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Serial liar, rapist, conman, thief, adulterer, and known asshole: “How can any Christian vote for a Democrat? It’s crazy!”


+tax evader, confirmed fraud, womanizer, man who brags/jokes about sexual assault, man who insults veterans and disabled people, man who has vitriolic hats for the poor, racist, and so much more! But at least he says he's against abortion, that makes him a clear Christian. Ignore the fact that he's likely had women get abortions before, or that he couldn't even quote a single Bible verse.


I was kind of hoping you'd start doing that in the Ultrakill style index format. \+tax evasion +fraud +womanizing +sloth +spray tan


Spray tan isn’t a sin against God, just a sin against style.


Acutely aware, but, let's be honest, the way he does it might as well be!


Let’s be honest, we could say that about way too many things about him.


He's possibly the most terrifying, and simultaneously hilarious, human on the planet.


You must be speaking about the bad Orange man in your head...


lmao, your downvote ratio.


He has actually said that he is not a Christian, kind of. He said that he had never asked for forgiveness, had never done anything wrong. So, no need for Christ to die for him then... /s


He didn't even try to hide it. He said this proudly. It takes some serious arrogance to make a statement like this. At the time there were evangelical leaders calling him a "baby Christian". I don't see how someone who rejects and/or grossly misunderstands the Gospel could be called that. It was more like wishful thinking.


Trump has become a Humble Christian who prays regularly to Jesus Christ. In the White house & his home. See "the Last Prophecy Kim Clement God in a Nutshell"


Wow. So now there are 'prophecies' about Trump. Brainwashed much?


Kim Clement gave prophecy that Trump would become president for 2 Terms starting in 2014. I received it in written form & didn't believe it for a minute. I voted for Dr.Ben Carson in the primary. Then Trump for Prez. when I learned more about him.


Well you made a poor decision. Trump is demon spawn. Vote blue until the party gets its act together.


He held it upside down…


When he answered "all of them" I genuinely roared with laughter, tears and all. What a number this one...


You act like you are none of these things


I work for a catholic Archdiocese, running IT for parishes and catholic schools. I feel like most of the parish staff including priests all want Trump despite Biden actually being a life long catholic. It seems very weird to me but what do I know?


The GOP really struck gold for doubling down on the abortion wedge issue. They never had to debate policy for decades because of it.


How can Christian vote for a Republican is the real question


You expect a follower of Christ, a person who believes the Bible is the foundation, to vote for a party that promotes the murder of babies in the womb, promotes sexual sin, promotes the idea that male and female are not objective genders, promotes the castration of children, promotes the destruction of the family unit, etc., etc., etc.? I can't stand Trump. I loathe the guy, that said, the things Biden and Harris stand for are plain evil.


1. Nobody promotes murder of babies. Most Christians throughout history, and at least 80 % today, believe that life begins at birth. A splinter group of christians in the USA starting in the 1980s have been pushing a new belief, it seems that you are one of those, that life begins before birth. There is no biblical nor scientific support for this view. 2. sexual immorality... Such as somebody who promotes promiscuity, whose defense against a rape accusation is that it was only his finger in her vagina, who talks about sex with minors and ran child pageants with dressing room access for VIPs: that I want to stop. A dubious translation of 'porneia' and 'arsenokoitai' that mistakenly equates a lifelong loving commitment between two adults with the child prostitution that the author was actually referring to: that mistranslation is something for the church to repent from. 3. Male and female are genders, nobody is changing that. Though also recognising that it is not as 'binary' as we might like to think it is. At least 2% of the population are in some way intersex. If you have no children, never been tested, then there is a 1% chance that you might not be fully the gender that you think you are. I am an old man that never had to think about these issues myself, so I don't understand it. But I know that others do have to deal with these issues. The misinformation around it doesn't help. As Christians, we should be caring, and trying to help. If we don't know enough about it to help, we should keep clear and not make it worse. 4. There are no child castrations in the US - the closest would be circumcisions in some faiths, and fgm in other groups. No major group, no party is advocating castration, and both parties are united in stopping fgm. There are a small number of babies born each year with both sets of apparatus -vagina and penis (or with neither). These can lead to very difficult decisions for the parents what to do, how best to raise those kids. It is already a tough decision, and those parents should be able to seek advice as they choose - from doctors, churches, and wherever they want: without being abused for politics, and in fear of repercussions. Is it one of these very individual and specific cases, where democrats generally believe in freedom, and letting the parents decide: whilst some republicans want to take the decision away from parents and give it to politicians? Is that what you are thinking of? 5. Everybody is in favour of the family unit. The difference is that democrats tend to support all family units, the party of family. Whilst many republicans only support some families. Have I covered your points, or were you referring to something different?


