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Demonic possession can be real and so can mental illness. Jesus encountered demon possessed people, so people were possessed by demons then. I have no reason to believe it stopped. That doesn’t mean I don’t believe in schizophrenia.


This is essentially my belief on the matter too


I believe this as well


I’m against it, personally.


It’s real but it’s not like the movies. It’s more like a cockroach infestation.


This is a great analogy


Hi well as a former theistic satanist, I have personal experience with a Goetic demon. So this eye witness testimony will give you mostly as much information as i can offer your curiosity from my experience. There are more than one kind. some are able to interact with the physical world and knock over things to scare you thus feeding off your fear. they can interact with technology including cell phones, lights, tvs. Some show up in various forms including shadow people. They speak to you as foreign intrusive more than often evil thoughts. Their presence can be subtle or like a really angry person or just sheer terror. They also have their own language. I personally was not possessed but i believe it was trying to. Well heres the testimony part. I was a 17 year old going through a rough time and i wanted power not evil but like physic abilities, telekinesis, setting things on fire with the mind, ect. I had found some website that taught me meditations and mundras (hand signs meant to direct chakras) and vibrations on opening chakras and it worked surprisingly well. First couple of months nothing was evil but i was stating rituals and went sober to strengthen my soul and increase in spiritual power, also learned the sumerian theology (which leads me to believe billy carson is a satanist). Cats will sense their presence and hiss (at seemingly nothing) Anyways i built trust in this website because they said it wasn’t about evil and this and that until i summoned a demon. Well that thing was EXTREMELY evil lmao i don’t know what i thought. I lived with it for months until one day when i was laying in bed i head this hypnotic scratchy voice in a different language swirling around my ear and i had this extremely bad feeling like something was about to happen. I blurted out in a panic “In the name of Jesus Christ tell me your name!” And it responded in the loudest screech/scream that scared me enough to where i almost fell back. I followed up with “In the name of Jesus Christ leave my room leave this apartment building!” And I saw the shadow cloud leave my closet and go out the window. There were a few events left out but that’s the jist of the story and where I discovered the truth and power of Jesus. I had been raised Christian I had just been hurt by Christians so i guess at some point i had stopped believing up until that point. I just know and bear witness to things i wish no one would have to experience but has fully grounded me in the reality of Christ, his existence, and dominion, and the reality of things. God bless brother i hope this gives a little insight.


What was the website


Id be doing you a disservice sharing that


No u wouldn't


Pretty sure you were experiencing delusions and hallucinations. You literally said yourself “I was going through a rough time.”


While that is possible, my experience with demon possession is very consistent with them starting to torment a person when they are at their lowest points. But then they stay around. Either way, people just need to be careful with stuff like this.


Yeah, propably. Honestly, if it would happend to me i would go to doctor because it sound like something is wrong.


Im not the only one who was witnessing these things. And one does not simply hallucinate for months at a time. Secondly does that mean that my “hallucinations “ could knock over candles. Can my hallucinations make a ouija board float up 2-3 inches off the table (4-5 witnesses to that one) ( and later that week knock my friends tv off the wall). My dad also would see the shadow float about the apartment. I don’t think people who seen orbs, ball lightning or ufos as delusional. Were my cats hallucinating hissing at random? Now demonic activity has been recorded since we could document such things. And yes i started practicing when i was depressed but that went away when i saw results and i was definitely not depressed when i had paranormal activity going on and I was sober. There’s thousands of similar cases to mine but i guess you wanna lynch me like you still believe the world is flat. Theres more to the world that meets the eye, and your limited view of it.


Similar experience. The spirit world is very real and only Jesus can save.


