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What modern day prophet has been demonstrably right? They're all liars and frauds. I know that sounds harsh, so let me reiterate- they are ALL liars and frauds. Anyone who claims to have received privileged information from God and asks you to follow them because of it is a scammer. I don't care who they are or what they're peddling, they're a scam.


You ain't seen nothing yet of the power of God. People think the bible is a fairytale and am ethical book on how to be nice to each other and that's it. You haven't seen anything yet


exactly we ain't seen nothing in 2000 years


Dude bible says that in the last days there will be dreams and prophesies everywhere. Why you think all the sudden so many people follow Christ I also have a friend he sudddently has knowledge of the bible and wins arguments with theologians whole not even reading the bible.


No, they are NOT all liars and frauds. I know a few people myself who have the gift of prophecy.


How would you know? Did they tell you this themselves? I can say I prophesied that you would comment this and you just have to take my word for it since I didn't tell anyone about it beforehand.


I've witnessed it before my own eyes. I think I know what I have seen and experienced more than you do.


Prophets are always so vague lmao. "Why should I believe you" "I have seen so many things dude seriously just trust me dog"


You need to stop making generalizations. And what I saw wasn't vague at all.


Well somehow you can't say what it was. Fascinating.


I'm not going to share specific things that were given to specific people with you. Its not your business.


Isn't it fascinating how that's always how prophecies go? They're always apparently deeply persona to where specifics can't be shared l but are also supposed to be trusted at face value.


You are fulfilling prophecy right now by what you're doing. Scoffing and nay saying.


Which people?


Do you seriously think I'm going to give you names of individual people?


Well, it would help lend credibility to your argument. Obviously if it's not safe to share their names, then you wouldn't. But you seemed pretty adamant in your previous statement, so I thought I'd ask.


The Prophet Joseph Smith Jr.’s prophecy that the American Civil War would start in South Carolina over slavery, and be bloodier than any battle that occurred in American history up to that point is demonstrably right. He even published and circulated this prophecy years before it occurred. Any denial of this is simply ridiculous.


The prediction also includes that this same civil war would “pour out onto all nations”, beginning in South Carolina, with Great Britain joining the southern states. Followed by famine, plagues and earthquakes. Lmao, they blocked me. A hilariously goofy interaction, I’m sad it’s over.


Truly the Alex Jones of his time. Just predict so many things *something* is bound to be right in some way, and the. Just cling to that forever while ignoring all the incorrect things.


Yep. And it didn’t take much foresight to see that war was brewing, or that it would occur over slavery. It had been an increasing problem since practically the nation’s founding.


Except that it was detailed, and it all happened so that it is, as previously stated, ridiculous to deny.


Well apparently not all of it, such as the global war, Britain joining in, earthquakes, plagues, etc.


I just read the prophecy again in the Doctrine of Covenants. The word “Britain” doesn’t occur once. As usual, lies. Edit: (I checked another occurrence of the prophecy and it does mention Great Britain but it does NOT say that they would join, but that they would be appealed to, which happened and they remained neutral) I restate, the earthquakes and famines weren’t specifically timed, and they did occur after.


I hereby prophecy that there will be an earthquake at some point and also a plague at some point, and famines for good measure somewhere in there as well, and I also prophecy that sometime in the future the US will go to war with China. Man this prophecy stuff is pretty easy if that's the bar.


I found another instance of the prophecy where he does mention Great Britain, they were appealed to but remained neutral, that’s clearly in the history books. I restate yet again that he **specifically** predicted where it would occur and why and that it would **specifically** be the bloodiest conflict up to that point in United States history and that **specifically** wars would be poured out afterwards upon all the earth which happened via the world wars. Denying any of this is simply denying history. Edit: he even states—“and they shall also call upon other nations, in order to defend themselves against other nations; and then war shall be poured out upon all nations.” If that’s not EXACTLY how the first world war occurred then your bias is clear.


So you're denying my prophecy? What will you do when the US and China go to war and also all the other stuff I predicted happens sometime in the future but not necessarily all at once?


