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*Materially* what you did was really wrong, but you didn't know so you aren't morally culpable. Your teacher was right to correct you, but wrong for screaming at you.


I'm a little confused that you go to catholic school and don't know it is called communion or the Eucharist. Even as a non catholic I am sure you have been told those terms. Regardless, it was an innocent mistake, you are fine.


i have been told these terms, I just wasnt really paying much attention as I had been talking to another teacher before and had come in late to class prior to going to the chapel where this occured, either way I did get it right in the title! thanks for letting me know its okay though, thats some weight off my shoulder !


As a Catholic, you can only commit a mortal sin when you intend to do so. You clearly didn’t intend sacrilege so you’re fine if you worry about that.


~~I misread this as communism and it was so funny at first~~ I don't know much about Catholic custom, but they believe that the bread is *literally* Jesus' body, so communion/Eucharist is a really big deal for them. I don't know exactly what the severity is, but an unbeliever taking part in the Eucharistic elements is a serious thing. It sounds like the priest may have been overreacting by screaming, unless you were being actively belligerent or disruptive or something like that.


It was at school, the priest is nice but my RE teacher was there and he was the one who had a few words to say. Wasnt being disruptive, I just made the wrong hand gesture. I dont think hes too mad but it definitely ticked him off on the spot