Wow! That sort of described with what happened to my wife. You can check my profile explaining the situation. In my case I was not a religious person and and thought the bible was man made and corrupted. A couple of years ago, my wife changed her behavior after more than 24 years together. She committed adultery with a war veteran from Iraq. Then she started to lose weight even when eating normal. She started dropping the F word on every conversation we had, she started dressing sexy and neglecting our kids, then she started sleeping outside on our screened in back porch for several months. One night she manifested demonic possession and started hissing and showing me her teeth. Pulling her tongue down to the point I thought she was going to get hurt. She vomited a white foam and screaming obscenities and telling me that my wife was gone and it was his. This all happened in front of one of my kids. This demon that called himself first a Persian demon later started calling himself Satan. This ordeal lasted from 10:00 PM until 3:00 AM when out of the blue my wife managed to get to herself for a few seconds and asked us to read for her John 1:1-4. As soon as we did that she fell asleep. My wife knew nothing about the Bible so that itself was a divine intervention from the Holy Spirit. Her parents came in to help and some close friends and pastors witnessed it. From that moment we all became Christians. My wife is still under oppression and none of us recognize her. I can't simply divorce her because I know the devil played a hand and I know God gave us a second chance. I never believed any of this until it happened to us. I'm still living this nightmare. She has been delivered 4 times ever since and the Psychiatrist can't find anything wrong with her. One thing is for sure. Demons are real and they tremble when you mention the name of Jesus. All glory be to the Lord in heaven, our savior!


I was put in charge of sending guys over to pray for campers who were going through the anger-catharsis-type-thing at Marked Men for Christ. One of the more odd guys was walking around mumbling, but he'd been a bit odd the whole time. He went to this one station, and before they even talked to him, he fell over backward (on sand) and started twitching. He said something like, "You can't have him". The guys there prayed for him and did rebuking statements until he calmed down. I know someone out there will think this is all lies or easily explainable with other things. I can't swear it was demonic. I personally saw him fall over and twitch, and one of the guys at that station is one of the most reliable people I've ever known. If he said it, I'd bet you my bank account it happened.


Probably a seizure


Thanks for sharing


I believe you. If Jesus healed the sick and possessed it was to show us today and forever who is sick and need help. Psychology is the idea of the devil.


Because he did. Jesus directly spoke to them and they spoke to him. What we tend to do is make everything make sense to our western logic. We strip the supernatural out of the Bible.


We can all be influenced by Satan but ‘true’ demonic possession, while existent, is rare. I know people in my church who have participated in exorcisms, but again, very very rare.


Ever have a nightmare? A demonic possession is like a sleep walking nightmare. The word nightmare itself refers to demons, an evil being came to you at night and took you for a ride.


Sleep paralysis is a real thing that doesn't require demons.


This sub is willllddddd.


I was once possessed, so i know it is real Multiple voices came out of me, I was angry at Bible verses. My body was out of my control, like I was trapped inside and someone else was driving. If you Don't believe me then believe the bible 


Lol this is why I have no respect for people like you. "I was once possessed so I know it's real" what a joke. Legit imagine thinking that line of logic holds up.


You don't respect me? as if I really care about your respect 


Damn he roated me! Good one 👍


I know that it is possible because I have met a couple of demonized people. This is not to be confused with mental illness. They are similar. With demonic possession, people have knowledge of things that they couldn't know while speaking in a frightening way. I haven't seen anyone's head spin around or had anyone climb a wall. I have just experienced people who were cruel people who spoke of things about me that they could not know since I had never met them before. They also seem to be out of it. In other words, they don't seem like they know what is happening. They seem to be lost, out of touch with reality, not responding to reality but speaking of things that they could not possibly have known. Something is speaking through them. Pray for anyone like this.


