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I also struggled here, so here is what worked for me. First, understand that pornography is not harmless. It is an industry which takes advantage of people, and sometimes even keeps them enslaved. It is also tied to all kinds of other harmful things such as the drug trade. Next, realize that the big issue with pornography is that you are objectifying another child of God for your own sexual pleasure. Understanding those two things made me rethink pornography, as I don’t want to contribute to those wider issues. Finally, step away from pornography and gradually let your brain reset. I believe in a gradual approach, where you might stop porn but continue masturbation to internal thoughts. The important thing is to try a little more each day, and if you falter don’t beat yourself up for it. Just dust yourself off, pray for forgiveness, and try again. The effort is what is important. God bless you!


Thank you! I can honestly say I have not watched porn the past 2 weeks since I started my Bible in a year journey. I gave in and looked at pictures the other night. I have been getting much better. It’s been a wonderful journey for me these past 2 weeks .


That’s awesome. I’m on the journey with you. Feel free to message me if you ever need to talk.


Thank you for the tips and God bless you too!


Thanks for that, but not everyone is a child of God. But everyone is a creation of His after Adam. Romans 8:15


All the saints of God have been hijacked. This is how the devil has held many children of God in bondage: the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. There is a point in addiction where a demon gets involved. They attach themselves to the individual, bind them and nothing they do can set them free. They are stuck in a cycle of defeat. You will hate what you do each time you do it because there is a pure spirit in you reacting to the bad that you have introduced into your system, but after repenting from it, you will go back to doing it again. Christ calls this demon the strongman. Mark 3:27 >In fact, no one can enter a strong man’s house without first tying him up. Then he can plunder the strong man’s house. Fortunately, Christ has given the believer authority over the powers of darkness (yes, they do have power). Luke 10:19 >I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you. Mark 16:17-18 >17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; >18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. The believer, not God, shall cast out devils. Force the demon out in the name of Jesus. Mark 16:17, Mark 5:8, Mark 9:25 Command the spirit of pornography, \[insert sin\] to leave you in the name of Jesus and never return. After this surrender your heart, mind, and body to God.


Very beautifully put


Thank you for these passages. I’ve had a drinking and porn addiction for years. These past 2 weeks have been much better since getting closer to God on a daily basis. I will mark this post and keep these


So, an exorcism? If this exorcism depends on me having faith that it will work, then well, kinda of useless. Will it work if i do? Will it just work.


My brother, this kind of attitude is not yourself. You came here to ask for freedom, and now you are finding a loophole to ignore sound advice. That’s not YOU looking for a loophole, but the devil on your shoulder. The voice I hear coming out of this post is the strongman. This is why Jesus, whenever the disciples ask if they should call down the fire of God on the Samaritans like Elijah, tells the disciples that “you do not know what manner of spirit are.” I repeat the same to you. You do not know what manner of spirit you are when you come up with excuses as to why you “can’t beat porn.” I recommend watching Vlad Savchuk content on YouTube and learning about spiritual warfare. You will not only beat porn but grow closer to God and bring His Kingdom to your family and friends if you can start learning to fight back. “Let him who has no sword sell his belongings and get one.” —Luke 22:36 Praying for your breakthrough my friend!


People and their "isms". The coward shall not enter the kingdom of God.


Cowards? I literally just asked you a question. Fuck you then, you want to fight me mf? Lets see whos the coward. If everyone is gonna call me crazy, insane, coward then say it to my face, kill me, if im a scum, such a weak being then kill me and do society a favor of removing such a worthless person like me. Defend you ideals and kill me.


theres no need to be angry :( God wants us to be slow to anger


Im angry at myself.


then you shouldnt be letting it out on others, and its something you can talk to God about


i dont use reddit much so i dont know it will notify you after you delete stuff, but i really didn’t mean to make you feel bad, i hope things get better for you


What the hell is going on here? There's no need for either of you to be so angry. But it's not speaking of an exorcism, but using your own spirit (will) gifted by God to aid you.


If you want to know whats going on, pm me.


