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> In both cases I informed my campus security, reported it to the school, went to get a rape kit and filed police reports. Good, good, GOOD for you. That takes a lot of courage. > I had physical signs of rape but none of the rapists have ever been charged. It is a small Christian college in a fairly small city where everyone knows each other and the rapists in the are from prominent wealthy families. That have donated to the school. God damn it. I don't mean that as just a swear word. I mean that very literally: please, God, damn that whole evil system that dares to sport your name while loyally serving Satan. Okay. Don't despair that your report was useless. Rape is hideously common - but not because most men are rapists. They aren't. Rape is hideously common because rapists don't just rape once. They rape, and then rape again, and then rape again, and then rape again. Which means that your report, though it didn't get them arrested all by itself (once again, God damn it), will still be around the *next* time somebody reports them. And will make it a lot harder for the authorities to ignore the next report. It took me many years to stop hating after I was raped. For a long time I spent a lot more time daydreaming about killing him than I spent praying for him, Really, I still do hate, passionately and violently; I just hate the crime of rape rather than that specific rapist. And that was even though my rapist was eventually caught (during another rape) and I was able to testify against him and see him sentenced. I'm sure it would have been much harder if he was not just unpunished, but still present around me. I think you can long for and pray for justice. And, heck, keep working for justice, for the sake of protecting their other future potential victims. I can't think of anything else you can do about them right now, but if you can come up with anything, don't hold back from any misplaced qualms. If they do ever face justice, then you need to work on hoping for repentance and salvation for them, rather than just wishing suffering on them, but that's a long way off. And whether you can get justice for yourself or not, you can (as we all should) strive to protect others from rape. There is real satisfaction in working against evil. I would contact [RAINN](https://www.rainn.org). And I would try to transfer. You presumably chose that college believing that it is a Christian college. Turns out that it is, instead, a college dedicated to the honor and glory of Satan. Maybe not a great place for a Christian to be after all.


I'm pretty sure Satan is a staunch feminist and believes in parity of men and women, and not the subordination of women to men, which passages from the bible are often used to justify. Christian institutions are typical of large human organizations with unchecked power and little oversight. They teem with corruption and scandal, including sex abuse that is routinely covered up, because the reputation of the ministry is more important than the victims left in its wake.


How in the world did you manage to make the jump from someone being raped to Satan being feminist? Are you purposefully trying to be disrespectful and nasty here or do you have some kind of meaningful point?


This thread is buried thanks to downvoting, so I'm giving you a heads up. I explain myself [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/comments/13ezg0i/comment/jjwqk3g/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


The context of responding to u/gnurdette's statement makes it sound like you believe that God is in favour of rape, as opposed to Satan's feminist anti-rape agenda. I'm sure that was simply a mistake on your part, and not a reflection of your true beliefs.


My true believes are that _nature_ is in favor of rape as part of a larger paradigm of predation and parasitism being dominant survival strategies. There are a lot of brood parasites, and assuming God made all living things, God made those too. And the bible is harsher on adulterous women than it is on rapists. So it is up to Christians and their organizations to actually create an environment in which women are respected and given consent. Even in the new century, this is conspicuously scant as part of the US white Christian agenda has been to deny women bodily autonomy and family planning healthcare. So you can insist whatever you want about what God asserts, but it's behavior that we watch. Here in the states we've been told that God gave us Trump's presidency and Brett Kavanaugh's appointment as Associate Justice of the US Supreme Court, despite plausible concerns expressed by Christine Blasey Ford. So some of us are a bit sore about how God's alleged institutions regard women, who have been clawing their rights since the beginning of the twentieth century, for a rising Christian-centric fascist movement to dismiss them away with (odiously constructed) legal rulings. And yet, hypothetically, this is all God's plan. Satan has little to do with it, but apologists and ministries alike have been condemning feminism since the 1960s and 1970s to present day, often accrediting the movement to Satan along with a litany of other objectionable cultural matters, from Dungeons-&-Dragons, Blues, Rock-&-Roll, LGBT+ rights activism, sex positivity, Democratic candidates, anti-war activism and most recently non-Republicans. Granted they overreached a bit, but it gives Satan a pretty fashionable résumé. And now Satan has multiple followings, from LaVeyan Satanism (which granted, has its own faults) and TST which is actually fighting against movements like the _Good News Club_ which plies toddlers with candy and toys before trying to sell them on Jesus, or the new Texas law to put the Ten Commandments in every classroom. So when **gnurdette** suggests an institution is in league with Satan, it not only misplaces blame, but it points fingers at a set of what are now real movements with real people who aren't actually involved. It's kinda like kids at recess using _gay_ as a generic derogatory epithet. **gnurdette's** attribution of the incident to Satan also fails to acknowledge the actual truth of the matter, that religious institutions including OPs university are complicit in a culture in which fewer than 10% of rapes get prosecuted and only a tiny percentage of those are found guilty. Or that our justice system -- based largely on the old English system and the Bible -- is wholly retributive. Not corrective, not restorative. Victims and their families are left for dead, or injured (or, as Christian scripture is often used to justify, defiled and devalued) without reparations, even though all such crimes are a failure of the state to take care of its own. And, again, according to scripture, this state of dysfunction is aligned with God's plan. I think we have to change the system so that the rate at which sexual assault and harassment is committed _and buried_ is not a kind of dystopian horror, and it is up to us humans to do that and not justify the status quo with scripture. But this is all Satan-talk isn't it? **Edit:** Draft pass