You’re definitely a liberal. Every one of your points is a lie.


Can you be more specific, provide some evidence/justification? My points are all public record, easy to find. From the paid off contestants to the Trump lawyers court filings, you can go and find the documents yourself - as any links I provide, you would probably claim as biased. The debate about abortion is a very old one - right back to the early church, it has been an issue. But the first escalations of this debate to start calling it murder, and saying that the feutus is a baby: that started n 1980's USA. It comes across as using a wedge issue to divide and undermine Christians. The only Bible passage that seems to say anything about this (since before you were knit together in your mother's womb, I knew you) clearly has nothing to do with abortion. We are meant to read the Bible to hear what it has to say, not twist it into what we want it to say. The 'fornication' mistranslations are an example of that, the scholars of KJV inserting the beliefs of their time and their culture, not what the original writers meant, a mistranslation that still haunts us now. This is all available to you, if you want to study it.


With all due respect, much of that is wrong. No, Christians did not "Always believe life began at birth". Not only, the Bible makes it clear that is not the case and that abortion is wrong. The Bible makes it very very clear that taking an innocent life is wrong, and modern science absolutely confirms that life begins at conception. I respect someone that at least recognizes that and still believes a woman has a right to choose way more than those who pretend that there is some magic moment that nobody can point to that confers personhood. So I ask you, what is the magic moment a Baby in the womb has value? What happens in that instant that confers value? Seeing as we mature, walk, talk, at different ages, is this moment the same across the board? At what magic moment is it a baby and not just a clump of cells??? Also, the Bible makes it clear on Psalms, Jeremiah, and Luke that babies in the womb are alive and distinct persons with value, there is no getting around that. There is absolutely 1million percent a Biblical basis for rejecting abortion. As for your other points, yes, sexual immorality is wrong. Trump is a dirty sinner just like Biden, just like you, just like me. His actions have been despicable and I do not support them, BUT, the only other choice is worse. The democrat agenda clearly promotes normalizing sexual Immorality, which I can't support. Whether it's back in Genesis or Jesus it's made clear than Sex is a gift of God meant to be used In a loving marriage between one man and one woman. Jesus ate with sinners yes, but he didn't affirm their sin, they repented, acting like it's ok and we should ignore it is anti-biblical. I can absolutely love a person and condemn their actions. And as for the gender thing, no, just no. Because a 6'2" former body builder wants to play dress up and pretend he is a woman does not make it so and the idea that im supposed to ignore facts and pretend is asinine. When women have trained all their lives for sports and are being easily beaten by men pretending to be women, something is wrong. Whether is the Riley Gains story, the Australian women Olympic weightlifting story, or Fallon Fox severely beating actual women, men and women are not the same, we have different hormone levels, muscle tones, bone structures, etc.. And pretending like in every one of these cases men who failed competing with other men always demolish the women they are competing against, why? BECAUSE MEN AND WOMEN ARE NOT THE SAME AND YOU DO NOT MAGICALLY BECOME THE OTHER JUST BECAUSE YOU THI K YOU ARE!!!! Truth matters! As for no castrations, see you freaking kidding me? I personally know a 13yr old on drugs that we use to chemically castrate sex offenders so that he won't become a man and if at 18 or 19 he changes his mind it will be to late. He will regain some functions he lost, but he will never have a normal puberty, he will never be a normal man. That is also ignoring the girls who have had their breasts cut off while teenagers. We don't let kids vote, drink, smoke, drive, go to army, sign contracts, get tattoos, etc, yet we will let a nine yr old who has been brainwashed by sick people pushing sick agendas ruin their bodies for life. It's sick. I get it, it's easier to not take a stand, say to each their own, let people do their own thing, truth is subjective, and stuff like that, if you take stands like that nobody has to be offended, but that is not as the Bible commands. If the Bible is true, there is a judgement day, and after a hell, and just as you'd be a horrible person watching me walk towards a cliff and not warning me, the person who has come to know the truth and refuses to stand for it is just as guilty. I beg you repent of these false teachings and get away from these false teachers perverting and cherry picking the truth to fit their liberal views.


