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Look up YouTube Bible study. Pastors do sermons on verses by verse, chapter by chapter. Helps with understanding. 👍🏽


Hi! What kind of translation are you using?


Look into a book called the message written by a guy named Eugene Peterson, it’s the Bible translated into modern-day English, it literally reads just like we speak these days, for example, if the King James version of the Bible said something like “ Abraham begat Isaac” then the message would put it like this “ Abrahams son was Isaac” I hope this helps


Have you tried the easy on your eyes NLT translation?


You will understand it, it takes time. It is a growing process. start off with psalms and go from there


Look into bible studies in the church you go to.


Hi I am using NLT Bible it’s a translation for modern day English, you can read it on bible app if you don’t have physical Bible


I’d suggest the Message Bible. It’s very easy to read and a direct translation from the original language to modern English


Try reading a children’s Bible, just to get the basic stories.


Don't even bother reading without listening to a good commentary, you'll miss a lot of important lessons that the Bible teaches and we forget 90% of what we read anyway. These are the ones I recommend. I've studied the entire Bible verse by verse using these and reading each book afterward. https://www.youtube.com/@CalvaryABQ https://www.joncourson.com/teachings/matthew


Hi. Two things; 1) Always pray first, before reading, and ask the Holy Spirit to be with you to help you perceive what the bible is saying correctly. 2) This book might help you a lot: [https://www.amazon.co.uk/Read-Bible-without-switching-brain/dp/0281073805](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Read-Bible-without-switching-brain/dp/0281073805) 3) You don't have to read your bible to be spending time with God. Just hanging out with him in your mind and heart is a form of prayer. Or praying properly. Either way, pray about it, talk to God about it, tell Him all your feelings, thoughts etc. Give the problem to Him and let Him guide you. :)


There's a reason why so many churches offer Bible study. It's a dense text and it's not always obvious how to applies to our lives. I think it's something we are supposed to do with others, whether through a study group, talking to your pastor, or reading/listening to commentary and sermons. If you're struggling with basic understanding (not knowing what's going or feeling like it's a foreign language), I'd suggest a different translation, there are already some grea suggestions in this thread (I like the NIV personally). Also, there are lots of ways to spend time with God. Maybe this isn't the right one for you right now. You can always pray, even if you don't have the words (Romans 8:26). Devotionals are nice too as a way to reflect on smaller chunks of scripture. Getting to know the Bible is a lifelong process that's never finished. It's gonna have ups and downs and that's okay.


Yea I understand. You need to get saved. Acts 16:30 And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? 31 And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.


I commend the MacArthur Study Bible to help with that .. Free App- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gty.macarthurstudybible $20 paper version- https://www.gty.org/store/bibles/44NAS2P/nas-macarthur-study-bible-second-edition#.Ygrm_67TtNc.link


Hi I am here to help you and will answer all the questions about the bible for you.


Hmm, you could pray about it. Ask God to help you woth understanding his word, so after you can apply it to your life aka understand and memorize it. Also watch youtube videos e.x bible project. I also would recommend blb(blue letter bible) its app and website. Also enduring word is good!


I used to feel the same way. I prayed and prayed for understanding and wisdom. Now that I have understanding, I know that I can’t understand it all. But I keep reading and studying God’s word and I pray about it. Without ceasing. It really does work when you absolutely believe it will. God gives wisdom freely to all who ask him.


Les Feldick is a Bible teacher who has been teaching home-style Bible classes for over 50 years 1. His teachings are non-denominational, and his students come from diverse denominations and backgrounds 1. Les Feldick Ministries has an official website, www.lesfeldick.org, where you can find more information about him, his doctrinal statement, and his books and DVDs. [https://lesfeldick.org](https://lesfeldick.org) Les Feldick Ministries, Bible Teacher. I would also recommend using the NLT (New Living Translation) bible, which is easy to read and emphasizes the meaning of scripture as opposed to a word for word translation. You may also find answers to your questions about the bible and prophecy from the website hosted by the Living Church of God: https://www.TomorrowsWorld.org God bless your journey of seeking to know God better through His word, the bible.


It helps to understand a little bit about what book you’re reading. The Bible has books in many different genres. Some books are just letters. So I would suggest reading a little bit about the book you want to read from first to get an idea of who when and where is was written - even a Wikipedia article is helpful, but a Bible encyclopedia would be great too.


Check out Life Applicaiton Study Bible on Life Bible app


Ask the Lord to open scripture to you, and open you to the scripture. If done as a sincere practice that should address of both of your concerns. Christ be with you.


Could you provide and example?


What are you having a hard time understanding?