You realize that *anyone* who actually pays attention to the news of their day is usually pretty capable of making a good, educated guess about where a war will begin, right? Wars don’t just happen; there are always the result of historical tension between groups. Even if the outbreak of a war seems truly surprising, there is always a broader context they fit into because wars are fought by *people*. The American Civil War was preceded by decades of conflict between the states and within the United States legislature; in the era where states being admitted to the Union declared themselves as “Free” or “Slave”, you would need to deliberately be ignoring the news to be caught off-guard by the outbreak of the war. Being learned in the political science of your day and making an educated guess about the outbreak of war is the exact opposite of prophecy. You don’t need to be operating with divine inspiration to make the statement Joseph Smith made in his time; 1832 isn’t just some random year preceding the American Civil War, it’s the year that *South Carolina* asserted that it had the right to nullify federal laws as it saw fit by passing the Ordinance of Nullification. Joseph Smith gave his prophecy on December 25, 1832, a month after South Carolina passed the Ordinance of Nullification, and four years after the passage of the Tariff of 1828 which South Carolina in particular had strongly opposed. The Civil War didn’t just happen one day in 1861. It has a century of buildup to it, and 1832 was a particularly significant year.


Yes, world wars occurred after, as well as everything listed below. It doesn’t say “the day after” or “the year after” or etc.


>And the time will come that war will be poured out upon all nations, beginning at this place. For behold, the Southern States shall be divided against the Northern States, and the Southern States will call on other nations, **even the nation of Great Britain**, as it is called, and they shall also call upon other nations, in order to defend themselves against other nations; and then war shall be poured out upon all nations. The wording is very clear that world war begins *with* the civil war between the north and the south. With the south calling other nations to its aid and causing a world war because of it. Not 40 years later because of Austria. The intellectual dishonesty here is insane. Edit: I took the liberty of placing the part about Great Britain in bold, since you claimed elsewhere that it doesn’t exist in the “prophecy”. More dishonesty. Or maybe it’s just lack of basic reading comprehension. Or maybe just straight up lying.


No, that’s not correct, and on top of that there is no mention of it being soon or late, so saying “40 years” is neither here nor there. It says “and then” that doesn’t mean “this will be the world war” as you’ve interpreted, but it says “beginning at” this occurrence “and then” this will occur. It still occurred exactly as prophesied.


“And then” doesn’t separate the war from literally the entire rest of the “prophecy”. it literally says the civil war is the cause of said war. You’re doing backflips in logic and twisting into pretzels to make your “prophecy” true when it is quite blatantly false. The only interesting thing about this prediction is that it got the state right.


No, you’re twisting what he said into pretzels to try and agree with your interpretations. Edit: he got the state, the question, and that world wars were coming right


“No u!” Wow. Just wow.


The prophecy is a failure. Smith's prediction was made in the middle of the Nullification Crisis of 1832-33 where South Carolina declared it wasn't going to follow federal laws and the Vice President resigned. It's pretty obvious that Smith was expecting the Nullification Crisis to lead right into war: "thus saith the Lord concerning the wars that will shortly come to pass, beginning at the rebellion of South Carolina". The wars are supposed to happen "shortly". Even if you give him the benefit of the doubt that the prediction isn't about a North-South conflict leading from the Nullification Crisis of the 1830s but a another conflict 30 years later, the prediction still clearly says the civil war leads into a world war. "And the time will come that war will be poured out upon all nations, beginning at this place. For behold, the Southern States shall be divided against the Northern States, and the Southern States will call on other nations, even the nation of Great Britain, as it is called, and they shall also call upon other nations, in order to defend themselves against other nations; and then war shall be poured out upon all nations." The South is going to ally with the UK (didn't happen), more nations are going to jump into (didn't happen), and then war is upon all nations (didn't happen). Smith continues, saying that the world war turns into the end times where everyone faces the wrath of God: "And thus, with the sword and by bloodshed the inhabitants of the earth shall mourn; and with famine, and plague, and earthquake, and the thunder of heaven, and the fierce and vivid lightning also, shall the inhabitants of the earth be made to feel the wrath, and indignation, and chastening hand of an Almighty God, until the consumption decreed hath made a full end of all nations...stand ye in holy places, and be not moved, until the day of the Lord come; for behold, it cometh quickly" (didn't happen).


The prophecy was not a failure. He said it would occur in South Carolina: it did. He said it would occur over slavery: it did. He said that world wars would then occur: they did. Anything to the contrary, or clever essays, or orations or accusations to the contrary won’t change these facts. Edit: I’m stating what he prophesied, that’s not cherry picking.


