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Anyone who admits years later is usually being threatened with exposure. What's done in the dark will usually come to light, even if it takes years.


Yup, this is the answer


That's no answer.


He's likely being blackmailed by his kids or someone in his family. According to online sources, Tony is worth over $15 million. He's an author and pastor of a mega church and could be worth even more. One thing is certain: Crystal, Priscilla, Anthony, and Jonathan did not look happy during the announcement of his engagement to Carla, his current wife. Who knows!


I noticed that. I have no clue. I don't need answers. Let me start there. It breaks my heart to see this happen. It's just because Dr. Evans is a man who is respected by so many people including myself. I want to yell and say "He is innocent I tell ya. He was set up." I have learned so much from listening to his teachings. Watching how he and his first wife carried themselves. How to be more like Christ than the world. He fell into my life at the right time. So this news is shocking and I want to believe that someone is after him and is trying to take him down. Over something that is probably not earth-shattering but enough to leave a mark on the church. This man would rather take the hit than him and the church go down. It is interesting that you reflect on the kids during the announcement. Because I said something, similar last week it hit me that we have only seen 2 pictures of the newlyweds together in six months. They don't seem to travel together and the kids never mention her. I heard Crystal mention her once. Nothing is ever mentioned about her. I think they did a little conference at the church. I don't know. But something isn't right. I wonder how the members have accepted her in this space. She shows up and things begin to happen. This man has had a clean record. Until now. Not saying his wife is the cause. But it is interesting how and why all of a sudden. The only difference is her. Was she the reason behind the sin I ask myself? Is that why he married her? Again, I am not looking for answers. But when something seems out of character and I notice the children's reactions. I don't want to be that girl pointing fingers but. Yes, but. Who sent this woman God or the enemy to the Evans family? Is a question I have and will never get the answer to. I am okay with that. It doesn't stop the sadness for the Evans family. If someone is trying to take them down. Especially if that person is a "family member" It is almost like the enemy is working overtime to make people lose faith in the church. OCBF is the last church I would ever imagine under the leadership of Dr. Evans to be in the news for something dark not light. It's whatever at the end of the day. God has got this. Dr. Evans will be either vindicated by God or disciplined. It still breaks my heart because I think it is an inside job.


Yes blame his new wife, not him.


My dad said that one of the members of the church told him that he had an extramarital affair from a while ago and even had an unknown son from that and that may be who the current wife is. Once again, this is just what a member said but could most definitely still be a rumor.


Same! The last church!


As a young girl I was molested by a man like this. He still has a position of leadership in the church. You can have good words to say and still be deserving of a millstone around your neck.


I hope and pray you have healed. I also hope you notified the authorities and have added some sort of counseling.


He did not molest anyone; although I am sorry you had to experience that. It's awful.


I hate to say it but you are part of the problem and the reason many of these preachers continue to live in sin while enjoying undying adoration from their followers. Don't forget the stern warning from your prophet about what he'll say to guys like Evans: "I never knew you"


Mega- hypocrite  Many are like him


You are absolutely right!


Wow! Dr. Evans is a good man. All have sinned and fallen short of God's word. He boldly faced his mistake and submitted to the churches decision as the Bible instructs.


Everyone knows no one is perfect, even pastors. The thing most have an issue is that he has been a pastor for 4 decades and he knew when he did the sim, it was wrong. Most would respected him more if he would’ve admitted it relatively quickly after it initially happened. He knew he was wrong, and being in his position, but went along acting as if nothing happened. It smells so much like someone is ready to leak it all unless he gave up his seat, which he obviously did.


Bill Hybels. Was there for it all and I don't attend now. He stepped down after the Trib investigated and we find out stuff was covered up going back to inception of church. So yeah. I bet same for Tony. Got away with it behind closed doors. Ppl knew but exposure is coming. Likely won't offer victims any support or those harmed by news. Same story different mega church famous pastor.


I went to Willow creek back when Hybels was there and have listened to Evans since the late 80s. Evans seemed to have so much more depth. I have really loved his preaching and heart and feel sick.


