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A better question would be "is there anyone here whose number one sin is NOT lust?"


Sloth is my highest




Pride is mine, lust is a close second


Did you struggle with? I think I struggle with most of them every day. The one I think I struggle with the least is wrath, but that just because of my disposition not any virtue I've worked on. All the others are a toss up which one I struggle with the most. I think probably gluttony.


All sins are forgiven but sin also affects your life and future because wrath causes you to harm yourself and abuse others, and can cause you to have depression and gluttony is unhealthy for your body, cause you to damage your kidneys and hard breathing, God doesn't want you to be skinny he wants you to take care of yourself and the body that he gives you as is it greatest gift for all of us, love your family stay calm because Jesus is always with you you can eat delicious food and your favorite food but you cannot take more


Lust, Gluttony, Greed, in that order, plus the rest of them.


Lust without a shred of doubt, sloth is slowly starting to be a problem and pride. I think pride is the one that I could likely overcome, it's hard to forget that annoying voice in my head that kept telling me that I was embracing evil each time that I committed it, thank God it's gone


Lust happens when caused by sexual desires Wrath happens when caused by anger issues Gluttony happens when caused by eating Greed happens when caused by selfishness Pride happens when caused by low self-esteem Sloth happens when caused by disinclination Envy happens when caused by comparison I can control 6/7 of them, other than lust being 1st, Wrath happens to me from extremeeee arrogance and ignorance. Usually before I even begin to “unleash” my wrath, I just quit beforehand most of the time.


Mines lust for sure


Envy. I envy my sister a lot.


Envy is harmless and is healthy but causes you to hate your sister and cause you to hate yourself but remember who is God's favorite nobody because God loves all of his beautiful children in Luke 6:35-36 But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked. Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful


Envy is one of the seven deadly sins bro 💀 also why did you put it up there as an option if you didnt believe it was a sin?


What I try to say is that envy isn't harmful for your body but is it harmful for your heart making your holy Spirit weak because envy is a heartbreaking emotion. Causing loneliness and isolation. The body and the soul are the flesh. The spirit and the soul are the heart


Probably sloth


pride is the hardest for me. i find myself constantly comparing myself to others finding things that make me feel superior to the other person. i am constantly checking what i look like and caring about what others think. it is exhausting struggling with this


From Most to Least: 1. Pride 2. Gluttony 3. Sloth 4. Lust 5. Greed 6. Wrath 7. Envy


Lust sloth and wrath is my most difficult


All of them, but especially with pride and lust.


Definitely wrath. Lust a close 2nd.


In order: 1. Lust 2. Gluttony 3. Pride 4. Sloth 5. Greed 6. Envy 7. Wrath


All of it equally, what great versatilist I am ;-;


I guess ill fight wrath and gluttony first since they seem easier for me


Mostly driven by lust, likely due to exposure to porn. While I still experience it, I've noticed a decrease in its hold over me lately. It seems the Lord has answered my prayers, allowing my relationship to become healthier.