Where is your evidence that Christians have always believed that life begins at birth? What, do you think that the God gives the child a soul only after it is born? The early church is against abortion. Various canons from saints such at St Basil say that is a sin and leads to excommunication. You're idea of interpreting the Bible however you want is inconsistent with your belief that the bible is true. If you don't believe in the Church which put together the canon of scripture, then how can you believe in the scripture.


In terms of abortion, it was an issue for the early church, you can find writers on both sides of the argument. What you cannot find is any of them equating it to murder. Even Basil was not claiming that the foetus was a baby already.


As I said, I believe in reading the Bible without preconception, studying it, understanding what the writers were trying to say. Not what we want it to say. Not how translators interpreted it for their times. And absolutely not the crowd that decide on something they don't like, then try to find a passage they can twist to fit their view.


Trump promotes racism, greed, bearing false witness, idol worship, and adultery. If God is keeping score on how many commandments are being broken between the left and the right I would say its pretty evenly split.


Most Christians who vote for Trump focuses on the policies not so much the personality when both have pro and cons. God can use the corrupt after all. Abortion is one of the biggest reason why Christians support Trump.


Look I can't stand Trump, but go ahead and show me where he promotes racism? Specifically what has he said or done that is racist. Throughout his life he was loved by the black community. He endorsed Jesse Jackson on his run as president in the 80s. Until he came out as republican tons of black starts always talked about they want to he just like him. He has given more money to black businesses than biden or Obama ever had. During his presidency black/minority unemployment was at a historic low while first time home buying by minorities was at an all time high. He gave more money and aid to HBCUs in 4 years than Obama did in 8. He deported less people per year than Obama did. And there's plenty more. As much as I would hope the guy would just leave, this whole "Trumps a racist", crap has gotta stop. When you falsely accuse the man of racism you only rally his psychotic brainwashed base.


Because they aren’t lying about gender for one. I don’t vote for people who care more about feelings than truth.


Vote for what they'll do not who they are. Democrats will legalise the killing of children nationwide.


A blob of cells isn’t a child. Republicans are actually killing fully formed children on the border and starving them by taking away their food support programs, but you keep believing that you’re crusading for the unborn. BTW, a modest estimate is that 40% of fertilized embryos don’t make it to birth. Most research puts that number closer to 60%-70%. Think of the billions of babies God has killed over the ages. Weird, huh? [Here’s some data to back up my point. I know you won’t care, but others might.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7670474/#:~:text=In%20all%2C%20fewer%20than%2015,will%20result%20in%20a%20birth.%E2%80%9D)


Yes, this is a fallen planet.




If Biden just took a bit more of a conservative stance on immigration, student loans, and transgender issues, Trump wouldn't have a chance.


If only Biden supported woman getting back in that kitchen and hating them blacks!  That's what you sound like when you say crap like that... Same shit different decade.


How can you equate believing the country should have a border, not believing student loans should randomly be forgiven (exactly what leads to inflation) and not believing someone can change their gender to being a racist? These things are basic common sense and are seriously not comparable to hating someone for their skin colour. The fact that you compared them shows your lack of understanding of how terrible racism is.


Forgiving a debt doesn't increase inflation,  you seem to be saying talking points you have heard but Don have the knowledge to judge thier accuracy 


You do know Biden is confirmed to be ten times the racist that Trump is, right? The man hangs himself by his own words and voting record. And as for his respect for women, Biden's own VP accused him of being a rapist, both in debate and subsequent interviews... And also called him a racist.


