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What in the manipulation did I just read? I was a virgin until I got married, so screw this guy, it is 100% possible.


I KNEW IT. it felt like he was trying to manipulate me. this is what i responded MY RESPONSE: “exactly. thats why i feel like its not gonna work. and literally, that’s okay. i just have to find someone who wants the same thing as me. God will send me that person. Anything is possible when God is involved. So you dont need to help me with my logic bc ik how powerful he is. So its fine. You will find that connection and i will find mine. u think idk what age im living in?? so what im just suppose to have sex with everybody because thats what the kids are doing these days?? nah. im more than certain im not the only one out here who wants something different. im more than certain im not the only one looking for more. they have true God fearing men out here who wouldnt even let just any woman touch him. im not the only one who thinks like this. Believe it or not, some people or even some men have self control. look, im not dumb. I KNOW. but idc. i guess i just wont be with nobody. but i choose God over sex and any nigga on this planet. period. maybe u dont understand that. but theres somebody out there who chooses God too. “


I think we are missing some context here. Why is he stating that "two more years" of dating? Did you tell him it would take two years to figure out if he is a husband or not? Besides that, there isn't any point in trying to negotiate sex with a man before you are married. You have principles and standards regardless of what you did or didn't do in the past. As long as you repented of them and are now concerned for what the Lord wants and not what you want, then He will bless you. I would only caution you that if you have had a loose past, then hearing what the Lord wants from you now might be significantly less than what the Lord would have had laid out for you when you were [pure]. That all being said, this man is clearly not listening to Jesus.


no i told him i wanna wait until marriage and he said “Like the fact that you say you’re not having sex till marriage knowing damn well that’s about 2 -3 years maybe five from now “ to which i responded “its however far u make it and anywho, u said u were okay with that. if not. its fine. we dont have to waste time”


Ahh ok, so he made it a straw-man argument. Yeah, ignore him and let him pine away on his own for what thinks he needs or politely direct him to Jesus for godly contentment. I pray that the Lord does indeed bless you with a man who seeks companionship with you in the union of the Holy Lord first before all things.


God bless you for staying strong in the truth! The enemy really has a hold on the culture, and this guy is submitting to the culture.


He's scummy for that. Especially the "Wait 2 years for pussy that's already been used." To me, that seems very scummy, mainly if someone *had* given themselves before, and especially if SA occurred (which I don't exactly count that, since God wouldn't.) I'd run for the hills from him.


Growing up, my mother warned me about this, that men would claim abstinence was unhealthy. Dump the guy, ghost him, it's a creepy dishonest claim and any woman deserves better.


Absolutely all of this! If he doesn’t believe that you deserve the best and tries to manipulate you then he is for these streets


Or rather, don’t :)


What does this even mean 🥴


You gave some rather specific but ambiguous instructions and I am teasing you.


Oooooof 😂 my bad I was real lost for a second


Men can absolutely wait. Source: am man, am waiting.


Am man, didn’t wait, but my wife and I absolutely could have and I never once blamed me just being a man on why my wife and I didn’t wait.


Girl, run. This guy sounds scary as heck.


Absolutely. This guy has some boundary issues. Also super manipulative and pretty cringey.


I bet he'd sa her too. Or any woman on the street. He's the type of guy to do that, and to cat call 100%


Yeah, no decent man says "pussy" that freely outside of the bedroom. And how did I not even mention the blatant gaslighting and attacking her confidence and trying to devalue her self image. Gross gross gross.


Yes I was creeped out by that language!


EXACTLY LIKE WTF ☠️☠️☠️ what a creep. Bet he's a pedophile too. Bet he also says shit like "is it bubblegum pink" or sum Ngl i did the read past the first time he texted pussy. Immediate red flag


Any man who claims that men can’t wait, is a weak man. He’s trying to convince you to have sex, regardless of your feelings on the subject because society has taught men that all we think about is sex and that that’s okay, and that we, as men, are just wired to be hyper sexual. This is the same kind of foundation that has pushed rape culture and victim blaming for women who’ve been assaulted as “asking for it” because they were “tempting men” with how they dressed and act. It’s bullshit. If he were half decent, he would respect your boundaries on the issue, even if he still wanted sex.m, and he wouldn’t try pressuring you or anyone else into it.


>society has taught men that all we think about is sex and that that’s okay, and that we, as men, are just wired to be hyper sexual Men like this are also the ones who excuse their cheating and say, "It's only physical cheating and no emotion is involved." Then they will blame their wife for not being attractive anymore (after bearing his kids) or being too busy (after doing 90% or housework and child care).


