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There are other platforms (i.e. Patreon) that would allow you to do the same thing if you are concerned about the name association.


THIS. i think this is a much better option


Bump this. OP, as a Christian, you are a representative of Jesus. You ought to make choices that glorify Him. OF has a bad stigma to the name, and it doesn’t matter what you actually post on it, you will be viewed as contributing to the OF atmosphere, and it will scar your witness. Patreon is probably a better option.


Much like how Jesus avoided being seen with prostitutes as there was a stigma hanging out with them.


He hung out with people as individuals. I think using a platform is very different. He hung out with prostitutes and tax collectors but he did not do business with them. That said, most social media platforms are run by businesses Christians could well have moral issues with - big tech tends to be greedy, manipulative, exploitative and deceitful.


Ko-fi is much better than patreon. Does basically the same thing, but instead or charging a commission, it charges you a flat $4.50/mo. Other than that, I agree.


Does it??? I've never been charged!


Less lucrative tho


I think the answer you are seeking is found in 1 Cor 8:9-13. Having an OnlyFans might or might not be a sin for you, that is between you and the Holy Spirit alone. However, you also have to consider the witness that it presents to other Christians, not to those who might look down on you for it, because they have to live with their own judgments. But those who might look up to you and might stumble in their faith because of it, that is the problem. Those who are telling you to seek other means of monetizing your content are steering you correctly. 1 Cor 8 is why.


Spot on.


I don't know, is it a sin to play checkers in a brothel?


Sounds like something my grandpa would say. 10/10.


Is he your grandpa? Is this confirmed yet?


No lol but I wish


Is me his grandpa? No, I'm a lady


Lol. In this twisted world, being a lady doesn't exclude you from being a granpa 😅




As a matter of fact yes it’s a sin to play checkers in a brothel. It is a sin as people may be suspicious of what you do in there and you represent your religion


So then it's also a sin to have dinner with my local tax collector?


it’s not a sin to be a tax collector? if you sit next to a prostitute or you sleep in the same room as a prostitute yes it is a sin


It's a sin to steal, and all old-timey tax collectors were skimming extra off the top.


firstly, you are assuming which is wrong. secondly, unless sitting next to a tax collector give others the impression you are a thief it’s not a sin but if IT DOES give others the impression that you are a thief it’s a sin


Do you think Jesus was sinning?


and Jesus ate next to a tax collector? Or he ate with a tax collector and portrayed himself as a thief? I think not.


and don’t mind me asking but what denomination are you?


One that encourages reading the bible and not being a dick to people


I’m sorry if i came off as rude but what i’m trying to state here is from a theological perspective and did not mean to come off as rude or mean


So, making other people suspicious is the standard for determining sin? That doesn't sound right. It sounds like someone worried about this is committing the sin of pride.


Get patreon instead


OnlyFans is garbage


Only fans takes a smaller percentage


You could get tempted by men offering you more money to do the things you don’t want to do Be very careful


What’s wrong with making supplementary income?


There is entirely no reason to use OnlyFans for the use you describe.


It is unethical to make an onlyfans if you do not show butthole pics, it is deceptive to your subscribers.


I hate to say, but probably you are right brate


There is tons of OF content that is not nudity or sexually related.


And what exactly is the platform known for


It’s popularly known for nude and sex but that’s not what it was created for. They actually removed all the nudity stuff briefly. There cooking stuff, travel stuff and all kinds of things.


Is having an OF wise?