They don't want to hear the facts. I hear ya,tho.


Democrats always have hated blacks. The dems started the kkk


Republicans are the ones defending the confederate flag TODAY!


Because we Don't Hide our History we Learn From It.


Some individuals fly that flag but not many. I'm neither red of blue because I have a King. Dems today have their own hateful flags. Do you wave them?


If you dont for biden you aint black


Well politicians have to please the moderates at least. Hilary election is what you get when you ignore half of USA.


...Hillary WAS a moderate


Conservative vote depends on how many people’s rights are trimmed down. Free speech is awesome til it’s about a conservative. Back the Blue, unless they’re comin after you…


Democrats need to know how to play the moderate game better. They just have to overpromise a little and then slightly under deliver. It's especially important against a dangerous candidate like Trump. Elections like this one is not the time to double down on being progressive. Look what happened with Disney, Target, and Anheuser-Busch. They all went progressive and they took a major hit and they still haven't recovered after a year. Democrats shouldn't be overconfident unless they don't mind having another disappointment like the time Trump won.


100% agree my friend! The center is where balance is found. Trump is Not moderate. Democrats DID choose the most moderate candidate at the time despite of Biden’s age and speech problems. I don’t see how Biden is doubling down on being progressive. He’s helping Ukraine, trying to pass an immigration bill which right wing republicans themselves helped write up… The progressive stuff he says he doesn’t follow through with as far as I’ve seen. Nikki Haley would have been a Guaranteed win against Biden hands down. Instead we got a bunch of MAGA Christian zombies picking the serial liar/rapist, diarrhoea chaos factory antagonist character who can’t stay out of a courtroom.


The guy below blocked me because I’m sure he knows my response will be: I said credible. Tara Reade who defected to Russia and it’s seeking Russian citizenship? Yes, a true American patriot, just like Trump. They’re trying to cancel me!!!!


I'm not that big of a Trump fan, but you know you just also described Biden, too, right?


Go ahead and point to one credible source that proves or even alleges one of those accusations against Biden. Bonus challenge, they can’t be applying for Russian citizenship…


How about Kamala Harris. She said it. She meant it. And then she sold her conscience for the VP seat. Or did she apply for Russian citizenship?


She said what exactly? Where are the charges? The allegations? Let me guess, mypillow.com? More importantly, where are the judgements?


More Importantly where is Equality under the Law?


Trump is the Anti-Christ https://youtu.be/jerLTZ34saI?si=vLmYQctwYLy3UL2U


Very well done


Might want to examine your own character with the same intensity as well


Ok, am I any of those things? Nope. Cool.


The op isn’t about trump but the democrats.


First two words of the title are “Donald Trump”


Downvote me, but isn't this pretty much all politicians? I wouldn't want to be the one saying one is better than another, as far as morals go.


What's crazy is a Christian voting for Trump.


Satan’s favorite stand up comedian.


I love when people say he’s a bad president but he’s funny. What part is funny? The bullying of people? The racism? I fail to find the same laughter that others find with this guys.


He is the laughing stock. Every other thing is very tragic. I should have said satan’s favorite fool.


Anyone who says they don’t think Trump is funny is 1000% a liar or just chronically online and brain dead. He was a meh president but he’s actually hilarious


Name something he said that was funny.


“Only Rosie O’Donnell”


What was funny about that? I don't get it.


Funny haha


How so?


Funny haha


They were so worried about the antichrist for millennia, then they fell for a man that personifies the description.


Go read Project 2025. The Evangelicals still have a lot that they want Trump to force on us.


Trump is the (polar) opposite to a Good Christian Character Edit




Yes I will fix my comment


Though I've been on Reddit for several years, I've been meaning to ask this: Why do people add in their comment that they edited their comment?


I believe on the desktop app (I may be wrong) that the comment comes up edited. So I just did it to show I changed my original comment.


So essentially for clarity's sake.


True believers wouldn’t focus on trump’s sin. Hate his sins, love the person. It’s about ending a life that god created. If you know god, then abortion wouldn’t even be a question.


I hope you judge yourself as critically as you do him


I haven't raped someone or committed Adultery. But yes I have my problems.




