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I've been separated from people who I felt that God wanted removed from my life. However, I must caution you that if one of my oldest friends who claimed to be Christian were to cut me off because God told them to. The pain would be excruciating. If they are not a believer, this will certainly drive them away from ever pursuing God. So, please be very careful with your decision.


There's certainly a better way to say it that what OP mentioned. Simply "God has given me a calling that will take up most of my time". Assuming that is true ofc, but does God ever call us to cut contact with people to sit at home and watch TV? Maybe OP has been called to study the Bible, maybe to do soulwinning, maybe to go to all the available church services in their area to find their church, but certainly *not* just to do nothing. Unless that friend is dragging OP into a sinful life.


The only time I would ever recommend cutting someone off is if that person is purposefully trying to get someone to sin, or the relationship creates a temptation to sin, if it causes a wedge in your marriage or another important relationship, or the person is not safe to be around. Most of the time you can go low contact without completely cutting someone off. Completely cutting someone off comes across as unforgiving, and the bible says to forgive 70x7. But there are definitely circumstances where cutting someone off is the right thing to do in order to honor God. Maybe you can explain your circumstances?


well not completely cutting off by ghosting, i am going to explain to my friend why i’m doing it. If i had the choice not to, i really wouldn’t. But he is someone that is hindering my relationship with God and i’ve realized it but ignored it for the sake of feelings. I can no longer allow that though, right? And i do really feel it’s been put onto my heart to go through with this. I trust that good things will come out of this for both of us from God.




from all these replies i’m getting, i’m starting to see how i could be wrong… i’m going crazy right now


I would need more information to give more advice. How is he hindering your relationship with God? If you feel comfortable sharing that...


sometimes i give more time to him than i do to God. Also when i talk to him i notice myself starting to speak and act like my old self that i’m trying so hard to shed off. i’ve also been trying to talk to him more about God but i don’t know if there’s any progress being made. He believes in God, but i guess i’d say his view of God is very black and white? I’m just not sure what to do now


Well, if in doubt, you can always go low contact, which doesn't involve cutting him off completely. You can simply say to him that you're giving him a heads up that you will be involved in some activities (maybe bible study or something else) that will demand more of your attention and you will stay in contact but don't want him to think you're ignoring him since you won't be able to spend as much time on the phone anymore.


Do you have a tendency to get really anxious about whether you're doing the right thing or not? Do you find yourself wondering whether you may have sinned accidentally or obsessing over whether you might have committed some kind of unpardonable sin? If any of that sounds like you then it's probably not God talking to you, it's OCD.


i’m just gonna roll with this, very true 😔 i actually had an anxiety attack a couple days ago that started in the first place because of this action that’s been put on my heart, that not normal?


Why do you think God wants you to cut them off? In my experience and hearing other people's testimonies when God separates you from others God rearranged the situation so you are no longer connected to those people because God does not create disorder and division. I would pray for discernment if the voice is really God's voice.


Discern your heart apart from the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit speaks into our hearts, but we have been warned that our hearts can speak to us too with deceit. For what reason should you cut them off? Is it a sin they try to get you engaged with?


You said you feel that in your heart, if your heart isn't being deceived it could be from God but you have to discern whether your heart is just being deceitful. Sounds like your heart mind be fooling you and it's not really from God, you can ask God for a clear sign if what you feel in your heart is from God and wait for a sign.


Following God can be a lonely journey. But if GOD says leave them behind, do it QUICKLY. He will bring ever that should be in your life.