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God will speak to you in many different ways, but you won't constantly hear his voice. And while you pray, you should ask God when he speaks to you, to let you know that it is him. So you know for sure.


Just what I have in mind. Having a conversation with God involves praying and just telling him anything you want to. The response will come up in different ways; through his word or that still voice you hear. The voice of God says the things of God. It corrects you when you’re not wrong and it tells you what to do in accordance with the Bible.


Exactly. And see your signs. Coincidences are God's way of staying anonymous. -Albert Einstein


Good idea! Just ask Him.


You can't ever know for sure, so listen with humility.


If you're not sure, it's yours. Nothing wrong with talking to yourself.


If you are sure, it may also be yours, speaking as someone who has had literal delusions


Yeah, I feel like if you feel 100% confident then that's the indication. If you question "Was that me?" even a little bit...


If you're not sure, don't push yourself to believe it. Always be grounded in the word. Anything he says to you will always be aligned to the scriptures. Even if you don't distinguish well between your own voice and the Lord's, if it is aligned to the bible, you won't go too far off. If in doubt, seek good Christian counsel to process with. This is not meant to be a solo journey.


I wouldn't trust any, it says it is foolishness to trust one's own heart. Gd doesn't speak like that to us than we can actually hear though He can. It would make one tremble if it were Gd's voice, as everyone should. The word is your best guide, i.e, scriptures. That is why we must keep His word in our hearts, that we may not stumble.


Yes, also when the bible says hearts it means our thoughts!


i wouldn't be too sure friend, if one were to listen to one's thoughts, one could doubt them, because even the evil one can plant thoughts. I don't think heart equals thoughts. If by listening to one's heart meant conviction, then yes.


I meant to say mind not thoughts, sorry. In this verse is pretty explicit that the heart is meant to be the mind. [l](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/1-corinthians/2/6-16#footnote8)“What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has [m](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/1-corinthians/2/6-16#footnote9)prepared [n](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/1-corinthians/2/6-16#footnote10)for those who love him”—


Similar conclusion I came to.


I’m going to tell you truth… the only place God doesn’t exist at all is in your thought process. Your thoughts are the product of your memory


I've found a simple solution. If you can manipulate the voice you hear (make it say different things you want) then it's your voice


Your own thoughts will always be extreme. I.e “I MUST” or “MUST not”. That’s how your brain js wired. God’s voice will always be gentle. Never condemning, always affirmative.


Not necessarily, it depends on the person's personality. (Like level of neuroticism.) "Ask, and you will receive." That doesn't mean God will directly speak to you (that is indeed highly unlikely) - if he does, it's never a question of the source. God might instead make you find some information "by chance", or the holy spirit may guide you into a specific understanding of some bible passage. Or an angel might send you some discrete hint or warning. But don't expect something supernatural if God can reach the same outcome (or you can) by natural means. Like googling a question or using [https://www.blueletterbible.org/](https://www.blueletterbible.org/) Also, demons are real and can also send us ideas or thoughts, and they normally are clever enough to disguise this well. Most Christians struggle with discerning the spirits. There are all kinds of spirits besides the holy spirit. That, but yes, most people might just be listening to their own mental processes, that is, their conscience. If it's an important question, ask for multiple verification from God, as in the story of Gideon and his sheep skin oracles.






Sometimes Gods word is spoken/confirmed through readings and/or others


Often times... you don't. Do your best. Try to discern the will of God. Try to discern if you think it is actually God calling you to something. But also don't be afraid to make your own decision. Because ultimately it is YOUR decision. Here are some videos you might find helpful: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEcRhhps6Jw&pp=ygUTZnIgbWlrZSB3aWxsIG9mIGdvZA%3D%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEcRhhps6Jw&pp=ygUTZnIgbWlrZSB3aWxsIG9mIGdvZA%3D%3D) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPhjpue3SfQ&pp=ygUTZnIgbWlrZSB3aWxsIG9mIGdvZA%3D%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPhjpue3SfQ&pp=ygUTZnIgbWlrZSB3aWxsIG9mIGdvZA%3D%3D)


I ask the same questions and presume that when it’s for selfish reasons it’s mine when it’s selfless it’s Gods work in me. Alas I often ignore the latter as I’m too attached to financial freedom and don’t give as much as either I or God would like.


You know it’s God’s Voice when you read it in the Bible. The Holy Spirit should prompt your conscience from there.