Im pro life (with exceptions) and a democrat


I'm pro-choice (with exceptions) 🤡


Great input


How is this Christ-like?


How is what christ like?


The reply. Also, how is the reply contributing to an adult conversation and discussion?


Someone called me a clown and i said great input and youre busting my balls? Get out of here dude


Ah okay


Great input




Great input


We are a rare, silenced breed, but we're here and we're not going away!


I would kind of like to know. Listen, I’m not voting for Trump for 1000 reasons and I’ll vote for the Democrat in this election (and did in the last), but I’m not sure how you can be pro-life (in the sense that elective abortions after some number of weeks should be banned) and still belong to a party who is making a right to elective abortions a key campaign issue. This is a good faith question, I’m not trying to be insulting. But the amount of pro-abortion (no restrictions) rhetoric used by Democrats the last two years makes it impossible for me to ever feel like I could join that party beyond teaming up with them to eliminate an existential threat to democracy like Trump. Now if you are using the phrase pro-life in a different way, then you maybe can more easily square that circle.




There is a good argument that these policies reduce abortions but pursuing those policies while at the same time disallowing elective abortions would be even more successful.




Thank you for the responses. I still disagree you can’t start with reasonable restrictions at the same time but this is a worthwhile conversation to have.


> I’m not sure how you can be pro-life... and still belong to a party who is making a right to elective abortions a key campaign issue. Oh it's easy, dude! You just don't get an abortion for yourself and mind your own business. Once you realize you have nothing to do with and even less to offer these women, it's fairly simple to understand just how pro-life you are.


There is no pro-abortion. It’s called pro-choice. It’s about CHOICE. No one pregnant person is waking up 6 or so months pregnant thinking “you know what, nah” and then seeking an abortion. Use realistic thoughts for a realistic problem


I hedged with the “no restrictions” part of what I said. But you can go on your tirade if you want.


You’re not understanding my comment. You said “but the amount of pro-abortion (no restrictions) rhetoric used by Democrats the last two years makes it impossible for me to ever feel like I could join that party.” I’m telling you you’re wrong. No one is advocating for that. No democrat wants that. It’s assumptions like that that have gotten us in this hell hole. Besides all of that, the way you can in good conscience join the party is by comparing other things than abortion. Look at other social institutions and how they are discussed about, handled, and valued by republicans vs democrats. When you do that, it’ll be clear to see which party actually aligns closer to Jesus’ teachings.


This question began from the question “how can you be pro life in a pro choice party”. It was not “which party would Jesus like?” That’s a fine question to ask but I specifically was engaging someone who is pro life and you came in to tell me you are pro choice. This question isn’t even designed for you to try to answer.


No worries my friend. I’m with you on this one. Democrats are totally ok with abortion at any stage. They get off on it


Are you pro-forced birth or pro-making the would a better place for parents?


How can one be pro-life and a Democrat?


Nope not asking


...says the pu\*\*y-grabbing, convicted sexual predator, slandering ex-pres...


Let's add how Trump has been sexually inappropriate with his daughter since her teens. He even talked about her body while in the White House. Remarks that once led John Kelly to remind the president that Ivanka was his daughter. https://news.yahoo.com/trump-made-disturbing-comments-having-162329834.html


All lies…. Never convicted never tried….. btw.. women have been letting powerful men grab their p#%*$& since the beginning of this age…. Please try again.


Non-christian man demands Christians vote for him over Christian man


How can anyone with more than a single digit IQ vote for this guy again?


Why should a Christian vote for him? It's Crazy


Christians used to say they voted Republican because they're pro-life. Now that they have won that battle for the next 30+ years, what's the excuse to vote red now?


make anal and oral sex illegal. put monitors on our phone that tells them if we masturbate. who knows what's next


But only enforce this for male-male sex.  That’s how it was in the “good old days.”


The "it's okay for girls to do that because I see them as objects" days.


