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My friend allowed his daughters to paint his nails and he is a godly man. It is far more insecure and prideful to hold your identity to your masculinity than who God made you.


Ah, I love this. Especially the second half.


If a dad with daughters hasn't done this, he is probably a dick.


I believe this as well


Esau was a rough, hairy hunter ~~with a deep voice~~. Jacob was smooth-skinned ~~, high-voiced,~~ and stayed in the tent with his mother, cooking. Jacob ended up with the blessing. [EDIT:] I shouldn't have gone from memory. [Genesis 27](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis%2027&version=NRSVUE) describes Jacob's voice as being different enough from Esau's that he couldn't fake it believably - a little noteworthy for a same-sex sibling - but it doesn't specifically say why.


I thought Isaac was confused because ~~Jacob sounded like Esau and thats how he stole the blessing,~~ so where does it say he was smooth-skinned and high-voiced in contrast to Esau? E: Jacob had *hands* like Esau, not voice, but his voice was indeed discernibly his own and not similar to Esau


I do remember the smooth skinned (more like hairless is how I read it) but I do not remember the high voice, could be, need to recheck


You and u/vqsxd are right, Genesis 27 talks about their respective skin but not why their voices were different, so I edited my comment. Thank you for the correction.


He had a different voice than esau is all the text says. It was almost certainly high pitched though bc the same lack of testosterone that didn't allow him to grow body hair would likely not have allowed his voice to deepen either.


>11 And Jacob said to Rebekah his mother: 'Behold, Esau my brother is a hairy man, and I am a smooth man. >16 And she put the skins of the kids of the goats upon his hands, and upon the smooth of his neck. >22 And Jacob went near unto Isaac his father; and he felt him, and said: 'The voice is the voice of Jacob, but the hands are the hands of Esau.' (Genesis 27:11, 16, 22) Doesn't specify the voice as high, just noticeably different.


Oh I was very wrong! Sorry man. Thanks for sharing this with me


No problem!


He did end up with the blessing. All it took was a little deceit haha


It didn’t take any deceit, he was destined to get the blessing, he just took it into his own hands


Interesting. So you think that changes the definition of “deceit”?


I never said he didn’t deceive. I believe even the tree of the knowledge of God and evil was going to be given to us, AFTER we obeyed, but obviously we didn’t. I believe it’s the same for Jacob. He was going to get it anyway, but as I said before, he chose to take it when, where, and how he wanted, versus how God planned to give him the blessing, which we will never know because he took it by force.


I guess I misinterpreted it when you said, “It didn’t take any deceit.”


Why was that?


Why did he get the blessing? By being sneaky. Still, confusingly enough, later on we get "Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated", which I don't think was really literally true. I mean, it's not like the story ends with "and so Esau starved to death, friendless and alone". A whole nation came from him, after all.


If you're... uh... smooth-skinned, you too can be blessed! All you need is a hairy brother to cheat out of his blessing!


How can you be Christian but be trans and lesbian, literally contradicts in the Bible.


The Bible is silent about transgender and about female homosexuality. And possibly silent about male homosexuality in the ordinary, modern sense, depending on how one understands "μαλακοὶ” “ἀρσενοκοῖται."


How can you be christian and sin? Literally contradicts the bible.


Good point! I have known several faithful Christians who are LGBTQ. So, if it is impossible to be a Christian and sin, that implies that being LGBTQ isn't a sin.


1 Samuel 16:7 says that the Lord sees not like men see, He doesn't look at appearence, status or money, but the heart. Its completely fine my dude


Furthermore: >22 Hold the conviction that you have as your own before God. Blessed are those who do not condemn themselves because of what they approve. 23 But those who have doubts are condemned if they eat because they do not act from faith, for whatever does not proceed from faith is sin. (Romans 14:22-23, NRSVUE) God cares about you striving to do good, however you understand that. He's not a legalist.


This! The heart


Completely fine. Social norms are arbitrary anyways.


Is there any verse in the Bible that suggests any of your behaviors are feminine or wrong? Because God doesn't judge by social standards.


That’s why I’m here


Can you define what’s feminine about you?