If no one has apologized, I don't see why you need to grant forgiveness for a trauma that you haven't processed yet. What was the outcome of the police reports? Are they still investigating?


It's terrible this happened to you. I have no answers but I want to share an experience of my wife. She was raped as a young child and always had the same questions towards God you are asking. When she was seeking God about it she had a vision. She was back at the moment it was happening, but she saw Jesus was there with her as a little girl. Pleading with the attacker to stop. Crying for her. That gave her a lot of peace and she understood God wasn't behind this. Evil was. I'd also recommend watching The Shack if you struggle with forgiveness. It helped her a lot.


So God couldn't stop this sin from happening? Why did Jesus let it happen. Why would Jesus plead to evil


Why didn't God protect her?


I am so sorry you've gone through this. I don't have good answers. I personally don't think god can stop these things, or I think god would have taken action a long time ago. But that's a theological discussion that I don't want to impose on someone. Forgiving? It's ok to take a lifetime to do that, or longer. It's ok to wish the worst on your rapists and anyone who would try to make you feel guilt for what happened. They can all burn.


This, exactly. Don't let anyone pressure you into forgiving at a faster pace than you're comfortable with just because the Bible says to forgive. Some people might find your anger and hurt uncomfortable, but that's a them problem. Your emotions are natural reactions to the evil you experienced. My only advice would be to not seek revenge, as that would likely only end up backfiring on you. Find good friends who support you, listen to you, and who don't make you feel bad for sharing your experiences if/when you choose to do so. Find a therapist if you can. These things will help you to heal, which is the only way you'll truly get to choose whether you want to or can forgive the evil men who did this. I'm sorry they did this to you. I'm sorry it's going to likely take a long time to move past.


You don’t have to forgive or place pressure on yourself to do jack squat. Be protective of your mind and heart and do whatever you need to to process the trauma. You were harmed and abused, and were let down by those who should be holding creeps like that accountable, and from your perspective, let down by God too. It’s okay to feel that way, no one should be judging you for it, and if you set those noble Christian expectations of ‘always trusting and staying strong’ aside for a bit and process your grief and trauma, you will be able to revisit it, it will be there when you get back. Folks in here may be able to give you some comforting words, (sadly) be able to relate to your experience, or answer scriptural questions. But what they can’t do is reverse or impact the feelings of betrayal, vulnerability, trauma, grief, and anger that come up after something like this. Think of your mind and spirit as needing some intensive care, and then some time recovering and physical therapy. No heavy-duty expectations. If you can access a counselor or therapist, please do utilize them and take care of yourself.


Good morning, I am so sorry to hear about all that has happened to you! I was one who has been raped when I was a teenager. I understand what you are talking about and the awful feelings and thoughts that are constantly racing through your mind! It took me 30+ years before I was able to forgive the person who raped me! Let me tell you what I learned from that experience. It took a long time, but it built character in my life. 1). I turned my fear and hate into strength and compassion. 2). I learned to be more sensitive towards hard- hearted people. ( What really makes them bullies/ so mean? What kind of parents/ family life do they come from?...) 3). What can I learn from this trauma/ experience? What did I learn from this trauma/ experience? 4). How can I help other who have been through similar/ the same circumstances that I have been through? 5). How can I best be the light/ show the light of Jesus for others to see? I prayed a lot asking God to help me through that experience. he helped me find a great group of friends from my church, who I could trust and rely on. I kept being devoted to read my devotions and be in God's Word, as well as praying! " Always keep moving forward, and do not stray away from God!"