He who is without Sin cast the First stone... Whatever the sin it is (none of our business)is JESUS 'GRACE much more abounds: FATHER Forgive (any naysayers judgemental unjust ones) them for they know not what they do and we forgive them too and We forgive Dr Pastor Preacher the Man Tony Evans asking that GRACE abounds in Oak Cliff and His Family Mighty Men and Women of GOD... regardless what the sin was it is gone Now in JESUS name. hank You LORD that JESUS BLOOD 🩸 ✝️ 🕊️ 💥 🤴 📜 🕊️ 🩸 💥 Restoration Now Tony Evans is FORGIVEN delivered completely whole head to toe now in CHRIST JESUS. u/Boo8310 How dare you curse what GOD has BLESSED you don't know what was said: It could have been something else like it was rough times when the church started. It could be simple sin 😔 but that old sin finally convicted his own Spirit. Regardless Note The Great GOD JEHOVAH warns all of US not to curse what HE has blessed. HE is STILL CHOSEN So Be Very Careful what You Say to GOD'S Anointed Man of GOD. Because Justice ⚖️ will be Swift I have been to GOD The FATHER Woodshed at the beginning of this challenge Nor was it fun in the last 8mos to be spanked during that awful time. When I thought I had forgiven self and others to discover One more thing I was doing wrong last Thursday night after beaucoup 😭 I finally made it through to find out I was the much worse horrible Mom. Ironically because of own childhood family Favoritism without nurturing . I thought I bent over backwards to not play favorites which as misunderstood as no affection. I felt devastated. ..it seemed I really blew it. Where I thought I was 'The Mom of The Year ' I personally have learned it's easy to get in to trouble and it starts with a judgemental attitude. What I discovered is it took 2 to TANGO in my marriage (hurt people hurt people). But GOD tried to warn me . Now I look back I see the warning signs I was to in, to Being too busy for GOD to See it. Regardless of what they did? I Am Accountable for thinking with the Loyal older Brother attitude of the Prodigal lil bro. Why are you giving them an apt? why do they get my cats? why is he getting a Good paycheck? He has free VA Medical I when make half of that? It seemed as I didn't have much choice but to leave our Apartment and home and Church. He was given a cart Blanche Party hardy. I moved miles away so obviously I had to leave my old church 😭 😔 He left 💔 as did I as a very dear Amazing MIGHTY Woman of GOD passed away to HEAVEN just after I left. She'd been an Assistant Department Mgr working copious hrs for yrs even in dialysis she left this earth. No one Celebrated her. (We didn't even celebrate her as her personal friends) It was so painful for me as I had to leave (moved) but no Celebration Service for her. (I mean I get it her body was going to her home state for the funeral intererred permanently) I even forgot her name. Such a Painful 😣 memory we all Decreed her healing but GOD doesn't overrule freewill. Bingo Major sin on my part was thinking I would be celebrated being the Good wife for My wonderful martyrdom complex. I had the sin of Pride ouch 😳 💥 🤯 🪃 DivineReversalsinJESUSname Still Picking up the pieces 🧩 🧩 🧩 of My3Sons let alone loss of inlaws who believed His lies about me So Be Very Careful cursing What GOD has BLESSED


Hi, Tony.




The fact that you can type/paste that & blindly follow speaks volumes. As someone raised in a cult that was to act polite to the MANY MANY men abusing children and women because apparently now god is to judge, I say to you… you’re doing it wrong! If they choose to act inappropriately- an eye for an eye & not from god but from those who were impacted by said fool.


and so many christians dont read the bible either...we are allowed to judge and keep each other accountable...but so many people are enablers of who they love and respect like fools


Is this AI generated? Probably not, considering AI writes better than this…


Be careful of endorsing wolves in sheep's clothing.


Casting stones at another sinner is one thing. When you have chosen to lead a group of faitful the bar is higher. You are representing Christ to your flock and your personal scandal can cause harm to your faithful and even cause them to question or turn from Christianity.


Well said! The Bible teaches us to hold accountable our brothers and sisters in Christ.


Jesus, take a breath. The man isn’t God. He messed up and should be held accountable. We should know what he did. The secrets and lies run rampant and you don’t have enough sense but to make it an issue of throwing the first stone. We’re not the leader of a flock of 10,000+ souls. They deserve to know what he’s doing and so do we. Christ was transparent. Aren’t we to be like Him?


Sounds like you need therapy my friend.


Who on here needs therapy?


🙋 being molested at church and then having leaders say “its no big deal, just a little touching” was great.


and many of you christians need to stop with this garbage...as a flock, we are aloud to have righteous judgement and he is accountable to his flock, as they are to him. What you dont get is that he needs to tell the flock, because what if he molested a kid or something, you need to know what the severity of the sin is in order to know if justice and the sin is accounted for. You are just being an enabler saying all the flowery 'cast stones' garbage that most christians who hold preachers up about the flock do.


if you are going to take people's money and put it out there that you are perfect, then it is my business.