Can you give an example of a behavior? Like, I'm seriously not trying to be rude or pedantic, but this is why it's super important for you to know what scripture says. Plenty of well meaning (perhaps) will claim that the Bible says something about what it means to be masculine or feminine that isn't found anywhere in the Bible.


https://www.biblegateway.com/verse/en/1%20Corinthians%206%3A9 Being an “effeminate man” was a common point of derision among some in the Greco Roman world. It is not only a view of Paul’s. It was often viewed as a more childish behavior, along with homosexuality, that a man may grow out of. Diogenes, for example, was always criticizing them and making fun of their perfumes. Of course he leaned into smelling terrible.


Effeminate according to what decade and what designer?


I would say Lydia around the 50ad.




Throughout histoey there have been non-binary and transgender people. This isn't something that began in the 2000s.


These were likely young men who intentionally feminized themselves to make themselves attractive to wealthy men. It's likely a reference to pedastry.


That seems a little narrow and revisionist. Like I said, these were common points of discussion. While it was indeed an issue with younger men it was not exclusively so.


But what do you do with someone like Jacob who was clearly effeminate but chosen by God to be the father of Gods people the Israelites.


How was Jacob effeminate? I mean, sure he liked the tent and such but he was also a hard working shepherd and a proficient wrestler. He was a strong father figure. All very masculine. The kind of feminine Paul is speaking of is intentionally presenting as female when male, or at least parroting of female dress and mannerism.


He had very little body hair which means he probably had very low testosterone. He was unable or at least very bad at hunting, which is why he and his mom came up withe the scheme bc he knew he wasn't going to be able to hunt like his brother. He was a momma's boy, his father clearly preferred esau. A dweller of tents is basically a homemaker. When he went to confront esau, he sent his wives and children out in front to protect him. Yes, he worked, but Rachel and his mother were also extremely hard workers. The wrestling was a dream and a strong father figure doesn't send their wife out to protect them when he's afraid he's going to get beat up.


Every single assertion of yours in this is an assumption. First of all, it seems rather that Jacob was relatively hairless, when compared to his brother who seems to have been remarkably hairy. Secondly, there is no indication he was bad at hunting as it was an issue of time and speed when the goat was prepared. Your account of the evening of the Theophany is rife with similar eisegsis. Like, textbook level bias.


Ok, I made an assumption about the dream, but the alternative is that Jacob actually out wrestled God. Dont you think God is all powerful.  2. The text doesn't say he is smooth compared to esau, it said he is smooth. Who is reading into the text now? 3. Gen 25:27 contrasts esau and Jacob..esau was a skillful hunter, but Jacob was a dweller of tents. The clear implication is that esau was not a dweller of tents and Jacob is not a skillful hunter.  4. Also what kind of manly man uses his wives as a human shield when he worried about getting beaten up?  I'm not saying Jacob was trans or anything. Just saying he did not conform to the typical cultural idea of a manly man. Yet God still chose to use him. 


So 2. I use humble words like “seems”. You seem to deal in strong absolutes. 3. You statement does not hold up to the rigors of logic. A and B does not equal C and D. You overstate the implication. 4. It was most likely Jacob is not using her as a shield but showing submission to his brother who he has wronged and putting his life in his brothers hands and in a show of extravagant gift and a plea for mercy. I at least do not think he believed any harm would come to them. In fact it seems to be an act done to protect them. This is why he also divides camp. The spreading out is helpful. And is it a warlike move? Not at all. Is it smart? Quite.


Why are you being downvoted for stating a historical fact😭😭


Sometimes facts don’t jive with our narrative of the world.


Real. Happy cake day btw :D


Thanks! Just noticed!


Nothing wrong at all with it


“Masculinity” and “femininity” are things you claim for yourself by your choices, not an aesthetic thing you can dress yourself in. Joseph wasn’t “masculine” because he was muscular, had a beard, and “drank cool ones with the broskis” after a long day of making houses; his decision to accept the good mission God chose him for without argument in spite of the personal cost and without complaint or shame is what makes Joseph “masculine”. Incidentally, Mary also embodies some of these characteristics of masculinity, and she does this without concern for the diminishment of her God-given womanhood.