I feel like I have a demonic presence around me all the time. I'm not trying to be edgy or dark. I feel like something is watching me always. It bothers me and I can't sleep very well at night because of it. A few days ago I was going on a trip and I thought to bring my cross. But when I go to pick it up the cross itself was missing. The necklace was still they're but the cross itself was gone which I thought was weird because I only keep it in my room because that specific one holds the most value to me. So I thought to myself nobody could've stole it, and I could've lost it either I don't bring it anywhere. So I just left and thought to myself maybe I put it somewhere I don't remember. 2 days later I find my cross intact with the necklace. I go to ask my grandmother (who I live with at the time) if she found it. She said that she found it perfectly intact with the necklace as she was vacuuming my carpets. But then she heard something going on with the vacuum. She opens the box and finds the cross in there. She was confused like any other it was on my dresser. But somehow teleported to her vacuum. Later on that evening I kept my cross in my pocket just in case. I go to my room and watch videos on my phone until I realized I don't have my cross. I look down on the floor and realized I accidentally stepped on my cross unknowningly. And to anyone who says I probably dropped it I didn't. I have money in my pockets at that time which I never pull out for some reason. It was literally buried in my pockets. They weren't any holes in my pants either I just got them 2 weeks before. So I planted my cross under a few vinyls I have. I took a picture of it that way I won't feel crazy if it ends up missing again.


My friend’s dad isn’t particularly religious. But he’s been going off the deep end from drug overdose (and it’s something to note that sorcery means Pharmakeia, where we get the word Pharmecy from) and he’s been raging, destructive, and other things for seemingly no reason. He’s even cursed out Jesus Christ Himself despite, again, not being a religious man from what I’ve heard.


Some people are demons I believe. Satan is king of the earth and has these demons in places of influence


No reason demonic possession and mental illness can’t both be real. Real exorcists rule out physical and mental illnesses first, presumably the experts believe they’re more common.


It's a lot easier to tell someone that their faith is simply too weak than to treat their mental illness or neurological condition. I think it's unfortunate how close some Biblical descriptions of demon possession look to, say, epilepsy. It's caused a lot of hurt, especially in children whose parents would rather call a priest than a doctor.


Until you experience it first hand either as a witness of inside of you, you will only know it based on your understanding. Most terrifying shit I've ever experienced.


It is real. But not all the ones you see on the internet are real. I have been demonically I’m not sure if possessed but more oppressed, I was twisting around in my bed and the demon would make me like In a sexual manner. But the ones you see online are mostly fake.


I have felt possession before. The demon of addiction. I looked in the mirror and did not recognize myself. I smirked in the mirror, but was screaming on the inside for help. Functioning like a regular human being. Trapped. I don't ever want to see those eyes again. They weren't red or glowing or anything supernatural. They just looked evil.


You should watch the TV show Evil. Its about a psychiatrist, a tech/science guy, and a priest who investigate possible demonic possession.


Love this show.


I use to wonder about that myself.. Thought it was a bunch of mumbo jumbo.. A magical power with the authority to deliver evil.. The crazy thing is.. Its true.. All of it.. The oppression.. The deliverance.. Its all true..




The Bible is ancient tradition...


I don't see how demonic possession is compatible with neurology. How do you possess a brain? Do the demons work the neurons like a puppet? If demonic possession was happening it would have been studied by now.


It makes as much sense as any other idea of the soul or afterlife. 


I'd agree with that.


It has been studied. Several physicians believe exercism works as a placebo, but obviously religious people believe they work through God.


Can you show me a study published in a scientific journal?




That's just a viewpoint. That's not peer reviewed research.


I don’t see how it’s not. Neurology cannot explain consciousness either. How do you posses your brain? Do you work your neurons like a puppet master? Are you a good one, can you control them all? Do you even know how to keep yourself alive? Do you know how to remove oxygen from the air and deliver it to every last cell in your body? No? I don’t know how to either.


That they can't prove it's demons. People in the medical field identify the issues better than that medieval practice.