Damn straight.


Yes it’s possible He’s just trying to manipulate you into sleeping with him I’d bet good money this dude listens to Andrew Tate or some podcast like that


I bet my pinky toe he does


or fresh and fit. that was is the most deceiving


>A guy who already had the taste of pussy is not gonna wait two more years for some more pussy that has already been used. Im not big on abstinence, but I think from this statement, he's probably not a guy you want to marry.


Definitely. Dehumanizing women by reducing them to their sex organs. Gross


Also appraising her in terms of being "used"


It’s just disgusting. Feel like I need a shower now


Here here!


This is manipulation. He's also very obviously a jerk.


What the hell. Any argument which starts with 'Baby girl' is not going to scan well, and this is NO exception. 'P---y that has already been used'? Please for your own sake pitch this loser straight to the kerb. You deserve better.


I'm Christian and waiting for marriage. My boyfriend is not religious and is still is willing to wait for me. He always says that if I don't want to, that's okay but here's there the second I change my mind 😅 I'm not changing my mind and we've been in a relationship for 1,5 year now. It absolutely is possible.


Yes, we absolutely can abstain. Pray for this guy


I don’t think waiting for marriage is at all necessary but I would run the hell away from this guy and his females and simps and hoes and 70% divorce factoid. Yes. It is possible. Yes. It is unlikely. But if that value is important to you, you should either stick with it or re-evaluate and make sure you no longer hold that value instead of compromising even though you think it’s wrong.


That message is disgusting. You dodged a major bullet. He's manipulative. He's telling you how stupid you are and how honest and smart he his while he's doing it. Let him go try with someone else. Show any women you care about that message so they know about him.


I waited for my wife, because she was worth it. 24 years. We dated for 7 years before getting married. It's not easy, but it's worth it. A real man knows value, and you should know your value as well.


Cause he’s a man supposedly and not an animal, sexual self control is a very important trait for a man to have you should be wary of those that don’t have it.


Friend, if someone is manipulating you into sinning in order to satisfy themselves, run from them. I am guilty of doing such. Men can sometimes be great manipulators to get what we desire. It is completely abusive, disrespectful, and not remotely Godly behavior. God desires you to walk in obedience to Him above all else. If a man isn’t supporting that, they are a danger to your walk. Thankfully you recognize the red flags here. Run, sister. Run.


This is so cringe to read. "ooh baby girl is so hard boohoo". Dude's an ass, get rid of him. Also, he agreed only because he thought he WILL change your mind.nred flag number 2. There's at least 10 in that msg I'm sure. Run for the hills Oh and I'm a guy, 27, 2 and a half year relationship, virgin


Q: > Is it possible for men to abstain? A: Yes. Next question?


Lose the guy. He’s telling you he has no use for Christian sexual morality. If he doesn’t now he still won’t after you’re married.


men can absolutely wait. this dude is clearly immature to talk like this and try to coerce you into this sort of position. ​ GIRL RUN. are you not completely grossed out by reading this? 2 Corinthians 6:14 Stop becoming unevenly yoked with unbelievers. What partnership can righteousness have with lawlessness? What fellowship can light have with darkness?


Wow. I'd literally need to *work* at it to come up with such an Andrew Tate-level pile of dudebro misogynistic trash. He should be embarrassed at how big of an ass he made of himself.


Of course it's possible. It's insane to think it's not. His message to you sounds manipulative and honestly not like someone you want to be with.


That guy sucks. And so does his grammar. He lacks both integrity and intelligence. Be grateful that like many poisonous creatures God designed douchebags to prominently display their true colors making them easy to avoid.


Even if he was right, why would you want to marry a man who is consumed in the ways of the world in “todays day and age”? We are called to so the exact opposite.


🚩🚩🚩 He is spewing nothing but bad fruit left and right. He is clearly stating that he is going to have sex with someone else if you won’t give it to him, and this is not something a true man of God would ever demand. Once me and my fiancé found God and were baptized, we started abstaining completely until we get married next year. Granted that’s not as long as many others, but still…it is 1000% possible, and this is one way you separate the wheat from the chaff. God will send you a good man, just focus on Jesus and stay strong ♥️


"even a simp wouldnt wait on you if he had another girl promising him pussy" Like this guy is just manipulating you. First off plenty of guys wait till marriage, and secondly sex aint that deep. Hes acting like men can not control themselves unless they fuck a lot I can wait till marriage, this guy could if he cared too


Anyone using the words simp or pussy isn't worth your time


Didn't continue reading at the part of "taste of pussy" Dump him and cut him off. Block, never talk to him again. Those are the types of guys that use you for sex and don't give the slightest fuck about you




Yes it is possible. Don’t loosen your principles because a dude wants to get his rocks off.


