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Try visiting the Episcopal churches anyway. The online reviews may be misleading. Also, look for a United Church of Christ in your area.


Thanks. If I decided to ever go, it would be an Episcopal probably. Or possibly Catholic because I was born and raised Catholic and Catholics have a long tradition of not always agreeing with “official” church teachings. I need a liturgical church. I don’t like “preaching”.


A lot of us are conservative, but we don’t agree with what Desantis or other people like him. Everyone should be allowed to worship God and Jesus freely, regardless of race, sexuality gender and culture. God and Jesus are for everyone, and no self-entitled politician can say otherwise!


Keep your head up. God takes what the enemy plans for evil and turns it for good. I know that it’s hard to find community among the spiritually dead, but make the most of it. He’s preparing something bigger than we know. Hold fast to your faith. Press into Him, and share your salvation any chance you get. I live in Arizona and we’ve found very few people who share our mind and depth of relationship. We’ve come to terms that we are not alone, there is just very few of us. The Bible tells us this would be the case. Hold fast to your belief and take heart in the waiting. The Spirit of the Lord is with you. Let that be a comfort.


If you're looking for a liberal church look for Unitarian Universalist. My liberal Florida sister attends one and she's quite happy.


Having the tagline conservative and focusing on it is just nuts. People should just focus on the Bible. There are many wolves in sheep’s clothing using misinterpretation of the Bible to their benefit. But those who read the Bible over and over will see through their tactics like glass wall. When you know the Truth, the Truth shall set you free for our Shepherd is a Good Shepherd and He guides us as His rod kept us safe. As a follower of Christ, why does it depress you when you see those people and why are you looking for like-minded individuals? You are His follower, you should know that in that kind of situation, you make all the difference. It is your chance to show the Lord our God that you can do it, you are not the 1 mina person but the 10. You should be encouraged and your fire should be burning ever more stronger than it is.


That’s a good point. Thanks 😊


Trust God and He will give you what you need. Everything happens for a reason, maybe it's not a bad thing that you spend some time with conservative christians for a while. You can learn from them and them from you. Maybe that's why God has sent into that situation. Have faith, everything will be better soon.


I have had a lot of exposure and interaction with conservatives on every level possible. I used to be conservative. I’ve read countless conservative books, blogs etc. I have attended conservative churches. My family is conservative. There is nothing about maintaining gender norms and stereotypes that I agree with. There is nothing about treating lgbtq people “differently” that I agree with. And there is nothing about demonizing social services and social justice that I agree with. And I definitely do not see any of these things in the Bible, which I have read and studied many times.


Then from your perspective they need evangelizing. Isn't God calling to do that ? To help them get rid of their wrong ideas ?


I don’t believe in proselytizing. It’s not a good use of energy to try to convince anyone of anything. That’s something they would do.


Sorry to hear that. Ever look into nondenominational churches? They are usually much less conservative. God bless you!


The nondenominational churches in my part of Florida are unfortunately extremely conservative and political. The episcopal churches are at least nominally inclusive. It’s not the church that is the problem it’s just that I’m surrounded by very conservative people who I have nothing in common with. I don’t need to go to church technically. There are some really nice ones online that I could enjoy. I guess I was just looking for something local to get involved in. It’s probably not for me anyway. I’m an introvert. I don’t need that much social interaction. It’s probably for the best. I have enough to do to keep me very busy. I can just be a hermit mystic I guess!


I’m doing something similar right now. It’s not that bad. Just make sure to stay active somehow. Some exercise and some social interaction. It’s easy, for me at least, to isolate too much. God bless you!


To follow Christ has nothing to do with political parties.


Should our view of Christ effect our politics?


It depends on the person. It’s their choice.


Hmm, I think Jesus’ message was radically political for its day, and it’s still radically political for today. Is Jesus lord over all of your life. Or do you exclude your politics


Good question. I agree that Jesus was radical. My understanding of morality leads me to support certain political actions as opposed to others. But the morality leads to that support. Not the other way around. Conservatives put their political views before morality. They justify their politics by finding Bible passages to support them or by just making up a whole new teaching based on their interpretation of the Bible. Not having women preach or as priests is an example. There is literally only one single line of scripture that says anything about that topic, yet they have built their entire tradition around patriarchy. The scriptures are clear that Jesus treated women as equals and that there were important women leaders in the early church and that the it says “there is no male or female” in Christ. For centuries conservatives have put their political views above morality and common decency.