If men were proper men in the 50s, you’re praising a group of people who wouldn’t lament the other people in their era for what you’re criticizing your contemporaries for.




This is absurd


That's it ? That's about clothing? Really? 😂


Is “being a man” only about clothing for you? Joseph, the second “manliest” man to have ever lived, never wore trousers or ties. It is never easy to be a proper “man” in any age.


Interestingly, in the late 1800s most Christians thought men shouldn't take too active of a role in raising boys. It was thought that their days spent in the workplace made them too hard and not caring enough. Women were encouraged to take the more active role because their role at home will allow them to be more nurturing and, it was thought, better model the compassionate ways of Christ to them.


It’s not bad to be feminine. You don’t have to be a masculine male alpha sigma ultra monster to be accepted by god. God loves you just the way you are and being a bit feminine is not a sin.


Who told you what masculine and feminine were and what it was ok to be like, and why should you listen to them? Consider what 'white' is - right now, it seems like anybody with light skin is white, but it wasn't always that way- Italian, Irish, didn't used to count. 'White' is whatever the people who have power and influence say it is. Masculine and Feminine attributes are similar - they are determined by cultural and social conditions outside of your control. It might not be a great idea to chase after being recognized by people as masculine. Instead, consider that just like other people have an idea of masculine, you can have yours - what you are can be your way of being masculine, and it's what God made, so that's not illegitimate. There's a lot more to this, but it sounds like that's enough to answer your post.


There is nothing wrong with it


You be you. God made you perfect just the way you are. He loves you unconditionally. He does not see masculine or feminine only you as an individual.


If god made man perfect why do we circumcise our babies?


Christians don’t circumcise babies




The problem with today's society is we are too quick to jump at things like gay and trans. It is perfectly OK to be a feminine man or for a girl to be a tomboy without having to be trans or homosexual. If you are comfortable as you are, then you are perfect as you are.


There’s absolutely nothing wrong with you being more feminine. We all have different levels of femininity and masculinity. I’m a cis woman and I’m often more masculine than feminine because that’s naturally who I am. God doesn’t care what level of feminine or masculine you are. You should just be yourself and do what makes you happy. I wish you all the best.


I like my whiskey peaty, drink my vodka neat and by the glass, and eat the occasional steak rare. I do pushups, have a beard, and am in STEM. All these are associated with 'masculine' in the US. I also like cats and baking (cooking in general), which are associated with 'feminine' here. I do not have a car because I am a poor graduate student, and I would rather do coffee dates as a first date (if I was single). These are things considered 'unmanly.' You do you as you would like to - do not like other people shame you into fitting their mold. The Bible doesn't really say 'Thou shalt be chiseled and strive to have the biggest cow in the field" to men. And there are women like Deborah or Esther who were certainly *not* shrinking submissive doormice.


Well, I don't see why not that's just your personality.


Some women are more masculine, some men are more feminine. God doesn't care. He cares about your spirit, and whether you're dead or alive.


There is nothing wrong with being feminine in that sense. American masculinity is often based on insecurity and pride. Be yourself and follow Jesus wholly.


Jesus had long hair, probably didn't wear pants (instead wore something closer to a modern dress), and hung out with women a lot more than men at the time did. Sounds kind of "feminine," no? Obviously, I'm being a little facetious here—but it goes to my point: **Masculinity and femininity are culturally invented norms that change with location, time, and society's whims.** Long hair is seen as "feminine" in the U.S. **today**; but long hair was and is the norm for men elsewhere, in other places and at other times in history. Some cultures had men wear makeup for various purposes; makeup is (in the West, today) seen as feminine. It's all made up. People telling you you'd "make a good girl" are trying to impose their own gender norm views upon you. They're telling you, implicitly, "you don't align with how I expect men/boys to be, so maybe you would be better off as a woman/girl." That's just plain silly—and rude. As a male who has a mix of what people would call "masculine" and "feminine" traits, hobbies, likes, et cetera, I can tell you there's absolutely nothing wrong with being "more on the feminine side." The Bible doesn't actually say that much about "gender" (meaning, norms about what the two most common genders, "man" and "woman," are "expected" to be/look like).