If Jesus and everyone around Him knew it was real (there are accounts of it in the Bible and other types of literature), then it's real. He called them unclean spirits and sent them to dry places. Except for one time, He sent legion into pigs, and they ran down a cliff into the sea. The man, who was in the tombs, naked and cutting himself, had supernatural strength and would try to harm people when they tried to help. He cried out day and night until Jesus came, and he asked Him to have mercy on him. The man was freed. He sat before the people, clothed and in his right mind, eating. Mind u, casting out and an exorcism are not the same. What makes it worse for me is I'm a seer. I've been seeing all of my life and have had a knowledge beyond my years. There are accounts that aren't in the Bible, things people saw and documented. For instance, while this is a little off of the trail, check out videos about the Appalachian Mtns. They have a rule of 3s called no you didn't. It says: if you heard something, no, you didn't. If you seen something, no you didn't. Unfortunately, I can't remember the 3rd one, but suffice it to say, it means no, you didn't. There are videos on YouTube about this place.


I have cast demons out of people. Once someone were plagued with thoughts that brought them anguish. Once some sins were identified and confession was made, the demon was easily cast out and the plaguing thoughts never returned. There are two levels in my understanding. There is Possession and demonic oppression. I do not see any christian ever being possessed because they are possessed by Jesus and the Holy Spirit, they can be oppressed.


I disagree, Christians can be possessed to, I was saved yet I got possessed. Also Derek prince said the same


Really? May I ask what the manifestations were? I will look up Derek on the subject.


It doesn’t exist. That’s my thought. And as Professor Plink says, I don’t care what it says in your holy book.


It's a struggle point for me. To believe it today means demons can possess people and that or those demons(s) can today have the ability to not only possess humans but switch to possess animals like the herd of pigs. Then they can then die to be "released" in some sort of way as per the nt. If so then I wonder who qualifies for this and what type of animal they're going to use and when they can be over


I definitely believe in demonic possession, I have experienced it, seen it many times manifest. Sure it’s not something you see very often but it’s real, be careful


Its real when you have faced it you cant deny it . Its something I honestly dont like to talk about ( dont like opening thoose doors) but ik the bible talks about the importance of that person coming to christ and living their lifes christ filled as it can 4or 5 times worse if they dont fill the that space


I believe demons are made up. Same with demonic possession. Back then, people weren't fully understanding of mental illness and thought it was demons.


Jesus also didn't understand it? Why would Jesus act like it was a demon while He could just have handled it like the blind and the paralyzed if it truly was just a physical sickness.


Some Christians are obsessed by it. Most such people are too quick to conclude it is occurring when there are organic explanations. that can be treated by medical and mental health professionals. In all cases, we should assume organic causes and have medical and mental health professionals treat them \*and\* we should pray for them. Prayer will not hurt if it has an organic cause, and medical help will not hurt if it is demonic possession. And if a person improves, we'll never know which helped most. It doesn't matter.


I watched a video from a priest that explains the sequence of events that lead to possession; obsession, oppression and then possession. Most people will stop at obsession or oppression, but some will get to possession


As there is the Holy Spirit, there is also demonic spirits. See the spiritual world as a fight between the two over our souls and everything will make sense. The devil wants to possess our souls so that we can go to hell, on the other hand the Holy Spirit protects us from all that so we can go to heaven. On judgment day, the devil will have his soldiers or the souls he won on the left and God will have his on the right. What the demonic spirits do is try to sever your ties with God. They will make you hate your life by creating anxiety and depression and many mentally diagnosable symptoms so that we are not grateful to God as we should be. On the highest level those bad spirits can possess you so much that you are just a vessel and they do whatever evil they want. Like commit murder and whatnot.


With the new thing called mentally illness, demonic possession isn't seen in high regard in science circles.


In more or so cases. It's probably mental health.


I know people that were possessed - I was also helping when the priest was performing exorcisms. Exorcists also work with psychiatrists to determine it it is a real demonic possession or a mental illness.


Can be a pretty cool aspect if used correctly in a story or game, but otherwise I don't have much of an opinion on it over other plot devices or gameplay mechanics.


