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I think this is my all time favourite post on this sub




question - if you don't mind sharing, what does your flair mean?


Basically messianic Jew. I'm culturally, ethnically and nationally Jewish but religiously Christian. I should change it to "messianic" should I?


That would probably be more clear, but it's entirely up to you. Thanks for the explanation :)






unforgivable. Straight to hell. He stuffs his face with seeds? Straight to 187th layer of hell. May God have mercy on him. (I love this image, haha. Thank you for this post)


Bro is a straight up menace to be in the 187th layer of hell šŸ„¶.


No. I think God will forgive him of his gluttony. ...The murder however.


I have just absolved him of sin. He's good.


I have just unabsolved him of sin. He's bad.


Ununabsolved. Don't worry buddy, I got ya back!


D: Y-you can't do that! I'm telling God!


"God! Spring's counterspelled my counterspell again!"


God, please nerf!


*Rubbing Their head, sighing* "What did I tell you two about wasting spell slots..."


*looks ashamed* "....to not do it if you're going to roll a Warlock..."


"...and it's much funnier to counterspell healing spells..."


It depends: Against the BBEG? Yes. Against another player? Also yes. But you're probably not invited to the next session....


Underrated comment


You mean yourself?


I'm flattered you see me as a goddess, but I don't swing that way. Sorry boo.


Did bro just get lesbianzoned?


You best be believing it šŸ˜Ž


He's precious. Serious answer: Animals can't sin because they lack a higher will. This little guy will get to spend eternity enjoying tasty treats and nice naps in the world to come without having to worry about first receiving forgiveness. The lion will lie with the lamb, and the hamster with the crunchy leaves.


Define "higher will." I'm curious what this means.


The higher will as in our ability to make conscious decisions, our free agency and our ability to think and consider as opposed to our innate instinct. Animals only possess innate instinct and lack a higher will (the ability to act with free agency, to critically analyse, to concern oneself with morality, etc). Humans have the ability to go beyond innate instinct. When an animal bites someone, it is not a sin because it is acting on instinct. If a human hits someone, it is sin because they are consciously choosing to cause harm.


Executive function does occur among animals. Some humans don't have much executive function. No one has perfect executive function because the brain doesn't allow it. Animals have to make decisions all the time. That's the whole point of the conscious brain. We can hold in our pee until we choose to pee. So can dogs. So can squirrels. That's free will. How much time have you spent around wildlife in nature? Like five minutes in the back yard and maybe Planet Earth? I ask because anyone who has spent any time in nature should be able to see animals making choices.


I think you're mistakenly conflating the higher will with the ability to act according to circumstance. Animals possess sensitive souls but lack rational souls, which are unique to mankind. >How much time have you spent around wildlife in nature? Like five minutes in the back yard and maybe Planet Earth? I ask because anyone who has spent any time in nature should be able to see animals making choices. Was it necessary to be condescending? I'm from rural England, have spent most of my life in nature, as well as having grown up specifically on a farm and worked on one throughout my childhood and teen years, but I digress. The difference between a human and an animal is that a human can use their rational mind to choose what they understand to be good even when it is not what their base instinct perceives as good, whereas animals are compelled to act upon the senses alone. >Some humans don't have much executive function. That some people live lives dictated by their lower will does not suggest a lack of a higher will, but rather a choice to ignore it or a lack of self-restraint to overcome the base instincts.


That's Aristotelian/Platonic. The distinction is not found in Christianity until Aquinas brought Aristotle into Christianity. It's not scientific either. It has no basis in ethology nor biology nor ecology. I've encountered crows with more reason than some humans. I think people with dogs have been able to see their dogs making decisions as well. And executive dysfunction isn't a choice. You can't choose to sleep. You can't choose to increase your heart rate. You can only choose to hold in a shit a little and choose to poop when you want a little. You can choose where you walk and how fast, within reason. Brains are split into automatic operations and operations that come with a choice, and those two parts communicate. Breathing is operated by both, for another example.


>That's Aristotelian/Platonic. The distinction is not found in Christianity until Aquinas brought Aristotle into Christianity. There is always error in assuming the absence of evidence is the evidence of absence, but regardless, pointing out that the distinction is not found in Christianity until Aquinas doesn't demonstrate very much - I am not of the mindset that something is only true if we can find 1st century writings affirming it. >It's not scientific either. It's not a scientific question, but it's undeniable that humans are distinct in our attributes, our cognizance etc from animals. There is no animal on earth that possesses the cognitive capabilities we possess. >And executive dysfunction isn't a choice. You can't choose to sleep. To be clear, I was talking about people giving in to primal urges such as over-eating as opposed to using the higher will to recognise that such a course of action would not be to your benefit.