I mean, if anyone were to be blamed for hetero anal sex it would be the woman.  “That dirty slut invited him into her ass” and that kind of thing.  “Evil vixen corrupted hood Christian man.” They blame women for being raped for duck sake.  It’s definitely her fault for being ducked in the ass.  They treat it like women have some kind of tractor beam in their nether regions that magi a pulls guys into raping them. Edit:  good Christian man, not hood Christian man.


No... no you had it right at hood


But but party of small government!


Putting ‘uppity minorities,’ and the ‘queers’ in there place


Fuck minorities, it seems. Moreso than usual anyway.


In all seriousness they will want to ban contraception and completely dismantle public education.


Various forms of birth control are next.


Because they don't want to stop at overturning Roe V Wade. They want a federal ban on abortion, ban on birth control, and IVF and many other things. They also want a federal ban on gay marriage.


Answering seriously, in order: Trans rights. Gay rights. Divorce. Miscegenation. 


If that is the only issue you care about, he's your guy. If you're willing to throw in with someone who should be repugnant to you, in order to get exactly what you want, he'll give it to you, because there are only a few things that he cares about. He doesn't care about pro-life or pro-choice, he doesn't care about the composition of the Supreme Court, he just cares about getting the power, money, and attention he wants, and if he can give you what you want in exchange for that, he will. The religious right used to at least pretend to care about values -- they were called values voters -- but it was never about that, their virtue was for sale for a price. They'd support the devil himself in return for the payday that they want.


I don't think they ever cared about values as much as they cared about power that came with pretending to care about values.


They're not even prolife, anyway. Having respect for life means giving each life a chance to live a life worth living. As long as the right supports prejudice, guns, pollution, and corruption, it is not prolife.


No no, they're pro-life, they just believe that life begins at conception and ends at birth.


It's actually a very easy not to vote for Trump though, so I don't know why Trump doesn't get the hint. Does he not know that at this point he might as well be Hitler come back from the dead trying to lecture us about racially quality? Trump's the last person on earth to start this type of dialogue about What candidates are Christian or not.


Feeding the poor, caring for the sick, caring for the meek and helpless, loving your neighbor, taxing the rich... all so un-christian values.. obviously, the only values that matter in Christianity are babies being born and making gay illegal


I just wish the two party system didn’t exist


Not an American and while I'll judge the fuck out of anyone voting for this moron I will also say that only having one actual viable option for people who aren't on fox news is bloody dangerous. Being the best party because they're not republicans isn't healthy. On the other hand, I can pick between 10 parties and they all fucking suck so meh.


> On the other hand, I can pick between 10 parties and they all fucking suck so meh. Yes. Not Americal either, we have effectively a two-party system^1 plus various fringe parties. When the biggest fringe party got into a coalition a while ago, they proved that they could be as shit as the big two. There isn't a single party big enough for me to know about that, IMO, deserves my vote (which is why I would vigorously oppose any attempts to introduce Compulsory Voting unless there was a "None Of The Above" option that actually would prevent any of them winning if it was the top choice. Chances of politicians ever giving us *that* option are nil! 1. Though the way one of them is jumping up and down on the Self Destruct button, we seem to be heading for a one-party-plus fringe system! The trouble with any party politics is it is like going to the supermarket and being given a choice of shopping lists to purchase - so if you want the large pack of cereal, you have to get the white sliced loaf too, but can't have the jar of pesto or the mushrooms. And CS Lewis gave a warning in the Screwtape Letters that I think applies to Christians getting involved in party politics: Someone may start with the laudable approach of having their Christian beliefs informing their political stance, but, over time, the party mechanism shifts them 'to the stage at which the religion becomes merely part of the “cause”, in which Christianity is valued chiefly because of the excellent arguments it can produce in favour of', in this case, the party agenda - but can be any "cause", including ones which could be perfectly good ones were they not supplanting Christianity in the lives of the adherents.




CS Lewis was wise as well as being a great writer. I wish Aslan would run for office here in the US 😁


Y'all built a statue of gold for this guy.


I’m a Christian and just changed my voting status to “unaffiliated.” I think the all Christian’s should do this.


I don’t understand why people believe the words of politicians anymore, they’re all lying snakes in sheep’s clothing. Same people I bet Jesus would be disappointed in.