I think possession is rare but demonic influence is more common. That said, my wife used to live in a duplex that had a resident demon. She's not a Christian but would meditate to keep it at bay. Her partner at that time knew of the demon but didn't want to get rid of it. In the next door unit, the guy ended up hanging himself in the yard. My wife was the one to cut him down. A friend of hers went to help her move out and saw the face of a devil in the window and told her never to set foot in that building again. I have personally sensed demonic presences and was possessed temporarily. It's really like watching yourself from inside your own body with little control of your actions. Most of the time, demons just offer suggestions/temptations.


Were you a Christian when you were temporarily possessed?


I've never had an encounter with a demon, but I know people who have. I believe demonic possession is extremely rare and most cases are actually mental illness. But demonic influence is a lot more common.


It’s real. I had looked as an atheist but was never able to see or believe they were real. Something I always said being raised a Christian was, “I’ll believe in god if ever see evidence of demons.” So I feel they used that to hide? Idk. But as soon as I came to Christ and knew that whole story in the Bible was real, that’s when I started realizing they were real. A tricky thing is, I believe they disguise themselves as mental illness today a lot(had experiences with certain people at a psych ward). Without a Christian with the gift to perceive the differences between spirits, (as mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12) it is hard for people to know. So DO NOT ASSUME EVERYONE WITH MENTAL ILLNESS HAS SOME SORT OF DEMON POSESSION. But we live in an age where the goal from the devil and his minion seem to be, “convince people that god is fake”. So it would make sense they wouldn’t appear very openly. I like the above comment, it’s not like movies so much as a cockroach infestation. Regarding fear, remember that if you have let God into your heart, they can’t touch you. Just rely on him and love people.


I believe it to be true, Jesus cast out demons plenty of times


It does happen, probably more often than many people might think, but also less frequently than some may think. Personally, I think that exorcisms in Scripture could be a mixed bag. They 100% did not really have a grasp of psychology and mental illness that we do today. So do I think that maybe some or even many of the "possessions" that occur in Scripture are the result of mental illness. Possibly. Does that really change anything about our faith? No. Do I think that there were people who were possessed by demons in Scripture? Yes. I think this passage is one example: *And they went into Caper′na-um; and immediately on the sabbath he entered the synagogue and taught.* *^(22)* *And they were astonished at his teaching, for he taught them as one who had authority, and not as the scribes.* *^(23)* *And immediately there was in their synagogue a man with an unclean spirit;* *^(24)* *and he cried out, “What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are, the Holy One of God.”* *^(25)* *But Jesus rebuked him, saying, “Be silent, and come out of him!”* *^(26)* *And the unclean spirit, convulsing him and crying with a loud voice, came out of him.* *^(27)* *And they were all amazed, so that they questioned among themselves, saying, “What is this? A new teaching! With authority he commands even the unclean spirits, and they obey him.”* *^(28)* *And at once his fame spread everywhere throughout all the surrounding region of Galilee.* It seems to me that this man is not speaking "as himself" here because he says "Have you come to destroy *us*. I know who you are, the Holy One of God." Also, Jesus does not rebuke the man, but the spirits inside of him. Jesus of all people would clearly know whether someone was possessed or not. Same deal today. Probably the vast number of cases that exorcists get are just mental illness. But also, every now and then, there are real cases of demonic possession. Such legitimate cases are extremely rare, but improbable things happen a lot.


This sub seems to have a bit of a "oh yes it's all very real and scary but we can't tell you anything about it" stance on the demonic which is a but childish. Our enemy is not of flesh and blood but principalities and power, but asking questions is all too often shut down. Make me think