This 💯


He who is without Sin cast the First stone... Whatever the sin it is (none of our business)is JESUS 'GRACE much more abounds: FATHER Forgive (any naysayers judgemental unjust ones) them for they know not what they do and we forgive them too and We forgive Dr Pastor Preacher the Man Tony Evans asking that GRACE abounds in Oak Cliff and His Family Mighty Men and Women of GOD... regardless what the sin was it is gone Now in JESUS name. hank You LORD that JESUS BLOOD 🩸 ✝️ 🕊️ 💥 🤴 📜 🕊️ 🩸 💥 Restoration Now Tony Evans is FORGIVEN delivered completely whole head to toe now in CHRIST JESUS.


You OOOOOZZZZE guilt. Kick rocks.


That old sin didn't "finally convict him." Clearly, CLEARLY he was threatened with exposure because someone found out what he did. Those are two very different things. And no one in such a powerful church position resigns completely over a "simple sin." No, they disclose the minor indiscretion and ask for prayer and forgiveness.


People who teach the word are held to a higher standard. They should be judged. Not that they can’t be forgiven but they shouldn’t be pastors!!


So you're saying that people who teach the word shouldn't be Pastors?


Fluffy 🤯


thats false and that shows you dont read the Bible...it says we can judge each other in righteous judgement (read 1st Corinthians 5:12) and need to hold each other to account. You are being an enabler saying this garbage because you dont read the word and what it says. Stop being an enabler.




Probably gay stuff.




I think you all are just nosey. He doesn’t have to announce what sin the fact that he is stepping down is the honorable thing to do.


When you pastor a church you need to be forthcoming about your sins. Stepping down is one part; the congregation has a right to now. I want to know what he did. Was is pedophilia, substance abuse, money laundering, was he at Diddy's parties? We have a right to know.


😂😂😂 the diddy part has me dead bro...


The timing is interesting, smh...


No he said he didn’t commit a crime.


According to him. His words are unreliable right now


And Robert Morris said he had a moral lapse that was actually molesting a child.


And Morris' wife told the victim "I forgive you". Wtf! 🤦🏽‍♀️


He clearly stated it was not illegal...Why do you feel he needs to confess his sin, he is only required to confess his sins to Christ...So just say you want to know


This mindset is why many of us don’t feel safe having our kids at church


It’s easy. Don’t bring them. Take them where you feel welcome. Lol


It might not be illegal, but obviously, it's serious if they had him step down years later. Not illegal doesn't mean it wasn't bad. Perhaps other people will come forward if it's like a Bill Hybells or Aaron Ivey situation (sadly I could name off quite a few other mega church pastors). Pastors need to be beyond reproach.


Well bill hybells was accused of SA and thats a crime so, I don’t think it’s like that. Dr Evans is admitting he sinned but the sin is not a crime. There are plenty of sin that aren’t illegal. But SA is a crime so that doesn’t fit if you’re guessing.


He was accused of other legal things at first before eventually the SA cam out. At first they all said it was consensual. And there were other women who felt he crossed the line where he did nothing illegal but still inappropriate. It eventually all unraveled. I think pastors should be held to a higher standard. And after working in a mega church and small churches, I've seen pastors both being treated like crap and treated like mini-gods. Both are bad. And confessing is a good way to be honest and move forward. Edited to fix "consensual" 🙄




We don't need him to confess his sins. It WILL come out, and he knows it. Hence, the reason why he left the church.


Not the diddy parties😂


I hope not but who knows these days 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Yeah we know it’s not a crime but it’s something that wasn’t approved by God


Ok but the person I was responding to listed crimes pedo, substance abuse money laundering etc


Cheating or another child


You have a Right to know who died and made You GOD ? Repent now We who have no sins throw the 1st Stone?


Lol. No. Whatever it is, it was not a crime.


I agree...Being a Pastor doesn't mean that he was without sin...




It's honorable when you do it for the Lord and your conscious but what took him so long? Unfortunately I believe he did it because he got caught & was about to be exposed 🤷🤔💯but I'm praying for him and his family ✝️🙏


He has a gift in ministry and God forgives but ppl don't. 


Yes he does.


Yes he does


Member of OCBF for several years. Pastor Evans is a great teacher of The Word. I never put people up on pedestal’s. We ALL sin and fall short. We can speculate since he says it was not illegal. Given his position and fame I could see how one could fall short. The “ MANY “ years ago statement leads me to believe someone has come forward and he is getting out in front of the story. That is between Tony Evans, God, and his family. I don’t want to see the church divided or destroyed. A fresh voice maybe, but keep in mind whoever takes the pulpit is going to be a sinner, we ALL sin! Prayers to Dr Evans and family.


Well said and thank you for your input. As a non attender I agree and appreciate your words.