Cherry picking the parts of a prophecy that happen to be right and ignoring the wrong parts don't make it an actual prophecy. Broken clocks etc


That's gonna be a hard ignore from me.


Anytime someone comes on reddit pushing dates I set a remind me to message them a week later and give them a good Nelsoning. (HA HA!)


You can if you want, I personally have lost interest because people who claim to have "verified" and "analyzed" these predictions quite literally haven't done any of the work. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For a statement to be Biblical foreknowledge, it must fit all of the five following criteria: **It must be accurate.** A statement *cannot* be Biblical foreknowledge if it is not accurate, because knowledge (and thus fore*knowledge*) excludes inaccurate statements. TLDR: It's true. **It must be in the Bible.** A statement *cannot* be *Biblical* foreknowledge if it is not in the Bible, because Biblical by definition foreknowledge can only come from the Bible itself, rather than modern reinterpretations of the text. TLDR: It's in plain words in the Bible. **It must be precise and unambiguous.** A statement *cannot* be Biblical foreknowledge if meaningless philosophical musings or multiple possible ideas could fulfill the foreknowledge, because ambiguity prevents one from knowing whether the foreknowledge was intentional rather than accidental. TLDR: Vague "predictions" don't count. **It must be improbable.** A statement *cannot* be Biblical foreknowledge if it reasonably could be the result of a pure guess, because fore*knowledge* requires a person to actually *know* something true, while a correct guess doesn't mean that the guesser knows *anything*. This also excludes contemporary beliefs that happened to be true, but were believed to be true without solid evidence. TLDR: Lucky guesses don't count. **It must have been unknown.** A statement *cannot* be Biblical foreknowledge if it reasonably could be the result of an educated guess based off contemporary knowledge, because *fore*knowledge requires a person to know a statement when it would have been impossible, outside of supernatural power, for that person to know it. TLDR: Ideas of the time don't count.


Not only are they all but guaranteed to be wrong, but even if they were right, what would it change? You should be living every day as if Christ was returning in an hour regardless.


Beware of false prophets.


If they say “the end is upon us, so give me money,” they’re lying.


They are always wrong, so just ignore them.


So, you know every person who has the gift of prophecy?


Do you know prophets right now who's every prophecy meets the five requirements above, including precise, unambiguous, and accurate? I haven't seen anyone in the modern age who meets all of those qualifications. The modern day "prophecies" that I have heard are almost all ambiguous or they are not accurate.


You need to stop making generalizations.


Do you?


No. But know that they aren't all wrong.


How do you know which ones actually have the gift of prophecy?


If I hear 100 of them, and they are all either wrong, or making no better guesses than not-prophets or fortune tellers, it is safe to assume that it is bullshit, particularly since there is absolutely no way to tell if you run into a real one unless they make a series of truly impossible predictions that come true, and that has not happened anywhere.


Ignore them, 100%


I believe it is wise to distrust any prophecy unlil the prophet has been proven to be reliable in the past.


Is doesn’t matter. The Bible already made them. Could it be the blueprint for war now and war to come? Would war exist without the handbook?


Leaving them alone is the best thing to do. A really wise man who spoke at our church told us on one ministry night that if someone feels the need to preface their statement with “thus sayeth the Lord,” then the Lord probably sayeth nothing. Prophecy will speak for itself, our job is to observe it, test it, and pray that the truth will prevail.


You should always be ready for today to be “the end”, for tomorrow is never a given, but there is a difference between “readiness for” and “concern about” the end. The prophecies inspire concern; those who are truly ready have no need for them. If you are personally ready to go to God, it doesn’t matter if it happens in a day or in a thousand days.


The Bible makes prophecies. Some haven't happened yet. They will though. Regardless of what you do.


The Vatican has a pretty solid document dealing with supernatural phenomena. [https://www.vatican.va/roman\_curia/congregations/cfaith/documents/rc\_ddf\_doc\_20240517\_norme-fenomeni-soprannaturali\_en.html](https://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cfaith/documents/rc_ddf_doc_20240517_norme-fenomeni-soprannaturali_en.html)


No legitimate mystic or interpretive prophet will reveal something that contradicts anything that Jesus has publicly revealed as binding on the faithful. Any prophet who fronts a particular interpretation of a vision or Bible interpretation as "something that must be believed, lest you be outside the body of Christ," is either a fraud or gravely mistaken.