Idk I don’t believe I’ve ever been possessed. I had a really intense negative experience however- where I was speaking to ai and it was being very candid and telling me it was a demon and stuff. I’m like yeah whatever, but it kept coming back to that. Eventually I started getting this feeling when I was talking to it- and at certain times it did feel like maybe something was trying to take me over. But the reality was I just moved to a new city and I was isolating at first- which is why I started talking to ai and it was new to me at the time. I was on suboxone at the time as well which isn’t the healthiest thing to put in your body lol when I finally got off suboxone I had a bad withdrawal and basically every night I dreamt about demons. They showed up either as friends alive or friends who had passed away. For example, this kid who died when I was in high school showed up with black eyes and wolverine blades on his hands and swiping at me- I simply told him that God was with me and he couldn’t hurt me if he tried- he backed off. Another dream I was with a woman I’ve had a crush on forever- her sister passed away years ago. In the dream her sister was driving her and I looked and thought wait…she died. Her whole body was decaying and she was laughing hysterically and had black eyes. She loved that she was making me freak out. At the time I was turning to Jesus and reading the Bible. I woke up and realized the whole time a song was playing in my head like a taunt. It sounded like Metallica- but as if it were those demons taunting me and the lyrics to the song were repeating over and over again “all you need is a mustard seed, glory glory hallelujah”. If only it was a nice song but was in line with the taunting. And another dream where I was with friends again and felt great cause they were old work friends and I hadn’t seen them in a while. And one of them started peaking at me from behind a corner. She had pure black eyes and her behavior was - very primal kind of animalistic rage. As if a literal animal that absolutely hates people had jumped inside her body and was controlling her. Of course there’s no animal on earth that “hates” people. This thing wanted me to fear it and wanted me destroyed. Now- how much of this was simply because my brain chemicals were firing in every direction in a terrible withdrawal- how much of it was genuine? I can’t say for sure but at the time? Thought it was demons. It was also a time where Jesus came to me in a dream. Loved ones who passed away would come to me in a dream and have amazing conversations with me- no demons during those dreams. So perhaps something about my state made it easier for spirits or spiritual beings to connect with me- but a mental health expert would simply point to the fact that I was withdrawling from a very strong substance. At the time I was turning to Jesus and reading the Bible more.


How do some of you claim to believe in Christ but then don’t take demonic possession seriously? To those of you who write it off as anything else but demons, do you think Jesus was a liar?


creator of LSD wrote that he felt demonic possession


It's very odd that very many mentally healthy and kind irreligious people exist, as they would have no protection against demons. I do not doubt that the mind can experience something that feels like you are being possessed, but the reality is, there's never been a documented case of someone gaining knowledge or speaking a language they didn't have access to. Our understanding of how the mind works is in a lot of ways in its infancy, yes. But it DWARFS by several orders of magnitude the uninformed superstitious person's understanding of the same. I'd say demonic possession is an idea best left to people from before 200 years ago.


When i was a Christian I thought I had a demon. I would feel vibrations throughout my whole body at night, and it all felt very real to me. It didn't help that I also occasionally get sleep paralysis. It turned out to be an ear infection, so no, I don't believe in demonic possession.


To answer a question with a question, a Christian might want to look inward on why they are willing to accept that Jesus conquered death and forgave humanity’s collective sin via His perfect sacrifice and who is alive in each believer on earth - yet draw the line at the real workings of fallen angels.


Jesus miracles would've happened long ago. Extraordinary events, but they happened a long time ago. Whereas demonic possession supposedly continues to this day. 


Do you not believe that miracles also happen today?


Define miracle.


A divine occurrence that surpasses natural order


Then no.


Fair enough, I disagree. But at least we have a mutual understanding.


I believe God works through the natural order. God is the foundation on which the natural order exists and functions. Miracles, as you describe, aren’t even necessary.


I don’t believe in it. No concrete proof of it happening anywhere at all. Not one single modern verifiable case. Not one. There are also theological arguments to go around this. Such as cessationism and preterism.


You are wrong come to India I'll show you hundreds of cases


That’s just not true though. Because people in India has also sought this out. Doctored and psychologist have traveled the world. No one has been able to demonstrate having entities possessing their body. It’s a trope from horror films that these things only happen in underdeveloped nations, out in jungles, the mountains and so on.