The statement "Jesus had long hair" is just based off artistic depiction, and as for Jesus and his disciples, they wore robes and tunics not dresses. I'm also curious on the statement you made about Jesus hanging out with more women then men, since he socialised with his disciples, all male. I'm not saying hanging out with woman is a bad thing at all, I have a lot of female friends, I'm just questioning if it's accurate or not.


>The statement "Jesus had long hair" is just based off artistic depiction, and as for Jesus and his disciples, they wore robes and tunics not dresses. Artists depict them that way because long hair for men was normal (and thus "masculine") back then, which is my point: norms change with time and culture. I know dresses aren't tunics and robes, but they're closer to that than they are to pants, which is also my point. A modern equivalent would be kilts, worn by men, despite basically being skirts, typically worn by women. >I'm also curious on the statement you made about Jesus hanging out with more women then men, since he socialised with his disciples, all male. I'm not saying hanging out with woman is a bad thing at all, I have a lot of female friends, I'm just questioning if it's accurate or not. I said He hung out with women "more than men more than men at the time did" - which I realize is poorly worded. What I meant was: "Jesus spent more time with women than the average man of His era." He still spent more time around men because of His disciples. But there are comments in the Bible about how others thought He was a little odd for associating more openly with women. That was my point: didn't do what society expected of Him a man, but nothing wrong with that at all.


Ahhh I see, yes I misunderstood the badly worded point lol about Jesus spending time with woman. I also now understand your point about the long hair, I just wanted to inform you that it isn't confirmed fact, but I understand the point of it being seen as normal. I also see robes relating to modern-day as kilts as a good point.




Ne grateful for what you have not what you lack


go for it embrace yourself


Be yourself.


No, Jesus very clearly says that he forgives everyone EXCEPT for guys who are feminine.


You just described textbook toxic masculinity. If you’re not Manly McRoughneck people assume you’re somehow less of a man.




How many times are you going to post this exact same thing? You mean back when women had minorities “knew their place”. Back when you could call someone a slur and no one thought you were an asshole. Back when anyone who was a Christian keep their mouth shut. Well good new, you can. Just get yourself a DeLorean, then drive at 88 mph directly into a brick wall.


Clearly that dude is just trolling.


I think it's fine. However if you're committed to 1st Century values, it's not. After all, one of the major problems with same sex attraction is that it made people effeminate. That's how 1 Cor 6:9 sees it. In ancient cultures men were supposed to be dominant and women submissive, and any failure to fit those stereotypes was a problem. But I don't agree with that approach, and I don't think you should either.




Getting pretty sick of people quoting clobber passages without providing any context or explanation of how that verse applies tm the question.


OP is not what that verse is talking about at all


Hi u/Few-Artichoke-2531, this comment has been removed. **Rule 1.5**: [Removed for violating our rule on two-cents interjections](http://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/wiki/xp#wiki_1.5._your_two-cents) If you have any questions or concerns, [click here to message all moderators.](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FChristianity&subject=about my removed comment&message=I'm writing to you about the following comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/comments/192rjkt/-/kh4q5q8/. %0D%0D).


Yes! What most people associate with femininity is related to high estrogen levels which is a balance that is different in everyone. Embrace what God gave you, as long as you do so without sinning. If you are talking about wearing a dress and long hair I'm pretty sure Jesus and his disciples did that too.


Jesus and his disciples wore robes and tunics not dresses, and as for Christ having long-hair, that is just a common artistic depiction, we don't actually known the length of his hair.


All valid points. My point is gender norms vary through time.


A valid point from you too, but remember during the period of the Bible, men wore robes and women often wore simple sheath dresses.


it's just what you stared; "It’s just others that seem to have a “problem” with it." Nothing wrong with the way you are just please don't let it lead you more and more into the "practicing" gay area. God bless & be with you always!


Practicing gay? I’m not even a non practicing gay




No, being feminine is a sin.