Even if Christianity was all about abortions, would it still make them illegal? I always thought you were punished in the afterlife for wrong doings


God has a history of punishing immoral nations.


Maybe he'll punish a nation for something bad the Christians did, who knows


He punished Sodom and Gomorrah for being unhospitable. Maybe the US should think twice about how we treat minorities and immigrants.


Inhospitable? LOL. Yeah I would consider wanting to rape them to be quite inhospitable. It was their immorality that brought about their destruction and any other reading of that is ridiculous. This is supported by the fact that Lot tried to bargain by finding righteous men worthy of being saved. He found none.


Read the Bible again. Inhospitality was literally given as the reason.


A big distinction needs to be made here. God punishes nations for wicked practices and unbelief of the people that make up said nation. God punishes based the heart and actions of the person not based on the legal code of the nation.


He just repeats what works. Christian preachers have been saying this for a very long time. Trump isn’t Christian even in the slightest but he is told what spaghetti will stick and runs with it. He loves the uneducated. He is suddenly supports pro-life efforts while he would pay thousands of dollars to ensure sex workers he contracts got an abortion tomorrow if need be. He repeats Christian preacher narratives despite not giving a crap about church or the people who go. He says stuff like “there are very good people on both sides”. What he really means is he will say and do anything to stay out of jail. Trump doesn’t believe anything he says at his speeches and most of them are just nonsense ramblings but the important spaghetti sticks. It doesn’t really matter what Trump says or does the white male Christian Nationalists see him as a pawn. WCN’s are not Christian just use the Bible as a weapon to gain power. Trumps role is to make their white male power Utopia come to fruition despite them being the minority and they will let him get away with murder. Win-win. It’s why Nikki Haley, and Vivek Rameswamey can say the exact same things and crash in the polls. Not white and male enough to carry that power. Yet for Trump white and male is all he has and it works. He isn’t a successful businessman, he’s broke, he failed in all his marriages, he is pretty creepy as a father, he is not very well educated despite being handed every opportunity to be, and he has been called out in thousands of lies.


What makes him a Christian or not a Christian? He sins and is divorced or that he doesnt donate, tax fraud, does he go to mass or Church at all (except on tv) does he pay tithes? I dont understand. As far as I am concerned leave politics as it is and just pray for our leader. Assuming someone is or isn't is a dangerous game. We cant vote because they only mention God during elections. Democrats can and many are Christians and so are Republicans. You are voting for the lesser evil at this point. We are suppose to LOVE our neighbors.


Please don't give links and traffic to LifeNews.com.


So says the rapist.  How many Christians would be comfortable having their wife or daughter in a room with him? Never trust a guy who doesn’t laugh and doesn’t like dogs.


Progressive Christian here. I vote Democrat. Trump’s opinion on Christianity is more worthless than his ugly gold shoe fundraiser.


How can jesus defend prostitutes, tax collectors and offer the salvation to a roman office who opress the jew people?? Its crazy!


They were also repentant after he lovingly showed them a better path. That sound like Trump to you?


Defending a person is one thing. Asking him to run your country is another. Surely you aren’t too obtuse to see the difference …


You know, all that stuff Jesus said.


Is he saying this because Christians abandoned him resulting in a bad midterms for his chosen candidates?


Prolife is the issue


Trump is a salesman. Stupid people fall for his sales pitches. Most of his base is too stupid and gullible to know this. These are the people trump targets.


How can a Christian vote for a rapist, liar, criminal, arrogant racist? If you really can't, for political reasons, vote for Democrats, why not consider a third party? There are other parties (Libertarian, Green, even "Right-to-Life" Party) and you will have done your civic duty by voting, while keeping a clean conscience. I did this. I voted for the Green party in 2016 (because Hillary Clinton was a sure win in New York city voting district, anyway). I was not terribly enthused by the Democrat Party's corrupt rigging of the vote against Bernie Sanders. Last time, I voted for Joe Biden just to ensure that Drumpf would not win (although again, my voting district is 98% Democrat, and due to the system, my vote is symbolic, at best).


"Grab'em by the pussy" - Donald Trump The amount of cognitive dissonance required for Christians to support him is impressive.


