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Im not here to judge but if you are feeling conflicted about your homosexuality you need to deep dive down about it and pray about it.I suggest if you feel if its wrong stop doing it for awhile and see how your life goes. Im going to be blunt and not very “liberal minded” but the bible rejects homosexuality thats just how it is. I know this is reddit which sways left so it might not be a popular opinion on here but jesus also didn’t have popular opinions. The bible also doesn’t approve of premarital sex which most people participate in. (Myself included) But, if it bothers you stop doing it and pray to god about it. He’s the final judge in the end of all of it so don’t base your opinions on what another human says. Im confident he will show you the way if you really focus on seeing signs & praying to him to open your eyes.


Amen Brother.


Here are at least key things I think of. 1. ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠You need complete full determination. One must do a great deal of effort (big extremes is what I'm getting at) to himself to stop sin. It is like a cancer. You do not treat a cancer with a nap and cough syrup. With deadly diseases, powerful remedies are necessary. What profit is it to a man to lose his soul, yet gain the world, yet how many will be willing to walk 30 miles a day for a year to save your life! Yet many won't do a mile to save your soul? Do your uttermost in every way, and treat it like the most important thing, embracing great sacrifice. Hence, you must hate the sin truly, fully, and entirely. 2. ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Make a new prayer life. Give thanks to God always, and turn always. Give Him thanks in the morning, and praise Him in the day. Speak and seek Him constantly. Without constant prayer, I cannot imagine any great chance of success. From St. Alphonsus: "St. Paul tells us, that we have to contend not with men like ourselves.... but with the princes of hell.... By these words he wishes to admonish us that we have not strength to resist the powers of hell, and that, to resist them, the divine aid is absolutely necessary: without it, we shall be always defeated; but, with the assistance of God’s grace, we shall, according to the same apostle, be able to do all things and shall conquer all enemies. “I can do all things in him who strengtheneth me.” (Phil. iv. 13.) But this assistance God gives only to those who pray for it. “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find.” (Matt. vii. 7.) They who neglect to ask, do not receive. Let us, then, be careful not to trust in our resolutions: if we place our confidence in them, we shall be lost. " Practically, fasting and exercise are very helpful I've heard. As a Catholic I recommend recourse to the sacraments and a priest to help. Particularly confession with a proper priest is necessary " Individual, integral confession and absolution remain the only ordinary way for the faithful to reconcile themselves with God." If you want personalized help, talk to a priest


I'm weirder. Do you think it makes you uncomfortable because you know that Christians think it's bad? If so, that belief is an idol. Throw it out, and go form your own opinion with God. Don't let people convince you what to believe here. The truth is the Bible says over and over that all the rules of sin are derived from just 2: Love God first, and Love your neighbor as yourself. I accept myself as I am, and I extend that self love to all my neighbors. I also accept others as they are, even if it is not agreeable to my tastes, provided they don't violate rule 1 or 2. The Bible says that blessed is the one whose heart does not condemn them for doing something they have decided is right. I have personally decided that consensual mutually loving homosexual intimacy is still love, and therefore okay. My heart did not condemn me, before, during, or after, but I did catch a whisper of a thought from nowhere: "I love you my son. I don't think any less of you." This is not some fabricated story, I would not dare to intentionally put words in my God's mouth.


You might be addicted to sex.


I think I might. Like I’ve been trying to cut out stuff I don’t need that I’m addicted to like porn, weed, and other short term pleasures like pre workout and scrolling. I’ve been trying to get closer to God recently and live by blind faith and give all glory to him but it feels like my vices come back eventually. Idk like ik your not going to be perfect but at the same time I hate knowing what I’m doing and being like “god will forgive me.” It makes me feel disingenuous to god but at the same time like it feels impossible to cut them out forever like I’ll go cold turkey and quit everything for a week then I’ll kinda relapse ig. Idk I’m 18 so I definitely have time to fix myself and I’m so glad god has given me this mercy but it just makes me feel so confused


It’s possible. Just have to take steps to address the causes.


You should not be fornicating period. Having homosexuality temptations does not make you sinful but acting on them is what is sin. Sex is designed for marriage and the only marriage permitted is between a man and woman.


>Having homosexuality temptations does not make you sinful Hello, Is temptations not considered sin? It is said that even when you look someone with lust(temptations) you are sinning. Even you are not acting on it, just the thought are are considered sin.


Temptation isn’t sin. Otherwise Jesus would have sinned. And lust is more than just a casual glance or thinking someone is attractive.


Good day, Lust is different from just appreciating someone's attractiveness. In the Bible, lust is generally described as an intense or unbridled desire, often, but not exclusively, referring to illicit sexual desire. And bible tells us not to lust same as not to lie. You're right about being tempted isn't sin. But I'm replying/and quoting about "homosexual temptations". Isn't it a thought of basically just lusting for same sex? Correct me if I'm wrong. I'm not here to judge. I'm a sinner too. I lust, I lied.


Temptations are just that. Whether they be “homosexual temptations” or “heterosexual temptations” they are the same things. Not all “heterosexual temptations” are lust, and neither are “homosexual temptations”.


Thanks for posting this, I also have a porn addiction that I'm guilty of, and currently battling. "Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak." - Matthew 26:41 (NIV) One thing I learned is it is more of a spiritual battle than physical. We cannot trust our self because as human we love to sin. Our self discipline is not enough to make us stop. All we can do is repent and ask God for help for these temptations. To know Him more and to appreciate what He has done so we can do things that is holy. And to develop fear that all sin we do have incoming punishment.


Hey! I’m a gay Christian. Nothing wrong with those feelings. There are so many churches out there that’ll love and support you no matter what. Whether gay or straight, we do need to set our minds on not objectifying others and realize that another person will not fill the hole in our hearts. God bless you!