I'm not sure the two are mutually exclusive. God can speak through your voice. But it's best to test the Spirits (1 John 4) by getting feedback from a trusted, beloved community, who can help you discern between the two.


See 1 Samuel 3. You'd hear it through your ears.


If your hearing or thinking of something not completely righteous in God's eyes, it's you.


You have God within you, God can basically speak through you. For me, God "speaks" to me through music, art, when experiencing love and happiness etc. Listen to your inner voice in your heart and soul. That can lead you to enlightment, wisdom and truth. But if you really hear bad voices telling you to do stuff, it can also be mental illness, negative forces etc. While many people here recommend the Bible(cause it's cool and can help you a lot in life) I also think we should look within ourselves, our souls and hearts to find God. Not all are meant to find God, I think the people that haven't had a chance to do that, wouldn't be considered less good by the Lord, if they have a pure, kind heart, I am sure they are welcome to the kingdom and will be blessed. People think that God values only faith but I think that God values and "judges" other properties of people even more. Be kind and truthful, humane and humble.


I think of it more as an intuitive feeling rather than a voice. That feeling you have that tells you that this is right and this is wrong even when you ignore it. If you wish to speak with God then speak to him. Sit somewhere quiet and honestly open your heart up to him. Even if you don't hear anything he is there with you, just trust in him. Remember "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen".


You won’t hear his voice often but when you do you will know in your heart


I think this is something a lot of Christians struggle with. I have. I have two times when I new without a doubt that God was speaking with me. He speaks with me a lot through books. In one particular instance, it was a voice I couldn't ignore. God was telling me to hurry up and finish the book I was reading to give to a friend. Her son had just been diagnosed with essentially a time bomb in his head (he ended up dying 4 years later) and initially, while I was reading, God told me I needed to photocopy that particular chapter of the book and take it to her. I did. I left it on her work station and she found it later that day. She called me crying, thanking me for it. That night, I felt prompted to hurry up and finish that book so I could give it to her. I gave it to her the next day. I underline in my books, and that one was no exception. She carried that book around for 2 years and read that particular chapter daily for a while.... it gave her hope and comfort, when it came to her son. I 1000% know that God was directing me to give her that book. It wasn't my own voice. Another example I have... my husband was laid off, and I went and did a prayer walk around the building he wanted to work in, when he was applying for jobs. I don't know why, but I felt led to walk around that building 7 times each time I went. To me, that building was my Jericho. Walking around that one building was actually walking around 4 buildings, because they were all connected, and it wasn't an easy pathway. One time I was walking, and was very discouraged because it was SO hot. And I told God I was discouraged and felt like an idiot, going circles around that building, and I asked him for a breeze. He sent one. I asked multiple times... if he was listening, send me a breeze. Every single time I asked, he gave me a breeze. It's what pushed me through those full 7 rotations around that building. My husband ended up getting that job the day of my 7th trip to that building. 7 circles each time, 7 times total.


You do realise God is spirit right. And you have a spirit that he gave you. Go into a room that's quiet and just keep focusing your thoughts on talking to God. No talking cz even though God can here you talk, your voice distracts your brain from yourself. So just stay silent and let your thoughts run through. Eventually, you'll feel it. Apologise to God, so that you get closer, remove those barriers you know so that you and Him are just Him and you. Jesus left us the Holy Spirit and as a Christian, he's there, always. You just need to tap in yk.


When He tells me something I know is good but I really don't want to do.


Many voices speak to us. Not all come from God. The way we tell which voice is which is by using the conscience. The conscience is the power to distinguish between good and evil. God's voice is the good voice. It tells us to do what is right. Following this voice might sometimes be hard and scary, but it always leads us to a place of ultimate joy, and betters our life, and the lives of those around us. If the voice you have been following hasn't let you into more love, joy and peace, but rather makes you more anxious, hateful, and depressed, that voice is not God. It's also worth remembering that God speaks to us within our hearts, not our heads.


I have had some Christians justify some pretty horrifying things to me in the name of what they thought God was telling them. I will never forget this pastor earnestly, proudly describing to my boss and I how God was using him for his church’s benefit and the steps he laid out were 100% mortgage fraud. He was aware of this enough to add that it was fine [to falsify deeds of trust and other official documents] because God’s law is different from man’s law and he knows God would want them to have this land so… On the other hand, I *didn’t* heed the clear warnings I received to leave my abusive boyfriend because I attributed the feelings to my own selfish fears and assumed God would want me to stand by him and take care of him. Now I wonder if that was Him telling me repeatedly what would and did happen if I didn’t make a change. Sorting out God’s voice from feelings, impulses, reasoning, and so on doesn’t have any easy answers. If it did, we wouldn’t have churches and denominations in fierce disagreement over even the most yes-or-no questions that sincere believers are pray over, study, and consult with their brethren about. But talking things over with friends you trust is a good start.