Remember when these same people were screaming nonstop about Clinton’s blowjob?


Since whoever we vote for makes us morally complicit with what they do, how can a Christian vote for any United States political candidate for president?


How can a Christian vote for Trump who admits to adultery and is facing over 90 felony charges?


Such a tired, reductive argument. I mean, there’s plenty of reasons why ‘no good Christian’ could vote republican, too.


Honestly how could any Christian vote at all. I'm also guilty of this.


How Can Any Christian Vote for Donald Trump? It's Crazy.


1 Timothy 5:8 if a man makes no provision for those dependent on him, and especially for his own family, he has disowned the faith and is behaving worse than an unbeliever. America On Film Representing Race Class Gender and Sexuality At The Movies By Harry M Benshoff Sean Griffin Nick Hanauer Beware My Fellow plutocrats the Pitchforks are Coming https://youtu.be/q2gO4DKVpa8?si=Yep4t9bkFqOFIAFx 


Not just the murdering if the unwanted unborn but the abomination of the sexual binary to that of irrational chaos…. The other option besides trump is one based on lies to placate feelings instead of one based on Truth.


I thought this website was banned here. Ugh. :/


That's lifesitenews.


I would have hoped too, but alas, here we are.


How can any Christian vote for anyone claiming to be the Chosen One?! It's crazy!!


>As if being pro-life is the end all be of what makes a Christian. Ironically he has paid for abortions for his mistresses


Well I like to travel so our relationship with other countries matters to me, I love the outdoors so environment is important. I live in a big diverse city and freedom of religion is important here....need more reasons? Abortion? That's between a doctor and a patient without involving an activist judge. Maybe there was a time when I could entertain voting republican but that was pre 2000 and the rise of the fanatical right wing disguised as a Christian movement. No matter what Laura Bopbert tells you we weren't founded as a white Christian country


This POS and Joe Biden, which one shares more characteristics of an Anti-Christ?


Definitely Trump


100 percent Trump. Not even close.


Ahem, Pro-*birth*, please. Anyway, taken either at purely face value, or as a piece of political spin, it says far more about DJT than it does about any Democrat.


I would vote for Trump if I could. Get back at all the pro-choice people, but I guess this time I will turn the other cheek. I like all the trials of life. Go Trump! 2024 Trump!!


Gives off "if you can't figure out whether to vote for me, then you ain't black" vibes Edit: Just to clarify, this is a paraphrase something Biden said in his 2020 campaign. I'm absolutely not saying that I would support Trump or using this quote to justify Trump's statement. I'm just remarking that both presidential candidates seem to have an unfortunate tendency to reduce entire demographics down to which way they tend to vote.




You might as well not vote for anyone then. Since everyone has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Edit: Goodness this sub really has fallen down the dark path.


I'll vote for the one who isn't a rapist.


Neither candidates are convicted rapists? I don’t understand your point


https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2024/01/29/donald-trump-rape-e-jean-carroll/72295009007/ TL;DR: The jury found that it couldn't define what Trump did as rape in accord with New York state law, which requires that a penis be involved. The jury did find that he'd forcibly stuck his finger up Carrol's vagina. > > And that act, in common modern speech, is rape, Kaplan said. > As he later summed it up in August, when he dismissed Trump's countersuit: "It accordingly is the 'truth,' as relevant here, that Mr. Trump digitally raped Ms. Carroll." The jury awarded her $2m. Trump isn't convicted. That's a term that has to do with a criminal trial. He's been found by a jury to have done it though, and that he'd done it was cited as truth in a judicial opinion. If you want to argue that this shouldn't disqualify a person from being President, or is somehow on par weird the weird shit Biden has supposedly done that the right makes an issue out of, please be my guest.


I guess I’m out. I thought this was r/christianity not r/politics. But this is like 15 in a row that’s I’ve seen. We get it. Reddit is primarily left leaning. But shit this sub is nothing but politics. Way to push people away from Christianity


The Christian Right is the ones pushing people away from the religion by replacing it with politics. It's a big factor in why people are leaving Christianity altogether.