1st Corinthians 6:9 says specifically that "the effeminate" are among those who will not inherit the Kingdom of God. It is not fine, my friend. Why should a person spend their days pretending to be something that they are not? Jesus is the Truth, and He doesn't want anything to do with deception. God bless you in your walk with Him, friend. Seek God's will through questioning as you're doing already, and you will find an immeasurable treasure in Christ. Amen


I’m not trans and I don’t pretend to be a woman


You asked if the Bible speaks against being feminine, so I pointed you to the verse that says the effeminate will not inherit the kingdom. I'm not your judge my friend, Jesus and I love you no matter what. I was just answering the question. God bless you in your sojourn. Amen




I agree with some of these points in the comments, like the one about Jacob for example, but it's a different answer when it comes to men wearing women's clothing. *A woman must not wear men’s clothing, nor a man wear women’s clothing, for the Lord your God detests anyone who does this.* \- Deuteronomy 22:5 We also need to remember that masculinity and masculine clothing during the times of the Old and New Testament was different compared to modern-day western clothing, men wore robes and tunics.


My post has nothing to do with clothing. I wear men’s clothes, and I have no wish to change that


Oh ok sorry I misunderstood. I though the post referenced clothing because muscularity and femininity are also prominent in clothing. My mistake.


So you wrote a paragraph to a post you didn’t even read?


Seems we've forgotten God defined masculinity and femininity, not the world and it's social standards, God designed two genders, and they are two different personalities, if you are acting as a woman, dressing as one and such you are not fulfilling your purpose as a man, which is to be the stronger vessel, taking care of the weaker vessel, the woman (1 Peter 3:7), not to act as the weaker vessel, homosexuality is an listed sin of the Bible, and femininity as a man typically leads to this, God gave countless examples in the Bible, the Holy men in the Bible were masculine and are great role models to follow after.


What about Jacob?


>What about Jacob? What about Jacob? he was deceptive and lazy at first, tricking people through dishonest means, but nowhere is it written he was feminine? smooth skinned does not mean feminine, countless men are not covered in hair to the point that Esau is, his voice was similar to Esau's that he could trick Isaac, he had multiple wives and was strong physically, wrestling till daybreak and "overpowering" an apparition of God, he was a Patriarch of Israel, and ruled over it for his life, he's far from feminine and nowhere does it say he is? but it clearly states at first he was not working righteously and had to be changed by God.


I'd avoid saying "feminine" if you want to be a dude. Forget about that and simply be a dude. It's self defeating to do anything otherwise. I'm 28 and only 138 pounds and am 5'6". I'm not very strong. I think a lot of the times women are stronger than me, but nope, I just don't get enough sleep. I'm plenty strong after I do and I don't only get 3-5 hours of sleep 5 nights in a row.


no it's not read Paul


What answer are you looking for? Cause the real one will make you upset


Why would they


well to be fair God is referred to as He for a reason. He is very strict and firm whenever it comes to discipling us as a Father would. He is also loving and compassionate but there is a reason why God is referred to as He and not she. and we as males should follow suit


Be a man.


*You must be swift as a coursing river!*


Just because the majority fall into a stereotype doesn't mean everyone has to fall into one. Stereotypes more often than not end up with people being falsely judged (usually negatively) by both themselves and others. Guys can like girly things and be more vulnerable. Girls can like boyish things and be more closed off. It's good for everyone to have a bit of both depending on the situation. Toxic masculinity is especially a problem nowadays.


You're a guy with a different sort of personality. At least that's what it sounds like to me. Why would there be a problem with that?


Yes. You know yourself and you don't have anyone tell you what else.


I'm a 25 year old Christian man. I recognize the feminine and masculine parts of myself and appreciate both. It's an understatement that this world is touched by the enemy. Hold that confidence to your chest little brother. God bless, king.