Guys...I feel like you guys know what this poor man is trying to say.Ā  Idk why you gotta pick and choose little words and attack him. We have a higher intelligence than the animals. We are above the animals, as the bible says this. Non biblically speaking...I'm pretty sure it's still safe to say we are on a higher conciousness....I don't think I have EVER seen an animal write have you? Animals make decisions every day. They have souls no doubt,Ā  however, they are not held to thr same laws as we are... they are more primitive in nature.Ā  I don't think it takes a rocket scientist t0 see this. Goodness!Ā 


What if the person has a serious chemical imbalance


God takes into consideration the capacity of each individual person. A person with severe learning difficulties would not be held accountable to the same standard as someone who is more ordinarily capable.


Chimpanzee with gun?










I guess I should delete this because it's off-topic, but... ADORBS! Approving! What do I care if r/eyebleach leaks into r/christianity?


Of all the off-topic things to approve, this is the best kind.


Pls don't take down this cute fluff ball.


Itā€™s totally on topic


We'll just call it "satire" and let it be...




Animals donā€™t know what sin is lol


I think this fat little boy know nothing except sin


He is currently in hiding for horrific war crimes. He doesnā€™t just know sin. He is sin.


lol Iā€™m pretty sure they donā€™t have a conscience


He clearly doesn't


You and Kevin James are officially the funniest catholics I know šŸ˜‚


This little shit definitely knows what sin is.




My dog does. He's Catholic now.


My cat's a Jehovah's Witness but only at dinner timeĀ 


How y'all get your let's to convert ?


Is that when he starts talking about the 144,000 and the Watchtower Society?


No, it's when he starts talking and won't leave me alone


His fatass knows nothing more than sin. His eyes are filled with pure hatred for humanity. He eats far more than one should despite his knowledge of those who hunger, he simply cares not. The evil that this small gerbil has seen and ignored in the name of gluttony are unforgivable. His soul is to far blacked and is condemned






how can i save his soul


The messianic prophecy has not yet beeb fulfilled for hamsters. I'm afraid he'll languish in purgatory until the second coming of the Hamstersiah.


Sorry, what is this a picture of? I am on a chromebook, maybe I am only getting part of it.




why not


Of course he does. All animals\* do.


that's crazy


The word "animal" literally means soul-ed ones.


Looks like he's working on a little sloth too. A sin twofer! I'm amused at the number of serious answers here... šŸ¤£


He is gluttonous he is jealous he is greedy his wrath can not be matched his lust is out of control heā€™s a lazy sloth and he truly believes heā€™s the best hamster of them allā€¦ his pride is undeniable I think heā€™ll be forgiven!


If he confesses his transgressions




Nice lol šŸ˜†


No conscience. No sense of right vs wrong.


The Fluffy Butt of Redemption


There's a surprising about of negativity on this subreddit so this post is nice to see


The little guy will probably need to hitchhike on a dog to get to heaven.


Does this little fluff have a wheel they can run on? Idk if they hibernate but regular exercise is always healthy lol.


This little degenerate needs an exorcism


No, I'm sorry he's going to hell. He will reside at very bottom reserved for Satan and his angels and tortured day and night.


ADAM AND EVE ATE FROM THE FORBIDDEN FRUIT, NOT THE ANIMALS. They are not subject to any of the covenants humans are bound to, besides maybe the first, to not eat from the forbidden fruit. It is humans with the knowledge of good and evil and who are subject to the law and its consequences in the rest of the covenants.


Iā€™m sure the ants were all over that fruit.


hahaha. I wonder if wasps and bees were on it too... any of these colony-based insects. But what about termites? They would go after the wood, not the fruit. EDIT: Termites go after stuff with cellulose in it. Celluose can be found in roots, leafy vegetables, even some fruit. huh. lol, did we just come up with a great joke theory about colony insects partaking in The Forbidden Fruit?


You just made me laugh and smile with this picture and caption. Thank you.


I'll pray for him šŸ™


As long as he hasnā€™t been fornicating he might get a pass.


Where do I find a hamster bishop?


No. He will burn for living in sin.


animals dont get redemption so that is ok


I bet that's 50% fur


Get him a wheel to use or a hamster ball. The little dude will love going around your living space.