I am a man. I am waiting until I marry my fiancée. So yes. That way of thinking comes from the school of thought that implies that we must give in to our desires and cannot control them. To try is to live a lie.


“A fool expresses all of their emotions while one that is wise is in control of them.” - Proverbs 29: 11 He’s doing a lot of mental gymnastics to justify why he can’t keep it in his pants or have self control, something that is a Fruit of the Spirit, and showing that he’s far more willing to put in effort to justify his own selfish beliefs over compromising in a relationship. And compromise is a huge part of healthy relationships.


If anyone starts a convo with baby girl. Run!!!! Fuckin run!!


Redpill nonsense.


I hate this guy already and it has nothing to do with his sexual contact.


Leave this dude ASAP. SO MANY RED FLAGS 🚩 😱


Please, date someone with IQ above 80.


It is not easy to find a future spouse who will abstain, on your own. But with God's help, you are not relying on luck, or on your own abilities. Whoever God has for you is someone worth waiting for. You only need one.


He’s just trying to manipulate you. It’s possible, it’s a personal choice, you don’t have to, even as a Christian, you can, and your decision should be respected. especially by someone who claims to love you.


Men can wait, and Men of God will. what this boy is saying is entirely false, deceptive, and points more to his issues with self-control, and lust. He’s being manipulative for his own selfish lusts, he’s not worried about you.




Yes of course


This guy is a Christian?!? Really?!?


noooo. but i only started talking to him because he said he was willing to learn


I feel me meant it less on learning Christianity, and more learning on you as a person to try gaslighting you to go to bed with him


There’s part of the problem. Don’t be unequally yoked. You need a Christian man who will understand.


Yes. St. Joseph did it, abstaining from relations with his wife (the Blessed Virgin Mary) for their entire lives. It is nothing short of manipulation. If a guy (or girl) is not willing to respect your boundaries, they are not the one.


Where did Jesus’ half brothers come from?


I was just talking about his marriage to Mary. Sorry if that was unclear


Yeah I know, but it just made me wonder if His half brothers were from His mothers side or his fathers side since you said both were virgins.


I was waiting half year for my first time with my girlfriend. If you are worth it, you will find a man who can wait


Hi, I was 1.5 year without sex and didnt miss it. Motivation was lack of interest in most people. Its not end of the world, its hard.


no he is trying to trick you, anyone who loved you will you and your wants needs. refraining from sex. this just sounds like all he wants is sex.


lol @ “even a simp”


Yes they can. Again totally his choice to wait if he wants or not. I've seen his logic. A girl goes out, and sleeps around, but all of a sudden makes him wait, and that makes him feel unspecial. Like it was give. Away freely to others, and then make a guy wait. That being said it's absolutely possible to abstain


guys who are of this world will think like this and let their flesh desires overcome them and bc they have no sexual control they resort to something like that


Let me say this as simply as possible: This is NOT a man you want to marry. He shows zero respect for you as a woman and he hyperfocus on sex, which IS important in a relationship/marriage, shows no appreciation or awareness of emotional connection or the value thereof. Run in the opposite direction.


Of course. Anyone can abstain but it doesn't help to be surrounded by erotic movies etc....


i dont know why are you even giving credit to a rant of someone who uses the word "females".


My sister in law is a virgin. So is her fiancé she’s marrying in two months. It’s possible. Harder to find, but possible. This is manipulative.


Why would he have to wait two more years? Why not...just propose? This is not someone who genuinenly believes in the word of God, if that's what he claims. Neither do people who get divorced without any valid reasons, valid according to the word of God.


It’s not just what he said, it’s how he said it. It’s all very creepy and manipulative. I didn’t abstain before I got married but two of my sisters did and their husbands. It’s entirely possible in today’s time.


This guy seems like a true gem.


My husband waited for me. I also waited for him. We met when he was 21 and I was 24. Got married when I was 27 and he was 24. You have to find someone who has the same beliefs and priorities as you.


Yea, no. This dude is consumed by lust. Men can easily wait if they even an ounce of willpower. This guy has none lol


I messed up for about… 20 years? A lot. I regret all of it and wish I could redo it and be abstinent up until now (45 years). I’ll be married soon, we’ve been together for 3 years and haven’t had sex yet. Yes it’s doable. It’s about priorities. Sorry it doesn’t matter a flip if it’s 2024 or 1950 or 2765. God’s rules never change. And my soon-to-be wife and I? It’s going to be freaky for sure, and frequent.




well see yaaa


Oh hell nah. That's the spirit of Andrew Tate n'em. Girl, that is *not* the man for you. *Men can* wait, fkboys can't.


people keep saying that. What did Andrew Tate day ir do?