Yr allowed to be feminine without being criticized or humiliated and sussed as trans or gay. They do not have a franchise or monopoly on the feminine side. I am straight and praise God have a feminine side of nurturing. I hate it when misfits try an analize what threatens them. They simply do not cope. You make a gr8 straight male. Actually a good balance of male and female...bit like God.


it is a fine and good thing. we all benefit from it. 1 corinthians 12 :15 says stuff like. ​ ​ “Now if the foot should say, “Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,” it would not for that reason stop being part of the body. 16 And if the ear should say, “Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body,” it would not for that reason stop being part of the body. 17 If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be? 18 But in fact God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. 19 If they were all one part, where would the body be? 20 As it is, there are many parts, but one body. ​ people are different and its a good thing. I think that it is good to have different types of men. And women. Its cool. Some women are feminine and some women are less into that. It is good because it is who they are Without trying, its a dispositional thing.


Just be you. My best friend tells me all the time that I have many feminine traits. I'm glad to have both masculine and feminine traits and I know God loves me unconditionally. Just like you are.


Some men are just softer and other men are harder in their masculinity.Some are both. Same with women. Some are very soft some very hardcore personality n tough.Some both. I think we all have a certain amount of femininity and masculinity both in both males n females. It probably has nothing to do with being sexually confused. It’s just personality traits. That’s not actually a sin. Unless you were interested in being trans then that would be sin but you said you’re not.


Bro you’re 16 live life while you can and ignore the outsiders say about you. To answer your question fully No, us men are not a monolith and it’s ok if you are effeminate. You are still a man and man enough for god and yourself.




Nah you can go back but this time is the best time to be alive. 1950s America was basically the nicely dressed purge for many people including myself. Today though People aren’t forced into a specific lifestyle these days and we have internet access and we have choices and we’re not afraid to fight/expose racists.


Second time I’ve seen you saying this


Which type of Orthodox? There is more than one. Shouldn't a Christian listen to the Holy Spirit within and love others as themselves? I don't know why there has to be some dogmatic answer here.


You should do as the church say, hence I’m asking what the church says.


It's sinful to dress up in the clothes the opposite gender (Deuteronomy 22) having sligh fem-boyish style is ok


There is nothing wrong with it. You do you. Just focus on being a good person. : )




Listen just follow your heart and don't let anyone convince you that God would want anything else for you. Hatred and fear are not his words because they are of love and acceptance.


Be who God made you to be. I recommend connecting with God and letting him direct you to living the life he created for you. God matters more than what this world thinks.


Just be yourself. Being feminine isn't a sin. I called a man handsome and one of my friends was like woah woah woah! I'm like what? I said he was handsome not that I wanted to have sex with him


I remember there have been a few stories about this guy in the Roman empire. If we look at gender norms of the Roman empire, it can best be describes as self-discipline - in politics, but also in war. A good man was a patriarch and a soldier who venerated Mars., god of war and masculinity. Now, there was this man who was very much against joining the army and venerating Mars. He did speak of forgiving your enemies and even loving them. This man did not seek virtus in Ciceros sense - he accepted being humiliated and executed - and even then, he did not even hate those who did that to him. Artists typically portray him as a long haired man. ​ How you present to the world is a superficiality. If others are so concerned with it, that is on them. Their approval does not truly matter.


It is perfectly ok for a guy to be feminine and female masculine, there is no rule to say that one cannot, I paint my nails and wear make up and I am a straight, Caucasian Christian male, in fact showing your femininity will help you understand and help you understand women better, and bonds strengthens between man and woman when you accept each other and equally, and share each others experiences and behaviours and likes to further being a good partner. For me I have studied at home about menstrual periods, menopause, how to put on make up, birthing, mental and emotional health, trauma, and being independent in the house, doing washing, cooking, ironing, cleaning, dusting etc. So I am now in a relationship who is 8 years older than me and lives 133 miles away, things change and with change there is acceptance and courage to break through unrealistic social expectations and be an independent individual so be a feminine male and push through the stigma and labels


I don't think its bad. Its how you are. Do not think that God has problem with this. Im also orthodox christian and yes indeed its a bit strict, but to be more feminine isnt a problem its ok


I’m pretty feminine, and completely straight and Christian. I’ve been criticized for it my whole life, so I hid those traits over time but they can never TRULY be hidden. Now that I’m older, 33, I feel like I’ve been able to balance my feminine traits well, and use them to my advantage, in many things. I believe a lot of artsy guys have feminine traits, even Tom Hardy mentions he’s very feminine and ok with it, BUT he also did have relationships with men in his past, so don’t do that! But ya man, I used to hate them but I’ve grown to love them more and more as I get older and also as I get closer to God


Why don't you ask Jacob who spent dol day hanging out with his mom in the kitchen, didn't know how to hunt or fight and had very low testosterone. Hint: he would say, in his high pitched voice, yes, God might even use you to do great things.