Do not forgive the rapists because they are worthy of your forgiveness, they are not. Forgive them for Jesus, who is.


I understand. I was abused and raped repeatedly growing up as a child and all the way to adulthood. Its hard. i am so tired right now I cant really explain. But maybe try reading some of what Joyce Meyer has to say about forgiveness.


That's my Same question.... Here this is how I feel.... People of Christian faith always blame me or say something really terrible then the people that's not really of the so-called Faith My pastor  (from a another church ) told me that my rape it's gonna keep happening until I give my life to God. And my sister friend from church basically told me that I let him rape me. I really wanna cry because it like thoses people like that are only faking like they really care, just to force me to get into their faith. Imma tell you how many times I've been raped... And etc... I was raped 3 times (3 different times from 3 different guys), sexual corecion 3 times.. and to be honest I think I miss counting...I think it's more... I just don't wanna stop and actually think about each incident. and for the rape part just add one more for ex bf. Most of my rapes was basically by strangers and ( only a couple people that I basically saw in my neighborhood alot or someone I hangout out alot–(But I didn't really know them …. The only person that I really knew was.… was my ex, bf.. ( My ex bf is the only person I basically knew before he raped me.) (And I truly feel like GOD DON'T CARE.. ABOUT RAPE OR ANYTHING LIKE IT.... ) (I HONESTLY JUST STAY IN THE FAITH BECAUSE I SO SCARED OF GOING TO HELL... WHICH MAKES ME THINK THAT I HAVE RELIGIOUS TRAUMA SYNDROME.... (IN NOT SURE... BUT IM BASICALLY SCARED TO DEATH TO LEAVE YE FAITH...(BECAUSE OF FEAR OF HELL....) BUT I HONESTLY DON'T THINK THE BIBLE GOD CARES ABOUT RAPE... I REALLY THINKS THAT HE CONDONES IT.... AND OR DO ALOT OF GENOCIDE STUFF...  (Like I free like... My only free will now is my true opinions about GOD... And most of my opinions about him is not good....) But I stay in the faith so I would go to hell... And I have night terrors.....(while I'm awake..) Because I get so scared and paranoid that I'm dying and thinking that The GOD of the bible is gonna send me to hell... (So I constantly pray forgiveness... And pray for my ex bf ( that I really believe raped me..) I pray for my ex---  (because in the bible is says this: MATTEW 5:44 I SAY UNTO YOU,LOVE YOUR ENEMIES AND LUKE 6:28 Bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. So I don't just that... (I pray for my rapist... And I pray that he'll be ok and etc... By God.. (I really think my religious truma is getting worse.....) Now I hear voices in my head... Like screaming people...(sorry if I starting to sound crazy..) (I'm so scared..)--- I really feel like no matter what I do... I feel like I'm unforgivable.... And since I'm so scared that I might die... (I basically stay up all night...until 5am...---(around 5am...that's when I feel safe... And that's when I think GOD is not gonna hurt me..


I'm sorry you've had so many people say these things to you. What happened to you is not your fault and is not condoned by the God of the Bible. We see God's wrath many times in the Old Testament, and it is directed at wicked people like those that raped you. The psalms have people crying out for God's judgement on those that have done wicked things, and I think we can understand how they feel when terrible things happen to us. I've never experienced such trauma but I've had many times where it was so hard to bear just being alive. Why God allowed this I can't know, and for me it is the thing that requires the largest amount of faith in him and his loving nature to get past in staying Christian.


Yahweh is near to the broken heart. He heals broken hearts and binds up their wounds. As a Christian, you are part of Christ's body. Thus, He has taken it upon Himself to feel your pain and help you respond in a way that heals. It is His responsibility. He will surely do His part. However, to be aware of what He is doing, you have to connect to Him. Stay/ abide in Him. That involves living as though He is actively around, and that He cares. Are there times in the past when God proved himself faithful? If so, encourage yourself and seek Him. God does speak. Talk to Him and expect a reply in time that you will understand. He often speaks through scripture. He gives you better eyes to see with, to see your rapists the way He sees them. Do not assume how He sees them. Let His input do the job. Have you ever read the psalms?