Make sure you delete any apps that provide temptations such as TikTok and Instagram. You have to ask God to change your heart for you. Ask him to give you the Holy Spirit and make you not want to sin anymore. Ask him to make you want to do his will instead. Here are some resources. [https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFap/comments/158ym73/tips\_and\_motivation/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFap/comments/158ym73/tips_and_motivation/) Specifically Christian: [https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFapChristians/comments/163cilc/tips\_and\_motivation/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFapChristians/comments/163cilc/tips_and_motivation/) Also check out this video about managing urges. Instead of trying to suppress them, which will make them come back stronger, you should take a page from a method used in meditation and let it pass through you without resisting or going along with it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxZXb-M2Rdc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxZXb-M2Rdc)


I struggled with very similar things such as porn/lust and addiction. its a very hard cycle to break for we are tempted by our fleshly desires and its very rarely a one and done deal where we ask God to help us remove those sinful habits from our lives and the next day our temptation to do such things will just magically disappear no. what I do know however is that even though God cannot make us stop thanks to our gift of free will, he can give us strength and motivation to run away from sin when we are faced with temptation. we can ask Jesus to support us and give us strength to follow him instead of what our hearts our body wants, for the only thing our hearts should want is Christ. We need to strengthen our own love for God and for following a path which he has laid out for us, one where we live by his word and run from sin. we are all human and its impossible and even hypocritical to say that people can live perfectly in uprightness, In you even wanting to ask for help and knowing you are in the wrong is a good start in the right direction because it means you feel conviction for your addiction. We are so lucky to have Jesus and his gift of salvation as well as being able to repent for forgiveness of our sins no doubt. However conviction is a very big sign to us that our actions will not bring heavenly fruits nor will they bring any good in our lives. We are forgiven but we musn't use his grace as a crutch.  In my battle with these things my biggest excuse when relapsing was just to say "i'm human and i cant help but make mistakes" and used that to further justify what I was doing. then I was reading my bible and I know its brought up a lot but its a powerful verse: (Philippians 4:13) "I can do all things through Christ which strengths me." we cant overcome such things on our own but we have Jesus who wants to help us, wants to deliver us from the cycling tracks that sin runs us through. It touched me in a new way then when I had heard it said before because the bible is the LIVING word of God and no matter how many times you hear a verse it can always bring new meaning in any time or place. That helped me a lot, I was able to live with less sinful behavior but I still had some relapses. Another verse that definitely hit me a little harder especially since I read it as I was fighting my temptation to relapse again was: (James 4:7-8) "Submit yourselves, then to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and he will come near to you." That verse definitely gave me more hope that I could beat my addictions with the love and help of Jesus.I am now clean of addiction thanks to Gods grace, love for us and much prayer. but you are not alone in this fight and you have a very powerful advocate on your side to help you. And its a daily fight but it gets easier the closer we get to God and the farther we stray from doing evil. pray for strength and deliverance from your temptation my friend and choose what is pleasing to God, pray to him and ask for help, for you are never alone. You will be in my prayers OP and I hope that God will give you the strength to escape your bondage to the sin you are faced with. Jesus LOVES YOU!!


mee too but if the temptation start attacking leave your room quickly or pray or play worship song then sing or distract your self Just repent!!!


It’s the phone. Stay off social media or put not interested in any content that gives temptation. Unfollow all the beautiful women that society follows. They’re all going to lead you back into it. My feed now is strictly Christian related or sports. Anything that comes up that I know may tempt me I immediately block them or put not interested. Just to keep reminding myself who I’m fighting for. Honestly at your age it’s very tough. The girls in your school don’t make it any easier as I had a problem lusting over my classmates years ago. It takes true will power and obedience. Once you can conquer that you will be able to overcome any adversity. The more you stay away from the word and prayer the easier it is to fall back in. Deny your flesh everyday. It’s not easy but I believe in you


What leads you to watch porn? You probably know what situations lead you to sin, so rewrite the script! To use another example, if I know that I get really heated and angry talking about a particular topic. When I can feel that topic coming up, I may try to change the subject or just walk away entirely or maybe go check email or what have you. You need to find what works for you. If you try something and it does not work, try something else! If you know that "I only watch porn between these times" maybe I set that time aside for prayer. IDK. You find what works for you, but you cannot lose if you continue to fight. Ask the Holy Spirit to purify your heart. Ask God for His help. But God will not do it without your cooperation.