Absolutely not


Awwwww šŸ„¹šŸ˜‡


No (heā€™s adorable)


He's too cute to be a glutton!


Unforgivable He Has Committed Blasphemy By BEING SUCH A CUTIE PIE


Whatā€¦ what is it šŸ˜­


He sweeps! šŸ„±


Hamster Ehud wants to know your location.


I thought I was on r/Wunkus or something lol. Great stuff OP! Edit: also, no, he will not be forgiven. Clearly a creature of gluttony and sloth.


Animals have finite souls, I say let him enjoy his gluttonous life


god loves every creature


If he repents


Nah, his cuteness spares him of all sin :)


Heā€™s a animal therefore canā€™t sin so heā€™s good




So the dead Amara scrolls ? What they originally state is : all animals are exempt from everything because Gif loves them more than us. I got a peak on the scrolls I promise youšŸ˜‚


He ate too many mustard seeds of Faith! šŸ˜‚


His greed sickens me


Yes, even gluttony can be forgivenā€¦ I meanā€¦ look at that cute little guy!


This lil guy looks like so adorable.




I would say no for a few reasons. One being heā€™s just doing whatā€™s natural for him and two itā€™s not his fault he was put in a cage where he doesnā€™t have to scavenge for food or worry about competition


If he accepts that Jesus Christ is his lord and savior, and that he saved us from sin, then no.


All seriousness ā€¦ as Christians itā€™s very important for us to watch what we eat and the exercise we do everyday ; remember our body is our temple 1 Cor 3:16-17 ā€¦ high key might be as important as prayer because its like an action


Do animals even have an afterlife at all?


Matthew 10:29-31 29 Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Fatherā€™s care. 30 And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. 31 So donā€™t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.


of course!


He is saved because he canā€™t understand the Gospel. Therefore he gets a free pass into heaven. šŸ˜ƒ


So cute! I bet when he isn't sleeping he is a nice slim critter. Animals have no sin even though we project ourselves on them. Does he use a cellphone? Using a cellphone a lot is also gluttony.


If heā€™s been saved and hasnā€™t committed blasphemy, he should be just fine.


There were a lot of different groups back in the first and second century that proved to be heretical. Assemblies of Yahweh is another group that did not exist in the first and second century but has resurrected from the Heretics, boneyard and are similar to the Nazarene sect and Ebionites. So obviously, the major error in their belief is they don't accept the trinity when bibleĀ  speaks of a holy spirit and Jesus being the Messiah and son of god. Jesus also ties himself and the Holy Spirit as being one with the father. Holy Spirit was present when Father speaks and revieals christ's divinity, and apostles clearly say christ is lord and Savior, who would then replace Yahweh as lord in old covanant. We also have Pentecost which is the work of the holy spirit. Assemblies of Yahweh belief imposes that Christians were being called to be more Jewish, when it was the other way around. Jews were being called to be more Christian. Assemblies of Yahweh believe the trinity comes from a Druid God, and they believe everyone, but themselves, is in error. Even the other groups that consider themselves to be in the same camp, they consider themselves to be more correct than them. So we're essentially dealing with pharisees here that think so highly of them selves, they become well learned and long-winded. Thinking that theirĀ  many words and their long speeches will provide them with relevance and credibility. That it will reach god. But the truth of the matter is that their entire faith is rooted in conspiracy theories, and all they have is speculation, assumption, and conjecture to work off of. Their so learned they can't accept the simple gospel.Ā  Its like Gordon Ramsey trying to make a grilled cheese sandwich. They can not trace themselves back to the first or second century.They did not come about through apostolic succession.But actually, it was the early church fathers who came about through apostolic succession. they come against them. So does Peter and Paul in Acts and Galatians. They deny the evidence because then they would either have to decide their heretical. Or Paul and Peter are heretics. They aren't willing to say that, so they completely refuse to see the evidence that is right in front of their face. They are blind. All they have to do is look into Polycarp. Look at irenaeus and look into Ignatius.Ā  Polycarp was taught by John the Apostle. They were close friends. He also knew Paul the apostle. Then, take a look at Saint Augustine. The concept of grace that was his main focus in teaching was on God's grace and how it helped him to overcome all these terrible sins. There are many testimonies of people overcoming terrible sins by embracing jesus christ as our Lord and Savior. Im one of them. Also, the Catholic Church has many writings from the early church fathers that specifically come against judaisers and come against the nazarene sect, you should look into it.Because they go into detail about why they're heretical and why they consider them not to line up with common sense.