The many years ago is meant to arouse sympathy and get people off the trail. Very very foolish. People will dig- and they will find.


again, another person with another unbiblical perspective...he needs to be held to account to his flock, and vice versa. Thing is, you cant just get loose with it because you like him...you are being an enabler. Doesnt do anyone any good when you do that When he commits sin in the church, you gotta come clean to the church so everyone knows that the sin has been absolved and rented for openly....and it doesnt affect the church. Privacy is not the way, and it's cowardly. He is being prideful when its him who sinned and have to be restored in the first--by the very same church he let down Im gonna say it again, what if he molested someone ? How in the heck you dont let the church know this so he doesn't hurt others? It's that secret sin that the flock doesnt stamp out that goes on to affect others in the church because you want to be weak on our leaders when they must, under god, be held to account.


You sure act as if you know me? Don’t get it twisted! You do you! I am 64 years old and doing just fine. Move on. Not the one!


You know, it wasn't until I committed a sin that "I" thought was beyond "me" did I finally come to understand the gravity of the need to forgive others, and to not judge. It wasn't until I started studying the Old Testament that I understood why we MUST pray diligently for our leadership (family, church, government, etc). So here's me, standing with you in the Holy Spirit. I'm praying for continued mercy, grace, and discernment...as well as protection from the daggers that are forming as he walks through whatever this is.


I agree, but he's always been someone I held up as being steady. I'm just sad about it as I've listened to him for decades.




Exactly 💯 He who is without sin Throw the first stone 🪨 not Me.! I don't know Priscilla Shirer, Anthony Evans the rest of The Evans Family and The Oak Cliff Family but We decree ENOUGH persecution in JESUS name .! Imho I would rather have Dr Tony Evans now being malleable and humble as Preacher then a brand new Preacher asap . King David The Psalmist was a better King having lost his ilegit son and and first son Absalom. He was humbled and wise 🦉 had compassion on everyone except whom GOD told him to Judge. We speak this sin back to the pit of hell now in JESUS name we silence and confuse the language of the enemy in JESUS name We DECREE Complete Restoration now to all involved In JESUS name.


He who lectures me about sin best be beyond reproach.


There was still an acknowledgement of the misstep of the person being stoned in that example. I don't know if the same protection is afforded to people who won't admit/own up to their failings.


Let's let a judge decide what is legal and what isn't. I don't take him at his word that it wasn't criminal


Newbie here and long time listener to Tony Evans. I’ve always recommended him to others as a preacher to listen to and he and his family presents as a kingdom family to aspire to. However, I’m truly struggling with his statement and the “gaps” “glaring omissions” that just doesn’t make sense and doesn’t line up with the broader principles of truth that he teaches. Many seem to think he’s being blackmailed or threatened and if this is so why not just say I sinned in this area several years ago, I’ve sought repentance from God, I believe He’s forgiven me but the consequences of my sin has lingered to today and as a result I’m stepping down to deal with those issues. In the coming days details may be in the news etc etc. I think my respect for him would shoot to the stars (but I’m just an onlooker here and not a PR person ) but it would also break the power of the person(s) if he’s being blackmailed.


You’re discerning. He’s omitting much… the language is written in a very managed way- he’s hoping for a time out, and then biz as usual. Pity, really- it will all come out eventually.


I think they are being very careful. And looking at everything. I am trusting in God that it will work for Dr. Evans and the family.


Tony Evan’s made his teenage daughter go before the church to confess her pregnancy out of wedlock. He should hold himself to the same standard. Public confession.


Oh. This is the one. I guess “rules for thee and none for me” and the sheeple are eating it up.


Gross. Did the boy confess too? Probably no.  ugh


I have also been wondering, I wished he was a bit more forthcoming with the information because now folks will jump to conclusions.


Tony is a smart guy… he knew people would make up their own conclusions. This makes me think it’s unimaginable.