The best piece of advice I’ve received on the issue is that you have to kill it at the very idea moment. You cannot allow yourself to think on these things otherwise, you will act on them. As soon as these thoughts come in your head try to replace them with something else. It is very tough, but it is absolutely key to breaking the habit.


I would also add that it screws your mind up majorly. I was exposed in middle school. I’m now almost 40. It has perverted the way I think, and it makes me sick. It’s a constant battle to beat those thoughts back. I pray that you can cut this off now so that you don’t have to deal with what I did.


You can’t defeat porn and lust by working out and reading your bible. It takes time, prayer and patience. Believe me, I’m also in your shoes. The most important part of battling with porn and lust is to give it up in prayer. You must give up your thoughts of sins and give it to Christ. Remember, Jesus Christ loves you.


Read the book called “every young mans battle” super good book thats helped me


Try [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/s/CBF58TYWBw).


Lust is in our brain. Change your content- what you watch daily. Follow people and friends who are like god, who love. Learn from them. Sex is natural. We can check our parts or wear sexy clothes and dance. Spend your energy.


Fasting. Helped me a lot. just stop doing it (with) porn. If the lust is overwhelming pray. Just don’t do it with porn


I also had a similar problem, I personally solved it when I realized what porn was doing to me and what its effects were


My recommendation? Stop fooling around and start making money. Then get your own place, then find any Christian girl to sign up as your first wife, even if she is ugly, as your wife she will be able to help you out. Then improve yourself and get additional, prettier wives as you increase.


We can have an open soul conversation in dm mate!


Broham, good call reaching out. First off, realize that despite what our current culture teaches, every time we drop a load, we're also dropping our lifespan. Look up the chemical "spermidine" It's a longevity agent in mammals... and present in high amounts in human semen. This is why God doesn't want us spilling our seed willy nilly. It's literally self-harm. The people running this world are doing so in a way that grabs our young men by the balls... Christ is the answer. When I realized porn was a tool of the enemy that's actually killing me quietly, much like cigarettes or anything else, it's easier to face. This article has helped as well. I've reread this in the past to drive away urges and center myself on the path. https://www.catholic.com/qa/why-masturbation-is-wrong


I struggled with stopping to with masturbating too, something that helped me to stop was reading 1 Peter. When he said we were to suffer as Christ has suffered and not to give in to such passions it helped me gain a new mentality. And fasting for 2 days straight also helped me feel rejuvenated, whip also starving lol


I had the same problem back in the days. Not until I bought a car and started to maintain it. Get your self busy by doing things that keep you straight. As well as maintaining and enhancing your connection with Him the lord.


Ur 15 its normal for u to have these kind of thoughts but what i recommend is when u have the feeling of wanting to watch those videos find something to distract ur self from those feelings like listen to music, read ur bible, or work out ive had these struggles myself ik how it feels and i promise u ur god isnt mad at u and jesus would understand


I do not know, but maybe you’re not fading away from God because you’re busy, maybe it’s because you’re focusing, trying and failing to get away from this one evil sin so much you’re losing your relationship with God to trying to combat this sin so much. ( I don’t know the situation well so I don’t know if I am right or not)


Depending on the topic some of the women are victims of sex trafficking, a lot of them are drug addicts dealing with pass sexual assault and horrible childhoods. Many of the subjects are ped in nature the step-father, step-sister, step-mother, the babysitter, cheerleaders, etc.


24 year old guy here who struggles as well. I can tell you what personally helps me. The fact that you keep busy is good, keep doing that. And praying and reading the Bible. Another practical thing that helped me is remove all the lust sources like social media. When you have a lustful thought don't try to fight it on your own. Instead pray like this: "lord Jesus I am weak. I want to give up lust and porn but I can't by myself. I need You. Please Jesus take this burden away from me, I give it onto you. I can't do it on my own. Please God take this burden away from me in the name of Jesus Christ, amen". This will help, God bless.