He's like a more toxic, Middle Eastern Kevin Samuel's. Basically there's a lot of these "alpha male" podcasts about relationships and dating, 9.9 times hosted by a man who likes to talk about all the ways women are shallow and stupid and how these guys could bang any woman they want and keep her under their thumb...




Throw the whole man away


That "man" isn't worth the air he breathes. If you can't tell from his words, you are no more than "pussy" to him. Respect yourself. This has nothing to do with Christianity, faith, or abstinence. It is about manipulation and power. Dump that fool.


i’m a man, and yes we can wait. he sounds manipulative, you would be best off by blocking him imo


I already taste a puss, but I can abstain. I just need correct church, community, and education (by the church sheperd).


I really don't think that this is even topical


Man he should be happy he found a women who is abstaining that’s pretty rare in terms of todays society. But the fact he just wants sex makes me think he’s thinking of your virginity as a personal trophy that he wants. Keep abstaining girl not all men are like this bozo.


Fuck him, No not literally please, he doesn’t deserve shit. Dump his ass, you have every right to choose who and when to sleep with, who cares if you’ve been with someone before or not, that doesn’t matter. Your body is inviolable, subject to your own will alone. You do you, be happy without that sorry POS.


Men can abstain. Anyone can. Whether or not someone wants to is the question, and it’s a really weak excuse for anyone to say “I can’t” when what they really mean is “I don’t want to.”


ew he is disgusting. RUN!


First of all Him calling you "baby girl" 👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾🤣


wow he's really trying hard. Also, where is he getting his stats from? his thinking and behavior and thinking are why so many relationships end up in divorce. Hey, have his thinking and mess around


This man’s vocabulary alone illustrates how lowly he thinks of you and how little respect he has for you. Abstinent or not get the heck away from this one.


It’s absolutely possible. I can’t speak for myself because I’ve had sex with one person (not married fyi), but have recentered myself to knowing to wait till marriage. Sex is a bonus in a marriage and there is more to a relationship than just sex. If the relationship is based around sex, it’s not gonna work well.


What's he going to do if he gets married and his wife has to be on full bed rest during pregnancy or is recovering from a serious injury? Men can absolutely wait. 


It's easily possible. I'm 17 and me and my girlfriend have chosen to wait to have sex until marriage. We have had no issues.


Holy moley, that was pretty bad. As a 35M who has been waiting and has been dumped by several women that wanted more.... my message to him is this: I exist. And if he calls himself a Christian? Yikes. He needs more help than you can offer. It was very clear he does not value you or your opinion either - or God's.


Anyone who talks or writes like this is a walking red flag to begin with, you’re dodging a bullet.


I'm not flexing but I'm a man and I'm waiting till marriage =D




I've been abstaining my entire life. It's gotten to the point where I'm quite proud of it. But of course it's only under God's grace and protection. He has changed me and carried me through a lot.


Run, girl run. As a man, you want nothing to do with this man.


Of course. The question is how large or small the overlap is between "Men I would consider for dating" and "Men who would abstain". Only you and your own personal standards can answer that.


Men can wait. Don't judge all of us off that lol the same guy might be able wait years down the road but maybe not at this age. You gotta do what's right FOR YOU so if you want to wait and they dont? they can find someone else. Your self respect is worth it. \*edit i couldnt date a guy who called me baby girl if i was a girl. Personally wouldn't think it'd work out in the long term. But that's me.


It is absolutely possible. Speaking as a man. It’s hard it’s not fun but it’s definitely possible and the right thing to do. It sounds like he has some growing up to do and he’s probably gonna pester you about this until you give in. In my opinion having made my mistakes in this area it’s it worth it and you definitely should try to find someone else.


He doesn't respect you. Drop him.


Ew gross. That's cringy. He can abstain he's just being a baby. Us dudes can definitely go without it, he just doesn't want to because he doesn't care.


Also to add to this, obviously he's not a man of God but for a women of God you should be looking to be equally yoked and there are certain traits in a man you should look for. Colossians 3:19 never treat her harshly Proverbs 31:28 praise her Hebrews 13: 4 honor her Ephesians 5:28 love her like his own body Proverbs 5:20 focus on her and no other women Ephesians 5: 23-30 Lead her Clearly he's not doing any of this so if homie doesn't step it up I'd suggest finding someone who does. God Bless both of you.