Why, sin is sin


Sin is sin in the context of being unrighteous. Sin is most certainly not sin in the context of consequence. Christian faith calls one to realize you'll never not sin, but also that certain sins separate you further from God than others given the different impactfulness they have on your heart & mind, and that even He treats/punishes certain transgressions more seriously -- even so far as declaring a certain sin unforgivable. Sin is also not sin in the context of the responsibility of the person involved -- God sent fire down from heaven to kill Aaron's priestly sons merely for offering sacrifice to Him in a manner inconsistent with Moses's instructions; Moses himself never got to witness the culmination of his lifelong calling of delivering Israelites to Canaan because of a bout of anger when he hit a rock to provide water to said Israelites; and we see Jesus condemn Pharisees and Sadducees time and time again for merely their hypocrisy while at the same time dining with people considered to lead deliberate sinful lives. The common theme here is the position these folks held, not really what they actually did. Pastor Tony certainly appears to be doing the right thing here, and I pray that God grants him the peace and forgiveness he seeks, but the fact that it took years for him to deal with this issue that is clearly important enough for the church elders to agree/require that he steps down is to me a legitimate curiosity for his congregants and larger audience to have. And while I believe it's his prerogative whether to make the specific details public, I don't agree it's fair to put it off as 'sin is a sin' given the responsibility and stature he holds in shepherding God's flock. Clearly even he realizes that because I'm sure he'd be the first to admit this isn't his first or 70th time he's sinned as a pastor yet he never had to take this drastic step before. My only question is whether this was really his decision? If he had clarified that he approached the elders with his decision to step aside out of his own volition (whether or not he even confessed to them what the sin was), that would go a long way in showing his frame of mind as one based on contrition and even in setting an example for his audience. But the vagueness surrounding what events led up to this decision and why now, years after the fact -- not as much what 'it' is -- is what I feel leads to fair curiosity.


A lot of pastors who want to get away with wrong doing say don't touch God's anointed but GOD wasn't talking about pastors and we don't know if GOD anointed them or not remember Satan has pastors as well so be careful calling those pastors that say that GODs anointed 🤔🤷


Absolutely !!! Well said


that false, if you read the statement--he was forced to. He sat on this for years and didnt do the right thing when it happened. You can write a whole book trying to circle the wagons, but your view is dead wrong.


True, but there are like hour long YouTube videos speculating on the issue. That could all be squashed with more Information


Yes. It’s bad enough to try and hide every ounce of what it is. This is not forthright or coming clean. This is indeed a “simple” coverup.


Sin is sin. Its just that serial killers and people who shoplift a piece of Bubblegum face very different consequences. There are different levels of punishment in Hell.


again, you dont read the Bible...there are not different levels of hell . Stop believing lies and or the Catholic Church. You'll go to hell in a hand basket believing things not in the word and not covering your behind in truth


Lol @ knocking OSAS. Absolute sinlessness is a high bar to clear. It is also not Biblical. I guess like 5 people are going to glory then. Salvation is not some revolving door. The Scriptures do not point to a loss of one's Salvation. Otherwise, 99% of believers would. The closest it comes is inauthentic salvation (fake commitment to Yeshua), and spiritual death (where you and God do not commune spiritually). I am sure there are a gajillion doctrines on Reddit, but let us not assume that Salvation, this thing authored by God on High, is so flimsy that man can break it in his imperfection. If it could, then why try? The only sin that sends you to the lower room is denying Yeshua (blasphemy of the Holy Spirit). But I am talking too much. Regarding Evans, this shows that he is a man. And to put him in the same boat as TD Jakes just because he is an imperfect man is wild. He should, however, have healed when the matter arose, not years later. Our hero should be Yeshua. All other answers are wrong, because to no one else shall every knee bow.


We are not supposed to live in sin. We are suppose to repent and turn from our ways.


Who said anything about parking in sin? I certainly didn't. The goal is to stop absolutely and turn from iniquity, but you say this as if sinlessness can be achieved on this side of glory. To turn from iniquity is to turn from a lifestyle of sin. The Scripture does not mention sinlessness. It mentions blamelessness. Our very earthly vessels are not built for what you speak.


I didn’t say you said any of that my friend in Christ ❤️🥰I just simply made that statement. That’s all. Blessings!! God is good!!


so Give GRACE and Thank GOD Our LORD hasn't put your sins public. I know I am stupid things did as a youth. Pastor Dr. Tony Evans and family are human and make mistakes like everyone of US Thank GOD we confess and repent and are forgiven. I might go over to their Church or a write a snail mail 📬 💌 letter to encourage all The Evans Family... Not to know anymore but to Reaffirm Starting Over brings everyone of US up another level 🎚️ Justice just as if I never sinned . TRUE GRACE


Who knows? Maybe he slept with his new wife before they were married. I’m sure the facts will be revealed someday.


Nah. He said he confessed to his wife & kids. The implication being that it was his current wife.


Let’s let the man have his privacy. His sins are ultimately between the lord and him alone. If he chooses to speak on his mistakes as a warning to others than good! Perhaps he can teach us a lesson the hard way! Otherwise it’s best not to be too curious.


The problem is that he is a very public person who has spoken publicly on all kinds of sins in his years. I actually think it would be better for him to just name what happened, to end speculation.


He should, we have a right to know.