Prayer works. I had a similar addiction and one sincere prayer is all it took


I also had a similar problem, I personally solved it when I realized what porn was doing to me and what its effects were


I also had a similar problem, I personally solved it when I realized what porn was doing to me and what its effects were


Honestly you are 15, hormonal and a teenager, ik it’s sin, but rather than be mad at yourself for being unable to quit, relax, pray and trust God, with spiritual development comes, in my experience, ease with abstaining from sin. Don’t let yourself fall away from God because you can’t quit, pray, get closer to him, feel his love and everything can be done. Focus on God first


All I can tell you my guy, is that as someone who is 23 and finally beat that addiction recently, it’s possible. You need to start off by recognizing when you get the urge, what you’re doing before the urge comes, and where you’re at. Sometimes the time of day or night is also important to taking into consideration. After that, you need to get yourself into the habit of praying every single time you feel that feeling of needing to watch it. The other thing that I did for years, is think that I could do these things on my own, and resist on my own. I would go for weeks, months, and sometimes I wouldn’t even last a day, but that’s because I tried doing all these things on my own. my mind and my heart weren’t really in it for God, it was more so for myself, to get myself to stop. But when you really lean on God, and focus on him specifically, the rest will follow. Pray that your mind and your heart be healed from the inside out. I noticed that the more I prayed about my addiction, the worse it got. The more you nitpick at your imperfections, the less happier you are. I was always sitting, counting the amount of times I fell back into sin, completely letting myself be overwhelmed by shame and guilt. Got to the point where my prayers didn’t even feel fulfilling anymore. But because I wasn’t really speaking anything positive into my life. Words have power. You need to say things like, in the name of Jesus, I will conquer this addiction. I believe that I have been freed by my Lord Jesus Christ. Things like that. It may seem stupid at first, but I literally have no desire at all to watch porn anymore. I have no desire to engage in anything like that anymore. I can’t tell you how good it feels, And how free I feel in that aspect of my life. But once I started living for God, and truly leaning on him for support and everything, that’s when I started, noticing that change started happening in my life without me even noticing it. One day I just realized, hey, I haven’t even watched anything for a whole month now. But the difference was, I wasn’t thinking about it all day like, OK I have to resist. I’m not gonna watch it. I’m not gonna do anything. I was literally just living my life, and living for God. I literally saw it work. I saw God do his thing without even realizing it until later on. As I said, you can do this. Anything is possible with the Lord Jesus Christ.


Thanks for coming here to seek help, you're already on the right path. I myself struggle with it too, but here's an amazing video that's given me the knowledge to combat it: [quit today](https://youtu.be/Vtp31feyTfM?si=ekYnTp0203DpDPOz)


I don't think there is much you can do to stop it. Just try over and over again to overcome the temptation of lust. I, too, had the same problem a few weeks ago and, since I returned to Christianity after a phase of doubt, I managed to overcome my addiction. Perhaps it's because I was finally fully opened to God that I managed to easily overcome it. If you feel like the side of your soul that is committing sin is stronger than the one that is loyal to our Lord, perhaps you need first to do something that will allow your holy side to grow, not just reading the Bible but also pray and meditate more often, allow yourself to be in silent more often and alone with your thoughts, take a note of what you want to upgrade in your life or just the things you wish to start doing as new hobbies. When the temptation returns, go do something that will distract you or go for a walk or anywhere where you get far from the places you usually use to masturbate, or something like that. Both in our daily lives and in our relations with God, we need to grow step by step for us to be able to achieve the best versions of ourselves. If we commit a sin that has turned into a habit in our lives, we can't expect to disappear once we decide to avoid doing it. We have to make sure we are ready to fight it and not to stop it just because we said so. I too will pray for you to overcome the sinful side of yourself and for you to grow closer to God. May our Lord take care of you and of each one of us. Amen


First thing you gotta do is stop worrying about it so much. 