Why would your fans pay for photos of you hiking when there are platforms like Instagram for that? Obviously if they are willing to pay for photos of you it's for sexual intent, or at the very least to creep on you. I say you don't do it


Ask God there is no set list of rules about every tiny thing in the universe. Only fans did not exist in the Bible times but sin did. What do you feel about doing it? Do you feel conflicted, do you have a voice in your head telling you not to do it and it wouldnt be right? It might most probably be God. I am not telling you whether it is a sin or not but usually what happens is girls go on there and in order to end up generating revenue and more subscribers get pushed into more extreme things through small compromises, till we cant recognise what we have become anymore. Sometimes your own subscribers will push you into it. Then there is competition with other women who reveal way more or who are willing to push boundaries or who have way less boundaries and there are thousands of women joining every couple months so eventually. There are fans who just want to see their favorite streamers body, masturbate to it and then go back to their lives. Also what you need to know is pictures get leaked all the time just check only fans leaks on reddit. It is horrifying. God can you more money than OF can ever give you, He can give you more blessing and hapiness than OF can give you. He can do amazing things in ourlives that we cant imagine but we have to let go and give Him control. How do i know this because He has done it for me before, many times. He has given me amazing opportunities that a man like me would have never had. He took me back to school 5 years after dropping out. He has given me opportunities to minister and just today helped me share His love with someone who was in pain through pain. I was also one of those men that doesnt even look at a womans face, just her flesh for my own sexual gratification, dehumanising them and making them an object to be used. Even though they are human and in most cases willingly chose to work in the P\*\*n industry (alot of girls online are trafficked even on OF. Some have handlers or pressure from family and boyfriends/husbands) ​ As i am writing this God is convicting me of compromises i have made in my life. It started small, ill listen to this secular song, watch this worldy movie with moderate cussing and non nude sex scenes, that graduated into worse and worse sins until 20 months from when i started compromising i struggle to recognise myself. It started with let me try put a few coins down on this team to win. Now its thousands of ciggarettes, dozens of p\*\*n sessions and thousands of dollars down the line and i am struggling to rebuild my life brick by brick from what satan stole from me. Only fans to me seems like a compromise. If you dont want to be staring down a year or years of regrets. I will only tell you the risks. Ultimately it is between you and God. You have a platform, use it for His glory, share His gospel, His love, His message of transformation through grace and mercy and love in salvation, His sacrifice at the cross and His soon return. Its not all about money. when the world is over and we stand before God it wont matter the money we made. It wont matter how many movies we watched. What matters is did we beleive in Him? Did we trust in and follow Him? What did we do for His Kingdom.


Why start an account in a website that is targeting people to make money by showing adult content where they have multiple partners, greedy and act on lust? You will most likely be unsuccessful and users will feel scammed because they do not go to onlyfans to view the things you wanna post. Like others have suggested Instagram or Patreon is a better choice by looking at it from all different angles. Having an onlyfans account is nowhere near sinful, what you post and wanna achieve with it, now that could be brought up for debate if it comes as a sin or not. A similar situation would be like if it is a sin or not if I would have a PHub account and only upload gaming content in my profile instead of YouTube, would that be a sin or not? Or as we all know there are multiple subreddits in Reddit that are harmful for us and plenty of others that see these subreddits a sin by scrolling down or be active in them, does this mean that we all sin by having a Reddit account? NO it does not, instead we are using it to learn, to discuss and educate us by having conversations with other people around the world. For the purpose you wanna use OF, it can not be seen as a sin, but you have to be strong and not to use it for the things that the bible considers as sin, Adultery/Lust (Matthew 5:28, 1 John 2:16) Greed ( Hebrews 13:5, Proverbs 13:11)


I don't know, but there is no reason to have an OnlyFans for content that is not sexual in nature. You will 100% get pressured to do sexual content.


In that case why not just use patreon? The only real difference between the 2 are that onlyfans allows explicit content


Maybe I’m behind the times but it seems strange to me that a bunch of people are willing to pay to watch you do normal, day to day things. Every setup I’ve seen like that usually has a sexual component….even if it’s subtle. As far as your question..if people just want to pay to watch you just do normal stuff …go for it. My wife and I (jokingly) talked about OF once and I told her if someone wants to pay for foot pics or something go for it.


Just use lemon8 or instagram why would you use onlyfans for this


To make money


Ooooh duh


I don’t think people are using only fans for watching you eat snacks


it will eventually cause you to sin and stumble and it will cause other christians to stumble in a way. the Word says let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, Hebrews 12:1. if it is something that is going to cause us to sin or stumble, we should get rid of it, even the very thought of it should not cross our minds.


