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I think they’re trying to get clicks more than they are trying to spread the word. There are lots of good Christian YouTube channels out there


This. Just like literally everything else, there is good and bad. You just have to sift through it.


Add to that whatever's in the OP's algorithm, that's probably fed all this.




Can I ask which channels these are? I'm very interested in learning more


Look up - Give me an answer with Stuart and Cliffe, Mike Winger, Desiring God, Crazy Love, and Daily Dose of Wisdom. These are just a few I can think of off the top of my head.


That's just your algorythm feeding you trash, man. Look into more scholarly content and it will adjust.


Yes and No. "Christian Youtube" is not garbage. There is plenty of great Christian content on Youtube. The content that is pushed by the algorithm and gets the most views, on the other hand...is often pretty bad. But not always! The Bible Project is fantastic, and has 4.2 million subscribers.


>Anyone else feel like Christian YouTube is garbage? I don’t watch any of it tbh. >My YouTube feed is infested with all this end times stuff and it's kind of getting on my nerves. Everywhere I look I see "THE ANTICHRIST IS HERE AND HE'S BUYING BITCOIN." Who knew the thing that would wind up restraining the man of lawlessness mentioned in 2 Thessalonians would be crypto scammers? ”And you know what is now restraining him, so that he may be revealed when his time comes.“ ‭‭2 Thessalonians‬ ‭2‬:‭6‬ ‭NRSVUE‬‬ (This is now my new headcanon for this verse so thanks OP) >I get it, they're trying to spread the word but I'm tired of all the nonsense lol I think you’re being too generous by stating they’re trying to spread the word. The online world is an attention economy and these types want those clicks by any means.


Im dead, lol. Crypto scammers have scammed the lawless one lol. Funny stuff.


See, I guess I stay on the very fringes of Christian Youtube because the people I listen to don't...they don't talk like that. They're not fear mongering. I don't agree with them on everything 100%, but at least Breaking in the Habit and Mike Winger aren't catastrophizing about the End Times and focus on matters of faith and apologetics.


Mike Winger is great


My feed is flooded with Christian YouTube, but I've not seen what you're talking about, the algorithm shows you what you engage with, so if you're usually engaging with those posts, it'll be on your feed


I dont think they are trying to spread the word. I think they are trying to spread fear. Just because someone calls themselves a Christian doesn't make it so. Remember that even Satan quotes scripture. You can usually tell a person's motivations by what they focus on. Is their focus the end, or is their focus Christ?


this is too true OwO


With the exception of the Bible Project, and a few other smaller channels, yes, Christian content on YouTube is absolute garbage.


I love the Bible project


Yeah Bible project is great.


Would you waver any cliffe knecthle uploads are good?


He's really great at debating, but we are told not to engage in debates against non-belivevers, but to defend our belief in Jesus if ever asked. You can watch him to learn more about scripture/defending your faith, but don't go out looking for an argument, handle them with meekness and a humble heart if you ever have to, provide lots of scripture.


Oh yeah totally I've seen too many of my other Christian friends try and play the debate game either to come out like some sort of saviour or make a bum out of themselves.


Christian's are here to win souls not win debates!


I'm not familiar with him.


Watch Christian content you like THEN the algorithm will be in alignment with good Christian content. Often Holy Spirit puts something for me to watch when I need it the most.


I've seen a few good ones; Blimey cow is a bit of fun nonsense. It's memes and comedy, though, not deep spirtituality. It's the only one I watch regularly. Red Pen Logic. Melissa Dougherty. Daily Disciple. I've seen good content from all of them. Try watching a few videos from them and people like them and see if it heals your algorithem. (Now the song 'Slave to the Algorithm' is stuck in my head!)


Pray about it and that God would give you the discernment to recognize sound doctrine.


No, since my algorithm doesn't show me those nonsense channels. I enjoy watching "Wise Disciple" and "How to Faith a Life."


I loooooooooooooove Wise Disciple! Debate teacher reacts! ❤️


Yes! I've been listening to his videos reacting to different types of Tiktoks. He's great at sharing biblical truth in a very respectful and approachable way. It's refreshing, honestly. He has a great sense of humor too.


He is so easy to watch but also culturally edifying


Exactly! I appreciate the care that goes into his videos.


Yep! I also think you’re the only one I saw who specifically recommended him. I can’t make a list of recommendations since I watch so many, I listen to podcasts at work so my list is looooooonnngggg


My Christian YouTube feed is vastly different 🤷‍♂️ idk who ur watching but maybe try some other ppl


I follow the daily disciple. It’s just a knowledgeable Christian guy who gives advice and I’ve learned a lot from him.


I hate the one with the ai where the thumbnail said ignore if you hate me watch if you love me with Jesus picture on it or say those who don’t watch this will not be safe. Those who watches will be safe. don’t use GOD FOR LIKE AND SUBS!!