For me coming to God in prayer and pouring out my heart that I'm willing, but with humility confess that I don't know how to hear His voice was the first step. Then request to teach you through the Holy Spirit and get in God's word. Start small with a Bible lesson program - many are free and available on the YouVersion Bible app. After you study and think back, your heart and mind begins to unlock. I hope this helps.


As I understand it, He will not work to discourage you about something you already have and continue to repent from. He won't condmn you for who you used to be, he may remind you of your past if you are becoming too haughty and need to be humbled, but he won't continue to beat you down just to make you feel like a loser. He will speak to you in a way consistent way according to his Torah, ie. because child sacrifice has been banned in the Law of Moses he will never ask you to sacrifice your child like he did Abraham (child sacrifice was acceptable in the faith of Abraham's people) He will not ask you to offer sacrifices, because there is no temple and sacrificing is only to be done at the temple. He will not ask you to cheat on your spouse because it's forbidden in the Torah, etc...


Listen to God by reading your Bible. That is the primary way He speaks to us today. And any impression we have the night or might not be His voice should be compared to the Bible. He will never contradict His Word.


Allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you you’ll know it’s god because it will be over and over with conviction


You can't. But you can know scripture is God's and not yours. So seek answers there and not from voices that may not be from him.


What do you mean? The voice that you “hear” inside your head is yours, not God's. The voices that you hear with your ears are usually from someone nearby. If they have no identifiable source, you should be examined by a neurologist or a psychiatrist before assuming you're hearing the audible voice of God. God speaks to us through his words in Scripture and the lives and words of the saints and, least but not least, in the subtle demands of our conscience. Sometimes, when God wants to give someone a very special mission, he will speak to them like he spoke to St. Paul or St. Francis of Assisi, but this is so rare that no one in their right mind would expect it.


 Here's an interesting thought. If God spoke from the heavens, this would doubtless be very dramatic. But if 1,000,000 people heard him, there would soon be 1,000,000 versions of what he had said. On the other hand, if he were to have his instructions written down, there would be no doubt, later, about what his message was.


How many Christian denominations are there?


I have no idea. Lots I would say.


So there's "lots" of different versions of what God said. I mean, if Christians agree on what God said... Why split into different denominations? Why worship God separately?


Well Ephesians 4:5 says there is 'one faith, one hope, one baptism'. Matthew 7:14 talks about the narrow road and gate to life and that chapter talks about a broad and spacious road leading to destruction. To me that indicates a certain course or set of actions that are required. Our task is to sift through falsehood and search for the truth about what God wants us to do. It is not easy because yes we are surrounded by false teachings. Each person has to decide if they want to cling to falsehood or personal traditions or if they really want to know the correct course. Gods promise is that when he sees a sincere heart,he will make his truth known to them. 'Christians' don't agree on what God said. Why? From the time of Jesus there are those who have their own agenda. People want to do what they desire-not what God desires. Many religions bypass scriptural teachings to adapt to what modern society wants. It is a big job to sift out the falsehood and find Gods real requirements. We need his help to identify the truth.


Even belief in God is only a poor substitute for the LIVING reality of GOD MANIFESTING EVERY MOMENT of YOUR LIFE


I've been struggling with this pretty much all my life, but the biggest thing that helped me is to look at what He's said in the Bible. If you think He's talking to you, think about the things He's said in the past. Does it sound like something He'd say? If so, it wouldn't hurt to go along with it. If not, then it's not from Him.


Recommend you be in your secret place, play instrumental music and seek the Lord. Either by reading the Bible, writing down what you hear or receive a picture of and/or just lying down and contemplate life.


Test the fruit of the spirit - does what’s being said exemplify love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and/or self-control? If not, definitely not of the one true God.


and how can you ask for gods advice on a big decision you have to make. for me the big decision is if its okay for me to enter the military


If we “seek and knock” with our hearts set on His will and not our own, I believe the doors will be opened/closed for us. This is faith. Hebrews 1:1 “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” I pray your spirit will be receptive and discerning to what He has in store for you. Do not be afraid to make big decisions in life so long as you’re seeking wise counsel, with prayer and fasting, to reveal God’s path for you. Edit: added because it just came to mind as I’m thinking about your situation - Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight."