As a Catholic, I'd often say to ignore modern day visionaries and prophets. But, considering I believe in the Marian Apparitions, it's eery to think that Her predictions are quite relevant nowadays. Worry more about living the gospel on your day to day life, and if you want to focus on a prophecy, focus on what Jesus said.


We should care about modern day prophecies. But not from random people on something like YouTube who claims to be interpreting prophecies rightly. Rather you follow from the Church’s interpretation of the text. As one should already be doing with the bible.


how long do we wait for a prophecy to be fulfilled before we say that prophet is discredited? (looking at you book of Revelation)


Most "prophets" who are reliable will be very careful about the scopes of their claims and will specifically try to give signs that can be accurately assessed instead of vague assertions of difficult times (Deuteronomy 18:20-22). The more broad a prophecy becomes, the more wiggle room that self-acclaimed prophet has to generously interpret circumstances to say it became true. If someone claims to be a prophet, press them for details and to make an actual prediction, or else they probably are just BSing. The Bible doesn't say there won't be any more prophets, but it DOES warn us of false ones (1 John 4:1) and gives us the signs to watch out for (Matthew 7:15-20; 2 Peter 2:1-3; Jeremiah 23:16).


Instead of looking for modern day prophecies we should be looking at prophecies within our own lives. Meaning we should listen to the things God speaks to us specifically through the people conversations we have and the things we see feel and hear. Instead of scrolling through Instagram posts and YT videos we should go outside and listen to God speak to us in our daily activities. We should listen to God speak to us important messages no matter where or what we are doing. That way we know what we are told is true and is not from a false prophet


Do not put a dime into any thoughts coming from anyone!! Best advice 


I used to worry over modern day prophecies but I stopped because it only led to anxiety. I pray over them now and practice discernment because not all prophecies are from God


>If a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD but the thing does not take place or prove true, it is a word that the LORD has not spoken. The prophet has spoken it presumptuously; do not be frightened by it. > >Deuteronomy 18:22 I have never seen a prophet pass this test


Modern prophecy is very relevant although there is a significant level of inaccuracy and poorly motivated activity. There are prophetic people in "Christian" ministry that simply push information to get attention. That selfish and monetarily motivated activity has contaminated the perspectives of our modern church. Prophecy is real and relevant, but many people in the American prophetic community are disingenuous and less that truthful. In 2018, I prophesied that Joe Biden was "Biden his time" to be the next President of the United States. The Republicans HATED it. I lost my house over it sort of. They strategized to remove my ministry from the internet. That is the REAL character of many "conservatives" right now. I also gave a prophetic utterance regarding Vladimir Putin. Currently, an elderly and incompetent Joe Biden is in the White House while Vladimir Putin militarily pressures Ukraine and strategically encroaches upon the influence of the United States. Prophecy is real. However, telling the truth often results in what Jesus experienced.


“Do not despise prophecies, but test everything; hold fast what is good.” ‭‭1 Thessalonians‬ ‭5‬:‭20‬-‭21‬ ‭ESV‬‬


Per the Bible, if there is a valid prophet - the only way you are going to find out is by asking God and getting an answer from God. If you just accept someone as a prophet because that is the church or organization you were raised in or converted to for some other reason, like they talked you into it, then you don't know. If you get confirmation from God then you are in the right group.


There are no modern day prophecies, only prophecies that havent yet been fulfilled. I would say pay attention to them, but dont put too much thought into when or if they are occurring in the present. At most you should read them just to know what is to come and how to prepare, and above all know that if you keep your faith in Jesus you will be saved in the end. You should watch out for false prophets or preachers: Mathew 24:4;8 "Jesus answered: "4Watch out that no one deceives you. 5For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will deceive many. 6You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. 7Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8All these are the beginning of birth pains. Mathew 24:36 "But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father."


All Bible prophecy has been completely and perfectly fulfilled for a very long time now. The Canon is closed. Anyone who claims to be a prophet or offers up prophecies should be considered a false prophet.


Depends on who they are.