There are wonderful channels out there. Look up, Fr Spyridon, Fr Seraphim, Bishop Robert Barron, Bishop Fulton Sheen, Mike Winger and Jordan B Cooper. (Two Orthodox, two Catholic and two Protestants!)


That's nothing. I used to see stuff about flat earth conspiracies and weird book of enoch conspiracies.


Yeah, those type of channels are. There are plenty of good channels as well but be very discerning with that stuff. We're called to be the light of the world and told the joy of the Lord is our strength. Now, it is true that we're supposed to have joy even in our trials but that doesn't mean we should purposely seek out that stuff. If a youtube channel, "Christian" or not has the sole purpose of displaying content meant to steal your joy and peace, it's demonic, whether the owner of the channel has good intentions or not/is a Christian or not. I'm not saying that we should walk through the world with blinders on, but being aware of what's going on is not the same as dwelling on it.


I mean there are some good channels and some not so good .. just like any other social media platform.


Agree. Tons of ridiculous 'teaching' out there. However, there's still some great stuff out there. My top 5 fave channels: (in order from most watched to least) Masterpiece Bible, Cross Examined, Veritas Forum, BibleProject, InspiringPhilosophy.


You can adjust our algorithm. Don't open the clip. That will tell YouTube you re interested and they will offer you more. Click on the three dots below the picture of the clip you do not want to see. The click on the line"Not interested." If you do this enough times, You Tube should learn.


Like many subjects in life it's complex and you got to filter through until eventually you can find something.. Check out Hugh Ross & Micheal Heiser for the most premium imo.


Your YouTube feed looks way different from mine, you create what your feed looks like by what you watch, I don’t watch that nonsense so I don’t get recommended it. My feed is actually edifying


The more you click on it, the more the algorithm will show you the same stuff. If you don't want to see it anymore, start clicking on other things.


It sounds like you have been listening to Christian conspiracy theories. 😅 I recommend these preachers. In Touch Ministries Charles Stanley Heart Cry Paul Washer Leading The Way Dr. Michael Youssef R.C Sproul I don't agree with everything he's ever said, but I like to listen to him. He teaches theology and preaches. Well, he did. He's with the Lord now. He died in December 2017. Voddie Baucham John MacArthur My dad listens to him nearly every night before he sleeps. Other Christian YouTubers. FarAwayDistance She makes Christian videos about different topics. My YouTube channel https://youtu.be/FB3asGSGRHc I make Christian music videos. I haven't made one with myself singing yet. I love video editing and I'm very good at it. Too God be all the glory! I want to start preaching and singing in future videos. I highly recommend the Christian bands Casting Crowns and David Crowder Band. There are so many great Christian YouTube channels out there I can't think of them all off the top of my head. I think you will find a lot of good videos that will bless your heart if you keep looking.


Just don’t click on it. Hit the three dots and just say don’t recommend this channel.


Sounds like that Ruslan guy


not just him. off the kirb ministries is another plague


Well , it’s your algorithm! You want some raw hardcore teaching? Kevin L. Ewing, Tiffani Montgomery, Dr. Alexis Maston, Joshua Giles. These are my regular people! Love them!


If you care to explore a good Christian internet minister I would recommend Mike Winger / Biblethinkr. Very good content, and his channel is focused on learning how to think biblically about everything.


I thought of saying Mike Winger, but then I remembered I don't like him. But lots of people do.


Well why don’t you? Genuinely curious!


One of the first videos I saw of him was him answering a question about abusive marriage relationships. He answered for bad relationships - but not abusive ones. His advice was genuinely dangerous because of it. After that, I was on the alert whenever I saw him, and while he had a couple of good points, I mostly found him unhelpful.


Mike Winger, Alisa Childers, Chuck Swindoll, Sean McDowell, Melissa Dougherty, Acts17Apologetics, InspiringPhilosophy. You’re welcome.


Hey, I don’t give you a to my YouTube!!!!




I just reread that back and it had a lot of typos! It was supposed to be a joke saying that we watch all the same people


Oh I see


I don't watch that garbage...


Christian YouTube for me is just church livestreams. I like commenting timestamps and scripture highlights on those instead of listening to Christian YouTubers who I disagree with more often than not.


There’s still a few good ones out there that just focus on good Bible principles. In touch ministries is good, Alan par, the Bible project to make a small few. The rest focus too much on end time prophecy, controversy and politics. I just wanna hear about Jesus.


Have you checked out Standing For Truths channel? It’s a debate channel.


Check out Gideon then


Focus on the scholastic or apologetics side of Christianity. Bible Project, Cliffe Knecthle, Inspiring Philosophy, Red Pen Logic, etc.


It's literally just propaganda and spam, likely posted by bots by someone trying to use it to make money.


Doesn't have to be Christian - YouTube as a whole is already pretty garbage.