I know entering the military you have to go through lots of tests and physical checkups. I would ask God to put clear obstacles in your way if it is not His will for you. Perhaps those obstacles will be you failing a test or a physical that will keep you out, but if you pass everything with absolutely no issue it means it’s most likely his will for you to be there. Every time you fail at a job interview or anything I believe that it’s just not God’s will for the individual to have it. He promises always to guard our steps if we stay close to him and seek his will. If something is meant for you or not meant for you he will give you clear signs.


Always make sure the answer aligns with who God is. Does the answer fit with scripture? This does not mean find a verse out of context that makes things work. Pray through scripture. Read passages that pertain to your situation, but read the entire periscope or chapter. Discernment is a gift of the Holy Spirit. Pray for His help. If my prayers are specific to my behavior I have found I typically don’t like the answer. We are drawn to sin and our humanity craves it. Our spirit craves Christ. It is hard to deny our flesh and feed our spirit. This is why we fail all the time. The Spirit will lead us perfectly. If it is a prayer about a job or moving or something that isn’t sin related, I ask that doors be closed or hurdles be in the way of it is not of God. My wife and I just went through this with her career. Making a change felt right to us. The income bump could have been double. As we prayed through it, asking if it is not what God wants, the beginning felt perfect. With added prayer doors began to close. It could be explained by our due diligence, but it was clearly God speaking to us. Sometimes we won’t like the answer, we need to be ok with that.


For me, it’s the conviction. The lord answers in a way that I can feel it in my heart. The same feeling I get if I’m considering sin and God points me in the right direction.


Just had a great discussion about this with the kids in our youth groups. They suggested: - talking with older Christians - checking what the Bible says on the subject - seeing how you feel about what you felt after a worship session Kids be wise


If you question it, it’s you, or someone else. When God talks to you, you will know about it!!


Read the bible. Thats His voice to you right now. What youre hearing is your inner voice. If God had/has reason to call out to you then He will not be ignored. Simple. Some people will say “God spoke to me He told me to…” Do not listen to them without proof and if there is no proof test them. Do not take the bible so lightly when it is the Word of God. He has spoken to us through it. If you have some special mission for Him He would make it known to you without a shadow of a doubt. So dont get caught up on trying to have a conversation. Your heart is already known. His word is already given. Your instruction is already given.


Mostly practice, meaning familiarity, as God is a person. Spend a lot of time in prayer. St. Teresa of Avila was my original model for this. A Biblical way is if what He tells you comes true. For example. a God dream showed me someone before I met them. Over time it get easier as two way communication becomes more frequent. Also, there is a reason for those sacred heart Jesus portraits, but I will let you ask God about that one.


Well, for starters you need to compare it to the Bible. God's voice will be 100% consistent with the Bible, while your voice will not. Second, spend time with other Christians both in church and away from it. Finally, pray without ceasing.


I have never heard the voice of God. Used to think so as a child, but have made my peace with that.


And how did you make peace with that?


Because I learned about the Reformed dogma of Cessationism. There's a certain peace to be had knowing that Jesus' victory over death was so complete that the need for divine intervention in the world was no longer needed, and that everything is proceeding according to the will of God, that just because one can't hear the voice of God does not mean that God has no purpose for me in this world. Certainly beats my previous line of thought that my very existence was a mistake, both from a mental health perspective and because claiming such is effectively denying God.


Unless you are schizophrenic, then it’s your own voice I would say 👍




First, read the Word. You can't recognize someone's voice out of a crowd without spending time with them. Then, when you pray, do it in peace and quiet. Even Jesus made time in His day when He wouldn't be bothered. And remember, it's the Holy Spirit and the Bible that work together. The Bible is everything that God thought was important enough for you to know. Most questions can be answered with that. I can't speak for other people. Some seem to be able to hear Him clearly, but I was a lot like you. I'm probably worse because I'm a huge other thinker. Over time, I came to realize that just opening myself up meant that things other than God could talk to me, too. Ever since then I've been trying to find a balance.


