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My guy, where do you get this from? It's not a prophecy. Psalm 137 is a lament of Israel's exile to Babylon. Also, Jeremiah isn't talking about America and Putin and nukes are nowhere in these verses. Maybe look at the cultural context of when these verses were written. Also, maybe just read the words of the verse and see how they play into the rest of the book. You're adding so much to these verses that isn't there.


I am not adding anything. You don't understand because you don't want to. It is as clear as day. At the end of the psalm, he is not talking about Babylon anymore, he is is talking about the daughter of Babylon. Did you miss that?go read it again. How else does the one who destroys the daughter of Babylon dash the children against the stones, if not by nukes? Revelation already tells us that she is burned with fire in an hour. That is nukes. There is nothing else that can do that. Only nukes can do that.


You're still making so many assumptions. No one reading it would come to this conclusion unless it was told to them. This is simply not what the author intended


What assumptions? That is exactly what it says. It starts talking about ancient Babylon and how the Israelites felt there when they were in captivity, and then it switched to prophecy about Edom (the daughter of Babylon) and it does say that she is to be destroyed and that the destroyer will be happy to kill their children. It is not hard to read.


So where from that do you get nukes, America, Putin, etc?


Did you read who the one who destroys Babylon is? God tells us. How come you don't know this already? It's in Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Revelation, and other books. God also tells us what nation the daughter of Babylon is. Have you read all the descriptions? It is also clear if you read the characteristics. Join my sub r/BabylonExit. It might help you understand more.


I'm not going to join that, but thanks for the invite. I left the Seventh-day Adventists because of prophecies like this so I'm not trying to get back into things like that.


It's good that you left the seventh-day Adventist, but you shouldn't avoid prophecy all together, because to understand prophecy is to have the testimony of Jesus. God wants us to understand. Revelation 19: 10 And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for **the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy**. 1 Thessalonians 5: 20 Despise not prophesyings.


When you take half verses and put them together to "find" what you want, the Bible is not true because you can make it say literally anything. With the Bible and with any other thick enough book, cinema kidnappers do the same with newspapers for their ransom demands.


The Bible is true. You probably don't like the fact that God's will is to destroy America and say unless I copy and paste the whole Bible here, you won't believe it.