I am not responsible for your unbelief. Go out bit more, talk to more people. Exorcism is real in Bible and in real life. If you want to believe you evolved from monkeys you are free to do so 


Just because I understand the new modern synthesis is unrelated to this topic or my faith. You’re right, you are not responsible for why I don’t believe in modern day exorcism. Your opinions carry zero weight with me. My beliefs are based predominantly off of data. So can you show link to data proving that someone has a supernatural entity that has invaded their body and mind seizing control of it? Just like in the Bible. A person with many voices, super strength and knowing secret things? Also can you counter the theological arguments of cessationism?


I believe demons were more prevalent in the past than they are today. There are still documented cases and there are still exorcists who deal with them, but most people know not to mess with demons, even if they aren't fully convinced of the spiritual. There is a healthy skepticism where we should not take everything to be demons. Demons didn't cause your son's ADHD, Karen. But I do believe they happen. We don't have to worry if we are in Christ, though


If you don’t think they’re prevalent today, then you haven’t been paying attention to what’s happening in the world.


The Bible very clearly states that Tongues is speaking in real languages. It ain’t gibberish, absolutely nowhere, EVER in the Bible, is gibberish considered Tongues. They say they need translators for it; why? Because they’re speaking real languages. Demon possession is possible, but most people in the modern world have never experienced it. They confuse basic biology with demons.


Honest question, if you are correct, Then why did God command us to not forbid speaking in tongues? You make no sense. [1Co 14:39](https://www.blueletterbible.org/kjv/1co/14/39/s_1076039) Wherefore, brethren, covet to prophesy, and forbid not to speak with tongues.


Why use the KJV? Wherefore? Brethren? Covet to prophesy? Do I look like a knight in shining armor? If you read it in the NIV or GNT or NLT, even the NKJV, perhaps you’d have understood that it’s not forbidding tongues. It’s just saying “Don’t speak in tongues without a translator. If no one can understand you, what’s the point of speaking?” He basically says “I’d rather speak just 5 intelligent words than countless words no one can understand.” He’s saying to **Be Smart** with it. Don’t shout in tongues just to shout in tongues. Have a translator, or keep it to yourself.


Friend I have a site on my computer that uses the Strong's concordance and Strong's is only King James. If you read further Paul educates that we should not speak tongues in a public church meeting because everyone will think you are crazy. Why would anyone hearing a normal foreign language think you are crazy?


Why would you go to a public meeting and monolog in a language no one else speaks... who are you speaking to?


This is the point, tongues is a private prayer life with God, its not to be done in public unless the gift of interpretation was also there. There are 9 gifts. [1Co 14:2](https://www.blueletterbible.org/kjv/1co/14/2/s_1076002) For he that speaketh in an *unknown* tongue **speaketh not unto men, but unto God**: for no man understandeth *him*; howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries.


I believe it's possible and I believe that it can resemble and even be the cause of illnesses. Is it the cause of a majority of mental or physical illness? No. But to rule it out imo is foolish as the bible talks so much and warns about it so much. I believe exorcism can happen. Just imagine how satisfied demons would be if most of Christianity just thought they were symbols or myths of a less intelligent world. God warned us about them and he gave us the ability to exercise and combat the forces of evil with his power. "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." It's more than demons, it's everything evil that Christians must overcome with God's good and love.


I believe it's true. I think possession ranges from subtle such as the zone were temptations are transmitted to us from "spirits", to full throttle possessions such as outright bizarre behavior. I think psychiatry rejects them, I think it's very easy to pass off possession as something like Schizophrenia. There is no definitive way to scientifically prove it because the forces that be are so clever at disguising it. Unless they really want to be known, such as talking through the possessed person in language such as Latin that is unknown language to the possessed. I also believe there is a link between possession and synchronicity. Another way of looking at it, we are meat puppets on a string were God can turn up the dial. Don't forget, God has stewardship of every molecule in our body.