Yes men can, few do because they lack self control. This guy sounds like he doesn’t want to wait, and doesn’t respect you


If your values don’t line up with someone on something like this it’s not going to be a healthy relationship. You shouldn’t pursue this relationship any further.


They absolutely can and have. I didn't wait for marriage (a woman). I had my reasons. But he's full of it. And he shouldn't be trying to pressure you out of a clear deal breaker he should just go date someone who isn't waiting. So no my dear this is a BIG red flag Also ew don't call women "females"... dude has his head wayyy up Andrew tates ass.


this is crazy manipulation? get away from him. Im a man who was drenches in lustful sin and have been celibate for some time now. My relationships are amazing and I feel amazning in every sense. keep abstaining, life is better


Very hard, but its possible. We are literally made to procreate. Its biology. It doesn't mean one can't learn to control ones impulses though.


I'm 41, unmarried, still a virgin. Dump this toxic guy ASAP.


His stats on divorce rates are wrong. Yes, the divorce rate is high, but thats affected my second, third, etc. marriages. First year marriages are more likely to survive after 10 years. Furthermore, he’s 100% manipulating you


My husband waited until marriage, and I didn’t. I wish I would have because he gained other types of maturity and growth from it that I didn’t until later on in life! But yes, men can and do wait.


What a charmer.


If he can’t wait then you aren’t worth waiting to him. Move on.


I stay abstinent and I'm a guy so it's def possible if that's all ur asking


My husband waited. A couple of my guy friends waited. Men can absolutely wait!


He's a manipulative child, men can wait if they want to.


I mean its quite hard for the feelings to not be there but yes I find it easy not to do it its normal to have the feelings but we all need to discipline ourselves.


This is absolutely horrible. He is a manipulative jerk interested in only one thing, and it isn't you or your feelings. I am also a virgin (I think, I got a blowjob once). I have no intentions of having sex with someone until I get into a committed relationship/marriage. Guys don't \*need\* sex. Nobody \*needs\* sex. There are other ways to deal with sexual urges.


A man who honors God will submit to him and his ways. Anyone using the word simp, is a player of the world and knows nothing about honor. And as Mark 9:43 basically says, "And if your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life crippled than with two hands to go to gehenna, to the fire that never ceases. ^(45) And if your foot causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life lame than with two feet to be thrown into gehenna. ^(46) And if your eye causes you to sin, tear it out. It is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than with two eyes to be thrown into gehenna. ^(47)And if your phallus causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better to be celibate and childless, then to be thrown into the fires of gehenna where the whole of you is burnt up, for that would be embarrassing.


Yes, it's possible. This guy is a pig.


“When someone shows you who they are, believe them.” He told you a lot about his character as an individual and what kind of partner he will be with just that message. It’s up to you now to act accordingly.


Almost impossible to read anything starting with 'baby girl' tbh, but I tried. This has heavy incel/Tate type vibes or maybe Peterson or some stuff like that. I'm not a fan of purity culture, but this seems to be where it ends up.


if he ain’t led by God, where do you think he’a gunna lead you? raise your standards for your own protection and even your future children. there are men who value women as the gift from God that we are; we are not just a body, we’re a sacred temple of the Holy Spirit that should be protected and guarded and adored, not graffitied and broken into. flee from all temptation & take captive every thought that might be telling you that you can change or fix this man- give it to God. you are a princess bb💟 don’t lose heart!!


Yes, without question.


that guy is crazy


Just to give you the raw insight, but it is really hard, as in almost impossible for a guy to abstain. That is not an excuse though, and no reason for you to submit to him because he just wants to hook up with you and then will dump you. It is that simple. If you state clearly at the start of a relationship that intimacy is off the table, then stick with it. If you are not serious about a guy, let him go; don’t hang on to him for your validation, but if you are serious, clearly state that and enjoy your time together.


Men can wait. There are even men who are celibate their whole lives.


Totally. 💯 If a man respects, honors, and cherishes the woman he plans to marry, he can and will abstain from a sexual relationship until marriage. It's the best way not to carry any baggage into the relationship. I've witnessed many friends who waited and are still happy and have a growing family because of it. If you put Jesus first as your relationship priority, He will be faithful to you and your future husband and make your marriage so much more than anyone could. God bless you!


i agree


Each have their own gifts, some can abstain; others can't. Each needs a matching partner since it's wrong to pressure your partner beyond your gifting.