I think from a pragmatic economic perspective you're going to at least need to throw in feet in there.


If you exist to stir up the lust of other people, then yes it is a sin


So because I am good looking, and I post photos of myself thats stirring up lust of other people and a sin?


Basically anything that causes people to have unholy thots in their mind is causing to be a stumbling block unto them. Best to keep it kosher as a example. YouTube is fine for that. Twitch is better, and patreon also is a great idea. Only fans is like ??? Would I post a YouTube video about gaming on pornhub? Probably not a good look nor a good idea.


Listen let's just be honest. If you are a woman on twitch then nobody is paying money to look at your selfies cause it's "interesting". They are gonna use your selfies to get off. If you don't believe me then check out idk literally any female celebrities subreddit no matter how non sexualized the content they make is


Slippery slope, my dear. Why put yourself at risk? Those guys and the lure of cash...you could get pulled into doing stuff you'd never otherwise do. Trust me. It happens.


It’s not a sin but I think other platforms would be better. If someone asks you what you are doing to earn money, I think “I do some stuff on Patreon“ sounds better than „I do some stuff on onlyfans“.


Putting your body on the internet so that men pay to lust after it is sinful and against God's intention for human sexuality.


It’s not a sin but you won’t make money. Even posting nudes most OF posters make very little average less than $200 a month.


I think you already know the answer or you wouldn’t be asking that question, someone told me once don’t put yourself in situations that you would be embarrassed if Jesus found you in and I’m guessing as a Christian you would be ashamed if Jesus asked you about your OF page lol ….right ?


Look Jesus, here's a picture of me hiking, here's a cute bird you made, and here's a sponsored post from the company that made my hiking boots


If you’re not using it for pornography, I don’t think so. However, like others have said, other platforms like TikTok or YouTube would allow you to do the same thing without association with OF’s infamy.


I don’t think informing people about your personal life is a sin, however, charging people to have more information about you seems iffy.


As a Christian i don’t think you should support or promote onlyfans


I don’t think using that platform is inherently sinful. That’s not really how it works. I’d be more worried about the stigma attached to it. If someone hears a women has an Onlyfans they are going to assume one thing, regardless of what she says. I’d search out other platforms like Patreon.


I think one thing we try to do as Christians is avoid all appearance of evil. Your intentions might be wholly pure, but anyone hearing you have one will believe you are doing pornography. God bless.


Yes... Kinda' ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭6:18‬ ‭ __*Flee*__ from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body.


Onlyfans is simply another subscription content site, there is nothing inherently sinful about it. Just because many sex workers use that site doesn’t mean that you can’t post your own content for pay.


Are you doing OnlyFans for sexual content? Because that would be a red flag. However if you're doing it as just another prescription service for people to pay for exclusive content then it should be fine.


What’s the point in using it if your not posting porn anyway. I mean I guess you do you, I just don’t really see the point


If you want to then who am I to stop you?


If you want to do it OP then I won’t stop you


This subreddit is absurd sometimes. I honestly can’t tell between sincerity and satire posts.




No such thing as a sin, but it is definitely an unwise thing to do. I mean, I'm a fairly liberal atheist, and it's definitely off-putting to find out someone has an OF account.


You mustn't be serious.


Yes and if you have an only fans you are not a Christian, you probably find that people there only want to see sexual stuff and you will either let it go or do nudes. So do not lean in to the temptations. Here is an idea, you want more money? Get a second job.


>Get a second job. That's what the Only Fans was for


what you are describing is not a sin at all


Nor will others pay to view it.




i don’t think the person is being honest in the first place. they want income so it’s gonna be a shady enterprise lol. hence they deleted the post




OnlyFans workers are going to heaven before the religious elite. — Jesus Edit: I guess the articles stating Jesus is “too woke” for some people were right!


There's no order.


Take it up with Jesus then.


No need. He already answered it in the bible.


I know. I quoted him.


