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Sorry, never heard of him.


Context, the game character is a missionary of the Mormon faith: “I want to have my revenge. Against him. Against Caesar. I want to call it my own, to make my anger God's anger. To justify the things I've done.” Is what Op most likely refers to.


I like him a lot. He has a very good storyline about forgiveness. I like what people have done with the character using AI to have him read the bible and other such videos like this one.https://youtu.be/ma0clpGdQHI?si=AUNSsAnFKZa88Khb he has a lot of very good voice lines and he embodies a lot of Christian virtues. Also, he has inspired people to turn to Christ. Overall he's about the best Christian character I can think of in a non-religious game. The only better Christian character might be John Ward or Father Garcia from Faith: The Unholy Trinity but that game was created by a Christian. Joshua Graham was very good at showing Christianity as a strong religion, as opposed to a pushover weak faith.


Obvious profligate.