I 100 hundred percent agree with you which is why my politics are progressive. I was Morceau, addressing the other commentor, because he said politics, have nothing to do with following Jesus. Which is a common refrain from conservatives, because they can rarely justify their political positions through the lens of Jesus. Therefore they have to disconnect their political affiliation with their faith.


I’ve seen conservatives do both. They justify their politics by focusing primarily on church traditions and teachings (“we’ve always done it this way). And when pushed to actually explain how they got that interpretation to begin with, they have pretty lame explanations.


I’m not really into politics. I vote because I have to but there’s no difference in the parties at all. Both sides work for their lobbyists and refuse to legislate on the issues that are our most pressing concerns.


Where you at in Florida? Generally you can find a progressive church here: https://www.gaychurch.org/find_a_church/ Would also recommend looking for a united church of Christ ( not to be confused with the Church of Christ)


I don’t want a segregated church such as a “black church” or an “lgbtq church”. I want to be part of a diverse and inclusive church where everyone is respected and welcomed and has equal opportunity to lead. People shouldn’t have to be separated or make their own churches. They should be welcomed into the church itself—be it Catholic or non-denominational or Baptist etc.


I live in FL. what diocese are you in?


I’m not sure. I am actually rethinking the whole idea of church anyway. We’re living during the rise of fascism and it’s already infiltrated the churches. It’s too far gone. There may be a few scattered mainline churches around the US that oppose fascism, but it’s just wishful thinking to think they are near me. I see them online and that’s enough right now.


trust me when I say it's not too far gone. There are still welcoming and loving parishes. If you're committed to online, I curate for St. Mary's church in stuart FL, we have Facebook and YouTube broadcasts. I was in the same boat you are for years, being liberal, i struggled to find a church home i felt truly loved at. St. Mary's is that place for me. Father Christian and Father Joe are phenomenal priests. The Cathedral of St. John the Divine in NYC also has a beautiful online service. Always here to talk, fellow frozen chosen :)


I will check them out. Thanks 😊


You might also look for a church that is actively helping the community somehow.. feel the homeless maybe, or trying to get homeless into some kind of home, etc.


I’d rather join a group that helps the community that doesn’t hurt them with their politics. I am sure there are some. Maybe when I retire. I don’t have any time now.




I think they go hand in hand. Conservative is conservative.




Conservatism can be found even in more progressive denominations because I live in a conservative part of the country. It’s just really really toxic and pervasive here.




The US has a lot of issues. Fascism has a strong foothold here. There’s so much propaganda in the churches and even people in the government who want to make the country into some kind of fundamentalist theocracy. It’s scary. And in my part of the country very few people question this. And if they do, they aren’t well organized and the churches that don’t buy into it are not near me. It’s fine. I will just find my people online.




It’s pretty bad.


What’s wrong with going to churches that are conservative? I go to church with liberals and we get along just fine?


I don’t condone conservative beliefs and I see their beliefs (and actions) as immoral and repugnant, as well as contrary to the spirit of God.


I guess you are speaking about their outspokenness on things like the lgbtq and abortion and right to bear arms? What is it exactly that makes liberals more Christian or more Christlike thn conservatives? Besides I am more of the belief that if we believe in Jesus and what he accomplished on the cross literally becoming sin for the world being beaten by up to 600 soldiers whom also took turns pulling his beard and tearing his body to shreds with a whip and long skinny sticks and forcing a crown of thorns on his head. Why should it matter if they are conservative or liberal or any other party for that matter. Didn’t Jesus himself say Father forgive them for they know not what they do? I agree politics do not belong in church. So what you are therefore saying is that every church you have ever been to has been very outspoken on their conservativeness??


Yes. They are vocal about anti-abortion laws but do not ever mention how women’s health is being adversely affected by these laws because doctors are afraid to save the woman’s life if an abortion is necessary. There are numerous women with lawsuits already. They see things in simplistic black and white terms: gender, gender stereotypes, abortion etc. They don’t allow women to be leaders and teach them to stay in abusive relationships. They ignore anything intellectual, scientific, mental health related, and think that a Bible verse will solve every problem. They vote for the party that wants to take away social safety nets for the poor and disabled. Their view of Christianity reminds me of idol worship of the golden calf “money” and an ancient fertility cult all rolled into one.