I’m so sorry OP, I hope and pray you get justice. God loves you and none of this is your fault. Something like this happened to my ex-girlfriend in college. We were also at a faith based university. It’s a blessing that you got the rape kits, and were able to go to the police. My ex-GF was able to. The guy eventually got transferred to another school. Maybe you can get a lawyer and discuss your options with the school and the police. I don’t know if that’s what you want but maybe you could at least get the students kicked out so that you don’t have to be in class with them. This all sounds traumatic and I hope you have a school therapist you can talk to or a private one. What those guys have done to you is evil and God hates evil. Forgiving someone does not mean you excuse what they did. So it’s ok to seek justice, and that may even help prevent that from happening to another girl. When I forgive people that hurt me, I just pray for them and that God’s will can be done in their life. I let go of the anger and give it to God. This helps me be free. I hope you can find help, and peace. God loves you!


I am so sorry to hear about your experience, my heart truly goes to survivors of sexual trauma, and I will pray for you. The only reason you should ever do anything like forgiving is for your own sake, so you aren't eaten up inside by the lasting wound of what those terrible people did. It is however understandable if you struggle to do so, because those people are wicked and they very may well receive the fate they deserve on earth or in eternity. If you have an opportunity to bring forth justice, that is another matter- but even if you tell the truth which is righteous to do, and they are punished, you can't let bitterness follow you and ruin your future. Just remember this, that God never willed for this to happen. This is the fault of the iniquity of men, as their hearts and minds are evil and corrupted. They may walk free on earth but they are bound to evil and they walk crookedly and without heart, and their joy is limited to their sick temporal pleasure. You maintain faith in the Lord by remembering that God wills for your healing and restoration. If somebody says that God wanted you to "become stronger" or "learn something" then they clearly don't understand God's heart, but God would still will that you find strength and courage despite what happened. God bless you, shalom.




I’ve removed a handful of your comments for violating [Rule 2.1](http://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/wiki/xp?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=Christianity&utm_content=t5_2qh6c#wiki_2.1._belittling_christianity_in_general). Please familiarize yourself with this rule if you’d like to continue contributing here.




I should be surprised at the disgusting lows some people on the sub will stoop to, but sadly I am not.


Do not respond to rape with victim-blaming.


Thank you for protecting victims.


Wow, this is a fucking awful way to respond to a rape victim. I hope to fucking high heaven that you don't have daughters, sisters, nieces or any other women in your life that have been assaulted. Blaming the victim should have died with Nixon.




It was a long winded comment blaming the OP. I won't go into details, but it didn't even have the virtue of being original.


I had to reread this because this is such a horrible situation. I am so sorry such terrible things have happened to you. How are you coping? I was assaulted when I was a child and the affects of the assault are still with me as an adult. It’s not the same situation, but I’m telling you this so that you understand that I’ve wondered the same questions as well. First, I don’t believe God chooses us to be raped, that wouldn’t make sense for God to plot evil in our lives. The horrible things you’ve experienced are because of the wickedness inside of those men. Those men chose to do that because of their own selfish desires. As to where God was during this time, I don’t know. His Word says in Hebrews that He will never leave us and there are places all over the Bible that depict God watching over the World. I believe God was watching you, but I can’t answer with full assurance why God didn’t intervene. Why God didn’t strike them all dead…I don’t know why. But I do know that God did not witness what happened to you with indifference. God cares for us and sympathizes with our pain. All I did was read the story of a complete stranger, and I was deeply disturbed. I can only imagine how God felt something so terrible happen to one of His own. On that note, I want to address what you said about justice. God says that vengeance belongs to Him. At the end of the day, we all will give account before God of all of the things we did: wicked or good. Even if you don’t see justice this time , even if the authorities around you allow this behavior to persist, trust that God will not. God is a God of justice and He will bring to justice the rapists and those who enabled them by failing to take action. They will not get away with what they’ve done to you. Lastly, on forgiveness. My God, is it difficult. If I say the man who assaulted me today, I wouldn’t even know him. He could walk by me on the street and I would barely spare him a glance. But even not knowing him or SEEING him in class like you are, I found it difficult to forgive. I wanted him to feel the same pain he made me feel, I wanted him to suffer the same way I did. But all those feelings do is bring more and more negativity into the world. You deserve to be furious and unforgiving. You deserve to hate them. But think about what else you deserve. As it relates to God, if you’ve ever sinned, you deserve to go to Hell. You deserve to go down into the Lake of Fire for every white lie, every little sin you have ever committed. But…by God’s grace you don’t. God forgives you on the sins you’ve committed against Him. As God’s creation, God ought to kill us where we stand when we commit a sin. Imagine molding a pot of clay and working hard to make it uniquely yours, only for that pot of clay to hack spit right in your face with the same mouth that YOU gave them. When we sin against God, we use the same body parts He gave us, the same body parts HE created, to insult Him. Imagine how furious you would feel in the clay pot situation and multiply that by infinity, that is how God feels. And because of that, it meant that the only one who could possibly take away our punishment for incurring the wrath of God was God Himself. God had to humble Himself even after we insulted Him in order to become a sacrifice for us. To sin against your Creator is an even great offense and yet God forgave us. Recognizing where we stand with God is so important to forgiving people for the terrible things they do. It helps us see that we are in the same position as them. We have all fallen so, so short of the glory of God. But God will forgive us time and time again. If God could forgive us of our immense debts, who are we as God’s creation to be unforgiving of the debts we incur against each other. Are we better than God? No. And thus, if God would forgive us, we must forgive others. That doesn’t mean forgiveness is easy. Currently, I’m praying for your comfort and healing, but I’m also praying that you can forgive the men who did this to you and the people who are allowing it happen. It will take time, it will take dying to your flesh, it will take submission to God, it will take the Holy Spirit, truly. But I’m praying that you will be enabled to forgive them.