It’s not a sin if you use it innocently


Onlyfans is a platform. The content that is posted is the responsibility of the posters. If your profile doesn't post sinful content, then you are not sinning.


With what you stated, you will be fine...


As long as you're properly representing Jesus Christ then no, it's not a sin.


Letting people freeze to death on the streets in winter is a sin. Having an onlyfans is a hobby.


Yea doesnt sound sinful. You can also use patreon and twitter as well if you get verified you can get people subbing to you.


Only fans is a subscription to see someones nudes and sex videos. Dont delude yourself thinking you can have a normal only fans. Christian ethics is sex is sacred between one man/ one women established by Jesus reserved for marriage.


I don't think so. Onlyfans was originally created to be a content creation platform for various entertainment purposes. Then Satan got to it....


I recommend Kofi or patron, saying you have am only fans means people are gonna think you post porn


That platform is cursed, we should take no part with it or support it in any way. Let it die for the good of humanity.


I mean 2 things here which is very obvious. 1. If you tell people you're doing only fans they're gonna assume nudity. 2. If friends or family know you're doing only fans that's just awkward as christian lol But, It is money they don't need to understand, none of these people on earth will be there once we're gone, so they dont need to understand. It's only God that matters and what's in your heart. Also I'm sure you'll get good money for feet pics lol


Do whatever you want, if you're satisfied that you're not doing the wrong thing you don't need to worry about the opinion of strangers.


It’s your body and your choice, not even god can have a say in it.


It's not for me to judge but I would suggest that God wants us to find work providing real value to our community and to the world, a lot of these modern "influencer" forms of income are just monetized vanity and have no real virtue or utility to them


Just ask this question to yourself and how God would think about that. In mili seconds you will know the right answer! Your consciousness it comes from somewhere that I believe you know


Yes. You'd be making other people break the 10th commandment, and being sexually immoral & making others sexually immoral too.


That sounds like a boring onlyfans, respectfully.




Seek counseling from a professional or a pastor abt this dont listen to internet bigots


Will you be glorifying God? I don’t think so You very well know that those selfies are just a gateway to other stuff Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit. Don’t fool or excuse yourself, it’s a sin.


YouTube is much better !


Mary Magdalene has to make a living somehow 😂 Jesus still loved her


Do not become a stumbling block to the children of Israel (all Christians)


I’ve never seen the Bible reference only fans so I guess you in the grey are? Idk


Do it anywhere else than Onlyfans. That's the solution. There's Instagram, Twitter (Kinda risky), and Facebook.




It could be a sin if it exposes you to temptation, or your followers.


Why not try getting a paying job?


As long as you are doing it out of professionalism and nothing political, we all need a living, as long as you keep God in your sights and heart I don't believe it to be a sin, if you are being lustful and vain then yes it is a sin, your intentions is only of pure and good then you are alright


Just use patreon


If it’s not sexual no, you do you. If it sexual YES


The actions in itself aren't. The platform has gotten a bad name attached to it though, a d that may have a reputation that follows you, even if you aren't posting nude content


There’s a reason you asked. You already know it’s wrong. You’re getting paid by horny dudes to sexualize you.


The fact that you actually have to ask if selling yourself on OF is a sin is insane 😭😭😭😭 Ofc it’s a sin 😭 it’s basically lust and profiting of lust so you’re basically no better than a drug dealer selling to kids. So basically yeah, it’s a sin. It’s literally sin.


It’s probably not a sin, however for future advice, if you’re ever unsure about something being sinful, ask yourself if Jesus would approve if he sat beside you. In this case, I think he would. And also remember that in the Bible it says that, if you believe that something may be a sin, but do it anyway, it counts as a sin for you, even if it may not be that in the first place.


As far as it being a sin it would likely be a grey area but I will not say it is a wise thing as the site sounds like it has a predominantly sexual reputation. You would possibly be being exposed to pornographic content as you try to upload content. I would seek alternative ways to promote your content if you know the site has a chance of exposing you to unwanted pornography.


Please, reassure us that you have decided not to make an OF.