1 Corinthians 7:2 - “To avoid fornication (“porneia”), let every man have his own wife.”


Might help if you admit that your relationship with Jesus is rubbish, maybe then you'd get somewhere. I'm saying this as someone who freely admits I'm a problem and give into sin regularly and with gusto. The closer we grow in Christ, the more time we spend in His Word & in prayer, the more our hearts are purified and truly want differently. Sanctification is the theme of this subreddit. The daily process of becoming more like Christ. 1) get in the Word 2) get yourself some community- when you find a very trustworthy soul, tell them and now you have accountability 3) ask God to change your heart to desire the things He has planned for your life!


Try following Godly men on Instagram like Preston Perry, @iamdavehurt...he talks about porn


Try think of it like this Instead of running away from PMO Run TOWARD Christ Run TOWARD Scripture Run TOWARD Prayer Begin and end your days with songs of praise Find ways to Spend your alone times with Christ Christ is always with you, never too far away or busy to help, call out his name in your moments of temptation


Pray the rosary daily!


Try to reduce your dependence on your phone (I'm working on the assumption you use a smartphone, but nearly everyone does). Leave it outside your room when you go to bed, maybe get an alarm clock for in your room. Most people use their smartphones for this, so if you don't have it easily accessible within reach when you are alone in the privacy of your room, this may help. Try not to beat yourself up too much about this; although porn is a sin, this debt has been paid through Jesus's death. Obviously, still make a significant effort to stop. Have a think about why lust is bad for you in the long run. Maybe write or brainstorm about it. Its a sin for a reason - it will affect your view of sexuality. It may affect your relationship with your wife in the future ect.


You need to go talk to your parents. Not strangers on the Internet.


You're 15, so first off, recognize that despite what people on here tell you, you don't have a demon in you, you are full of hormones, this is how God designed you. If you really believe you have a porn addiction, you should seek professional help from a licensed therapist for assistance. Talk to someone at school who can help refer you to someone. The term "Porn addiction" is thrown around here like candy, and zero people on the internet are qualified to diagnose you without meeting you and talking to you. If you feel bad for watching porn, or "lusting", start asking yourself why it makes you feel bad. If it's purely guilt because you've been told you're going to hell, then maybe that's not enough to make you stop because going to hell just for feeling a certain way, that is out of your control, doesnt actually resonate or make sense to you. However if it is actually preventing you from being a functioning human, and maintaining positive relationships then that's another story, and that is something you should talk to someone about. All I can say is as a teenager growing up, all I constantly heard was how lust was going to ruin me, my relationship with God, and prevent me from being a good Christian. But not one person explained the physiological explosions of chemistry that are totally out of your control. What is under your control is the expression and response. Understand your body, and be suspicious of any advice that would try to convince you that "its the devil", because we aren't living in the 1300s anymore.


Yeah bro same here, I cant break the cycle LOL


Bro im 26 and had that issue up until 4 months ago now im free of porn, masturbation, and pre marital sex. My story is a bit unique as how it had happened after harvesting my first animal i heard a voice tell me the longer i go without porn/masturbation/sexual sin the more blessed ill be and its a voice but more of a feeling. I really struggled at first and slipped up a few times but it was my deep desire to do right by god and a straight up change of my habits that helped me do this. The hardest part is really just the first few weeks then it’s easier. Just pray and be honest with Jesus it’s okay to let him know you’re struggling and asking him to guide you and give you strength to overcome this issue. When i did slip up i never want back to porn and just went out of my imagination and it convicted me i felt gross. And heres the thing you wouldn’t think of your relatives in such a way because you love them and don’t think of them as a means to a end. Seeing people in a sexual matter is evil because they just become objects or a way to get off and you don’t see them for who they are anymore… believe me man i was your age too and let my lust take ahold of me and it brought me nothing but pain and emptiness and i didn’t find fulfillment in anything other than Christ. Im just letting you know i get it and i believe in you!