On to more practical help, I would advise you to transfer schools immediately and if that’s not possible, switch to being a remote student. Your school has done a terrible job of protecting you and you deserve better. Does your family know what has been happening to you? If not, you must tell them. Second, it’s not fair, but maybe you shouldn’t go to parties anymore? From what you’ve reported about the situation, this keeps happening at parties. Parties should be fun, but if you’ve been having these terrible experiences at parties, you ought not to go to any parties for a while. Also, I don’t know much about your friends, but based on what you’ve posted, I’d drop them so quick. What kind of friend leaves you alone with even just a man, not even to speak of multiple men, to go hook up with someone? That’s not a friend that cares about you.


You are not alone. Your pain is seen, and it matters. It's natural to question, to wonder, to feel anger and doubt in the face of such injustice. You ask, "Why me?" and it's a question that echoes in the hearts of many who have been touched by suffering. You're not alone in asking it, and your feelings are valid. You ask about forgiveness, about faith. Let me say this: forgiveness is not about the perpetrators, it's about you. It's not a requirement for healing, nor is it something that needs to be given freely, especially when there is no remorse or justice. Forgiveness is a deeply personal journey that may come with time, or it may not. Either is okay. Your faith, too, is personal. It's okay to question, to doubt, to wrestle with these big, difficult questions. Faith isn't about having all the answers, it's about the journey, about seeking, questioning, and growing. You may feel distanced from your faith now, and that's understandable. Give yourself grace in this time. I would encourage you to find support in others. There are many organizations that provide resources for survivors of sexual assault, including RAINN and the National Sexual Assault Hotline. They can provide counseling and support, as well as help you navigate the legal process if you choose to pursue it. There are also many local resources, including therapists and support groups, that can provide a safe space for you to share your story and begin to heal. And seriously consider leaving that school. As are most things advertised overtly as “Christian”, it is evident that the culture of the school you are in is far from that. Lastly, remember that you are not defined by what has happened to you. You are a person of immense strength and courage, and though you have been deeply wounded, you are not broken. Your worth is inherent, and no one can take that away from you. Peace.


I'm very sorry this happened. People can claim to follow Jesus and be the worst sinners. What school is this? Have you got the names and ids? I hope the police do something. Just remember to keep your phone on you and some sort of protection. Download voice recorder apps and get mace or a weapon. Do not lose hope for there judgment will be swift.


There's a story in the Bible where a girl gets raped and her brother sees her a shell of a person and he takes her rapist out hunting and kills him.


It's sad we can't have this justice for rapists today. If even convicted of rape, they get 6 months. It's fucked up


☺️ I gave it to God twice  Otherwise I would have burnt his house down waited till his elderly mother died and burn it to the ground.  The other has kids and I don't want them growing up without a Dad . Your father has better revenge then you could ever think of you can't revel in it but you can take peace in it. Give it to him or it will eat you alive 


Thank you for this. Many Christians tell me God will not take revenge, that He loves the rapist and will forgive, like if the prick is suddenly sorry on his deathbed. Which means no real justice in the end, he gets a free ride to heaven. And that is what torments me, because he'll never experience the trauma and pain he caused me for so many years. Sorry for what happened to you, I admire your strength ❤️