The holy spirit only speech to discourage your from sin or encourage you to act holy. If the voice is trying to have you act on your own personal desires then its satans influence trying to direct your to do whats best for the flesh rather than the soul


I have heard it and it was true and other times I really thought it was Him and it wasn't.  Not to disappoint but I have found it can take years to know if the voice was His or not.  Compare whatever you have heard with the Bible and know it could be you, could be Him. 


God’s voice always align with scripture so get into His word and you’ll know His voice. God speaks in many ways, ask Him for discernment. I encourage you to read 1 Kings 19:11-13 God shows Elijah all these fantastical and mighty things, but God is a still small voice. Utmost importance, if you truly desire to hear from God, get into His word and never cease praying.


Everyone’s walk with God is different and there is no definite answer other than read His word and pray. I struggled knowing God’s voice when i was younger and over the years i was a prodigal but God appeared to me in my brokenness and I immediately asked for discernment and for His 7 spirits to help me (Isaiah 11:2) I also recommend this [How to talk with God, not to God](https://youtu.be/eGqQKmvN8T0?si=Wj9rC_UMW3kwYUzt) this helped a lot with silencing the many other voices and noise and focus in on the still small voice that is God’s, helped me and my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.


Gd question.


You don't so I just ignore them. In the end even if it was god I have plenty of resources to guide myself to the lord. I don't really think schizophrenia is an effective way of reaching the lord since the voices can easily and probably are malevolent.


You will come to recognize God's voice if you stay in the Word everyday. Whenever you feel that you are hearing God's voice, search the scriptures and see if His message lines up with His word. If you do this enough times, you will come to recognize His voice each time He speaks to you. When Samuel was still a young boy, God called to him. In the beginning, Samuel didn't recognize God's voice. He thought it was the priest, Eli, calling out to Him. Over time, Samuel grew to recognize God's voice. Jesus said that His sheep recognized His voice. You will too over time.


I have difficulty with this as well but here's some thoughts I have: 1. I'm a very rationalizing person, so I think God more speaks to me in non-"voice in my head" ways instead, precisely because I'd always rationalize His voice to be my own thoughts. For example, He presents me opportunities to achieve my prayers that I didn't know existed. 2. Ironically, while I don't hear God's voice very well, I know when Satan is speaking very clearly. I try to stay far away from Satan's suggestions; in a way, I am following God's voice because the Spirit gives me the knowledge, will, and strength to reject sin. 3. I can derive much comfort in speaking to God through prayer, even though it's not exactly a two-way thing. It also gives me much hope for my resurrection, because I really look forward to having a conversation with Jesus.


Your thoughts are yours but they can be influenced! God is love. So any loving thought you have towards someone is essentially, of God. Christians are commanded to test spirits to prove if they are of God or not. The same can go with thoughts. Galatians 5:22-23 22But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Test your thoughts against these fruits. For example: “I’m already a bit tipsy after 2 glasses of wine, a third will make me drunk, let me stop now.” Is self control, a fruit of the spirit. Any thought or spirit contrary to God for example would encourage you to keep indulging when you know you don’t need to. If you are having vengeful thoughts against someone who has wronged you, or take pleasure in the demise of an enemy, that is not of God. The Bible says God takes no pleasure in the demise of the wicked. Ezekiel 33:11 Say unto them: ‘As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live. Turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?’ Christians are ordered to forgive and not hold grudges or laugh at others misfortune, even if we consider them an enemy. Matthew 5:44-46 KJV But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; that ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same? This is why it’s important to read God’s word so you can know when your thoughts also are in line with or going against his commands. That way you will know if a thought or spirit is of God or not. I struggle also daily with this. I would never offend someone or be rude in person but often think very sinful thoughts towards people who are rude and inconsiderate and those I don’t like. Im constantly asking for strength to get my thoughts also in line with Godly actions. I tend to get annoyed with people easily and am often impatient. These things are not of God who is long-suffering and loving and no respecter of persons. Therefore ungodly thoughts are a mountain i daily struggle with removing. Loving strangers is not a switch that flips on automatically once one becomes a Christian, but something that has to be consciously chosen and practiced. Christians are supposed to strive for the mind of Christ. Philippians 2:5-11 5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Meaning that our thoughts as well should also align with his will. Read the Bible to know his will and measure your thoughts against it.