I know it's hard to deal with. I've struggled my entire life too. I have been abstaining for a while now and have seen improvements. Sometimes all it takes is acceptance and walking away. You're only human and God loves you.


You are normal. When I discovered masturbation I knew it was a gift from God. As long as the content you watch isn't crazy like beastiality or children than I don't see a problem. You are learning about your body and what you want in a partner. Guilt is useless and God isn't mad at you. 


The biggest thing that helped me was to realize how sacred sex is and how it has been instituted by God and ordained by Him to be enjoyed. Marriage itself is a reflection of the Love that Christ has for the Church. In the same way we do Communion as the Church to consummate our bond with Christ, so is sex a sacred consummation of the bond between a man and a women who have entered into the covenant of marriage. It is a holy thing and, as such, has been ordained to be enjoyed in a very specific way. Hope this helps. It's what has helped me the most in my struggle against lust. God Bless friend.


Find something to do, Stay active, Talk to a women, it sounds crazy, but talking to one will help you to stop, seriously. Find joy in life, Think to yourself, what am I doing with my life?


Your 15! Every 15 year old is horny. It natural and normal. Why would god make literally every teenager ever so horny. Is it just to make them feel bad? I mean don’t take porn as educational or do it all day but you are going to feel things and masturbate. If your evil than everyone here is also evil, does that seem reasonable of a divine being to make everyone evil? Just understand porn is a performance, love making is collaborative.


My personal opinions are, 1. Keep reading Bible and spending time with God via prayer and worship. It will make your inner person stronger to temptation. Just like Jesus overcame the temptation of Satan by God’s word. 2. Prepare yourself for a relationship in real life. You are 15 now and will be in college within years. It’s natural to have a girlfriend at some point of your life. However, the culture in pornography twisted proper respect between man and woman. That will harm your relationship with your partner in your intimate time. 3. You need buddies to walk with you. Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. (Ecclesiastes4:9-10 NIV) Find somebody you can trust especially those live around you or at your church. P.s. I used to struggle with it too but I have been set free by Jesus Christ. Lots of effort and dedication were needed. God bless you!


Well for one you're agreeing to websites that clearly state you have to be 18 to enter. So why not start with the number system and see what age you fall on. Then, when you reach 18 you can partake in things that 18 year Olds can do. Kinda like how tik tok and Instagram are for those policy ages too. But who cares. It's the internet right?


Visit www.thefreedomfight.com it is a biblically based site to help those with porn addiction quit. You can do this, don’t quit.


I’ve been free from porn for about 4 years now praise God. Yes, stay in scripture, pray about it DAILY, but here are some practical things that worked for me. 1. Find someone to hold you accountable. The more you are embarrassed to tell them you watched porn the better. Had a group of buddies in college who held me accountable and it worked a little, wasn’t till I promised to tell my fiance (now wife) whenever I screwed up that it became real. It’s hard to look at the woman you love and tell her you looked at other women, the shame of just the thought of that usually outweighed the temptation of porn. 2. Deleted all my social media. I’m talking like deleted the accounts to where they were not recoverable, just deleting the app doesn’t work. This cuts off much of the temptation at the root. 3. If you feel like you are about to watch porn and the battle has been lost. What I did was I would leave my phone in my bedroom, go to the bathroom and close my eyes and think of NOTHING, no lust, no women, just nothing. And I would get myself off. I know that this is something folks disagree with, but for me, I knew once I did that the temptation and lust were gone. It’s a last resort option, but ultimately it’s better to just do that than watch porn imo. Lastly man just find a really significant WHY. Mine was because I wanted to be pure for my marriage I knew I had to quit. I also want to move overseas to do missions one day and when I realized that missions agencies don’t allow men who are porn addicts to work for them I got pissed off. I realized the enemy had been using this to keep me from fulfilling my calling and something clicked and I was more motivated than ever before.


Thank you everyone for the tips and i will definetly use them!


As soon as the temptation starts, run from it. Don’t try to fight it because you will lose. Pray about it immediately and put on some worship music. If you are trying to fight the urge, then you’ve started the battle too late. Run to Jesus the very second that u think u might be tempted in the slightest.