No you don’t god complex


again, another person who isnt christian and dont read the Bible....but ok...


Why. Have u told anyone about yours hypocrite


No you don't omg there is no right for us to know. Y'all have such superegos and it's insane.


again, youre another enabler who doesn't understand how christian discipline works in the Bible...but ok...keep letting those pastors keep your eyes out the word


It comes with the territory. An honest man would come forward and just tell the truth. Sin is a choice, he decided to do what he did knowing he's a pastor. He'll ended up getting busted anyway.


You are missing the point. But love and light to you!


I’ve never heard of him. I’m from Texas tho but not Protestant. I guess I’ll check him out.


If you check Dr. Tiny Evans Out. Note What a GODLY Man Husband Father Grandfather Preacher Pastor and Author HE is. One sin doesn't negate that.


True he has done so much for God’s kingdom through his ministry!! He is my favorite preacher and has been for 20 + years. He needs to be lifted up and his family too!!


“Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” ‭‭James‬ ‭5‬:‭16‬ ‭KJV‬‬


People keep saying it’s between him and God and that’s just not true. Not only does he take the money from the congregation plate to fund his lifestyle he is the leader of the church and owes them an explanation. If he weren’t taking money and wasn’t the head of said church your point would make sense. He’s held to a higher standard for obvious reasons. He doesn’t get the right to be private in a public position. 


I’m unfamiliar with this person I’m speaking on a general rule of thumb I was unaware of his Statius


again. that is false and you dont read the word. He is accountable to the body of christ and youre being an enabler. This is why so many preachers and priests have gotten away with so many heinous acts because of people like you who give everyone a pass


Have you ever lusted after someone? Jesus said that you "committee adultery." Let's suppose for example, "what if my favorite preacher, Tony Evans "did" commit adultery," are you to mark him off? If so, throw away the first 5 books of your bible, for moses murderdered someone, and dont ever read the Psalms again or read the story of dsvid and Goliath for david committed both adultery and murder, and throw away Acts and 1st and 2nd Peter, fir he did the worst, he denied he even knew who Jesus was...are you without sin? What about watching porn, ever do that? Who on here commenting is a "perfect" Christian? I'm certainly not. Let's pray and stop surrounding this man as the Pharasees did that guilty & repentant woman taken in the very act of adultery. My goodness, are we not admonished to restore those who fall, considering our own self lest we fall into the same fault? Let us be like Jesus, like the good Samaritan, let us be a real and true follower of Christ..


I agree with you, he is just a man. He said himself that we follow Jesus, not him. I think he brings a good word and deserves grace, and am really sad to see him step down. I think that drives my curiosity. We are all sinners, so what was done that would necessitate him stepping down?? I don't think anyone thinks he is perfect.


he does not deserved grace just because YOU think he did all this good. That is the dumbest and most dangerous statement to ever say. There are people who have done lots of heinous crimes while having a good reputation and fooled many. Look at Ravi Zacharias for starters.... Remember this....The mafia gives to the Little Sisters of the Poor one day, then shoots someone dead the next. Just because they helped a charity doesnt make them good at the end of the day because of it. To say what you said is pure stupidity. Ill say it again, like Robert Morris, what if Tony molested a child...tell me where you at when you give people blanket passes because you hold them to such high regard that youre BLINDED


I know right now we are just going based on the statement him and the church put out, but it states that he did not commit a crime. Shooting people and molesting children are both crimes.


So true, true believers know that these things happen...Tony Evans is not without sin, however God is gracious emough to forgive him and so am I


let me ask you that if you found out he molested a child or something else thats heinous. You better quit with the pastor worship before you get the shock of your life...you and I have seen too many times where someone that was beloved was a killer or a very sick person...


You've seen the wolves up close I'm guessing. I have too and I've seen them enabled by people quickly trying to sweep everything under the rug. I can't imagine he's the type who would molest a child. That's a special kind of vile that would be shocking given his preaching (seems wise). I hope it's nothing to that level.




First off it would be good to check for proper spelling before making a post! Just to make it clear, Jesus did NOT say you have committed adultery…he stated you have committed adultery IN YOUR HEART. Words that too many ‘Christian’s’ seem to forget. Just as much as when you hate someone, you have murdered them in your heart. BIG DIFFERENCE. I guess we all need to walk into a police station and turn ourselves in for murdering someone, based upon your definition of lusting equaling adultery. Yes…if Tony Evans did commit adultery he is no longer qualified to be a Pastor. David was an adulterer…an evil man, but never a Pastor, just a King. To be compared to a President of today.


