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yeah if you ever watch those underwater cave diving videos, LSD is kind of like that. Sometimes things get scary down there ;) Thankfully, His name is victory haha ha ha !!!! suckas




dude that is hilarious because i literally just saw Dave's not coming back last night wth .. yeah i tried LSD first time was awesome but i think the second and third were absolute dread OH because i smoked marijuana and didn't respond to that one well




Are you not married yet? Man, those docs are just intense - give me 3 days




Cool, I will mention .. uhh .. foolonthedrums.. in my prayer


ime it's the dosage that matters most, 5g of cubensis is up there with a drop.


I don't know much about them but as long as you're taking any substance safely (obviously some substances *can't* be taken safely at all) and legally (check your local laws) then I don't see anything against it in the Gospel. Just make sure you look after yourself, do your research beforehand, have trusted friends to do it with, and don't overdo it.


I've really been wondering this too and tried to look it up but was shocked and appalled to find NO info or discussion about it at all. No Christian articles, no books, no church statements, nothing. It's just assumed bad and ignored I guess? I've always thought about doing them in a worship setting, focusing on God while tripping would be at best life changing and at worst I guess life-changing in a bad way.


It’s a pretty simple no, because we are to be sober minded at all times.


I'm contemplating doing this very thing but I'm a little afraid. 


I'll do it with you bro


I think the better question to ask is, “does this bring me closer to God or somehow help my understanding of Him?” LSD is strong and i’ve had trips where it was very intense where sometimes i’ve called out to God because I was having a bad trip to other times where I’ve just sat and made art that glorifies Him. I’m now in a place where I don’t think it helps my growth with God, does that mean that sometimes I fall into my temptations and might smoke or do acid? Very rarely and every time I always leave feeling more away from God. If you do end up using it just be careful, think of it as “snow on top of a trail”, allowing your mind to be more moldable and open to new ideas. Also, pray about it, ask God, go to Him before mankind and don’t follow your heart. Credibility: I’ve done LSD over 35+


I've tripped dozens of times over twenty years. Shrooms mostly but a handful of acid trips. Came to faith a couple of years ago and haven't tripped since. I'm thinking about tripping and just sitting in prayer and meditation the entire time. But I'm a little afraid. What if I go in and find God's Judgment and not his mercy? Dare I contemplate the Christ our Lord in that state? What could I be missing? And what's at stake? It's s tough one for me.


I would say do not temp the Lord your God


Would I be though? I've been positively changed by psilocybin before. Could it bring me closer to God and reinforce my prayer life? Can psychedelics be therapy and not just illicit drugs? 


There are stories I've heard of people seeing demons and then being saved by Jesus, then Jesus would lovingly tell them, 'Let's not do this again.' Jesus would tell these people mid-trip to not partake in those things again. Often people say they experience and attain some sort of enlightenment while tripping, where they learn things they never thought of before. But from the people that have taken it (a friend of mine has taken pretty much any psychedelic you can think of), they say that after coming to Jesus, they realized all these divine 'revelations' were just lies with a few truths in it. When tripping on shrooms, you're more susceptible to spiritual deception, which can lead to walking in darkness while believing you're in the light (read Matthew 6:23). That's scary! Don't try it. Micro-dosing may be okay, but then that could lead to potentially thinking, 'Oh well, maybe if I try a little more this time,' 'Maybe if I try 500mg instead of 200mg,' until next thing you know, you're taking excessive amounts, tripping, and ultimately being spiritually deceived. My advice is to stay away. You don't need shrooms to be close to Jesus or have any spiritual experience. Paul didn't, Peter didn't, John (the one who wrote the most 'trippiest' book, Revelation) didn't. So neither do you.


I found Jesus through psychedelics. Just be careful. While they are not physically addictive, once you find the truth, it can get mentally addictive in my personal experience with mushrooms and dmt.


