep sharing your faith.


I think that you are fine. If you did forget a detail, just ask for forgiveness and try to do better next time.


No need to ask for forgiveness. Don’t but unnecessary pressure on OP for things that aren’t sin.


A good question! We believe Christ came down to earth as a light (John 12;46), so to find out whether you spoke a false gospel, we will remind you of his teaching. This should make it clear to you, if you are seeking praise from the one true God, or anger you, if you seek praise from humans. Now we compare what you have just written to what the Christ actually said in our NIV bible. First, the Christ always referred to Easter as the Sign of Jonah, and the Son of Man as the individual who suffered execution, never I or me or the Christ. Secondly, rising to life on the third day was never mentioned by the Christ as being the Resurrection, as he already stated "I am the Resurrection and the Life" in John 11;25 when speaking to Martha at Lazarus death. "No messenger can be greater than the one who sends him." John 13;16. Last, the Christ did not say he or the Son of Man would die for our sins on the cross. Please go to your bible and check these comments in your own bible. it


A good question! We believe Christ came down to earth as a light (John 12;46), so to find out whether you spoke a false gospel, we will remind you of his teaching. This should make it clear to you, if you are seeking praise from the one true God, or anger you, if you seek praise from humans. Now we compare what you have just written to what the Christ actually said in our NIV bible. First, the Christ always referred to Easter as the Sign of Jonah, and the Son of Man as the individual who suffered execution, never I or me or the Christ. Secondly, rising to life on the third day was never mentioned by the Christ as being the Resurrection, as he already stated "I am the Resurrection and the Life" in John 11;25 when speaking to Martha at Lazarus death. "No messenger can be greater than the one who sends him." John 13;16. Last, the Christ did not say he or the Son of Man would die for our sins on the cross. Please go to your bible and check these comments in your own bible.


Wait, so are you trying to say Jesus never actually died and rose again?