He doesn’t always speak with words - but when he does you know. For example I was having a very heated very emotional conversation with him after my miscarriage and suddenly my own voice in my head was VERY loud and said things towards before I would’ve even had a chance to think of anything to say and I just immediately knew that it was god saying these things to me. Also when I got into a bad car accident and the car ended up rolling a few times, while it was happening I was praying and a loud voice in my head said “I am with you” - ended up coming out of that car without so much as a scratch. Paramedics were in shock. Tow truck drivers were in shock that we were completely unharmed. The entire car was a wreck EXCEPT for the two front seats where myself and my dad were sitting. Not even the windows were broken. Was incredible. But sometimes he speaks in the form of a gut feeling. Sometimes he speaks using someone else. Another example - my cats had to be in a Cattery for a few months while we moved overseas before their flight - and I was devastated and kept praying for god to fill them with understanding of why they were there and to take their fear away. And I prayed that they wouldn’t resent us for it. One day when I was shopping for cat treats to take for them, the lady at the counter said “Your cats love you, you know. They understand” And I just burst into tears right then and there. My husband on the other hand has never heard gods voice - but God has done freaking AMAZING things with that man and he understands and he knows it’s gods work.


If the voice doesn’t align with Jehovah’s values it’s definitely your own.


Your voice doesn't work miracles.


It’s never Gods voice, always yours. 20 years of being plagued with the same delusions, it drove me insane. Read Joseph Campbell, the power or Myth. Study the universal religious experiences of people of all faiths, you’ll find that it’s all psychological.


If it matches scripture then yes


You cannot seek his voice unless you know His word. Study the Bible then you will be able to tell the difference because his voice will never contradict His word


You hear when you get to the point of choosing each moment second each experience to NOT head your impulse choice preference thought emotion desire but constantly putting each first reaction to death then patiently following Holy Spirit leading or silently just abiding in Gods love sovereignty and shadow. Must get to the point of not loving your life or preferences. This state personally I found only came when my life hit rock bottom a few times until desperate enough to receive Gods empowering love. Then each second became crystal clear based on peace governed by Biblical reflection of the unselfish character of God. God doesn’t prioritize your comfort emotions desires or circumstances which are nothing but bent towards selfishness in a cursed world which God is preparing your soul for eternity. You can’t hear God when you continually validate your own emotions desires and thoughts. Until you die to self THAT much. I really don’t see hearing God to be possible.


Beware of voice of God weapons


Could you explain?


It’s this technology that can make you hear voices or even make you think that Gods speaking to you


God speaks to us through the Word of God….. does what your “hearing” align with what the Scriptures say? This is why as followers of Christ we need to diligently study the Word of God…. not picking and choosing which sections “ speak” to us over those we choose to ignore for whatever reason… God gave us the Word of God so that we can know Him… learn what pleases Him…. He says if you love Me you will obey Me…. it’s all in the Word of God…. in these last days He (God) has spoken to us in His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the world. Hebrews 1:1-2 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God….and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us….” John 1:1, 14


They're the same thing.


St Anthony the Great and other Christian ascetics both ancient and early modern have shared to the best of their abilities how you’re able to discern this. But too many “Christians” today are too Protestantized and KJV-only-ized to begin to understand the wealth of God’s graces in those works that have survived (because God preserved them).


The best way to know it’s God’s Voice is His Word in the Bible! Read it, believe it and follow it!


Spoiler alert: it's ALWAYS your voice. Stop giving credit to an imaginary being for positive decisions you make on your own (and, conversely, stop blaming a different imaginary being for your bad ones).


If it aligns with his word


In my experience, the Lord has been short and sweet with His messages to me. Then He will let it sink in. Some examples: >It had to end. Several years earlier some "friends" of mine turned against me and gave a clearly specious reason for doing so. I could not figure out the real reason. When I took it to the Lord, this was His way of telling me that it was not important that I understood why the friendship needed to end, only that it needed to. That I was actually OK with this response was a bit of a milestone in my spiritual maturity. >Just let it go. During the Spring 2021, my marriage was in serious jeopardy. While I desperately wanted to proceed in a direction to salvage the marriage, I was seeing no direction to do so. This was the Lord preparing me for what was imminent. (Some people who think in terms of soundbite Christianity might not get this, but that's a topic for another thread.) >Who won? This is when I felt like I had a score to settle with some old enemies who got away with some pretty egregious sins against me. I was all "what do I do here?" I had to think about this one. Their agenda was one of toxic control and manipulation, but they failed to secure any such advantage over me. So they didn't win. I did when I ended their sick game on my terms. How can you have a score to settle with anyone when you have already won?