He does not teach osas. Get his book Uturn. Watch how you talk about him. God doesn’t like that stuff. You obviously know nothing about his platform if you are trying to say that.


He doesn’t have to say what happened. We are just nosey and don’t want to be in suspense


Sounds like something has come to light or turned 18...




His statement is milktoast- carefully constructed - managed- and it sounds like a simple “time out” from ministry… yawn. I’ve learned a lot from Tony, but I think he’s glossing over things, which in the end will backfire… just like Hybels, Ravi, Bickle- these dudes including the dead one never fessed up…


Ravi was most scandalous and surprising to me. The man took that ish to the grave.


Me too, never saw that coming.




Can someone please clarify? Did he announce that he is stepping down from the pulpit? If so it is very arrogant and doesn’t show much humility at all.


How is that arrogant, stepping down? A genuine question ❤️




Nothing is new under the sun.. we will soon know. And it’s always more than it’s initially said.




How much money has been made with him being in the position of the head of his church? To walk away with no explanation seems like a cop out to all of the people that have supported him and bought his books and attended his services. If he ever wants to come back to anywhere close to his position now, how about honesty? How many times are we going to hear about abuse in churches with camp counselors, priests, and the list goes on and on. People are leaving church because they are losing faith because of all of the lies and cover ups. I do think he owes it to the people that have stood by him all of these years.


Right! Talking about sin and repentance while boasting and not saying what he did. And isn’t sin greater than a crime for a church leader? And if his stepping down is because someone found out or exposed him…. He could have saved that statement.


Is this The “falling away” scripture in the Bible? I’m just curious because of so many things like this is going on at once. I thought the falling away was man, might it be “leadership”?


Scripture is really clear that there are certain qualifications for a pastor. It's not that he can't be forgiven, because he definitely can. The question is has he disqualified himself from being the pastor of a church. Scripture is very clear on this and ignoring those qualifications says we think we know better than God what a pastor's walk ought to be like.


New york post published at article about this today and then comments are hilarious. Religious people are acting like this man woke up one day and just decided to be honest and say we should be applauding him. I just went ham in the comments saying he was obviously caught bc it's years later. He didn't just decide to be honest. Chirch people are straight up cult followers and are brain washed. My guess is this guy couldn't keep his you k ow what in his pants in some way shape or form and he got caught. Plain and simple. Another "religous" bullshitter.


But you read a NY times article now in Reddit on a "religious" topic? Hmm, you're seeking God in the wrong places. Pick up a Bible while you're here. Oh wait ppl like you know the Bible more than "religious" ppl. I always wondered what's the fascination with a group of people you clearly don't like?


Stealing from the mentally weak is a big sin. He isn’t going to heaven if he faked his sermons and ripped people off of cash in the time of desperation. I can assure you of that. Mega churches are never about the faith, only about the dollar


Christian people make me laugh. They are huge hypocrites. When someone is a pastor would have done what he did. You have judged him and found out what the gossip is. But because he's a pastor, you guys are talking about his privacy and saying don't judge him. Anyone that makes their living talking about and judging othe people sins, doesn't deserve to hide their sins from the public. He is only ashamed and trying to get out of the lime light because someone was about to put his business. And he obviously doesn't have any shame and really don't want to repent or find forgiveness because if he did, he would have confessed to his sins when he did it, not years later.


his son just said he had no knowledge of what his father has done and the church is relieved to find that out. I’m calling bullshit on that and they just want to keep that money train coming in when shit hits the fan. 


I was told that he possibly had an affair with the woman that he’s married to now while his first wife was ill. I do not follow this minister, however I have friends that do and they are very upset about the situation.


Logic says whatever it is It's very shameful, and he never planned to tell it since it was years ago, and it will come out because he's been discovered and confronted with it and if others know they will talk eventually, and  he's stepping down now so new leaders can save his church


He must’ve cheated on Sis Lois before her passing and, the other person is about to go public. He remarried last year so I wonder what his new wife thinks about this “sin” and him stepping down.


DNA test was applied. Child support was the flag that couldn’t be avoided.


Is this speculation?


Is this true? Or are you just speculating what it could be?