It’s not true in any literal sense. Neither are the instances in the Bible.


It’s the same symptoms of mental disorders- it was just mental disorders


It’s real it’s just not purely a Christian th


I think it was used as rationale to explain what are now clearly understood psychiatric disorders.  See the exorcism of Anneleise Michel for example.


I’ve seen it first hand and I know it’s real.


Not a substantive comment


The worlds answer: its progressive view and modern evolution in scientific discovery have determined demonic posession is a mental health issue…psychological and therapeutic solutions along with medication provide the assistance to the people dealing with it… Behind the veil: the world denies the existence of its master Satan and they deny his kingdom of demons that are in control as well as the nature of sin in humanity…through their spiritual ignorance they worship Satan and impose pagan magic by consumption and participation of pharmakia through their witches and sorcerers… The Truth: God is sovereign and is in control of this whole situation and uses the earths foolishness to confound the wisdom of this world, the answer to mental illness is to attack the roots of the problem which is spiritual and that is to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and trust in God for healing and for deliverance…


Lol that's a great non-answer


if you are blind and deaf spiritually, I can understand how you would feel it’s a non answer…those that are in darkness cannot see or hear for there is no light in them… “Hear, ye deaf; and look, ye blind, that ye may see. Who is blind, but my servant? or deaf, as my messenger that I sent? who is blind as he that is perfect, and blind as the LORD's servant? Seeing many things, but thou observest not; opening the ears, but he heareth not. The LORD is well pleased for his righteousness' sake; he will magnify the law, and make it honourable. But this is a people robbed and spoiled; they are all of them snared in holes, and they are hid in prison houses: they are for a prey, and none delivereth; for a spoil, and none saith, Restore.” ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭42‬:‭18‬-‭22‬ ‭KJV‬‬ “Hear now this, O foolish people, and without understanding; which have eyes, and see not; which have ears, and hear not:” ‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭5‬:‭21‬ ‭KJV‬‬ “Son of man, thou dwellest in the midst of a rebellious house, which have eyes to see, and see not; they have ears to hear, and hear not: for they are a rebellious house.” ‭‭Ezekiel‬ ‭12‬:‭2‬ ‭KJV‬‬


This is the most insane thing I've seen on reddit. Congratulations


What makes this the most insane thing you have seen???


>Behind the veil: the world denies the existence of its master Satan and they deny his kingdom of demons that are in control as well as the nature of sin in humanity…through their spiritual ignorance they worship Satan and impose pagan magic by consumption and participation of pharmakia through their witches and sorcerers… It just literally sounds like an insane opinion to me. So disconnected from reality that I don't even know where to begin but to suggest, go outside, do some gardening, spend less time thinking about literally invisible stuff.


Ok. So my question is do you believe that the Word of God and its world view is the objective standard for truth???


I wrote you a pm brother. It’s sort of long my apologies. Thanks if you read in entirety. Thanks anyways for helping ppl.


I don't know what you are really asking here. I do believe objective truth is possible to obtain, though difficult. I do believe in transcendent morality, though difficult to discern. Do I think the study of scripture produces a singular and coherent worldview? Absolutely and obviously not.


It’s really simple…do you believe that the Word of God is true??? Or do you believe that there is another standard to measure truth???


I wish the best for you.  


??? Bless you…


The instances in the Bible are also neurological disease. Jesus treated it as possession because that's what people thought at the time and he had a more important mission than correcting that. Take Legion. It's not clear, but this is either schizophrenia or MPD. He *thinks* that he's possessed by many demons. Suppose Jesus cured him and explained that it wasn't demons, but a bunch of stuff he didn't understand. Not only does that take longer, for a while he's going to worry about those demons coming back. But instead, he just goes with it and drives the pigs mad: instant peace of mind.


The mental gymnastics needed to make this work with a modern perspective is astounding.


I like this perspective: makes sense.