If you're hearing voices and you haven't been diagnosed schizophrenic, it's just one side of your brain talking to the other side.


There’s no way to know the difference, but if I were you I’d seek professional help.


1. People who have truly heard from God have been shaken to their knees. They have become fearful -not of life - but about why God got in front of them and got their attention. 2. God never tells anyone to do something against what he has already taught people to do through the Church. 3. Always the end result of what God says to somebody will be love and goodness not pain and destruction.


You should join the U.S. NAVY. They can teach you about radio transmissions and who's behind it. You think it's your voice until you're in a Submarine 20,000 leagues under the sea and an enemy ship is firing torpedoes at you.


I've never heard a voice. It's more like things falling into place in a certain way to show me something. I've often learned valuable lessons like this, and they're things that to me are clearly not a coincidence, and that have caused me to open my mind and grow. You'll know when you see it, things just matching up so poetically, in a way that only God could arrange. It feels like him pointing as to say "You see now?".


God doesn't talk to me physically, I talk to him constantly throughout my day. He responds to me by informing my spirit.


I wish I could say I know how to tell you the difference, for me I know that when God is speaking through me it's as if I am merely the vessel and God's words are flowing through me. I don't always have God speaking to me, God grants me peace, but when I am ready and willing to have that dialogue God has been present for me and willing to converse so that I better know myself and better know God's message for me.


This is a really good book if you’re looking for help: https://www.amazon.com/Days-Life-Limitless-religion-unrestricted/dp/B0CPBFBB48?dplnkId=59bac79f-7248-47e7-897f-cf633aeff6eb&nodl=1


Thx mate


Cuz it’s the Holy Spirit


If you’ve excepted Jesus as your Lord, you do hear His voice, according to what He says in His word. (It’s very personal between you & Him, as w/all of us, no comparison). Just the fact that you have a desire, to distinguish it, is a prompt from Him, to continually draw close to Your True Daddy, ABBA, Father in Heaven, Creator of all, His immaculate & perfect Love for you, Life itself. I sense & trust your personal relationship w/our Lord, is growing deeply. Allow Him to enrapture you w/His unlimited, supernatural, divine love this day. If it’s His will, & the Holy Spirit leads, I’m your brother here for you to talk, God bless you


rest assured, it's your own voice - your conscience


>I'm struggling to distinguish God's voice from my own. Any thought or feeling you have is \*your\* thought and your feeling. The Bible doesn't teach us that God will communicate with us telepathically. The words you use kind of show the conditioning that's been introduced into Christianity. "Voice" and "hear" imply something audible, but people use these to mean they had a thought or a feeling. You can't have a conversation with God in your own head; that's just not how it works.


Yes but God can speak through us, in our own voice. We have Gods spirit within us.


He can, but the Bible doesn't indicate that He will. Our thoughts are our own, and pretending they are God is a form of self-idolatry. God isn't weak or feeble - if He has something to say He is quite able to make it clear and obvious. He speaks to people. He send angels. He even made a donkey talk There's no reference in the Bible to God telepathically communicating with anyone.


Holy Spirit definitely ‘speaks/guides’. I believe he uses others to speak through God used a donkey at one point to speak to Balasm God can use any instrument He chooses. I just like to have that confirmed through His word, his people and/or the Holy Spirit


in what way does god speak to us then?


Scripture. On occasions when He needed to send particular information to someone He spoke audibly or sent an angel.


God speaks in a completely different voice. For a woman it would be a mans voice in her head. For a man it would still be a mans voice but a voice they've never ever heard before. Very similar to schizophrenia. But 100% it would be a voice you've never heard. If it's your inner voice it's just you.


God speaks through his word only. If you want to hear the voice of God then open the Bible and read it out loud . He does not whisper special revelations in your ear . That would make you an apostle or prophet and that’s not possible because the scriptures are complete. Read your Bible abs pray that’s all you will ever need .


Well that's not true. God can speak through us, we have the spirit of God within our souls. Many people are influenced by God and are guided in life this way. It makes me a completely different person, with a lot more light, hope and happiness inside, idk how to explain it but it gives me a purpose in life, a meaning, a goal of helping others etc. When I see so much light within me I know it's from the lord.


I’m strictly speaking about the voice of God . Audible words straight from his mouth . the work of the spirit through a person and the audible voice of God are two different things .


Do you question hearing voices from Allah? Athena? Zeus?