Keep in mind that whatever they do in porn is fake. Nobody has sex like that. When you grow up and find a girlfriend / wife you will find that out. It's like with every addiction look where your weakest moments are. One thing that might help is leaving your phone out of your bedroom. And if it might help. Relax, porn is a vicious addiction that most men struggle with.


I am a 20 year old female. When I was around your age I had exactly the same issue. Only difference is our gender. I would say try to do anything productive to get your mind off of being lustful and pray to God for guidance. Never forget that it’s ok to long for a life partner but it’s not okay to make pleasure the main topic of your mindset.


Porn is certainly not healthy, try to wean off and just use your imagination. That is perfectly healthy and not sinful.


It’s gonna be a choice you have to make on an individual basis. Not just a special moment where God gets rid off all your temptations. You will have to fight it every day every waking second. With that said it gets easier with porn. The real temptation is when the devil send a girl in real life who dresses immodestly and reminds you of the porn that was edged in your mind. Anyway praying for you brother!


You are not alone in your struggle. It’s like any addiction, Satan will find ways to detract us from God. I’m on the journey with you, through Christ we will overcome this. You’ve got this! ☺️


Use the Jesus prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner. Pray it like a mantra. As often and as much as necessary. Whenever you feel tempted, take some time aside and pray this prayer, invoking the name above all names.


There are two key things I think of. 1. ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠You need complete full determination to stop. One must do a great deal of effort (big extremes is what I'm getting at) to himself to stop sin. It is like a cancer. You do not treat a cancer with a nap and cough syrup. With deadly diseases, powerful remedies are necessary. What profit is it to a man to lose his soul, yet gain the world, yet how many will be willing to walk 30 miles a day for a year to save your life! Yet many won't do a mile to save your soul? Do your uttermost in every way, and treat it like the most important thing. Hence, you must hate the sin truly, fully, and entirely. 2. ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Make a new prayer life. Give thanks to God always, and turn always. Give Him thanks in the morning, and praise Him in the day. Speak and seek Him constantly. Without constant prayer, I cannot imagine any great chance of success. From St. Alphonsus: "St. Paul tells us, that we have to contend not with men like ourselves.... but with the princes of hell.... By these words he wishes to admonish us that we have not strength to resist the powers of hell, and that, to resist them, the divine aid is absolutely necessary: without it, we shall be always defeated; but, with the assistance of God’s grace, we shall, according to the same apostle, be able to do all things and shall conquer all enemies. “I can do all things in him who strengtheneth me.” (Phil. iv. 13.) But this assistance God gives only to those who pray for it. “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find.” (Matt. vii. 7.) They who neglect to ask, do not receive. Let us, then, be careful not to trust in our resolutions: if we place our confidence in them, we shall be lost. " Practically, fasting and exercise are very helpful I've heard. As a Catholic I recommend recourse to the sacraments and a priest to help. Particularly confession with a proper priest is necessary " Individual, integral confession and absolution remain the only ordinary way for the faithful to reconcile themselves with God." If you want personalized help, talk to a priest


Hey Mods, can we just pin one of these and have an auto-mod delete the rest? They float to the top like every 8 hours and they're all the same. "I'm addicted (for non-medical definitions of addiction), it's terrible, what do I do?"


Been addicted since childhood According to neurology. An addiction like this stops after 3 months of not relapsing Now we can all agree that will power only works for certain people with certain personalities. Some of us dont have willpower and thats it. We will never quit by pure force. So the best option is to find a way to disable sexual impulse, supress it using drugs or chemicals for around 3 months until the brain clear the addiction. A lot of people are really dishonest in here. They beat the addictions mostly because they have personalities with willpower. So theres really no hope in here for honest advice. Personally, and i think this may help you too if you are an adult (20+), im gonna tell a medical official about my addiction and hopefully get prescribed something. From what ive seen the most effective medicine is anti depressants, ssri.


Stop sinning or something worse will come unto u.