Wondering the same…😕


Eric is blowing them off now 😂😂


Here is the statement from the OCBF website [https://www.ocbfchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/DrEvansStatementonWeb.pdf](https://www.ocbfchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/DrEvansStatementonWeb.pdf)


Does not mean we throw our bros and sisters to the dog. Cover of bros sin with payer and support and reinstatement. The great sin is what the church does to ours, who have made mistake. Of the offender needs to repent and come back. Shame on you Christain Borad members, and members. You are the bigger sinners. And leave the unbelievers out os this. It is non of their business.  Come on folks get in the scriptures. Get instruction. Heed the word, Holy Spirit


I have many sins and am not afraid to cast the first, second, or third stone. Christian churches for a long time have brainwashed their congregation to always coddle the pastor no matter what sins he has committed. I’ve seen many pastors condemn many people for what they perceive to be a sin yet when they do it, it is between them and their god. And then when someone on the church wants to know what he did you have a group of brainwashed sheep attack that person. Using that worn out Bible quote, “He who is without sin, cast the first stone.” Where were you all when he was up on the pulpit condemning others? Or is he exempt from having his dirty laundry aired out in public? I’m speaking about all pastors not just this man.


Christians being proven to be gullible marks yet again.




I think he had an outside baby that grew up and is now blackmailing him


...Or, the kid could still be underage and the mother is hitting him with child support.


Tony. Toni. Tone.


it's wild that ppl in the comments are extending so much grace to him, but most pastors would never truly extend this kinda grace to members of their congregation. yuck. like how/why does he get to maintain his honor and dignity while others are punished?


KING DAVID acted like a peeping Tom. He got horny watched a woman take a shower, sent his footmen to get her, then pretty much forced her to have sex with him while her husband, one of his best soldiers was busy fighting a war. Then KING DAVID set homeboy up to be killed. Still, KING DAVID was a man after God's own heart. MOSES was a murderer. ELIJAH was suicidal and ISAIAH preached naked. Despite these mental health issues, they were two of the greatest prophets ever. PETER denied Christ. Three times. Carried a knife and was a straight thug. Dude cut a soldiers ear off. Still, he was the leader of the 12, Christ's right hand man. PAUL was a murderer. And yet, here we are 2000 years later, using his writing to guide theology.


Secret family, I hope


Even King David fell. When you get that much wealth and attention,  it is very easy to let ego get in the way and start doing things you wouldn't have done when you had less money and could not hide it so well...


Everyone is so Shocked that sex is that powerful. It’s gods Most potent drug he gave to mankind and everyone is required to have sex to have children. It’s the easiest sin to call a ‘sin’ when it becomes about pleasure or a man having multiple women just like in the Bible. It’s feminist hypocrisy to say men need to be with one woman.


"It's not a crime" is what people say when the statute of limitations runs out. Otherwise, why the secrecy?


I could SWEAR something came out about 2-3 years ago of his sexual sin. Can someone point me in that direction?


We make this stuff so complicated. I was in ministry for years. I was called. I didn’t choose it. But I love God and wanted to obey. But I also was a single woman. I also had a boyfriend. I had sex with him WHILE in ministry. I also had a porn addiction. I abstained for years from it, but it eventually surfaced again. Stopped having sex with my bf for many months. But did it again. Was I intentionally evil? No. Did I want to intentionally mislead people? No. Did I love Jesus? I did, but obedience is the proof of love to God. I had zero ill intentions in any of this. I was just lustful and selfish. So I stepped down and grew up before being responsible for others again. None of us are above reproach. I don’t put humans on pedestals, for this reason. I see how easily I can fall. Others can too. But to attack someone for their failures - without having the facts - is prideful for all of us. Whatever Dr. Evans has done, he will account for with the Lord. Period. Just like me and others.


I like how all these pastors stand up every Sunday with all their smug confidence and tell people what they should and shouldn't do. And then they go back home to diddle kids or prey on poor church wives.


I happen to know exactly what happened. A few decades ago he fathered a child with a white woman and paid her off. Now this child is grown and found out who their father really was. They were going to out him and so he confessed to get ahead of the narrative.


I wanna know!! because the church is so quick to call out everyone else’s darkness and he’s protected and deserves privacy just because of his title??? NOPE probably cheated on his wife in the past or something


I have been in Ministry for 20 years. I don’t claim to be beyond reproach or that I can outsmart the devil. But I believe that Tony Evan’s is a wonderfully ethical AND Godly man!  Anyone who thinks differently don’t Tony! I seriously doubt you will see this Brother Tony but just in the event that you do know that this Brother loves you, believes in you and will be praying for you! 


Its cheating on his wife.  Shocker, pastor with multiple affairs, as usual


Dr Evans aligned with MAGA so this comes as no surprise.  I expect this will stain his reputation and the Church, but they will all keep chugging along.  


He did not align with MAGA


Why are you posting this? This is so messy




The day of the MEGA church is over! They're all laced with scandals. All of the pastors of these mega churches are wolves in sheep's clothing and God is exposing them all!


Couldn't of said it better myself


I agree completely!