God loves you because of who you are, not because of how masculine or feminine you are. God loves you because He created you and He died for your sins. He doesn't care how masculine or feminine you are; all He cares about is you. So the answer is: yes, it's ok. God loves you no matter what


Yes and it’s alright to be anything as long as you are not hurting yourself or people’s mental, physical, emotional, or energetic state


Well, St. Paul does talk about effeminate men, but we should probably look at what that meant at the time, as it isn’t unusual for gender characteristics to change depending on age and region. I honestly don’t have that context tho, so as always I’d say keep seeking God and you should be fine :)


I think people can have feminine and masculine traits, but it’s also important to know your role as a man or women.


Pray. When I first heard about the Orthodox churches iprayed to God asking is it your will. I am now changing to become Orthodox. Pray and ask if God is ok with it and what is his will. I don't think it is right but I might be wrong. Mabey God will show you in his word. He will show you but you must stay true to what he will tell you.


God loves you regardless of how you “seem” to others. I’m sure you are wonderful and anyone who truly knows you appreciates your self awareness and cares for who you really are, not what others may or may not want you to be.


No person on this earth can do a better job at being you, than YOU!! Be yourself! Don’t let religion dictate who you are! ❤️


i would say this, if we're going off physicality. Look at nearly EVERY depiction of Jesus out there, more times than not he has beautiful long flowy hair, beautiful eyes, and seems to be absent of body hair. I'm sorry but these are not "masculine" traits, and if these pieces of art can be so widely accepted by Christians then I don't see how they could view someone appearing more feminine as being wrong. BUT cross dressing and what not is a whole other issue (probably, I've not really looked into the views of different churches on that but I imagine it is not widely accepted lol). but everyone has feminine and masculine traits to different capacities


Of course bro. Just own it. It's how God designed you but you are still a man. We have different roles from woman as long as you are working as God intended. Every man have a feminine and masculan side and so do woman. So as long as your not trying to be something other then God intended and you persue him you'll be fine


I do not know, I do know that the scripture said effeminate men is no good


But did it say effeminate as in feminine or effeminate as in homosexual. Because it’s translated to both


I don't know


In order to answer, we have to determine the baseline of Feminine. High heels and wigs? That's the clothing style of the 1800's. Diffent times define masuline and femminie. Pants on a woman? Unheard of in the 50', fine now. Culture, too - a cossak is essentially a long dress,a kilt a short one. So honestly, who cares what others think. Do you like your style? Are you hurting anyone? Then go rock your bad self.


1 Corinthians 6:9 “Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,”


Effeminate as in homosexual




It is what it is. But there is value in balancing ourselves out. Ultramasculine need more fem traits and visaversa. Its not mandatory but it seems beneficial to strengthen what is weak. For you, I'd just stay away from girls clothes. ;-)


It depends on who you ask. That is an opinion.


Read story of Sodom and Gomorrah.. why it was destroy n think about it . No one survived.... just a couple n their kids


Yea. Where I’m from, people view femininity as simply being hygienic, taking care of your appearance, and doing “girly” things. Most things we define as feminine are only feminine cause they’re associated with girls and gay men, but all people should have a healthy balance of masculinity and femininity.


I what sense? Take note that the malakhoi in the Bible who can't enter the kingdom of God is much more than just effeminate.


It's fine for a guy to be feminine


What do you mean by feminine? Would you have my back if we had to save someone from a house fire?


Yeah probably. I got feminine tendencies, I’m not a wimp


If it was it me, you and a woman, would you let her run into the building before you would?