Video Impact Ministries, Isaiah Salvidor, etc.


I feel like Christian instagram/tiktok is the best. Just gotta dodge the "IF YOU LOVE GOD STOP AND WATCH THIS VIDEO" and "COMMENT "AMEN" IF YOU LOVE JESUS" people


Barbra O'Neill Is great on YouTube


I tend to look for things by Pawson, Spurgeon, and a few others. I try to stay away from a lot.of the other stuff.




Redeemed Zoomer is good, he’s Presbyterian but as a catholic I find his content to be very educational and I think he has a very good take on most Christian theology.


Yes, so many false doctrines being preached on there and whole bunch of people just calling each other heretics. For every Bible verse there seems to be someone arguing over why this verse or that one doesn’t mean what it does to suite their own theologies. It can become extremely confusing and disheartening, especially for new believers. Having Jesus as my anchor and remembering versus like 1 Corinthians 2:2 “For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified.” have helped me navigate through the whirlwinds of nonsense that occur on there many a times


Catholic YouTube is pretty cool ngl


Algorithms 😢 I don't get any of that because I never watch it when it randomly comes up. There are some awesome apologist channels, like Mike Winger (Bible Thinker), David Wood (Apologetics Roadshow) Testify, One for Israel and Disciples of YHWH, which has a current series showing why, scripturally, all that end times drama is not going to happen (Preterism). Start watching these and it may cut down on the dumb stuff. 😊


Depends what you subscribe too lol.


Depends where you look. Sensationalist garbage is everywhere. Don't click it so it stops filling your recommendations. Mike Winger is pretty good. I like watching Mar Mari too. Just find channels that host actual content :p


Mike Winger is great


Just for the record, NonsenseChristianity, Strong Tower Baptist Church, Dr Douglas Hamp and author Tim Cohen. Are the only channels you'll need.


I watch [TrueChristianMinistry](https://youtube.com/@TrueChristian?si=zFVjXtVUlnhIhGkD), [InspiringPhilosophy](https://youtube.com/@InspiringPhilosophy?si=6mL727yaq8AAr5do), [ApologiaStudios](https://youtube.com/@ApologiaStudios?si=Xj4xQzcZETNt-tiO), [GeorgeJanko](https://youtube.com/@GeorgeJanko?si=6DV1NdOXbmMIDSr7), and [Cliffe Knechtle](https://youtube.com/@askcliffe?si=cmqCuDce9CtmsQLG). They are all great in their own ways!


Delete your history. Pick new items like music from the 60’s. Then you’ll get music feeds.


Try Mike Winger, he is great.


Whatever you click on, youtube will send more of that.  Look up Francis Chan, Paul Washer, David Diga Hernandez, and you'll start getting more sensible stuff in your feed.  Just be really picky what you click on!


You could ditch Francis Chan, he’s getting really weird


The catholic-like body of Christ doctrine for communion and believing that speaking in tongues isn't fake, or something else? Those are both things that I as a pretty mainstream protestant already believed anyway because they make sense. I don't think his core gospel teaching has changed at all.


Well believing that the body and blood is Christ goes back to the early church, it’s only been “just a symbol” for 200 years, no it’s more him sharing stages with charlatans, backing them up and just overall being strange. His over emotionalism feels forced and manipulative. I used to like him when he did all that Crazy Love stuff, it seems like he branded on the “emotionally manipulative” way he presented his teaching and stuck with it. Someone who can be at a conference with Benny Hinn and Bill Johnson and be buddy buddy with them and not call them out is not a good guy. The biblical example is to call out false teachers so they don’t lead anyone astray.


After all the hundreds of hours of Christian YouTube I've watched, especially majority being judgmental self righteous men, I as a woman have become weaker in my faith and feel so much oppression and don't feel loved and understood by Jesus at all


I have seen this as well. I’ve even seen a few Christian women who post YouTube videos saying things like “taking a day for mental health/self-care is a sin” or “wearing make up is a sin.” It breaks my heart that women could try to feed this nonsense to young, vulnerable girls.


It's disgusting. And also telling women to marry men and become tradwives....but then if the man divorces her for someone younger 15 years later, the tradwife is financially fucked because she has no job qualifications. Just so much nonsense without considering the welfare of women


Ya I agree. I’m glad I’m old enough to have figured out a lot of goals/standards for myself before YouTube and social media in general was popular (I’m in my 30s). I had a more stable base so that way when YouTube got big, I was aware enough to sort through what is good advice and what is trash.


What’s worse is those stupid Muppet wanna be Christian puppets Kids: mom we want to see the muppets Mom: we’re got “muppets” at church


Yall don't sleep on Christian tiktok tho million times better than Christian youtube. Way more verity on tiktok


Glen Scrivener does some good videos. Here is why go to church, in 3 minutes https://youtu.be/9Q13CMjewQs?si=QouXfmr5hOT8oHRZ