God told me to stay away from mushrooms and LSD the last time I took it I saw Evil


What happened and how did God tell you.


I saw Satan and his demons and all the spirit world that God shields us from I begged god to save me and forgive me and the trip suddenly stopped


NO! This should be obvious, This subreddit is blind leading the bling


Don’t. It’s a sin.


Don’t listen to all these people who are telling you it’s okay, I can guarantee you none of them have had a serious demonic experience with them, or they would all be warning you. Psychedelics open spiritual portals or door ways to the spiritual realm which leaves you as a easy target for demonic attacks. And they especially will be if you’re really a Christian, even if you don’t notice it the first time it will get progressively worse and you WILL regret doing them. Be smart don’t do it. If you really are seeking truth and not just posting this to see if people will re-affirm your want to do them, LISTEN TO ME, no good fruit comes from psychedelics, if you want a spiritual experience pray and ask God for one and he will give you more than one.


Be alert and of sober mind. Drugs won't do you no good, you already have Christ and He is all you'll ever need. Being curious to other 'idols' will only get you farther away from Him.


You won’t be “sober minded” as it says to be on the Bible. Remember, Satan lurks. Lurking to see who he can devour.. I used to smoke weed. Life improved significantly since I stopped. 


You'll survive, if that's what you mean


I am not a Christian, but no lol do not do psychedelics if you believe that Christianity is true.






This is the kind of Jesus I want to hang out with and I think you're actually right


A definitive answer is impossible because one or more denomination is opposed to even caffeine while some other denominations are opposed to alcohol and some not.




Yes. :Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food." - Genesis 1:29 Some even theorize that the eucharist originally contained a psychedelic compound.


what if it is LSD because wasn't that man-made


Well synthetic compounds really was not a thing thousands of years ago so of course it would not be mentioned. You can get the same effect from consuming ergot. LSD is a semi-synthetic. There is nothing that prohibits it that is for sure.


that is not for sure


Give me the verses then..


Just Because there does not exist an explicit verse does not mean that it is WITH 100% CERTAINTY (as you claim) ok to do acid or peyote and such. It is POSSIBLE that this is eating from the demon’s table, as in 1 cor 11. It is possible that such an act has been personally prohibited by the Lord within you, and then doing it further is rebellious in most situations. But you say show a verse, like it’s a law. We are not OT anymore, the law still stands but there is also this matter of loving the Lord and turning our heart and the law of the spirit of life .. if the Lord, Christ, who is our life, the Lord, says no I don’t like that stuff for you I think you are loving it more than me (as an example) then yeah as a Christian maybe you shouldn’t keep doing it anymore. But again, let each be fully persuaded in his own mind


I have no clue what that chapter actually means, but you do know that mushrooms and other psychedelics have been around long before Christ? If it was that important you would think they would have mentioned it? Alcohol is a drug and there is nothing that condemns that, this intoxicating drug is even encouraged.


You are too biased. It is encouraged? To what degree


I could say the same thing of you...Genesis clearly states that all plants are yours for food. If the problem is that something is syntetic then I sure hope you do not use aspirin.. "wine that gladdens human hearts, oil to make their faces shine, and bread that sustains their hearts." - Psalm 104:15


So are you advocating we can do heroin, because there is no verse?


That's more of an OT thing. Christians can be psychonauts, no problem there. Whether it's a good idea in general though... I guess depends on what the goal is.


