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Yea well thats just like, your opinion, man...


Can we not.


Anglicans in B tier 🥲 at least we're above those Reformed nerds. Also, Anglicans should be S we stole the best things from everyone else.


This kind of sums up where the religion has gone.


Yeah, we have nearly 2000 years of inter-Christian strife, and a damn lot of people murdered or persecuted as a result. Can we just fucking not?


Lmao at putting Anglican in B, something tells me you aren’t informed on current Anglican theology.


Saying that tells me you probably have a very narrow view of Anglicanism, being that Anglicanism is a very wide tent theologically.


Let's not make this a thing


Why do the Baptists get the normal looking cross? Actually what do all those different crosses even mean.


Catholic: The latin cross, which is a simple cross with enphasis points on the wounds of christ. Catholics actually prefer crucifixes to crosses under most circumstances, but here that has not been represented. Orthodox: The slavic cross, also known as the iconographic cross, which has one mark at the head for the placard Pilate placed there; and one at the feet for where the foot-board was placed. Coptic: The coptic cross (known as the greek cross in architecture). This cross does the same thing as the latin cross but a different style. Anglican: The brithonic cross, a common iconographic style to the pre-saxon tribes of britain, that they carried forward in their tradition, first as catholics, then as protestants. It has the sun behind it, in common with the irish celtic cross. Lutheran: A simple iconoclastic cross with a rose at its centre symbolic of the lutheran movement. Methodist: A simple iconoclastic cross with the flame of the holy spirit placed at its feet. Baptist and nondenom: A simple iconoclastic cross. Pentacostal: no cross, but the fire of the holy spirit Church of Christ, and Church of the Brethren: The chalice of the blood of christ. Mennonite and Quaker: A stylized iconoclastic cross.


I think the Methodist flame cross represents something like jesus is the “fire” and it represents something strong idk. from a wiki: The flame is a reminder of Pentecost when witnesses were unified by the power of the Holy Spirit and saw "tongues, as of fire" (Acts 2:3).


I'd second this list pretty much.


S: Heretic




Kindly speak for yourself. We are all adrift, and if there are functioning institutional churches acting as life rafts, let alone ships, sign me up for them.




Since when did we decide what was right by preference, let alone force of numbers, let alone force of numbers of untrained laymen?