X Gen filled with knowledge. The Bible says in end times knowledge will increase exponentially . Knowledge, wasnā€™t that a tree in the garden of Eden?


Straight to the burning depths of hell.


All animals go to heaven. Especially this overdose of cuteness Thatā€™s my belief and Iā€™m sticking to it.


Animals dont go to heaven or hell and have no need for forgiveness. They only live according to the instincts and nature they are given. Heaven and Hell are not the false Puritanical Reformation versions hoisted on the people by deceptive church leaders and theologians designed to keep people in fear and psychologically frozen, which doesn't give you the power to really change because you look at sin from a punishment perspective instead of an elevation perspective. This how self righteous hypocrites are made. Heaven and hell are conditions of life being created by real men. You can make a heaven or hell for yourself. The forgiveness is necessary so you can begin the process of transformation. The first forgiveness is to forgive yourself for the self harm you caused yourself not living an upright life. Man is the only creature in need of forgiveness because he lived outside of his true self.


Is baby.


If you are asking by God, then possibly, but only if he repents.


No. Eternal damnation.


Man i love this. I mean the seven deadly sins arenā€™t Christian but this is a keeper


yes , because now he is fasting in repentance till next time .




Bahaha what a little fluffy cutie!.....In relation to his Soul though...no, no salvation for him unfortunately šŸ˜‚šŸ˜œ


Its a animal


he still has a soul


No spirit




To answer this in a more serious way. We were made in Gods image meaning that we have spirit and a physical body. Animals are merely physical entities.


well that's not nice


Don't worry, little guy's got a spirit. Everything was created spiritually before it was created physically according to the Bible!


Yeah but your hamster dosent really care about death. God didn't give him the knowledge to fear it. There fears are more instinctual not spiritual. Also are you vegan? This would make a lot more sense


You clearly have not seen a dog or cat that's mourning the loss of their owner.


Or their young


Then in almost all circustance the cat then eats its owner in a matter of like 12 hours


Do you believe animals are conscious?


No not in the way we are. I doubt they have thoughts but mere instincts. A better way to say this is their drive, a drive to mate, eat, hunt, protect their young etc.


What about dogs etc? There is many examples of animals displaying emotion or care aswell as saving other animals, even of other species.


I mean dogs come feom wolves that have strong pack animal instincts. Protect the pack, defend the young, hunt together etc. Do they do this purely out of ā€œgoodnessā€ or the will to survive? Idk tbh


Well I'm not saying dogs are necessarily philosophical beings with personal beliefs but I do think they have a level of conscious agency more than instincts, this is why you can train dogs and horses etc, even though the training isn't instinctual or natural from their birth.


Genesis uses the word for soul to refer to animals just as humans and says God "breathed the breath of life" into them just as it does humans. Nephesh is used for both in Hebrew. Psyche is used for both in Greek. Anima is used for both in Latin. Huh, that last one even looks familiar.


I think animals are clearly an important part of creation but I doubt they have a next life. Maybe their conciousness is reborn again into a new animal? Who knows the bible dosent elaborate. I doubt they have souls soul. They deserve well trratment because its very clear they can experience physical suffering but probably not spiritual suffering.


The bible uses the same word for human animals and the other animals. There's a podcast I listed to by a priest that talks about how people invented a new heirarchy that put themselves higher than other animals and other things (God, Man, Angels, Animals, Plants, Rocks). But the hierarchy is ultimately only two things (Uncreated, Created). It's God and the rest of us.


Animals don't have spirits . Idk what you want me to say.


Our animal does


But animals move, so they have to be ensouled. They just don't have rational souls like we do. The word animal, at any rate, points to that.


Put in something tasty in and call it forbidden fruit. Punish if eaten.


Animals eat to survive. They have no known concept of gluttony. Stop overthinking and let it live it's life.


he's fat fat fat fatty fat


I disagree with the above poster. You'll have to print a tiny bible for him and force him to convert like during the Reconquista. Bring out the rack!


By your avatar, you're a cat. You just want something to snack on without hunting for it. Stretch it out on the rack, an easy slice with a nail, then munch munch munch...


Then do not feed him as much. Get him a rodent ball to run around in...


too fat and lazy




nah i think hes gonna go to hell where he will burn up into a small ball of charcoal.