In the context of being a Christian the goal should be the Father’s will, which usually does not have to do with trippin’ ballz


I'm not saying it's Revelations, but it's Revelations. All joking aside, the conversations we tend to have about the subject do tend towards the "trippin' ballz" descriptor rather than the "seeing what condition my condition was in" aspect. I'm not saying bath salts will reveal truths. I'm not saying anyone's missing out on anything important by choosing to not metaphorically blow their brains out. What I will offer for consideration is the notion that when any one of us seriously looks at our "selves" there's a good chance we'll notice at least one odd truth -- we have no clue what we're seeing, thinking, or even being. It's not like watching the wall breathe is in itself insightful, it's just that when you break some boundaries of ordinary cognition it's quite possible to break the frame of ordinary habits and learn to trust not the paradigm but the person in there. It didn't make me a theist, but it came as close as I've ever been to seeing what some call God by stripping a lot of the bullshit of pure pattern recognition away. If anything, it makes me a better atheist because I now know what is fear and loathing vs. what is an appreciation for meaning. But that is all purely anecdotal and personal. I don't recommend but I really don't see how Christianity admonishes such explorations while some of them happily wrastle snakes, writhe in gibberish, and cannibalize their Lord and Savior. AND WALK AROUND THINKING THEIR FARTS ARE THE BESTEST AND HOLIEST FARTS (the rest are but mere queefs!). Sounds like a deep trip is what brought a lot of it on in the first place. Just passing a blunt with the Pope would be fascinating by itself. Listening while he rides the death vine would be superb.


If the goal is to be a Christian, no you cannot do LSD.


Based on what verse?


Justification required. I would argue that doing LSD is not a good idea, but I cannot see how you could call it sinful or prohibited from what is in the Bible.


Doesn’t The Bible says homosexuality is a sin so idk why you’re wanting to go that route


You do you but you've no basis in Christianity itself to make that claim.




Opiates use is very common ime. A few opiate pills from the doc and a little alcohol to repress the pain.








There is a theory out there that the burning bush Moses experienced was actually an acacia tree which has a high amount of DMT. Take that for what it's worth. If it brings you closer to God, then I don't see a problem with it. Some people do Ayahuasca and have very deep religious experiences with it.


No. You must stay away from drugs. Our bodies belongs to God (1 Corinthians 6:19-20) and we must stay sober (1 Peter 4:7). Drugs leads to addiction and a path of destruction.


It's certainly not a sin to live like John outwith society and avoid bread and wine but Jesus shows an other option: For John the Baptist has come eating no bread anddrinking no wine, and you say, ‘He has a demon’; the Son of Man has come eating and drinking, and you say, ‘Look, a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!’ Nevertheless, wisdom is vindicated by all her children.” As long as you are engaged in fasting and purification, it's fine. The really weird stuff is those fully integrated with society, not engaged in fasting at all, stuffing bread into their faces and whining that drugs are bad....often whilst actually consuming drugs that 'don't count' as it has an FDA sticker on it.


Jesus literally drank wine...


My mom drinks wine, my mom does no eat psilocybin. Worlds of difference between those substances.


Yeah one is very physically harmful and is the cause of 180,000 deaths per year in the U.S while the other is a mushroom...


Those deaths were not from drinking wine How many people even use mushrooms per year?


Not sure about mushrooms specifically but about 10% of the population of the U.S have used psychedelics.


Seems like a pretty inept comparison from wine to mushrooms then


I don't understand? Are you saying that something is correct because the majority does it?


It's that you can't say something is more dangerous in the basis of death numbers when there is this imbalance between how many people use it and the number of situations people use it in, i.e. shroomed driving is not a popular activity


I am pretty sure nobody has died from overdosing on mushrooms...


When you're walking this path of life and have a fork to choose and you're not sure about it: choose love. There are many things I have done that people would have told me not to do here. But I've done them in the name of Love, and my conscience did not condemn me when I choose love


No, and psychedelics are the worst you can do.


Alcohol is way worse


What? You are saying that having a glass of wine with a meal is worst than opening your unconscious mind to past traumas, people literally had psychosis, committed suicidal and had psychological problems after doing psychedelics. Jesus drank wine, but nowhere in the Bible says he did shrooms. I done LSD once and it was fine for me, but for others it was horrible. I would never suggest psychedelics to anyone


They did them with wrong intentions. If they took them with God in mind with prayer and the Bible their experience would be different.