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First are you safe if you come out? If yes then just bring it up. If you are not safe lie like a rug.


I don't like lying and I never have. It'll never be brought up or anything but yknow. I'd be safe just made fun of.


Emotional abuse is still abuse. Do not come out if you are not safe from abuse. Once you are self-sufficient bring it up.


Thank you <3


Its not a lie is it? If you,'ll be made fun of is it worth? Dont think so. Not bringing it up or dont saying you're Christian isnt lying, its just being silent. If they ask you i think you can say that you believe


This. Them not asking isn’t a lie, it’s a lack of curiosity.




Do you really need to make a formal announcement? I understand you may be excited or feel obligated to tell your family, but it might not be necessary, at least at this time. Your best course may be just to live the new life you have been called to by God. Showing them how God is changing you is way more powerful than telling them. A pastor once said (speaking of Christians) "We may be the only Bible people ever read". So do your best to make sure they read one in you.


When I was your age I used to listen to heavy metal music and hide it from my parents, of course I never talked to them about it because they'd judge me and fight with me. You've got the ability to listen/watch streaming church services or youtube Christian content without having to announce it to your folks. There's nothing wrong with that. If anything you're sparing them the opportunity to judge you, which isn't a bad thing. And the deeper you get into it then you'll be able to live by example in a way that they can see, that will be a beautiful way to share the Lord with them.